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The dangers caused by a Dry Socket in Leeds

2487210_blogIf you have to have a tooth extracted of late in Leeds, you can just think that it will heal over normally- well think about this. You may just think that the body will instantly heal itself up in a crisis but it relies on you to not put rubbish in your mouth in order to do so; post-op, smoking and drinking and poor food can affect any healing process and if you are not careful after a tooth has been removed, you could easily find yourself suffering from a dry socket and it isn’t pretty. After a tooth has been taken out, a blood clot forms naturally over the wound and this helps the gums to heal themselves. But if this process is interfered with, the clot will fall out and leave the wound open; that equates to the raw bone being exposed to the air and then not only will it be excruciatingly painful, you will be fair game to infection. If this happens, you will need daily dressings from your dentist in order to recover; you will also have to behave yourself during the next couple of weeks and be extra attentive with your oral hygiene and use medicated mouthwashes in order to get through this.

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