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Posts Tagged ‘Oral Hygiene Central Leeds’

How to Get Healthy Teeth and Gums

Friday, July 8th, 2016

297243_blogStart July with a bang by looking after your mouth by following our tips for great teeth and gums:

The first step to keeping your teeth looking great is by watching the colour of what you eat and drink. Red wine, coffee, black tea and cigarettes can all have a negative impact on the colour of your teeth. The best way to avoid staining is to brush your teeth after having anything that is likely to stain them. Using a bleaching agent recommended by your dentist can also help.

A healthier diet

You can also avoid problems with your teeth by cutting back on sugary food and drinks. Sugar can cause plaque, which leads to issues such as tooth decay, cavities and gum disease. Foods that are good for teeth include apples, celery and carrots, which help clean teeth due to being crisp and firm. Drinking water during the day also helps teeth by flushing out bacteria from the mouth and reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

At City Dental in Leeds we advise replacing your toothbrush every three months at most to ensure that your mouth is being properly cleaned. Using an old brush will mean that bacteria is being moved from the brush to your mouth.

Brush your teeth

Most of us spend just half a minute brushing our teeth, instead of the recommended 2 minutes. Start timing yourself while brushing your teeth and divide it into 30 seconds each for the front and back of both the top and bottom sets if that helps. It is also good to get into a regular routine with flossing. If you begin and end at the same point every time you floss, you can be sure that all every tooth has been cleaned. If you find it difficult to use floss you may find it helpful to get a floss holder.

Hints and Tips for Brushing Your Teeth

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

608718_blogNumerous studies have found a link between poor oral health, plaque, dental bacteria and the onset of heart disease, cancer and exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis. Brushing your teeth is one of the best things you can do for not only your mouth but also the rest of your body.

Brushing your teeth: the basics

When brushing your teeth it is advisable to spend at least 2-3 minutes thoroughly cleaning. Teeth should be cleaned along their front, back and in regard to the molars, along the tops. The gums should also be gently brushed to prevent bacteria from building up and cause tartar, which is hardened plaque that can only be removed by a dental hygienist. Rotating the toothbrush head in circular motions is better than just brushing back and forth as it covers more surface area.

Why should I floss?

Flossing should also be an important part of your dental routine, as floss can reach between the teeth in order to reach plaque and debris that has become stuck and cannot be removed by a toothbrush. When flossing it is recommended that your clean down towards the gums. This will ensure that all plaque is removed and your teeth and gums remain healthy.

What is a good dental hygiene routine so important?

Dental hygiene is paramount to the health of your mouth, as unlike the rest of your body your teeth are unable to heal themselves. Once plaque is allowed to build up on the teeth, it will strip away precious enamel and minerals, causing holes and cavities to appear. If cavities are left untreated, whether by a dental hygienist or with fillings, they can expand until the tooth is completely decayed and falls out. This decay can then spread to other teeth and may also affect the gums and jawbone. One of the easiest ways to prevent this from happening is to brush your teeth twice daily, for at least 2 minutes. This prevents the plaque from settling on the teeth and wrecking its havoc. To arrange an appointment with one of our dental hygienists please get in touch with us at City Dental Leeds.

Our Hygiene Therapists Offer Oral Health Tips

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

2823674_blogIf you have healthy teeth, you may never have considered visiting a dental hygienist, but an annual hygiene session could help to ensure you stay free from oral diseases for years to come. Our amazing dental hygienists offer a wide range of hygiene services in addition to expert advice, which could help you to achieve better oral health and a brighter, whiter smile.

What do hygienists do?

Dental hygienists are a very important part of our dental team and they provide a range of services designed to prevent and treat dental problems, including bad breath, decay and gum disease. Using powerful cleaning techniques, the latest technology and preventative treatments, our hygienists can make a real difference to your oral health.

Hygienists are not just there to treat existing problems and seeing a hygienist on a regular basis is really good for your teeth, even if you have good oral health. As well as providing intensive cleaning treatments and curative measures to ease symptoms of oral disease, our hygienists are also here to pass on expert advice and help patients to make positive oral health decisions.

Oral health tips

Our excellent dental hygienists are always available to offer oral health tips, whether you need help with your brushing technique, you’re not sure which toothpaste to buy or you’d like support with giving up smoking.

Brushing, flossing and inter-dental cleaning: brushing, flossing and inter-dental cleaning are really important for good oral health, but it’s not enough to just brush your teeth twice a day and floss when you’ve got something lodged in your tooth. In order to protect your teeth from harmful oral bacteria, it’s beneficial to hone your brushing technique and ensure you get the most out of brushing every time. Our hygienists can show you how to brush and floss properly and also how to use inter-dental brushes.

Healthy lifestyle choices: sometimes, lifestyle choices have an impact on your oral and general health and our hygienists can help you to make positive choices in order to boost your oral health. Diet is particularly important and the foods you eat have a direct impact on your health. Seeing a hygienist can help you to identify potential problems with your diet and make it healthier for your teeth and gums. Smoking is another risk factor for oral health issues, especially gum disease, and we can offer guidance and support for those hoping to give up.

If you would like to book an appointment or learn more about our hygiene treatments, call us today!

Have a Tooth-Happy Christmas with Our Hygiene Treatments

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015

3884462_blogWhen the log fire is roaring, everyone’s gathered around exchanging presents and there’s Christmas tunes playing in the background, the last thing you want is a bout of toothache. If you’re gearing up for a perfect family Christmas and are eager to steer clear of any unwanted dental dramas, why not book a hygiene session today? Our experienced, friendly hygienists can give your teeth a good clean and polish and ensure you have peace of mind going into the festive season.

The benefits of hygiene treatments

Hygiene treatments are designed to provide a deep clean to target problem areas and rid the mouth of harmful plaque, the main risk factor for both decay and gum disease. Our hygienists can achieve a much more intensive clean than you can at home with a brush and treatment will not just make your mouth feel really clean and fresh and reduce the risk of festive dental problems, it will also give you a bright, sparkling smile in perfect time for the office party, family gatherings and New Year celebrations.

Hygiene treatments aren’t painful and they make a really positive difference to your oral health. Our hygienists will also be happy to talk to you about oral hygiene and offer some tips and guidance to help you improve your daily regime at home.

Do I really need to see a hygienist?

Many people assume that you only need to see a dental hygienist if you’ve got problems like bad breath or gum disease. However, seeing a dental hygienist has amazing benefits for every patient, regardless of their oral health status. Even the most diligent patients can benefit from an annual trip to the hygienist. In addition, we also encourage patients to keep up to date with routine check-ups.

To book an appointment or find out more about oral hygiene services, simply give us a call or pop in and visit if you’re in Leeds city centre.

How Your Tongue Affects Your Oral Health

Thursday, October 8th, 2015

3428792_blogThe tongue is an important organ made up from many groups of muscles. We use it to talk, taste, swallow and chew, it holds food in place and sends vital messages to the central nervous system reporting on changes within the mouth. However, it does all of this instantly and without any thought from us and because of this its important role in maintaining oral health can often be overlooked and underestimated, leading to not-so-pleasant consequences.

Looking after the health of your tongue

Your tongue should be treated with the same amount of care and upkeep as you’d give your teeth and gums. Just as you would clean the rest of your mouth, the tongue needs cleaning too. This is because, contrary to how it may look, the tongue is not smooth and is in fact covered in tiny, barely visible bumps called ‘papillae.’ These bumps are bacteria hotspots and if not regularly cleaned, the bacteria that build there can cause halitosis, affect your sense of taste and can even spread to other parts of the mouth, leading to a number of different infections that can lead to tooth decay, gum recession and even tooth loss.

Tongue cancer signs and symptoms

Unfortunately tongues are no less susceptible to developing cancer than other parts of the body and noticing the problem before it has advanced can be the difference between life and death. This is why it’s important to check the tongue regularly to see if there any irregular cuts, abrasions or swelling. I suggest sticking your tongue out in front of your bathroom mirror and swirling it around to get a good look from all sides, top, bottom and side to side. If you do notice anything out of the ordinary, consult your doctor immediately. For more advice on looking after your oral health contact us at City Dental Leeds.

How Does Oral Hygiene Affect the Rest of My Body?

Saturday, August 15th, 2015

2823674_blogMany dentists refer to the mouth as a window to the rest of the body and problems in the mouth can suggest issues in the body. In recent years, several studies have suggested a strong link between oral and general health, so it’s important to take good care of those teeth and gums.

Oral health and heart health

Research into the link between oral health and heart health is ongoing. Yet many studies have now connected oral health problems with an elevated risk of heart disease. This is especially true of gum disease. Researchers believe bacteria from the mouth can travel to other parts of the body via the bloodstream. This triggers an inflammatory response that increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. A study in Scotland involving more than 11,000 adults revealed that you’re more likely to suffer from heart disease if you don’t brush your teeth twice daily.

Oral health and diabetes

If you have diabetes, your risk of developing oral health issues is increased. In many undiagnosed cases  it is dentists who spot the warning signs of diabetes. Around one third of patients who have diabetes also suffer from periodontitis (an advanced form of gum disease). The increased risk is due to poor control of blood sugars.

Oral health and pregnancy

Pregnancy brings about significant hormonal changes in the body. One effect is an increase in the risk of gum disease. Dentists advise all pregnant women to visit them on a regular basis and arrange a check-up if they notice warning signs such as bleeding and swollen gums. Studies have shown that untreated gum disease can cause complications during pregnancy and increase the risk of premature labour and even stillbirth.


5 Top Tips for Tooth Brushing

Friday, July 31st, 2015

iStock_000006052729XSmallEffective brushing makes a huge difference when it comes to our oral health. Here are five top tips to help you maximise the benefits of your daily brushing routine.

  1. Use an electric toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes have been proven to remove plaque more effectively than manual brushes. This is because the brush head rotates at high speed and covers a lot of ground. You don’t need to pay a lot of money for a decent electric toothbrush and even the most basic models will provide you with an excellent clean.

  1. Don’t brush too hard

It’s understandable to believe that the harder you brush, the cleaner your teeth will be. In reality, brushing too firmly can cause damage to the enamel so it’s more beneficial to go gently. Guide the brush head around the teeth and softly clean along the gum line. If you use an electric toothbrush your brush will do most of the work for you!

  1. Use fluoride toothpaste

Fluoride helps to strengthen the enamel and protect your teeth from decay and acid erosion. Follow the guidelines on your toothpaste tube for details regarding quantities and advice for children.

  1. Try inter-dental brushes

Inter-dental brushes are small brushes designed to target the cracks between the teeth, which we can’t reach with a standard toothbrush. For more information about inter-dental brushes and flossing, ask our friendly hygiene team!

  1. Set a timer

Mornings can be stressful and we often neglect our teeth during the mad rush. It’s important to take just two minutes each morning and evening to get a thorough clean, so why not set a timer on your phone or brush along to your favourite song?

Happy Hygiene: The Importance of a Healthy Mouth

Friday, July 24th, 2015

2823674_blogOur dentists strongly believe that the mouth is a window to the rest of the body and a healthy mouth often reflects a healthy body. At City Dental Leeds, we can’t stress the importance of looking after the teeth and gums enough and we are always here to provide preventative treatment and offer advice to help you maintain good oral hygiene at home and keep dental disease at bay.

Oral hygiene

Dental diseases such as tooth decay and gum disease are preventable and good oral hygiene is the best means of keeping the teeth and gums healthy. Daily hygiene practices are essential because they remove potentially harmful bacteria and clear away food debris. If leftovers and bacteria are left lurking in the mouth, this increases the risk of plaque developing and consequently increases the risk of decay and gum disease. Plaque is a sticky substance that clings to the tooth enamel and the gums. When the bacteria within the plaque feed, they release acids that erode the enamel and irritate the gums.

A good daily oral hygiene routine should include twice-daily brushing with fluoride toothpaste and daily flossing. Brushing should be thorough but gentle to avoid damage to the enamel and you should devote at least two minutes to cleaning in the morning and evening. We also highly recommend sticking to six-monthly check-ups and regular dental hygiene sessions.

Oral health and general health

We have always known that oral health is important, but in recent years there have been a number of studies published linking poor oral health to compromised general health. Studies show that oral diseases, particularly gum disease, can increase the risk of heart disease, strokes and even Alzheimer’s disease.

If you have any questions or queries about oral hygiene or oral health in general, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist or call the clinic for advice.

How to Have Happy Hygiene This Summer

Monday, June 15th, 2015

2823674_blogBeautiful, happy smiles are top of our wish-list this summer and we have some excellent treatments on offer, including hygiene and cleaning treatments and the latest cosmetic dental innovations. If you’re eager to start the summer with sparkly pearly whites, why not call and book a session with one of our expert dental hygienists?

What happens when you go to a hygienist?

Hygienists are experts in dental hygiene and have a range of important roles within the dental team. Hygienists offer advice about dental health issues and provide preventative dental treatments and treatment for gum disease, bad breath and cavities. When you go to see a hygienist, they will chat to you about your oral health, ask about any underlying health or dental problems and have a good look around your mouth. They may recommend specific cleaning treatments and offer advice to help improve your oral health.

Your hygienist will give your mouth a thorough clean to remove any plaque and tartar and polish your teeth. Deep cleaning helps to reduce the risk of oral health issues as well as making your smile look more attractive.

The advantages of seeing a dental hygienist

Visiting a dental hygienist has a number of benefits for all patients, even those who have strong, healthy teeth. Hygienist treatments achieve a more powerful clean than home brushing and this dramatically improves oral health. Cleaning treatments are also really effective for those who want their teeth to look whiter and brighter, as they remove surface stains. If you already have dental health issues such as bad breath or gum disease, seeing a hygienist can have very positive implications for your condition and help to ease symptoms.

If you would like to book a cleaning treatment or consultation with one of our brilliant dental hygienists in time for summer, contact us today!

Sensational Simplicity with a Sonicare Toothbrush

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

iStock_000006052729XSmallTeeth cleaning shouldn’t be a grind and with Sonicare, you can enjoy an amazingly deep clean with complete simplicity and no stress at all. At City Dental Leeds, we are proud to endorse the Sonicare range and we encourage our patients to try this incredible brand of brushes.

Why Sonicare?

Sonicare is a well-known brand that produces high quality products based on extensive research and the findings of clinical trials. There is a wide range of Sonicare brushes available to suit all budgets and all the brushes are easy-to-use and highly effective.

We recommend Sonicare because of the results the brushes achieve, the innovative design features and the range of products available.

Do I really need an electric toothbrush?

It is possible to achieve a good clean with a manual toothbrush, however clinical trials consistently show that using an electric toothbrush achieves a more thorough result. Trials show that electric brushes remove more plaque than manual brushes and many people find electric brushes easier to use. With an electric brush, the technology does all the hard work for you and you’re guaranteed a great clean every time.

Brushing tips

There is an assumption that brushing as firmly as possible will remove more plaque, but this is not the case and we actually advise our patients to adopt a gentle approach when brushing. Brushing vigorously can damage the tooth enamel. If you have an electric toothbrush, you don’t have to put in additional effort. Simply guide the brush around your mouth and let the brush do all the work for you! We strongly recommend brushing for two minutes in the mornings and evenings. You can buy brushes that have a built-in timer, or you could set a timer on your watch or phone to make sure you hit this target.

If you would like advice about buying toothbrushes or would like to find out more about Sonicare, we will be happy to help. Simply give us a call or pop in and see us if you are in London.