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Don’t be Embarrassed by Bad Breath Says Dentist in Leeds

Bad breath is embarrassing, there is no question of that. The smell, akin to rotting eggs, emanating from anybody’s mouth is unpleasant and off-putting to say the least. However, there are several ways to treat and prevent bad breath, all of which are easy and affordable.

Bad breath can be caused by bacteria culminating in the oral cavity, bacteria that thrive on the surface of the tongue and in the crevices between the teeth. A build up of bacteria will result in an unpleasant odour carried on the breath, as when they grow and reproduce, bacteria tend to emanate foul-smelling scent.

In addition, bad breath can be caused by the simple process of food digestion in the mouth. Food debris that are left behind will begin to give off an unpleasant smell unless they are removed by brushing and flossing. Alternatively, some chemical reactions may result in the production of foul-smelling gases when the food interacts with the enzymes which aid in their break-down.

In order to prevent the embarrassing problem of bad breath, the people of Leeds must understand both the short and long-term methods of combating the issue. Chewing gum, mouthwashes and mouth sprays are all good short term techniques to combat bad breath; menthol-based products are preferable as they eradicate the smell associated with bad-breath most successfully

For long-term relief, it is essential to avoid the build up bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue. This can be achieved by brushing both your teeth and your tongue thoroughly, at least twice a day. Flossing should also be used in order to remove the food debris and bacteria that accumulate in the gaps between teeth, those areas that are hard to reach by brushing alone. Contrary to what people think, the foods you eat are not the cause of bad breath, they can only improve or worsen the general state of your problem.



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