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Leeds Dentist Offers a Wide Variety of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are used to cover up or cap a tooth that has a problem. They are permanently fixed to the mouth and if you take care of them they will last you a lifetime. According to a dentist in Leeds whose practice specializes in making bridges and crowns and uses the latest technology to get the work done, there are many different types of crowns or caps that they offer to their patients.
The type of crown used depends on where it will be located. All crowns are used to cover up teeth that are damaged in some way. In some cases the tooth is just discoloured and in other cases it simply does not exist, due to which it will be placed on top of an implant. The general rule is that crowns that are placed on the front teeth need to be of an expensive material such as porcelain. These crowns have a very lifelike look and a dentist is able to even get the colour to match that of the other teeth exactly. Crowns for the back teeth tend to be more durable since they do more work such as chewing. Dentists usually use caps made of gold and metal alloys. Another popular option is to use porcelain crowns bonded onto a metal shell because it is extremely durable while being attractive at the same time.
Have a talk to your dentist before you opt for any particular type since there are evidently so many options available.

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