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Posts Tagged ‘Dental Veneers’

Repairing your smile with Lumineers in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

4244118_blogSometimes, your teeth can take a bit of a battering in time and just by having them whitened may not be enough, especially if gaps and cracks have appeared. For this, they need covering up with something and you couldn’t choose better than Lumineers in the city of Leeds. They are delicate, versatile and simple to fit and you will be overjoyed at the results. All you have to do is get measured up by your dentist so that the Lumineers can be made and once done, it’s only a matter of sitting down and having them stuck over the enamel of your teeth with cement. They aren’t the strongest option around, but at least they are reversible if you want them taken out again- and there-in lies why people go for this- quickness and easy to replace if they break. What is even better though is that your smile will look irresistible afterwards and no more gaps and cracks! What are you waiting for- go for it!!


Pretty and perfect: the Porcelain Veneer in Leeds

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

2445507_blogIt would be pretty hard to find anyone in Leeds that doesn’t appreciate the qualities and nature of porcelain; this is a truly wonderful material that is stunningly white and that just seems to lap up light. Now while you have this image in mind, imagine your teeth looking that great- nice touch eh? Well you can! Veneers are a superb way of overcoming all manner of horrible things that diminish your smile- especially over time; gapping, receding gums- stuff like that. Veneers are generally always made from some form of porcelain and once you have been measured up by your dentist, prepared and the veneers have been made, it is a simple matter of just cementing them onto the surfaces of your teeth. They will cover up all of your troubles and hide away all that wear and tear that made you go for this idea in the first place. One thing is for sure though, you won’t believe just how good the results will be; remember- porcelain. They will give you a sensational smile and your teeth will look unbelievably rejuvenated again- and it will only take 2 weeks at the most to do it as well.


Covering up the Crooked and the Chips in the City of Leeds….Veneers!

Friday, April 5th, 2013

They say that looks aren’t everything: try saying that to someone whose confidence is being impeded by crooked teeth in the city of Leeds; this can seriously affect your smile and make you introverted. But you don’t necessarily have to go down that long and ugly road of braces though, oh no, for in some cases veneers can get the job done for you, and quickly too. First the teeth will have to be contoured and any sticky out bits removed, in essence, your teeth will be ground flat. Then a mould can be taken from which your veneers will be manufactured. When they are done, they are cemented into position and then cured with a heat lamp. All of this will only take a couple of weeks to do and your smile will look incredible; most veneers are made from porcelain so they will look amazingly fresh and natural in your smile, plus, they will be coloured to match the rest of your teeth. Veneers can also be used to cover up other problems too: chips and cracks, worn teeth and gum recession can be a menace, both bacteria wise and aesthetically. By having veneers fitted, all of said problems will be hidden away behind your beautiful new smile, and smile you will when you see the finished result!


Leeds and the Dental Veneer

Monday, November 26th, 2012

You have to ask yourself from time to time just what it is that bothers you as you get older and the loss of your youth can drive you up the wall. Your teeth are a perfect example of this because if they start to fade, then so does your smile and inevitably, the light that shines from your soul. However, it’s not necessarily the end game if you are prepared to take a trip down cosmetic dentistry lane in Leeds. Yes your teeth will show signs of wear and tear over the years- cracks will develop, they may look worn down and the gums may recede but all this can be rectified in a couple of weeks if you have dental veneers fitted- these beauties can turn back the clock. All you have to do is get your dentist to prep your teeth and have a few moulds taken so that your fittings can be made up in a lab somewhere and when they are done and returned, they will be cemented into place and you will look stunning. And let’s not underestimate the rejuvenation and confidence that having veneers fitted can do that soul of yours. The moment the dentist holds up that mirror and you see yourself for the first time with this amazing new look….priceless!

You have to ask yourself from time to time just what it is that bothers you as you get older and the loss of your youth can drive you up the wall. Your teeth are a perfect example of this because if they start to fade, then so does your smile and inevitably, the light that shines from your soul. However, it’s not necessarily the end game if you are prepared to take a trip down cosmetic dentistry lane inLeeds. Yes your teeth will show signs of wear and tear over the years- cracks will develop, they may look worn down and the gums may recede but all this can be rectified in a couple of weeks if you have dental veneers fitted- these beauties can turn back the clock. All you have to do is get your dentist to prep your teeth and have a few moulds taken so that your fittings can be made up in a lab somewhere and when they are done and returned, they will be cemented into place and you will look stunning. And let’s not underestimate the rejuvenation and confidence that having veneers fitted can do that soul of yours. The moment the dentist holds up that mirror and you see yourself for the first time with this amazing new look….priceless!

Practical Porcelain Veneers in Leeds

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

It is always great to radiate a beautiful smile out and about in Leeds, be it in a social situation or a work one. But unfortunately, we are all confronted by beauty’s greatest enemy at some point of our lives- ageing.

Sadly some of us have to work a little harder than others to turn back the years, but you may have a lot to thank the dental world for, because cosmetic dentistry is on hand to keep us smiling and one of the most practical and versatile treatments around is the fitting of porcelain veneers.

Veneers will hide away a number of evils and leave your teeth looking like new. As we age, our gums are suceptible to receding, cracks and gaps can appear in the teeth and teeth can become worn down and discoloured, but veneers can cover all this up.

When you choose veneers,  your teeth first need to be prepped. This involves the removal of the enamel so that an imprint of your teeth can be made, from which the veneer is made. When done, you return to the chair and this tiny, fragile piece of wafer-thin porcelain is cemented onto the surface of the teeth and ‘cured.’ This multiplies the strength of the veneer making it very durable and long lasting.

This whole process is pain-free, but even the most timid of us would be prepared to go through a little discomfort once we have seen the results- they are nothing short of amazing!


Removing the Shame with Veneers in the City of Leeds

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

Some of us can get through life rather unscathed in the city ofLeedsbut some cannot and as Father Time can start to highlight certain cracks in our youth- that and the endless fun years of partying and one of the many casualties are our teeth. They get worn down and tired and can discolor. Cracks can start to appear in the enamel and the gums can start to recede and that is the moment you can start to feel ‘older’ and dare it be said, rather embarrassed at the way you smile. Well stop moping in your own shame and loss of grin, get down to the dentist and have a veneer makeover, because oh boy, once this treatment has been done, you’ll be clubbing again in no time. Resin veneers are quick and can be applied in one sitting- it is all about building up layers of resin and then sculpturing your teeth to a thing of beauty, but why get a Cadillac when you can get a Rolls Royce. Porcelain veneers are more durable that resin ones, lasting up to 20 years. Once bonded onto the tooth they are pure ‘red carpet’ in their look. They look glamour, you smile glamour and you talk glamour. Veneers are the perfect way of covering up all those sins and turning your life completely around in weeks from zero to hero. Ask your dentist next time you’re in.

Dental veneers can improve the look of patients’ smiles, say central Leeds dentists

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Crooked, stained and cracked teeth can be an inconvenience to those who suffer from such things. Dentists offer variety of ways to mitigate the effects of these problems but one of the most popular and effective is the fitting of dental veneers. These are easily fitted now thanks to modern technology and many patients are able to walk out of the surgery after a short appointment with a much improved smile.
Dental veneers tend to be made from porcelain these days and this conveys certain advantages for the patient. Porcelain can be worked with in very small amounts and still retain a high standard of durability. This is handy when it comes to dental veneers because the more of the original tooth that can be left intact is a boon to the dentist and the patient. With some types of porcelain dental veneer it is very rare for any of the existing tooth to have to be removed at all.
Your dentist will affix the veneer to the unsightly tooth in such a way that it will look a whole lot better. If the tooth is crooked then the veneer can be placed at a certain angle so the tooth looks like it is straight in the mouth. You won’t need to worry about your veneer staining because colour runs off porcelain in the same way as it does from glass.
A consultation with your dentist in central Leeds will be able to tell you all about how long the appointment will take and give you information about costs and after care.

Central Leeds dentists help patients improve their appearance with cosmetic dentistry

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

Just how do the Hollywood stars look so terrific all the time? Part of the answer, as many people now know, is that their photos are frequently airbrushed! But there is a serious point though and it is that many of them opt for cosmetic procedures to help them enhance their appearance. Cosmetic procedures do not have to be dramatic changes that involve surgery; you can improve your looks by getting some cosmetic dentistry from your local dentist.
Your smile is just one small part of who you are and the way you look but it has a big impact when you meet people. It’s probably the first thing that a new person will notice about you and it is an excellent tool to use to put people at ease in social and work situations. But those little imperfections that you might have had since birth can stop you from utilising your smile fully.
With cosmetic dentistry procedures you can iron out the imperfections once and for all. Whether you decide to have a brace fitted to straighten crooked teeth or choose one of the newer aligners, you can rest assured in the knowledge that your smile will look better. Stained, chipped or cracked teeth are easily concealed behind a discreet yet stunning porcelain dental veneer. If the problem is more serious, a porcelain crown is equally effective.
Advances in technology not only mean that many of these procedures are able to be carried out with great speed, but the costs are actually reduced in some cases. Have an informal chat with your Central Leeds dentist about the different options that are available for you to improve the look of your smile through cosmetic dentistry.

City of Leeds dentists delighted to tell patients that treatments are speeded up with CEREC techniques

Monday, July 18th, 2011

The technological revolution that swept the world in the twentieth century and meant that man walked on the moon and allowed aeroplane travel to become widespread, not to mention the internet, has affected dentistry too. Treatment times have sped up and become altogether more efficient thanks to the technology that is now available in many dental surgeries up and down the United Kingdom.
Under the collective name of CEREC is a whole range of techniques which permit dentists to carry out some of their stock treatments quickly and more effectively. Examples of this include the manufacturing and fitting of porcelain dental veneers and porcelain dental crowns. A dentist using CEREC technology will take a three dimensional, digital x-ray of your mouth and send the data to an online milling machine. The porcelain veneer or crown will then be crafted in the surgery in little over five minutes.
This contrasts sharply with previous practices which required dentists to take x-rays which would then have to be sent off to a lab to be developed before any further action could be taken. The lab fees would increase the cost of the treatment and patients would have to wait longer too. With the use of CEREC techniques and technology you won’t have to take long afternoons or mornings off work to go to the dentist and then have to do it all over again in a week or so. Employers will find this to be excellent news!
Ask your City of Leeds dentist if they are using CEREC techniques. It might just persuade you that you do have time for that vital work on your teeth that you’ve been putting off because of your busy schedule.

Ridding yourself of Oral shame with Veneers in Central Leeds

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

If your teeth are in pretty bad shape, it’s probably your own fault to some extent for not looking after them. But we do put our teeth through the grinder and against all we try to do, they will suffer in the end in some form. So if the state of your teeth is starting to get you down a bit, why don’t you cover up the shame with a veneer? This very flamboyant treatment can hide all the things you hate most about your teeth- their color, the cracks, the wear and that annoying hint of receding gums. Ask your dentist about this treatment, because it’s a winner and when you’re good to go, all you have to do first is to go and get yourself measured up. This involves removing the enamel of the tooth and then having impressions taken of your teeth, so they can then be sent to a lab for your veneers to be knocked up. Until they get back in the post, you will be fitted with temporary ones. It only takes a couple of weeks on average and when they return, the dentist will remove the temps and cement your spangling new veneers into position and set the cement with a heat lamp. The only thing you have to contend with once this is done is the shock when you see how beautiful your teeth look and if you look after them and behave yourself, these gems should last you around 10-15 years.