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Posts Tagged ‘Inman Aligner’

Getting To Grips With The Inman Aligner In Central Leeds

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Once in a blue moon, something comes along that wins the heart and popularity of a place like central Leeds, something that is going to end the years of suffering that people have had to endure, something that will set you free. In dental circles, one that has done just that is the Inman aligner. Now if you have been tortured all of you life with your teeth yet never got around to doing anything about it, you should check out this miraculous little gadget. Sadly, it’s only affective for people that have buck front teeth, but for those who fit the bill, this is the answer to all your prayers. It is a push-and-pull device that keeps the teeth in a continuous flux of movement during the time the treatment runs, which means the teeth shift very, very quickly- the best boasts for this aligner being as quick as 6 weeks! Now considering the price, that equates at around £250 a week on average. The Inman is made especially to suit your mouth and during any time in the treatment, you can take it out to clean or for whatever takes your fancy. Because the teeth have moved so rapidly, they will have the desire to spring back out so you need to wear a retainer afterwards. But forget all of this, the point is we are talking about a device that can end all those years of hurt in less than 2 months, now that should be an incentive for anyone.




Going for the Inman in the City of Leeds

Monday, August 27th, 2012

Having unsightly shaped teeth is never a good scenario for a number of reasons, but if you were to truly admit to it, the main problem is that your teeth can hold you back and severely restrain your self-confidence.

The idea of having lengthy, drawn out treatments to cure you of the problem can also be just as unattractive as well. That was of course, until the Inman aligner descended on the city of Leeds; this is the slickest of treatments. It has a unique mechanism that keep the teeth in a constant state of movement which means, as they are rocked back and forth all the time, they move radically fast and in the blink of an eye, your teeth will be straightened….this can be as quick as 6 weeks.

It is unobtrusive in the mouth as it is manufactured from discreet materials and it can also be removed at any time if so desired, like when you eat and when you clean your teeth which allow you to maintain a high standard of oral hygiene throughout. The costs vary, but it is bespoke to you, and besides, seriously, 6 weeks to rid you of those teeth for once and for all?

Shaping up with the Inman Aligner in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Teeth straightening has always been a touchy subject for the people in the city of Leeds and all over the country, for history has shown that it doesn’t exactly evoke dental romanticism. Lengthy treatments a mouthful of metal and the ridicule to boot….for some, awful times. However, those with dodgy front teeth- run through the fields and scream freedom because an aligner has muscled its way into our hearts and taken us to dinner on a white horse- yes, the Inman aligner has landed and can save your day, this brash, heaven-sent device will blow your socks off. It works on the theory of keeping the teeth on the move, meaning fast results and it does it by rocking the teeth back and forth until they rest in the desired position; the aligner pushes and pulls. It’s design means it only concentrates on the front teeth, but it also has the luxury of being removable throughout the treatment and that can only be good for your oral health. But you better be sitting down for this next bit, for this brash little beast can work as quickly as 6 weeks….you okay? As has been mentioned, it’s not for everyone, but if it is for you, your teeth can be sorted out in a couple of months and finally, you can get closure on how your teeth have looked and annoyed you for years- book in today!

The Unbelievable Inman Aligner Comes to the City of Leeds

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Once in a blue moon, something comes along in the city of Leeds which absolutely blows people’s minds with its ingenuity, it panache and its downright gall and in the world of orthodontics, the once thing that’s got everyone excited is the Inman aligner- this device is an engineering treat. Even though it is unique, it is limited in what it can do, because it only concerns itself with straightening the teeth at the front of the mouth, yet it is in the manner of how it does it that makes it incredible. The device works in two (opposite) ways. A wire wraps itself around the front of the teeth and is then anchored to a spring at the back of the plate; this in conjunction works with a bar that pushes against the teeth on the inside. Quickly yet surely, the teeth are rocked back and forth, being kept in constant movement until they fall into position….in as little as 6 weeks!! That’s the deal with this device, it works incredibly fast and accurately and in no time at all, you have straight teeth. It is also removable so that you can take it out to do the basics like eating and cleaning. The other plus is that they are not that expensive, starting from around £1200 and that is for a bespoke fitting as well. If you are a person that needs to get to the church on time and look good doing it, this is the device for you.

Central Leeds dentists offer patients the chance to straighten their smile quickly with Inman aligners

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

As if having a mouth full of metal was not enough, many people can be put off the idea of wearing a brace by the possible length of the treatment time: sometimes as long as three years. But having a crooked smile will not just go away if you wish it to be so; you have to do something about it. If you have major alignment issues and teeth that need rotating then you will probably have to get a brace fitted but for smaller problems then Inman aligners are ideal as they are incredible quick and discreet.
Unlike braces which use metal brackets and wires to pull your teeth into the desired positions, Inman aligners work by using a coiled spring that is concealed on the inside of the mouth. Over time the spring pushes your teeth against a so called straightening bar which runs across the front of the teeth. This bar is the only part of the Inman aligner which can be seen by people so it is preferable in that sense to traditional metal braces.
Another huge advantage to treatment with an Inman aligner is that they are completely removable. This makes them so much easier to clean and, if an important social occasion demands it you can take it out for a few hours so that you don’t feel self-conscious at all.
These factors make Inman aligners a desirable solution to crooked teeth and it has a number of advantages over traditional metal braces. You should discuss any decision about straightening your teeth with your Central Leeds dentist first though to get the expert opinion.

Leeds dentists offer Inman aligners to improve the look of patients’ smiles

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

You might be thinking of getting your teeth straightened out so that you have a brilliant, healthy looking smile which you can be proud of. This is a common desire but many people are put off by the thought of having to wear an unsightly metal brace for several years. But this is no longer the only way to solve the problem of crooked teeth.
The Inman aligner works far quicker than traditional metal braces. The average time of treatment is just six months. That’s about a quarter of the two years which metal braces usually need to be worn for. Inman aligners are far more discreet as well; they only have one visible part: a single metal bar running across the front teeth. This is infinitely preferable to the metal brackets and wires of their traditional counterparts, especially for teenagers.
An Inman aligner is completely removable, which makes the issue of oral hygiene during treatment a far more manageable proposition. No longer will patients who want their teeth straightened have to endure food being trapped amongst all the metal workings. You can just remove an Inman aligner after a meal and give it and your teeth a thorough clean.
Inman aligners work using the power of a coiled spring which pushes the teeth against the bar which is front of your front teeth. This process is ideal for small alignment issues but cannot be used to rotate teeth. With the cost of an Inman aligner roughly the same as most other orthodontic treatments you might find that it is the answer to your nagging questions about how to straighten your teeth without wearing a traditional brace.
Make an appointment to see your Leeds dentist if you need more information about Inman aligners and how they work.

Choosing an Inman aligner in central Leeds

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

Okay. You’ve met the person of your dreams in a pub in central Leeds. This is the one for you. They’ve seen past your rather medieval front teeth and seen into your soul. This love is so rich and pure, and so immediate, that you even want to sanction it with a marriage in a couple of months time. So then, why is there this uncomfortable feeling eating away at the bliss of true love that courses through your heart, just before you sleep at night? Because those teeth of yours are gonna look awful in the wedding and honeymoon photos, right? Right! But help is at hand my friend, thanks to the Inman aligner. It doesn’t matter how old you are, this treatment is designed to fix your teeth in as little as 6 weeks. Its unique design and mechanism means it can only be used on the front teeth. Once the aligner has been placed in the mouth, a thin metallic wire around the front of the teeth starts to pull the teeth into place. In the meantime, a spring operated device applies pressure in the opposite direction, practically rocking the teeth gently into position. Another advantage of the aligner is that throughout the treatment, it can be removed, allowing you to eat normally and maintain your oral hygiene. But the price is equally attractive at around £1400, that’s about £30 a day- that’s enough to put a smile on your face, eh?

The choice of braces in central Leeds

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Choosing the right type of brace in central Leeds can be a bit of a minefield but it is important, for many reasons, to get your teeth fixed and keep them healthy. Your choice can boil down to what you can afford, how much work you require or and even how vain you are (wearing a brace can also affect you psychologically). Whatever you choose, there are a lot of options out there, so a consultation with your dentist should point you in the right direction. The most popular braces are those that are discreet and removable. The Inman aligner is the fastest on the market, working on the front teeth in as little a 6 weeks, and it’s removable which is great for dinner dates and hygiene. As are the Clearstep and Invisalign treatments. These are clear, removable mouth guards that align the teeth a lot faster than conventional fixed, wire braces and are virtually invisible in the mouth. The Damon brace is a more common brace on the market. Though fixed, it incorporates clear or tooth coloured ceramic plates on the teeth connected by a single wire that is adjusted regularly at the dentist, but does require more attention to oral hygiene. The other alternative is the 6-month smile. This fixed brace is aimed more at the adult market and does what it claims in 6 months; again, it is designed for discretion in the mouth.

Fast Orthodontics In The City Of Leeds

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

If you are resigned to the fact that you have to wear a brace, chances are you’re thinking of the more traditional methods where you are subjected to up to 3 years of hell. Well you should think again, says a dentist from the city of Leeds. The field of orthodontics deals with maintaining the correct alignment to occlusion or the bite of the jaw. To do this can involve the fitting of braces. But with the advances in technology and modern dentist procedures, this doesn’t have to be a long drawn out process anymore, thanks to three revolutionary techniques. The Inman aligner is aimed primarily at the front teeth of adults. A coil spring exerts pressure on the teeth, whilst a bar behind reverses that pressure. The result is that the teeth are gently pushed and pulled into position and the process can be over in as little as 6 weeks. This is also a lot cheaper than other techniques. The Damon brace uses a self-ligating wire to allow the brace to move with the teeth. It appears discreet in the mouth and is easy to clean and quicker than conventional braces. The most expensive option is the Invasalign. An ‘invisible’ retainer is fitted to the teeth and can carry out full adjustment of the teeth in a minimum of 12 months. It has to be changed every month, but its main advantage is that it can be removed during eating and when cleaning the teeth.

Leeds dentists stress the importance of cleaning braces during treatment

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

More and more teenagers and adolescents in the UK are being treated with orthodontic braces. These are straightening devices made from plastic, ceramic and metal that are attached to the teeth in an effort to manipulate them into a more aesthetically pleasing position. Braces are used to treat a variety of alignment, spacing and bite issues

More modern braces such as the Inman aligner and Invisalign can be removed for the purposes of teeth cleaning but the majority of patients undergoing orthodontic straightening are treated with the traditional style fixed metal, or train track, braces. These braces function by attaching metal wires to fixed brackets on each tooth. They provide a very effective treatment but can cause problems when it comes to teeth cleaning.

The brackets fixed to the teeth mean it is impossible to clean the areas under them. They are also protected from enamel erosion and the affects of discolouration. While this is a bonus for this specific area, if the patient is not cleaning their teeth effectively, when the braces are removed they are left with small square patches of lighter coloured enamel that is very difficult or even impossible to correct.

Leeds dentists therefore recommend that patients who wear braces are especially vigilant when it comes to cleaning their teeth. They will be more than happy to demonstrate the most effective ways of effectively cleaning the teeth when wearing braces to limit the chances of any discolouration damage towards the end of treatment. After all, the last thing you want when you finally have your braces removed is to have their new appearance spoiled by discoloration and uneven enamel.

There are also dangers to do with heightened risk or tooth decay due to food being caught in and around the brackets. These act as breeding grounds for bacteria and can accelerate the process of tooth decay if the braces themselves are not properly cleaned.