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Leeds dentists satisfy patients with porcelain veneers that dramatically improve smiles

May 26th, 2011

Maybe you don’t even really think about it anymore or maybe it is on your mind constantly, eroding your self esteem gradually. But when you look in the mirror and see a chipped, cracked or badly discoloured tooth, surely you have a desire to spirit it away. Feeling that your smile is nice to look at is a really important facet of being comfortable in your own skin and making other people feel at ease in your company.
You can improve the look of your smile by covering up your unsightly cracked teeth in an affordable and swift fashion now. Porcelain veneers are the ideal way to achieve this and they are widely available in British dental surgeries. They represent a simple solution to a problem in that they are basically thin strips of porcelain that are secured onto the front of teeth which are cracked or chipped but still functional.
Porcelain has become the preferred material of choice for dental veneers because it is still strong even in small quantities and does not stain. Thanks to the digital technology while proliferates modern dental surgeries you can have a porcelain dental veneer fitted in just one short session at your dentist. Porcelain veneers are affordable too.
There are several different brands of porcelain veneer on the market now and your Leeds dentist will be able to tell you all about them and help you make a choice. They vary in price but also in their lifespan with some lasting only three years while others expected to be functional for twenty years. Whichever porcelain veneer you choose you can be sure that you will begin to feel the benefits of self confidence as soon as you step out of the surgery and start showing off your smile.

City of Leeds dentists’ patients delighted by the effect of Lumineers

May 25th, 2011

Veneers have become a popular choice for people who struggle with the image of their smile as a result of unpleasant looking chipped, cracked or stained teeth. The problem with some veneers though is that dentists would have to often remove a portion of the existing tooth in order to satisfactorily fit the veneer onto it. The people at the company who make Lumineer veneers though have found a way to make veneers so thin that partial tooth removal is almost never required.
The special cerinate porcelain that Lumineers utilise is able to be incredibly thin without compromising at all in terms of strength and durability. They can easily be secured over unsightly teeth using dental composite and give your smile an incredible natural look, putting an end to feelings of shyness because of the look of one or more of your teeth.
The added bonus of Lumineer porcelain veneers is that they have a far longer lifespan than many other types of veneer. This is incredible given how small and thin they are. Lumineer veneers shouldn’t need replacing within the first twenty years of them being fitted. This will be welcome news compared to the fact that other veneers might need replacing in about three to five years, a process that can be complicated if some of the natural tooth has had to be removed in the first place.
If your City of Leeds dentist is registered with the Lumineer company then he or she will be able to examine your mouth and determine if Lumineers are right for you. If you decide to go ahead with it, you’ll be delighted at the difference it can make to your smile.

Central Leeds tell patients that dental implants are a secure solution to tooth loss

May 24th, 2011

Dental implants represent one of the most incredible advances in dentistry that occurred in the twentieth century. Human beings have always suffered from tooth loss, although much less so in the last one hundred years as general health has improved, especially in the developed world. And we have always sought solutions to this loss of teeth, in recognition of the fact that your mouth can function at its best when it has a full set of teeth, even if some of them are replicas of natural teeth.
The advent of dental implants means that false teeth can be securely housed in the mouth in a fashion that is so much like their state that patients can hardly tell the difference after a while. They work by a socket being placed beneath the gum, into which a false tooth can be screwed. But the real trick of dental implants is that they are placed right next to the jaw bone after the discovery that titanium fuses naturally with living bone after a time (the process is clinically known as osseointegration). The housing that this provides for the replica teeth is incredibly stable.
Dental implants are not a cheap option but once they are in place you won’t have to think about it anymore. Options like dental bridge work (if there are still teeth in the mouth to support the bridge) and particularly dentures are far cheaper and less invasive but they cannot compete with dental implants in terms of providing enduring stability for replica teeth. Your Central Leeds dentist can give you all the relevant information about dental implants if you have missing teeth and are interested in the procedure.

Book a dental check up with a City of Leeds dentist to ensure lasting oral health

May 23rd, 2011

Many people wonder what are the most important things to do in order to ensure they take the best possible care of their teeth and have a lifelong healthy mouth as result. The answer is really quite simple and by following a few simple steps you can make sure that you avoid bothersome conditions like dental decay and gum disease. Essentially you should be looking to take great care of your mouth at home but also making sure that you see your dentist for regular check ups.
At these check ups, your expert dentist will be thoroughly examining your mouth to monitor the health of your teeth and gums. They will be checking to see that plaque is not building up and turning into tartar which can cause cavities in your teeth and also gum disease. If they find that tartar is forming they might administer a quick process called scaling and polishing where the tartar is scraped off and your teeth polished to make them smooth so that plaque finds it more difficult to cling to teeth.
Spotting problems early is a key part of what is known as preventive dentistry. This works on the premise that it is always better to stop an ailment early before it has got too serious. Sorting out the early stages of gum disease (called gingivitis) is a pretty straightforward affair but remedying the advanced stages (periodontitis) is far more problematic and tooth loss can result.
It doesn’t matter how vigilant you are at home, there are always things that you can miss. But your City of Leeds dentist, with all the many years of training and experience he or she has, will not make the same mistake. They are even trained now to look for signs of oral cancer and sleep apnea so that you can be treated quickly and with the desired results.

Braces fitted by Central Leeds dentists solve all problems with imperfect smiles

May 22nd, 2011

Braces are a very clever way of solving all possible problems with the alignment of your teeth. Everybody is different and there is nothing out of the ordinary with developing a set of teeth that are not perfectly aligned with one another and all straight and tidy. Many people have a few teeth which are crooked or a bite which is skewed over to one side or the other. Braces remain the most effective way to solve these issues once and for all.
They work using wires to pull teeth gradually into the desired positions which your dentist has determined will give you a straighter smile. These wires are threaded through brackets which are attached firmly to your teeth using sturdy dental composite. At regular meetings with your dentist they will make small adjustments and tighten the wires as necessary so that your teeth are moved into position.
Many youngsters find them to be unsightly and they often have to be worn for several years in order for the treatment to work. Several newer products avoid these problems with faster treatments and a discreet look, but not all of them can solve every alignment issue like braces can. Some of them, for example, cannot actually rotate teeth, only move them slightly.
Despite preconceptions that braces are only suitable for the young, they can be fitted at any age and still be effective, in spite of how many years old you are. If you are interested in having the treatment then you should make the time to go and see your Central Leeds dentist who will be able to any all of your queries about braces and how they work.

Central Leeds dentists offer patients stunning packages of cosmetic dentistry treatments

May 21st, 2011

Confidence is such an important part of most walks of life that you should grasp every opportunity to give it a boost. It is something that employers look for when they are interviewing candidates and it is the best way to stand out at a party if you are looking to meet new people when you are there. But problems with your appearance can damage your self esteem no matter how much you might try and wish it away. If the issue is with your smile, don’t delay, contact your dentist and ask about cosmetic dentistry and how your look can be improved.
Cosmetic dentistry is the collective name for a whole range of procedures which are designed and implemented in order for your teeth to look more aesthetically pleasing. This is in contrast to general dentistry whose focus is to maintain the health and functionality of your mouth. Of course there is a degree of overlap here. Braces, for example, improve the look of your smile but the rearrangement of your teeth might also benefit the health of your mouth by putting an end to bruxism (nocturnal teeth grinding) if that is occurring.
Dentists can whiten your teeth, cover up unsightly cracks or chips with porcelain dental veneers or crowns and replace metal fillings with stunning, white, cosmetic bonding. If you are interested then you should book a consultation with your Central Leeds dentist where you will be able to explain any aspects of the look of your mouth that you are not happy with and he or she can suggest appropriate cosmetic dentistry procedures which can change them and boost your self confidence.

Leeds dentists tell patients that cavities can be filled more effectively using cosmetic bonding

May 20th, 2011

Cavities can occur in teeth for a variety of reasons, from the relatively straight forward, like a build up of plaque to the more complicated and less well known like xerostamia (commonly known as dry mouth). Whatever the root cause, it is necessary to get any cavities filled as soon as possible because once a tooth starts to decay it won’t just stop of its own accord.
In the past the only possible solution to cavities was to get your dentist to fill them up with metal. These are still very common especially amongst older generations of people. Dentists have never been entirely happy with this type of filling as the metal could be rather difficult to work with. Patients too have often found them to be unsightly and felt that the look of their smile has been spoilt by dark patches on some of their teeth.
To the relief of dentists and patients alike, dental cavities can now be filled with a substance that looks far more discreet and is much easier for dentists to work with. This process of filling cavities in such a manner is called cosmetic bonding. The dental composite that is used is far more malleable than metal and so dentists can be much more accurate. It is able to be matched in the tone of its colour with the surrounding teeth to provide a really discreet look for the patient.
Ask your Leeds dentist about cosmetic bonding. Even if you already have existing metal fillings in your mouth, dentists are able to replace them with new, white fillings using cosmetic bonding so that the look of your smile is improved dramatically.

City of Leeds dentists use CEREC techniques to treat patients faster

May 19th, 2011

Dental practice is changing and changing fast. The improvements to the way that dentists can practice are bringing numerous benefits to patients. A common complaint in the past was that people often had to spend too long at the surgery and would then have to return for repeat visits, disrupting their work and family life in the process. All this is changing thanks to a set of techniques called CEREC that are becoming ever more commonplace in British dental surgeries.
The reduction in the time that many procedures require you to actually be present in the surgery, is nothing short of startling. A common practice that is benefiting from CEREC is having porcelain dental crowns or veneers fitted to conceal cracked, chipped, broken down or badly stained teeth. In the past, x-rays would have to be take and then sent to a lab for development. You would then have to return for another appointment once the veneer or crown had been made from the x-rays; all in all a quite cumbersome process.
Now, using CEREC techniques, dentists can take three dimensional digital x-rays of your teeth and send the data to an online milling machine which will sculpt a new veneer or crown in just over five minutes. Your dentist can fit it there and then and you can walk away from the surgery with a perfect looking smile and plenty of time to get on with your day.
The best thing about this new technology, for some, is the fact that it is not increasing prices for the patient. Because it is speeding up processes and even reducing labour costs, treatments using CEREC are usually of a very similar cost to the patient. Next time you see your City of Leeds dentist, ask them how they are using CEREC in their surgery.

Six Months Smile produces beautiful smiles in just half a year with Leeds dentists

May 18th, 2011

What if it was possible to get a perfectly straight set of teeth in a matter of months? Sounds like just a distant dream or something reserved only for the very richest in society, but thanks to the incredible Six Months Smile procedure, this is now available to everybody. All you need is the desire to correct your crooked teeth and an appointment with your Leeds dentist.
The thing about traditional metal braces is, for all their effectiveness, they can look unsightly to say the least and take rather a long time to achieve what they are meant for. All those metal brackets and wires can leave you feeling ashamed of even opening your mouth and the prospect of having to put up with that for as long as three years puts plenty of people off.
Six Months Smile circumvents both of those problems while retaining the effectiveness of the tried and tested traditional metal brace. In a brilliantly simple solution to the problem of discretion, the wires that are used in Six Months Smile to move your teeth over time are actually made from special nickel titanium which is matched to the colour of your teeth. As for the length of treatment time, Six Months Smile takes as long as the name suggests: six months.
Six Months Smile is unable to rotate teeth but for minor and general alignment issues, it is perfectly suited. Make an appointment with your Leeds dentist to find out more about this revolutionary product and how it can change the look of your smile for good. You’ll be amazed by the results it produces in your teeth.

The Artistry of Porcelain Veneers in Leeds

May 17th, 2011

If you’ve ever studied the texture of porcelain, you’d have found it to be one of the most beautiful materials around in the world. It has an incredibly natural, flawless and translucent hue, retaining any light it catches. It’s probably why some of the most attractive sculptures have been made from porcelain. Imagine how that effect would look in your mouth. Well you can stop the dreaming now, because porcelain veneers are available in Leeds to everyone. They are fitted with the minimal of fuss; all it takes is a little preparation to the tooth’s enamel, a few moulds, and once manufactured, they are cemented into place. When you walked into the dentist a few weeks prior with your cracked and worn teeth, you couldn’t have imagined you come out some weeks later with the smile of a Greek god now could you? Look after them and they should last you a good 10-15 years, as they are very durable; although brittle by nature because they are so thin, porcelain veneers multiply in strength when they are bonded onto the teeth, allowing you to carry on as normal, and another quality of porcelain is that it isn’t porous, which makes a veneer very resistant to staining. All of these qualities set veneers aside from other cosmetic treatments, and considering the price, you most definitely get what you pay for.