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Prevent painful periodontitis at City of Leeds dentist

The two most common problems that affect the health of our teeth are tooth decay and gum disease. Tooth decay is when plaque acid has eroded the protective layer of enamel, exposing the more sensitive central part of the tooth to bacteria and infection. This can result in painful and unpleasant complications and expensive root canal and crown treatment. Most early decay is addressed by fillings, which most people will experience during their lifetime.

Gum disease is slightly less obviously a problem than tooth decay but with nearly all of us standing a good chance of having it at some point in out lives it is very worthwhile to recognise the signs and symptoms and know what to do about it. Gum disease in its mild form is called gingivitis and will usually involve a slight inflammation of the gum tissue. This can be quite sensitive but gingivitis is usually easily treated with improved dental hygiene and treatment from a City of Leeds dentist.

However, if the first signs of gingivitis are not picked up by you, and you are missing your six-monthly check ups with your dentist, the problem could become the more serious periodontitis. This is a much more serious form of gum disease that involves severe inflammation, bleeding of the gums and even recession of the gum tissue. Once gum tissue has been destroyed it will not grow back, so it is vital you receive the necessary treatment as soon as possible.

In some serious cases, periodontitis may involve the need for tissue removal, hospitalisation and even extraction. It will also be very painful and require continued treatment with antibiotics. You can prevent periodontits and all gum disease with improved cleaning and more regular visits to your dentist.

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