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Posts Tagged ‘Dental Veneers’

Leeds dentists satisfy patients with porcelain veneers that dramatically improve smiles

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Maybe you don’t even really think about it anymore or maybe it is on your mind constantly, eroding your self esteem gradually. But when you look in the mirror and see a chipped, cracked or badly discoloured tooth, surely you have a desire to spirit it away. Feeling that your smile is nice to look at is a really important facet of being comfortable in your own skin and making other people feel at ease in your company.
You can improve the look of your smile by covering up your unsightly cracked teeth in an affordable and swift fashion now. Porcelain veneers are the ideal way to achieve this and they are widely available in British dental surgeries. They represent a simple solution to a problem in that they are basically thin strips of porcelain that are secured onto the front of teeth which are cracked or chipped but still functional.
Porcelain has become the preferred material of choice for dental veneers because it is still strong even in small quantities and does not stain. Thanks to the digital technology while proliferates modern dental surgeries you can have a porcelain dental veneer fitted in just one short session at your dentist. Porcelain veneers are affordable too.
There are several different brands of porcelain veneer on the market now and your Leeds dentist will be able to tell you all about them and help you make a choice. They vary in price but also in their lifespan with some lasting only three years while others expected to be functional for twenty years. Whichever porcelain veneer you choose you can be sure that you will begin to feel the benefits of self confidence as soon as you step out of the surgery and start showing off your smile.

Fixing Your Teeth Fast with CEREC in the City of Leeds

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

It’s not often that something comes along for dentists in the city of Leeds that not only gives them a certain amount of chic, cool and kudos, but is spot on for the customers too. Stand up CEREC and take a bow! We live in an extremely ‘want it now’ society and this treatment delivers it ‘now’. When it comes to hiding the age of your teeth (and you with it!), more and more of us, are turning to cosmetic dentistry to save our bacon and turn back the years. Veneers have always been a popular choice as they cover everything up, from gaps and receding gums, to discoloured, worn and cracked teeth. They have also spawned a range of hybrids such as Lumineers- all designed to do the same job. Crowns and bridges also get your mouth in to shape beautifully. Thing is, it normally took about 4 weeks to complete all of these treatments because the parts had to be sent off for from some lab miles away. Not anymore! With CEREC, these parts can be made whilst the dentist is getting you ready for your fitting. You go in, have a couple digital photo’s taken that are fed into a machine, that then manufactures your parts on the spot. 2 hours later, you hit the streets smiling like a film legend. Perfect if you have a pressing engagement scheduled for that day. Best of all, any problems with the fitting can be rectified on the spot and it costs as much as the as the old 4 week long treatments.

Central Leeds dentists give patients dental veneers to make them proud of their teeth

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

There are probably a few things that you’d like to change about your appearance. Some of these changes are possible and some of them are probably impossible. Making yourself taller or shorter is probably not something that is likely to be able to be achieved. If you would like to change the look of your smile, however, there are many options available to you and you ought to ask your Central Leeds dentist all about them.
One popular option which is convenient and relatively low cost but produces great results is dental veneers. Dental veneers basically amount to thin strips of porcelain which are secured over the front of a tooth which you are not happy with the way it looks. Common complaints include cracked teeth or chipped teeth or even those that have become particularly stained over time. Dental veneers can even deal with crooked teeth by being placed at such an angle that they appear to be perfectly aligned.
Because dental veneers are made from porcelain it means that they can be very thin and lose none of their durability. Teeth with porcelain dental veneers on them can be treated like any other teeth with the added bonus that there is no danger of them becoming stained.
Advances technology mean that dentists can fit porcelain dental veneers with incredible speed and accuracy these days. Using digital and internet technology can see that you are furnished with a brand new porcelain dental veneer in just one short session at your dental surgery. No more long waits and return visits for you. The prices have not gone up either so your new smile is more affordable than ever.

Central Leeds dentists recommend dental veneers to improve your smile

Saturday, March 5th, 2011

Having the perfect smile is something that most people would say they would like. It is one of the first things that people notice about you and can affect the initial impressions you make on someone when meeting them for the first time. What to do then if you have a cracked or chipped tooth and are worried about how it looks?
Dental veneers might just be the answer to your problems. They are basically thin strips of porcelain which can be affixed to the front of a tooth, covering up any unsightly parts which you want to conceal. The fact that they are made from porcelain means that they can be incredible thin without compromising in terms of durability.
The modern technology which is increasingly found in dental surgeries around the country means that dental veneers can be fitted incredibly swiftly. CEREC techniques, for example, allow your dentist to take a three dimensional digital image or x-ray of your mouth. The data can then be sent to an online milling machine which sculpts to dental veneers in just six minutes, ready to be fitted.
Your dentist can match the dental veneer to your surrounding teeth in terms of colour, shade and texture and even your closest intimates won’t be able to notice that you have a thin layer of porcelain covering one of your teeth. The only thing they will notice is how good your smile looks.
Thanks to repayment plans that are often interest free, procedures like having a dental veneer fitted are increasingly affordable. If you are interested and would like to know more talk to your Central Leeds dentist next time you are at the surgery or make an appointment. Dental veneers might be just what you have been looking for.

Dental Veneers in Leeds

Monday, January 31st, 2011

First impressions count in Leeds- whether you are swinging a deal or chatting someone up and as soon as you open your mouth, the first thing a person sees is your teeth If you are suffering from worn and tired looking teeth that are discoloured or chipped, it’s not a good first impression that you leave and in the long term, it can affect your overall self esteem. So if you have a few pounds to spare, you may like to seriously consider shelling out on a new smile by getting some veneers because not only are they versatile and strong wearing, they can put the glitz back in your mouth. Porcelain veneers are the favourite choice on offer right now. These wafer thin beauties are easy to make and fit- They can be colour toned to match the rest of your teeth and give off a very natural sheen in the mouth. Once you’ve decided to have the treatment, your dentist will remove the original enamel from your teeth and take an impression from which the veneers can made. Normally the imprints would be sent off to a lab to make the new fitting, unless you choose CEREC- which allows the new veneer to be made on site and fitted within the hour. Once you have got them back they are simply cemented into place. Lumineers are similar to veneers, a lot thinner and fitted in a similar way, except there is no removal of the tooth enamel. If you treat them with respect, they can last you up to 10 years, but it’s what they do for your smile makes them a very desirable option.

Dealing with Bad Teeth in Central Leeds

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Dental decay in central Leeds will affect most of us at some point in our lives, from childhood through to old age and if the teeth get really bad, chances are it’s going to cost a lot of money to put right- all dental work comes at a price from veneers to implants, so in the case of bad teeth, prevention is much more preferable to cure. In all cases in the mouth, problems start to arise because of poor oral hygiene and poor dietary habits. Sugars, starches smoking and excessive drinking can lead to a breakdown of saliva in the mouth and allow bacteria to develop into plaque- this in turn leads to gum disease from which cavities can form. All good hygiene starts at home, from what toothbrush and paste you choose, to mouthwashes and flosses. A regular hygiene program is a good start to fending off bad teeth. But don’t get complacent by thinking this eliminates the need to see your dentist regularly. Dentists can see things you have overlooked; a simple x-ray can identify decay and caries early on. They will remove any build up of plaque or tartar and repair the teeth. It’s also the best opportunity to get advice on your own hygiene programs. Bad teeth are also ugly, and that in itself can lead to all manner of issues arising.

Leeds dentists create perfect smiles with dental veneers

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

Having a perfectly sparkling, white smile can give your confidence a great boost. Just think of how much easier social occasions are when you can smile with pride and show off your teeth. Unfortunately, many of us have dull, stained or chipped, broken down teeth and this might lead to you hiding your smile away.
Dental veneers might be the answer to your problems. Usually made from lightweight, durable porcelain, dental veneers can fit easily over most teeth and give a natural looking sparkle to mouths which have lost some of their aesthetic appeal.
Some dental veneers are so thin that they have been dubbed ‘contact lenses for teeth’. Sometimes a little of the existing tooth has to be shaved off to accommodate the dental veneer, but the thinner the dental veneer is, the lesser the chance that any removal will have to take place. They are secured using bonding materials which provide a durable foundation.
Dental veneers can be constructed and fitted with incredible speed now too, thanks to advances in technology. Many dentists now use digital x-rays to get images of your mouth. These are much faster than traditional x-rays and allow for multiple views of the mouth. The data from these images can be sent to online milling machines which fabricate dental veneers in little over five minutes.
Your dentist will be able to match the tone of the dental veneer to surrounding teeth if necessary so that the result is discreet enough not to be noticeable by your closest associates. The only thing they will notice is how sparklingly brilliant your smile is. If you have teeth which are dull or stained or even broken down or chipped, talk to your Leeds dentist about dental veneers.

The importance of a dental check-up in central Leeds

Monday, December 13th, 2010

In central Leeds, it very easy to put-off a visit to the dentist and instead, concentrate on much more pressing matters. In fact, going to the dentist can be seen as quite an inconvenient chore by some of us, opting instead to leave it until there’s a problem. But going to the dentist is not just about having treatment; sure enough, the dentist will clean your teeth, combat any signs disease and decay, remove plaque and advise you on how to avoid any problems in the future. But a visit should also be seen as a chance to discuss any issues that have concerned you since your last visit, such as oral hygiene (brushes, pastes and mouth washes), dietary habits or talk about possible cosmetic work. Doesn’t sound too drastic an idea now, does it, for ignore check-ups at your peril. Complications can spiral out of control very quickly in the mouth. Something as simple as poor hygiene, can lead to bacteria building up, developing into plaque, gum disease cavities and eventually tooth loss. If you wait for a problem to arise before you get it checked out, chances are, the problem has been building for some time, meaning that it may require complex and expensive treatment to rectify. And the implications of missing regular check-ups go even deeper. An unhealthy mouth can lead to an unhealthy head and body. Badly looked after teeth can lead to problems in the eyes, ears and neck, and can cause repertory, heart, blood and digestive problems….and to think the average check-up only takes 10 minutes!

City of Leeds dentists offer smile makeovers with Lumineers

Sunday, November 21st, 2010

Over time the colour of your teeth fades and you may experience gaps in your smile. This is as unavoidable as the greying of hair. But having the perfect smile is vital for boosting self-esteem. New Lumineer veneers can reshape your smile and give you the confidence that a winning smile allows by using the latest patented technology to increase efficiency.

Traditional veneers have offered a solution to those wishing to improve their smile for some time. Lumineers represent a substantial leap in veneer technology. The special cerinate porcelain from which they are constructed adds durability and means that Lumineers are clinically proven to last more than twenty years.

The extra-thin design – Lumineers are comparable in thickness to contact lenses – means that your teeth hardly have to be prepared for their application at all. It is quite possible that none, or very little, of your existing teeth will have to be removed before your Lumineers are fitted. Leaving the natural structure of your tooth intact means that these processes are often reversible too and you will have the flexibility to change your mind.

Whether you suffer from misaligned, stained or crooked teeth Lumineers offer a solution to them all. They can even be installed over existing bridge work or crowns. As all Lumineers must be made from patented cerinate porcelain, only manufactured in the Cerinate Smile Design Studio located in the United States, not all cosmetic dentists can offer them. Ask your City of Leeds dentist today if they are registered to provide you with Lumineers and in just a few appointments you could be on your way to the perfect smile that has been delighting Americans for so many years.

Amazing results fitting false teeth using CEREC with City of Leeds dentists

Saturday, November 6th, 2010

Imagine being able to have your false tooth fitted in a single visit to your dentist. In the past this process could take a fortnight or more, but CEREC technology has changed all that, allowing dentists to design, construct and fit new crowns, veneers, onlays and underlays in just one session. Achieve lasting results with this efficient procedure available in the City of Leeds.

Instead of using dental putty, CEREC utilises state-of-the-art digital imaging to take an impression of your tooth. The 3D data is sent to an online milling machine which constructs your tooth from high quality ceramics in as little as six minutes. Your dentist is then able to make it match your surrounding teeth by using staining and glazing techniques, before cementing it into place.

This whole procedure can take place within the hour and requires only a single set of local anaesthetic injections. What’s more, CEREC heralds the end of temporary veneers which were prone to fall out, adding to the inconvenience of having to wait two or three weeks for your permanent new teeth.

In spite of using such cutting edge technology, the cost of CEREC treatment is remarkably similar to traditional methods. The lack of lab fees reduced the price, as does the fact that you require only one visit to your dentist. As such, CEREC crowns range from only £380 to £700 dependent on the treatment required. With dentists now offering interest-free repayment plans, CEREC has never been so affordable.

Don’t spend weeks waiting for your new teeth, spend just one session at your dentist who will tailor-make your durable replacement using the latest technology at affordable prices.