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Posts Tagged ‘porcelain veneers’

Enjoy Beautiful Clear Horizons With Leeds Porcelain Veneers

Saturday, August 9th, 2014

1567900_blogEver wished you had a flawless set of pearly whites like the Hollywood stars? With our amazing porcelain veneers, the sky is the limit and you too could be sporting a stunning new smile! If you’re sick of stained, dull or chipped teeth, allow us to transform your teeth into a radiant smile!

About porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are feather-weight shells made from porcelain, which are placed over your teeth to produce a beautiful smile. Porcelain is an excellent choice of material not just because it is the perfect shade to match that of healthy, bright teeth, but also because it has a stunning glossy finish. Veneers are durable and long-lasting and we use our skills and experience to produce timeless, natural looking smiles, which will make you look and feel incredible for many years to come.

Veneer treatment is relatively straightforward and the really fun bit is the planning stage. During your consultation, we will look at photographs and images to select your veneers; there are so many different shades and shapes on offer, so you can really play a part in the design of your new smile. Once we’ve done this and we have an idea of your dream smile, we can start preparing your teeth.

The preparation stage is nothing to be anxious or worried about; we simply numb the teeth and remove a wafer-thin layer of the surface to allow room for your veneers. This ensures that your veneers fit well and also that they look natural. We then create moulds of the teeth and these are used to create your bespoke veneers. Your veneers can then be fitted and you can enjoy showing everyone your amazing new smile!

Wave A Wand For Smile Makeover Magic in Heartland Leeds

Sunday, May 18th, 2014

2823674_blogHave you ever wished that a Fairy Godmother would wave their magic wand and give you a beautiful new smile? Well, we can’t promise a Fairy Godmother, but we can promise amazing cosmetic dental treatments and guarantee you a flawless set of pearly whites with our incredible smile makeovers!

If you’re conscious of your teeth, you hate smiling in public or you just wish you had a more attractive smile, we can help. Our bespoke smile makeovers transform dull, broken, missing and stained teeth into gorgeous, glamorous smiles.

What is a smile makeover and how does it work?

A smile makeover is made up of a series of different dental treatments and the aim is to create a perfect new smile. Often, the treatment list will include a mixture of cosmetic and restorative treatments and we also offer cosmetic braces to resolve issues including crooked, crowded and teeth and gaps in the smile.

Our most popular treatments include tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, cosmetic bonding, white fillings, porcelain crowns, cosmetic braces, dental bridges and dental implants.

We consult with you during the planning stage to assess your needs and see which treatments would benefit you; we take a number of factors into consideration, including the flaws you identify and want to improve and the ideas you have about the perfect smile. We understand that patients have different opinions and every smile makeover we do is different. We will also consider the time frame of treatment and also the cost. Once we have chosen the treatments together, we will plan your treatment and start the process of making your smile perfect!

How long does treatment take?

As every smile makeover is different, it’s impossible to say how long treatment will take. This is because the treatment time for different procedures and techniques varies hugely. Some treatments, including fillings, crowns and cosmetic bonding, take less than an hour, while orthodontic treatments and dental implant treatment can take several months. Once we know which treatments you will be having, we can give you a much better idea of when to expect the finished article.

A Smile Makeover is the Order Of The Day in the City of Leeds

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

1567900_blogDid you watch the Oscars and wonder how on earth every star has a perfect smile? Are you fed up of feeling self-conscious when you look in the mirror? Are you ready to treat yourself to the ultimate present in 2014? Our smile makeovers are designed to create the perfect smile, so you can enjoy showing off your pearly whites with confidence.

We offer a huge range of treatments to design the perfect smile and we have a solution for any problem. Whether you’re sick of your chipped or worn teeth, you want to add sparkle to your smile or you have missing teeth, we can transform your smile.

Popular treatments used as part of a smile makeover include porcelain veneers, tooth whitening, white fillings, cosmetic bonding, tooth contouring, crowns and dental implants. We also offer an array of orthodontic treatments to address problems including crowding, crooked teeth and gaps between the teeth. The cost of a smile makeover depends on the treatments you choose; this will also affect the duration of treatment, as some treatments take much longer than others.

What are you waiting for?

If you long for a gorgeous smile, now is the time to make your dreams come true and treat yourself to a smile makeover.

Cosmetic dentistry in the heart of Leeds: start the New Year with a bang!

Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

386703_blogOften, you hear people talking about things that could change your life, but usually this is a bit of an exaggeration. When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, however, this is absolutely true, as most people value their smile as their most important and influential feature. When you smile, you instantly feel better, you radiate warmth and confidence and you look more attractive to others, but what if you hate your teeth and you feel self-conscious whenever you meet somebody new or see a photo of yourself? If this sounds like a familiar feeling, you may be pleased to hear that there are several different cosmetic dental treatments that can help. Whether you’re unhappy with your stained or chipped teeth, you have missing teeth or you hate your crooked teeth, there are solutions out there and our dentists have extensive training in cosmetic and restorative treatments. Our most popular cosmetic dental treatments include dental veneers, tooth whitening, white fillings and porcelain crowns and cosmetic braces. Whatever you need, we can help. Our aim is to create a smile that you are proud of, so that when you get asked to pose for a photograph, or you stop to talk to somebody, you feel confident. Cosmetic dentistry is available to all; you don’t need to have an A-list salary or travel to Beverley Hills for the ultimate smile; an amazing array of treatments is available right here in the city of Leeds!


Are veneers the best option for patients with chipped teeth in Central Leeds?

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

1787127_blogVeneers are an extremely popular treatment for those who are looking for a glamorous, glossy smile, but are they the best option for you? Veneers are used to address many common aesthetic problems with the teeth, including chips, worn teeth and discolouration and they have been made very famous by celebrities, including models, actors and singers. Veneers create amazing smiles and they are an ideal choice for those who want a flawless smile; however, if you simply want to make minor changes to your teeth, you have problems such as crooked or crowded teeth or you want whiter teeth, there may be other treatments available to you, which could be more suitable. Orthodontic issues, such as crowding and spaces between the teeth, do not go away on their own and veneers simple hide the problem, rather than treating it; the only way to solve these problems is to have orthodontic treatment. The same is true of whitening; veneers create an amazing white smile, but the actual colour of your natural teeth will remain the same and the only way to change this is whitening treatment. If you have chipped or worn teeth and you are not sure about investing in veneers, it may be best to consider cosmetic bonding, which is less expensive and much quicker. If you are thinking about veneers or you would like to find out more about other options that are on offer, talk to a friendly City Dental dentist.



Veneers for a truly dazzling smile in the city of Leeds

Sunday, February 16th, 2014

1567900_blogIf you’re a fan of reality television or you love to pore through the pages of glossy magazines, you will probably have spotted that all the people in the shows and photographs have perfect smiles. Now, you don’t need to be a top model or a TV star to have a flawless smile; we offer amazing veneer treatments in the centre of Leeds. Veneers are used to treat problems with the aesthetic of the teeth. They are very thin shells of porcelain or composite material, which are placed over the top of the natural teeth. There are many different shades and shapes of veneer available and also different systems to choose from, many of which have been featured on television makeover shows. The veneers are crafted with care and tailor-made to fit the contours of the natural teeth perfectly; the patient chooses the shape and shade to create their perfect smile and once the veneers are ready, they are placed over the top of the teeth and fixed into position. Before treatment, it is common to undergo a short procedure to prepare the teeth; this is nothing to worry about and it simply makes room for the new veneers. Your teeth will be number beforehand to stop you from feeling any pain. Veneers are most commonly recommended for people who have discoloured, chipped or worn teeth. If you’re after a truly dazzling smile in the centre of Leeds, look no further than veneer treatment at City Dental Leeds.

Why Leeds leans towards Veneers for help

Friday, January 31st, 2014

386703_blogIt’s a sad fact of life but the sheen of your teeth won’t last you forever in Leeds: they may become discoloured and generally become beaten-up; they may even become cracked and chipped and the gums may well begin to recede with the passage of time. However, you can do something great about it and you should take a look at veneers. These will fall into two major types; composite and resin. Composite are generally made from some form of porcelain- a material that compliments the natural hue that the enamel of your teeth give off. It involves having small and delicate fittings made up from moulds or digital images and when they are ready to rock, they are simply cemented into place- making them very strong, hiding up all of your problems and will last you a long time if cared for; as long as they don’t become cracked. Resin based veneers don’t have long a shelf life as composite but they are much more versatile: resin based, various layers are laid over the surfaces of your teeth until everything is covered up and then they are sculptured and polished. Both of these types of veneer can be colour coded if only a few teeth need working on so that they will fit in with the general ambience of your mouth; in either technique, your teeth will look young and sensational once more.

Why you should learn about Dental Procedures in Leeds

Sunday, December 22nd, 2013

3708143_blogIf you are serious about your overall welfare in Leeds, then it is imperative that you also get on board with your dental hygiene, and not only with what you do at home. Of cause, maintaining high standards when keeping your mouth clean and free of disease is important, but so is learning about what dental procedures are available to you and how they work. By doing this, it will help you make informed decisions about what you may need in the future. Dental procedures range from the basics such as fillings, scaling and polishing, orthodontic work and root canal treatments- all designed to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Other procedures are of more a cosmetic nature, these can involve teeth bleaching, the fitting of veneers, crowns bridges and the placement of implants; dentists can also offer gum contouring and BOTOX treatments. There is a lot on offer these days and it has all vastly been improved by technological advances, like the use of computers, digital imaging and laser surgery. If you study all about these aspects of dentistry, it will put you in the driving seat and get you more involved with what you are having done, it will also help you to deal with issues should emergencies crop-up at anytime.


Veering towards Porcelain Veneers in Central Leeds

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

1567900_blogThere are many things that can get out of hand in your mouth very quickly in central Leeds; your teeth for a start can grow a little crooked. But as you get older, you can get troubled by your teeth losing their colour and looking worn down; gaps can also appear- leaving your smile in a bit of a state. But don’t fear because all of these problems can be tucked away behind porcelain veneers and get you up and running at the most in a couple of weeks- in a day if you go down the CEREC road. You first have to have the porcelain from the front of your teeth removed in order to make way for the veneers- it isn’t painful, just a tad uncomfortable, but once this is done, then the dentist can take impressions of your teeth so that the veneers can be made. When they are good to go (namely once they have been made), they are just simply cemented onto the front of your teeth and you are done; the results are simply terrific and you will have a smile back to be proud of.

The fine art of Cosmetic Dentistry in Central Leeds

Friday, September 6th, 2013

Woman SmileCosmetic dentistry has truly changed the way we think about our oral health and how we smile and this has a lot to do with how the media portrays teeth in magazines, on TV and in films. But that is not such a bad thing because having a lovely smile in central Leeds can do wonders for your self confidence and help promote you in everything that you do in life. If you have anything go wrong at all with your teeth and your gums, it can be fixed: teeth straightening, gum contouring, bleaching veneers, crowns, as well as the basics of dentistry. All of this is designed to keep your smile looking great and special whilst ensuring that you have a healthy mouth. On top of all this, dentists today will also help iron out the wrinkles all over the face thanks to BOTOX and dermal fillers. You really have no reason to have a bad set of teeth so come on, get on board with the world of cosmetic dentistry.