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Posts Tagged ‘plaque acid’

Look after your teeth with check up from City of Leeds dentist

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

It is all too easy to get complacent when it comes to your teeth. One or two all clear appointments and a lack of any pain or noticeable difficulty can lead to several years of missed six-monthly check-ups and then all of a sudden it can be too late and you’ve lost a tooth to decay.

While it is true that we can look after our teeth fairly effectively with efficient cleaning and the right lifestyle choices, it is only with the regular supervision of a dentist that you can be completely sure that your teeth are healthy. Dental decay is caused by plaque acid eroding the enamel. This is a gradual process that can happen over many months or even years and often happens in parts of the mouth that are quite difficult to clean effectively and also hard to see. City of Leeds dentists will be able to thoroughly examine all parts of your mouth to ensure that plaque, or tartar as it is called when it hardens, is not damaging your teeth.

Like all health problems, tooth decay and gum erosion are most easily treated in their early stages. The longer you leave it, the more damage is done and the more painful it will be. It will also require significantly more treatment if it has been allowed to develop, which may prove very costly. The absence of dental pain does not mean that your teeth are not under attack from disease and it really is your responsibility to prevent this at all costs.

A six-monthly check up is quick and easy and the more regularly you stick to this plan, the less the risk is of any nasty dental problems arising.