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City of Leeds Dentist Advises Parents to Avoid Unnecessary Pulpotomy in Their Children’s Teeth

Getting complicated dental procedures done is no longer the preserve of adults. It is extremely unfortunate that even children have to undergo difficult dental procedures because the incidence of dental caries among very little children is on the rise. This can very clearly be attributed to parental carelessness in allowing them to eat a lot of sugary foods and to a neglect of their oral hygiene.
Very simply put, a pulpotomy can be describes as a root canal for children. It is an invasive and long drawn out procedure, but it manages to stem the rot of very large caries. These days, it is very common to see even preschoolers in a dentist’s office, waiting to have this procedure done on them. Dental caries, once they have developed in a child’s teeth, cannot be neglected because it will result in the child being unable to chew food very well. The ch.ild will also not be able to sleep well due to the pain. On the whole, the child will not thrive
A City of Leeds dentist says that this is absolutely unnecessary in the sense that the parents of these children should not have let things get this bad. These procedures put a child through a lot of discomfort that could be easily avoided if the child had learnt and practiced good oral hygiene from a very early age on.
It is never too late to make a start. Children can be made to practice good oral hygiene with their parents setting a good example for them

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