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Posts Tagged ‘bad teeth’

Taking the fight to Bad teeth in Central Leeds

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

It seems quite bizarre that people in central Leeds still allow their teeth to fall into a state of decay in a world where modern dentistry has all of the tools to prevent it. But of course, that does depend on whether or not you go and see your dentist at all; some people only go when something goes wrong and they are in pain. To sum up bad teeth can take many different angles; tooth decay is a good example of bad teeth, where ignorance and bad hygiene have allowed decay to eat into the teeth, which actually could result in tooth loss. The teeth can also start to look bad because of this; poor oral hygiene can also lead to discolouration in the enamel of the teeth. If you blunder through all of this without brushing and cleaning your teeth and fail to get checked up regularly with your dentist, you will lose all of your teeth by the time you reach 40, which is a shame. All it takes is a few sessions with your dentist and your teeth will be cared for, problems rectified and your oral health will be back on track. You’ll also need to change your bad habits into good ones and learn how to maintain a good level of oral hygiene each day. It isn’t hard, it could save your teeth, and you will be saving a fortune on dental bills.

City of Leeds dentist gives oral health tips for child’s healthy smile

Friday, March 12th, 2010

Tooth decay and gum disease affect children more than any other chronic infectious disease. It is therefore very important for parents to ensure that their children’s teeth are as clean and healthy as possible. The alternative is a lifetime of pain and discomfort caused by having bad teeth.

The most important thing a parent can do is to instil good oral hygiene methods on their children early on in life. This will stand them in good stead for a lifetime of healthy teeth. When your child is very young, it will be necessary to clean their teeth for them but as they get older, try to encourage them to brush their teeth as effectively as possible. Try not to force them to do it as this may build up resentment to brushing. Make it a fun game or offer rewards encouraging good teeth cleaning. Also try to teach your children the importance of flossing.

What your children eat is also very important for their oral health. Try to limit the amount of sweet or sugary snacks or drinks they have. This can encourage plaque growth leading to premature decay. If they do have sweets or drinks, keep them to meal times and encourage them to drink water immediately afterwards. This helps to clean the teeth by washing away any sugary remains. Brushing after meals is even more effective.

There are other technical ways parents can help their children’s teeth. Using fluoride toothpaste can help to protect teeth, as can dental sealants. City of Leeds dentist will be able to offer more advice about the benefits and suitability of these treatments. Giving your child the best start in life is very important and this also includes their teeth. See what more you can do by visiting the dentist.