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Tooth Decay In Central Leeds

Unless you are planning on a lifetime role as a witch in Macbeth, decaying teeth are not only unsightly, but they can give rise to serious health problems, according to a dentist from central Leeds. Children are prone to tooth decay, as teeth grow and new ones come through and where plaque is allowed to form. The problems usually start with bad oral hygiene- the lack of brushing, bad diet, smoking and heavy drinking, which is why a bi-annual visit to the dentist is important in countering any signs of decay. Plaque is the catalyst for tooth decay. This can be removed by brushing and flossing, but if allowed to build up, it will turn to tartar, from which cavities or caries start to form. It doesn’t happen overnight; it can take months, even years for the problem to arise, but when it does, it has a knock-on affect. Infection can set in leading to gum disease, periodontivis and eventually, tooth loss. Spotting it early on is important and an x-ray or radiograph will pick up any signs of a cavity forming. Depending how advanced the problem is, treatment will be required immediately to remove any decay from the teeth in order to save them. This is done by a root canal that removes any dead tissues and roots from the tooth and then filled- sometimes capped.

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