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Posts Tagged ‘Inman Aligner’

Straighten teeth fast with Inman aligner from Leeds dentist

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

Imagine a brace that could straighten your teeth in a matter of weeks rather than months or even years. Now imagine that it was completely removable and involved no fixed wires or metal brackets and was very discreet with only one small bar visible across the teeth. Sounds too good to be true? Well think again because you have just imagined the Inman aligner and fortunately for you someone has had the idea to actually make it.

The Inman aligner has been making headlines all over the world and not just in the dentistry world. This amazing new brace can make significant improvements in the alignment of your teeth in only six weeks and average treatment time lasts in total under six months. The aligner is also completely removable meaning it can be taken out for cleaning your teeth and eating. For younger patients it can also be taken out for important social events.

The aligner works by using the power of a coiled spring situated on the tongue side of the teeth to push out the lateral teeth. This allows room for the other teeth to be pulled into position and straightened against the bar along the front of the teeth. It is the perfect straightening tool for small alignment issues but may not be suitable for rotated teeth.

The Inman aligner costs roughly the same as most other orthodontic treatments yet comes with incredible treatment speed. For patients who have been reluctant to have metal braces in the past, an Inman aligner from a Leeds dentist could be the perfect solution.

Create the perfect smile with a smile makeover from a city of Leeds dentist

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

A smile makeover is when a series of cosmetic dentistry procedures are carried out either simultaneously or in succession to improve the appearance of a smile. Smile makeovers are becoming increasingly popular because many patients find it frustrating to have one procedure carried out, such as whitening, only for their teeth to be crooked or uneven. The key to a beautiful smile is a healthy, white and even teeth and all of these can be achieved but often with more than one treatment.

Smile makeovers begin with a consultation with a dentist. You will discuss exactly what it is you would like from your smile and your dentist will outline possible methods to achieve this. This is often called a smile plan and will often involve teeth whitening, orthodontic straightening, repair to any damages and even possibly veneers.

It may seem that teeth straightening is quite a long-term goal for a smile plan, but with the advent of modern straighteners such as the Inman aligner and the Six Month Smile treatment, it is now possible to straighten teeth in a matter of a few months. These braces can often be worn at the same time as veneers and other cosmetic dentistry tools. It is also possible to have braces fitted with whitening treatments to kill two birds with one stone.

The cost of a smile makeover from a City of Leeds dentist varies according to the extent of treatment needed but there are treatments available to improve the smile of even those with smaller budgets. The results achievable with a smile makeover are incredible so why not ask your dentist what could be possible for your smile.

Variety of teeth straightening systems available at City of Leeds dentist

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Teeth straightening is the process of realigning teeth using orthodontic straightening devices, more commonly known as braces. Everyone is probably familiar with braces as they have become incredibly popular over the last two decades, as it became more important to have straighter teeth.

What you might not realise is how the technology has advanced over the last decade providing patients with a variety of different braces beyond the standard fixed metal ‘train tracks’. Those braces were often unpopular with wearers because they caused irritation to the soft tissue and weren’t particularly attractive to look at.

New braces include the Invisalign brace system of clear plastic braces that straighten teeth in almost complete discretion. By using a series of plastic retainers, each worn for a period of a few weeks, the retainers gradually move teeth into the desired position with a significantly reduced impact on the patient’s life.

Braces such as the Six Month Smile and Inman aligner offer straighter teeth in a matter of months rather than years with their focused and fast acting braces. These braces straighten teeth that are visible primarily which allows them to achieve such amazing results. Even fixed metal braces have developed with the Damon brace utilising self-ligating wires to reduce the discomfort during treatment.

You can see that there is a now a brace available for every requirement whether it be discretion or comfort. City of Leeds dentists can assess your suitability and give you a clearer idea of how each of these treatments could benefit your teeth.

Straighter teeth in six weeks with Inman aligner from Central Leeds dentist

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

There are many options available for patients wishing to straighten uneven or overcrowded teeth. Twenty years ago the choice was limited and usually involved unpleasant fixed metal braces that were fitted for periods of up to two years. Today patients have the choice of braces offering treatments which are incredibly discreet, powerful, fast or a combination of all three. One such option is called the Inman aligner and is clinically proven to reduce overall treatment time by as much as 75 per cent.

Dentists prefer to use the Inman aligner in patients with misalignments of the upper and lower front teeth. Using the force created by a coiled spring located on the tongue side of the teeth, the aligner gradually moves teeth into the desired position. A metal bar that runs across the front of the teeth pushes and pulls the front teeth into line. This metal bar is the only visible part of the Inman aligner.

Although the Inman aligner cannot compete with clear plastic retainers such as Invisalign in terms of discretion, its straightening power is more than enough compensation. Treatment times vary from an incredible six to sixteen weeks, although the speed of results is highly dependant on how long you wear the brace for each day. It is recommended that you wear the aligner for at least twenty hours each day but it can be removed for meal times meaning that foods are not restricted like with some other braces. Because of the speed of treatment, Inman aligners are becoming popular with patients wishing to straighten teeth before important social occasions. Brides-to-be are particularly fond of the ultra-fast treatment time offered by the Inman aligner.

Just like any other orthodontic straightening device, the Inman aligner may be slightly uncomfortable at first but this initial discomfort is just the teeth getting used to the pressure and the feeling will pass in a few days. Inman braces cost significantly less than invisible braces but prices will vary according to how much movement is required and the length of treatment necessary. A Central Leeds dentist will be able to give you a more detailed outline of treatment and estimation of costs.

Inman aligner from Central Leeds dentist straightens teeth fast

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

For patients who need braces, the prospect of wearing uncomfortable and ugly metal braces for up to two years can be a daunting one. Luckily, advances in dental technology in the last twenty years have meant that here are now other options available to them.

Patients can now choose between a series of more discreet and comfortable metal braces and even have the option of invisible plastic retainers that are virtually invisible. One of the latest alternatives to conventional metal braces is the Inman aligner. This new aligner is as effective as a metal brace and far more discreet.

The aligner works by using the power of a coiled spring which is hidden on the tongue side of the teeth. This spring pushes the teeth at the side out, making room for the front teeth to be pushed forward and straightened. This extra room created by the aligner allows teeth to naturally straighten.

Although the aligner is not completely visible (it loses out on the discretion stakes to the clear plastic retainers) it is still far more discreet than an old fashioned metal brace. The only really visible part of the brace is a metal bar running across the front of the teeth. But what the Inman aligner lacks in discretion it makes up for with incredible speed. The Inman aligner shows results after only an astonishing six to sixteen weeks. A whole treatment rarely lasts longer than six months, which is 75 per cent shorter than both fixed metal braces and plastic retainers.

Like all orthodontic appliances, the Inman aligner will cause some discomfort when initially applied but this will fade after no more than a week. After this initial discomfort the aligner will be relatively painless.

Perfect for correcting minor overcrowding, the Inman aligner is the choice of straightener for many patients seeking to add the finishing touches to a smile. It is completely removable and so can be taken out fort important professional and social occasions. Ask a Central Leeds dentist about the Inman aligner and you could finally have your perfect smile.

Leeds dentist straightens teeth in six weeks with Inman aligner

Friday, September 18th, 2009

Everybody wants to have straight teeth, but for those not born with naturally straight nashers, the only real option is to have them straightened. In the past this has meant wearing uncomfortable and unseemly metal braces, which can be the source of great embarrassment, especially for teenagers. More recently, we have seen the advent of invisible plastic braces which, while discreet, often take a very long time to be effective.

Now, however, there is a new alternative. A straightening device that is as discreet as invisible braces and as effective as the old fashioned metal ones. The Inman aligner works by using a coiled spring on the tongue side of the teeth which simultaneously pushes the side teeth back and the front teeth forwards. In doing so it creates room for the front teeth to move into and straighten.

The Inman aligner is not completely invisible. There is a metal bar that sits in front of the teeth but due to the astonishing speed of results, most patients and dentists don’t see this as a major disadvantage. Most treatments show results between six and sixteen weeks, which compared to the months and even years of conventional braces, is incredibly fast.

When initially used the aligner can cause some minor discomfort due to the pressure being exerted on the teeth but this rarely lasts more than a week as you become accustomed to it. Other than this the process is completely painless.

The Inman aligner is mostly suitable for patients with minor straightening issues. Any serious overcrowding will require more substantial corrective treatment but for patients looking to put the finishing touches to their straight teeth, there really is no substitute. The Inman aligner is also completely removable so can be taken out to eat or if the patient so desires in the circumstances.

If your teeth could do with being that little bit straighter, talk to a Leeds dentist about the Inman aligner, and within six weeks you could have the straight toothed smile you’ve always wanted. Call 0113 245 4868 to make an appointment with Dr Gakhal

Straight teeth in 3months

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

Today, we finished straightening a patients teeth in just 3 months!! The patient was a student from headingley and she had requested her teeth to be straight in time for her 21st birthday. Because of the limited time scale we used the inman aligner to straighten her front four teeth then finished off with some tooth contouring. The patient was delighted with the results!! If you are from Headingley, Moortown, Alwoodley, Adel, Shadwell and the surrounding areas and would like straight teeth in a short time then please contact our friendly team on 01132454868 or fill out the application above.

Inman aligner used to straighten crooked teeth

Monday, November 24th, 2008

Many patients from across the region have been visiting us recently enquiring about our new braces treatment, the inman aligner. The inman aligner straightens crooked incisor teeth within 3months! So if you are from Leeds, Bradford, Dewsbury and the surrounding areas and would like more information on this exciting new treatment please fill in the above application.