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Fight tooth abscesses, toothache and gum disease at Central Leeds dentist

There are few if any dental problems that cannot be treated successfully if diagnosed early enough. Ideally, any pain or discomfort experienced in the mouth should be seen by a dentist as soon as possible. With dental care it is prevention that is much more effective than cure. This is why dentists stress the importance of six-monthly check ups.

However, many people do not visit so frequently and even the most regimental dental patient is always still at risk from tooth decay and gum disease. Decay starts when bacteria is allowed to build up in the mouth. This forms a substance called plaque which breaks down tooth enamel causing decay. If this decay is allowed to progress unchecked it can eventually penetrate to the heart of the tooth where all the most sensitive dental nerves are located. Even partial decay can lead to overly sensitive teeth as heat and cold is transmitted through the dentine.

In the enamel is breeched it can become infected and bacteria allowed to attack the sensitive nerve and root. This can lead to toothache and when the body fights back, a pus-filled abscess may develop. Both of these conditions can be treated effectively if not too far gone. Infected matter can be removed and cavities filled with relatively little pain, protecting the teeth from further attack.

Gum disease occurs when bacteria attacks and destroys the gum tissue. In its early stages this can be combated with more effective cleaning and in more serious cases with bacteria or small tissue removals. Whatever the problem with your teeth or gums it is important to remember that Central Leeds have the necessary skill and knowledge to successfully treat your teeth.

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