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Root canal from City of Leeds dentist saves tooth

Even the very name root canal treatment is enough to cause a shudder of fear in some people. The fearsome reputation enjoyed by the root canal probably has more to do with urban myth and the presence of the dentist’s drill than actual experience. It may not be the most pleasant procedure in the world of dentistry but it can be a vital one and can make the difference between keeping a tooth and losing it.

Root canals are necessary when the chamber at the centre of the tooth has become infected. Teeth are surrounded by a hard coating called enamel, which protects the sensitive centre of the tooth where the nerve is located. Enamel is worn away over time by a bacteria rich substance called plaque. If these holes in the enamel, or cavities, are not filled they will eventually breech the outer surface and allow bacteria to attack the nerve endings and pulp in the tooth’s centre. This can cause very painful toothache and abscesses which may result in surgery and hospitalisation. Infected teeth can easily die and the infection can move on to other teeth and even into the bloodstream. A root canal is a procedure that removes the infected matter form the centre of the tooth and rebuilds it to protect it from further attack.

Signs that a patient may have an infected tooth and need a root canal are extreme pain in the tooth and gums, nausea and fever. A dental examination and x-ray can reveal the exact extent of the damage and allow the dentist to ascertain if a rot canal is necessary. A root canal itself involves making a passage to the centre of the tooth using the drill. The dentist can then use this passage to remove the infected material and fill the hollow with medicine to kill off any residual infection. The hollow is then filled and capped with a crown to prevent further infection.

The whole procedure is usually carried out over two or three appointments under anaesthetic which should limit the pain to little more than any other dental repair. A root canal can bring an end to the incredible pain of a toothache and for that should be regarded with less fear and perhaps a little more respect. If you are suffering in silence with the pain of a toothache, or have been recently, speak to a City of Leeds dentist about root canal treatments.

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