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Posts Tagged ‘Dentures’

Diamond Dentures in Central Leeds

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

If  the tragic day comes when you find you have to wear dentures, you may feel that the end is nigh for your smile and a lot of this is due to the portrayal of dentures as horribly false looking and incredibly hard to retain in the mouth.

But before you start writing your will, you would be wise to take a look around central Leeds first for modern dentures. Once you have been measured up, you will find a great choice of materials, which are soft, lifelike and provide optimum suction and stability when fitted into the mouth. Adhesives have also become more durable and stronger, helping increase the security of your dentures.

You can even have mini-implants fitted to hold them even firmly in place. But there is also a more health driven reason behind the need of dentures.

The first is the need to retain the bite of your jaws and having dentures will protect this. The lack of teeth in the mouth can also lead to premature ageing in the face, due to the sagging and creasing of unsupported skin.

Partial dentures have also become more common because dentists prefer to save teeth where they can and they are more preferable to full dentures because they can be attached to the remaining teeth and lock in strongly.

How Can Dentures Help You? Dentist in Leeds Answers Your Pressing Question

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

Your missing teeth may be causing you constant discomfort and unbearable embarrassment. Every day tasks of chewing and smiling are challenging and you may be avoiding them altogether. You may also be experiencing difficulty with speech. Fortunately, dentures are offer a great solution for missing teeth.

Dentures are a removable set of artificial teeth that come in two types: partial or full. Partial dentures are used when you still have some natural teeth. Partial dentures are fitted to blend with your remaining teeth to give you back your natural smile. Full dentures are used when you have lost all of your natural teeth and recreate your teeth and gums entirely.

Your dentist in Leeds can make your new dentures look as natural as possible, leaving no one to suspect that you are wearing false teeth. The loss of your teeth can occur from many different reasons including injury, tooth decay, or periodontal disease. Your dentures will restore your effortless smile and self-confidence again.

Dentures are both comfortable and durable. It may take from three weeks to two months to get your customized dentures, so speak to your dentist today for more information. Your dentist will also help you maintain your oral health with your new dentures by teaching you how to care for your gums, palate, and tongue.

Forget the stereotypes, dentures from Central Leeds dentists are comfortable and effective

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

Modern dentures are rather different from those that are the basis of the negative stereotypes. The thought of having to wear a set of dentures horrifies many people and that is understandable insofar as nobody wants to lose all of their teeth. But if you are unfortunate to be in that situation, dentures are a perfectly workable solution. Read on to find out about how improvements in dentures are making them a much more popular solution than they used to be.
The first thing to bear in mind is that dentures are made to order now so that they fit the individual mouth of the patient. It is quite likely that the dentures that you might have seen your elderly relative wearing were simply mass produced. That would explain why they tended to slip from his or her mouth and were uncomfortable to wear. This has changed now that the ‘one size fits all’ ethos has passed from dentistry.
Friction free material makes dentures much more comfortable on the bare gums of the wearer too. Modern dentures can be held in place via the natural suction of the gums or by using one of the very effective brands of fixing gel. The fact that they are made to fit the unique contours of the patient’s gum means that they are less likely to get messy because there won’t be as much space between the gum and the dentures in which food can possibly get trapped.
Other options are available for replacing lost teeth but you should speak to your dentist in Central Leeds about dentures because they are a great option for those who are on a financial budget and people who would prefer not to have invasive surgery.

Central Leeds dentists tell patients that modern dentures are vastly improved

Sunday, May 29th, 2011

When a patient loses all of the teeth in their mouth then some sort of set of replicas needs to be installed. The most obvious reason is so that eating can be carried out with ease; chewing is particularly difficult without teeth. Talking is also affected by the absence of teeth and patients find that their cheeks begin to sag inwards and they take on the appearance of someone who is older than they are.
A tried and tested method of replicating the functions of teeth in the mouth is to get a set of dentures fitted by your dentist. These relatively simple devices are basically sets of false teeth mounted on a platform that are worn in the mouth and either secured with fixing gel or held in place through the suction of patients’ gums. They have a somewhat dubious reputation amongst older people and it is an enduring stereotype of dentures that they be associated with slipping from the mouths of the very old at meal times.
Dentures have changed a lot in recent years, in line with general advances in technology that have affected dentistry. They are far more comfortable to wear than they used to be, with many dentures now being fabricated from valplast which massively reduces the amount of friction between the base of the dentures of the bare gums. They are also far more durable than they used to be and patients find that they need replacements with far less frequency, if at all.
Ask your Central Leeds dentist to tell you all about modern, affordable dentures and you might find that your opinion changes and you are able to consider them as a viable solution for the problem of tooth loss.

Central Leeds dentists effectively replace lost teeth with dentures

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

Losing your teeth is a most unfortunate situation that leads to a great deal of inconvenience. Needless to say, without teeth, eating, drinking and talking become extremely difficult and it is very important that you get some sort of replacements installed so that your mouth can function once more as it is supposed to.
There are a number of permanent options on offer to replace teeth such as getting dental implants installed but this procedure is invasive and might not appeal to everyone. One option to consider is dentures. Dentures are basically a set of replacement teeth which are held in place either through affixing agent or the natural suction ability of your gums.
They are far more life like and durable than they used to be in the past and, with the availability of friction free dentures, are a great deal more comfortable too. They can still have a tendency to slip during meal times but the fact that they are removable is a bonus for some and you could consider dentures as a short term option while you make up your mind about whether to undergo dental implant surgery.
Dentures are also available in partial sets so if you have just lost a few of your teeth in one area then you can replace them with dentures which won’t interfere with the rest of your teeth. Your dentist specially crafts them to fit with the shape of your mouth and most are so realistic that even your closest intimates won’t know that they are not your natural teeth.
Your Central Leeds dentist will be expert in dentures and you can ask them for more information the next time you are at the surgery.

Coming to Terms with Dentures in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

It can be a shocking moment in your life when you walk into a dentists in the city of Leeds and are told you have to have all your teeth removed because of gum disease or rotting teeth. For a start, it will psychologically age you, but once your teeth are removed, your face will sag and age you physically. If you have to face the inevitable, a good set of dentures can at least lessen the blow and retain your looks. They come in all shapes and sizes; partial dentures can make up for a few missing teeth- like CuSil, that wrap around any remaining teeth. If you require full dentures however, denture technology has come a long way and you don’t have to settle for the hard, plastic look. Dentures can be manufactured from softer materials that bond into the mouth better and also house porcelain, more natural looking teeth. Of course one of the problems with dentures in the past was they had a habit of falling out at the most embarrassing moments- especially during eating. But denture adhesives have also improved over the years and the latest, more desirable options is to have mini implants fitted into the jaw which simply click the dentures solidly into place. It’s not the end of the world losing your teeth and dentures can still look healthy and retain healthiness in the mouth whilst keeping you smiling.

Find out about the variety of dental treatments offered by Leeds dentists

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

Your mouth is a sensitive organ which requires a great deal of care in order to ensure smooth functioning. The activities which you mouth are involved in include eating, drinking and talking and taking care of your mouth essentially means making sure that you are able to carry out those activities with comfort and ease. Sometimes though, dental treatments are required to correct problems in the mouth.
The treatments which dentists offer are many and varied. You might have lost a tooth or teeth and need to have them replaced with dentures or dental implants. Your dentist can also install crowns or veneers if you have a single lost tooth or a tooth that is cracked or damaged. Teeth whitening is also offered by dentists if you feel that you would like your teeth to be restored to a shiny whiteness.
Your dentist might need to carry out a procedure like root canal surgery if you have a problem with the pulp chamber inside one of your teeth. Gum disease can also be treated by dentists and sometimes dentists might need to perform a professional clean if plaque on your teeth has turned into tartar which cannot be removed by cleaning at home.
Modern dental treatments are mostly a lot swifter than they used to be with many surgeries now utilising the very latest in digital and computer technologies. Many procedures are far less painful than in the past too, thanks to pain free gels and improvements in technique.
Keep up the routine of visiting your Leeds dentist regularly so that your mouth can be monitored and any dental treatments can be carried out when they are required.

Need teeth replaced? Talk to your City of Leeds dentist about dentures

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

Multiple tooth loss can happen as a result of tooth decay, severe gum disease or because of a bad accident affecting the mouth. It can be a traumatic experience and not without pain but it is important that you get the teeth replaced so that your mouth can function again as close to normal. Eating, drinking and talking are made far more difficult without teeth and your cheeks might begin to sag, making you look older than you are.
Dentures represent a relatively simple solution to this problem. They are basically a set of removable false teeth which are worn in the mouth. Modern dentures are incredibly realistic and more comfortable than they used to be. In the past, many patients experienced discomfort as the dentures rubbed against the exposed gums but the advent of friction free braces is putting an end to this.
The fact that dentures are removable represents both an advantage and a disadvantage. They can be taken out to clean and while you sleep if you would prefer. But they also have a tendency to slip during meal times or even while the patient is talking. This is an indignity that is too great for some and they prefer the more permanent solution of dental implants. At least dentures can always be worn while you are making up your mind if you want to have your teeth permanently replaced.
Dentures can be held in place either via the natural suction ability of your gums, or by using special fixing agents to attach them to the gums. They can also be available as a partial set if you have only lost a few of your teeth. If you would like more information, talk to your City of Leeds dentist.

Mini implants in the city of Leeds

Saturday, December 25th, 2010

If, in the city of Leeds you have come to terms with having to have your teeth replaced with ‘falsies’, you may be well advised to shop around for the best options of how to keep them in your mouth. It can’t be a happy experience, seeing your teeth fly across the dinner table after attempting to tackle a hard crusted roll. One solution you may want to investigate is the mini implant, which has revolutionised the wearing of dentures and fitting of crowns or bridges. They are also the dentist’s friend because they are easy to fit. Using micro surgery, this cocktail stick-sized new titanium root is drilled through the gum and into the bone, keeping gum damage to the minimum. This means, the whole fitting of 6 ‘mini’s (in the case of full dentures), takes just under 2 hours. Then, the new teeth are simple clicked onto the implant. Combined with a fixing-cement, you could bite through wood. Implant techniques have got more refined and it’s never been easier to have them fitted, nor in fact, cheaper. A mini implant costs a third of its bigger brother and with a simple payment plan, it’s available to all. Get it done and improve your life!

Getting dentures in Leeds

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Against all our better efforts, there may come a time in Leeds when we have to face one of the biggest upheavals in our life- losing all our teeth. This can happen for a number of reasons, but the most common of all is gum disease. This can be a very traumatic time, putting years on you and suddenly making you feel as if you’ve got one foot in the grave.
But there are a lot of reasons why choosing dentures are beneficial and that you should embrace the inevitable. If you lose your teeth your face will sag, ageing you instantly by 10 years and impact on your self-confidence. It can also affect the occlusion of the mouth- the manner of the way you talk, chew and bite; this can lead to other health complications. But losing your teeth is not the end of the world; dental techniques have advanced incredibly over the last 30 years, as has the technology and thinking behind dentures. For a start, the materials from which dentures are made have improved. What used to be old plastic looking ‘falsies’ has moved on to flexible materials that can house porcelain, more natural looking teeth and fix against the gums more rigidly. Some dentures like CuSil, can be made to fit around some teeth that remain. Adhesives have become more reliable and the mini implants can be installed into the mouth to attach the dentures to. This greatly reduces the chances of the dentures moving, or god forbid, falling out whilst eating or talking.