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Archive for November, 2009

Leeds dentist repairs tooth decay with filling

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

Tooth decay is the process by which the enamel and dentine are eroded away by bacteria and plaque acid that accumulates in the mouth. Tooth decay can be very painful and can eventually lead to infection and tooth loss. However, tooth decay is completely preventable by the adequate and regular brushing and flossing of teeth.

Plaque is a filmy substance that is rich in bacteria and other debris, which clings to the teeth. The decaying bacteria and foodstuff release acid which erodes the enamel of the teeth causing dental cavities, or caries as they are otherwise known. If left unchecked, these cavities continue to grow until they penetrate to the centre of the tooth and begin to erode the pulp. The nerve endings are also located in the centre of the tooth and this is why patients experience toothache. Once the infection has taken hold in the tooth the body may begin to produce an excess of white blood cells to fight it. These pus deposits build up and painful tooth abscesses can form.

If decay reaches the point where it has infected the centre of the tooth the dentist will have to carry out a procedure called a root canal treatment in order to save it. This involves drilling a hole into the middle of the tooth and removing the infected mater and the nerve endings. The cavity will then need to be filled with medicine to prevent further infection before being covered with composite-resin dental filling and finally a crown.

Cavities can also be filled before they reach the centre of the tooth. Fillings used to be made form a silver amalgam substance, but controversy due to potentially poisonous mercury vapour and a more aesthetic appearance has seen a widespread change to tooth coloured composite resin fillings.

One sure fire way of preventing dental cavities in the first instance is to brush and floss correctly everyday. Maintaining a high standard of oral hygiene prevents the build up of plaque and stops tooth decay before it starts. It is also important to keep up six-monthly appointments with a Leeds dentist who will be able to spot the first signs of tooth decay, and repair any existing damage.

Dentures from Central Leeds dentist replace missing teeth

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

The stigma that has been attached to wearing dentures over the years is gradually disappearing. As they become better manufactured and more lifelike, many denture wearers now go through life without anybody ever knowing they are wearing them.

There are several reasons why someone may have lost some or all of their teeth. It may be the result or periodontal disease or it could be due to a head trauma from a sporting injury. Either way it can be a very painful and embarrassing situation. Apart form being a source of embarrassment, missing teeth can also have a negative physiological impact. Because teeth act as rigid supports for facial muscles, if they are missing the muscles tend to sag which leaves the patient with a sunken looking appearance. This can have the effect of making the patient look much older than they are and is difficult to reverse once the muscle has been sagging for too long.

It is therefore very important to replace missing teeth as soon as possible, both for the self-confidence of the patient and for the maintenance of their profile. The most obvious artificial replacement is a denture or partial denture. Modern dentures are made form acrylic resins and appear far more realistic than the dentures of the past.
Dentures should be held in place by suction alone, but often if they do not fit correctly they can fall out. This means that many patients use dental adhesives to secure their dentures. This may make the feel more secure but they are also an unnecessary fuss and mess. More and more patients are opting for mini-implants to secure dentures. These are mini screws that are anchored to the jawbone. Dentures are then able to clip on and off to these screws providing a great deal of security for the patient, which can in turn increase the confidence of the patient in their dentures.

Modern dentures are fairly resistant to staining and wear. If they are properly looked after they can last for many years. This involves brushing them twice a day like natural teeth and removing them to soak at night. Patients who wear dentures are advised to make regular visits to the dentist. This is because dentures can cause painful erosion of the gums. This can also affect the way the dentures fit in the mouth. Regular dental check ups with a Central Leeds dentist can help dentures to feel more comfortable in the mouth.

Digital x-rays are the future at City of Leeds dentist

Friday, November 6th, 2009

In the past, to build up an accurate 3D impression of a patient’s mouth, a dentist would have to take several time-consuming and uncomfortable dental moulds, as well as more conventional x-rays. These x-rays would need to be processed in the traditional way, which would also take a few more days. All of this added to treatment time and the number of appointments required by the patient.

With advancement in dental technology, one of the most impressive and useful new tools is the digital x-ray. Digital x-rays, also known as digital radiography uses sensors instead of normal photographic film. Images are transferred digitally which cuts out the lengthy developing process needed for photographic film. The digital sensors capture an image of the patient’s mouth and it is then immediately available on the computer for the dentist to study. It can also be saved onto the hard drive in the patient’s case history.

This ability to view 3D images of the patient’s teeth instantly has made possible a whole range of further treatments. The microscopic accuracy of the x=rays has also helped improve the quality and efficiency of the treatment process. But perhaps most incredibly, digital x-rays form part of a larger computer aided manufacture and design process that allows dentists to carry out dental procedures that previously took weeks, in only a matter of hours. This revolution in dentistry was all made possible by the use of instant digital x-rays.

City of Leeds dentists are currently using digital x-rays to vastly improve the treatment and comfort of patients. Ask a dentist at your next check up how digital x-rays could be used to improve your dental treatment.

Whiter teeth with Enlighten form Leeds dentist

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

It is a fact of life that as we get older, just as our hair turns grey, our teeth also begin to lose their natural colour. Just like greying, this affects some people more than others, but all of us will suffer from gradually discolouring teeth in our lives. The introduction of teeth whitening has been able to halt this process and even reverse it. No longer prohibitively expensive, teeth whitening is now offered by most dentists as a cheap and easy cosmetic procedure, and can now even be carried out in the comfort of your own home. The home Enlighten tooth whitening system is one of the first to genuinely and safely provide whiter teeth.

Teeth become stained when a filmy substance called pellicle builds up on the enamel. With time this gradually begins to stain the teeth. Conventional brushing and flossing can remove pellicle, but once the enamel itself becomes stained it is not possible to clean by brushing. There are certain foods that are more likely to stain teeth than others with red wine and coffee being particularly big offenders. Other lifestyle choices can also effect teeth discoloration with all forms of tobacco products being very harmful to the tooth enamel. But it must be said that even the most abstemious person will still suffer from tooth discoloration

When stains have affected the enamel, whitening becomes the only option to return the teeth to their natural colour. This involves using a substance containing hydrogen peroxide which bleaches the teeth removing any stains. Enlighten gels are used in special trays that fit around the teeth covering them. These trays can be worn for long periods during the day for more effective whitening and can even be worn during the night time. Enlighten is able to lighten teeth by up to ten shades if used correctly and is specially designed to reduce sensitivity, which can be a common side effect of tooth whitening procedures. Ask a Leeds dentist about the Enlighten tooth whitening system at your next appointment.

Inman aligner from Central Leeds dentist straightens teeth fast

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

For patients who need braces, the prospect of wearing uncomfortable and ugly metal braces for up to two years can be a daunting one. Luckily, advances in dental technology in the last twenty years have meant that here are now other options available to them.

Patients can now choose between a series of more discreet and comfortable metal braces and even have the option of invisible plastic retainers that are virtually invisible. One of the latest alternatives to conventional metal braces is the Inman aligner. This new aligner is as effective as a metal brace and far more discreet.

The aligner works by using the power of a coiled spring which is hidden on the tongue side of the teeth. This spring pushes the teeth at the side out, making room for the front teeth to be pushed forward and straightened. This extra room created by the aligner allows teeth to naturally straighten.

Although the aligner is not completely visible (it loses out on the discretion stakes to the clear plastic retainers) it is still far more discreet than an old fashioned metal brace. The only really visible part of the brace is a metal bar running across the front of the teeth. But what the Inman aligner lacks in discretion it makes up for with incredible speed. The Inman aligner shows results after only an astonishing six to sixteen weeks. A whole treatment rarely lasts longer than six months, which is 75 per cent shorter than both fixed metal braces and plastic retainers.

Like all orthodontic appliances, the Inman aligner will cause some discomfort when initially applied but this will fade after no more than a week. After this initial discomfort the aligner will be relatively painless.

Perfect for correcting minor overcrowding, the Inman aligner is the choice of straightener for many patients seeking to add the finishing touches to a smile. It is completely removable and so can be taken out fort important professional and social occasions. Ask a Central Leeds dentist about the Inman aligner and you could finally have your perfect smile.

Invisible Invisalign braces from Leeds dentist

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

For patients who require teeth straightening, the prospect of wearing unseemly and uncomfortable braces for the best part of two years can be a daunting one. Thankfully, with the advances in dental technology that have occurred over the last twenty years, patients now have alternatives to the old fashioned fixed metal braces.

In 1999 Align technologies introduced the Invisalign brace system which revolutionised the world of orthodontic teeth straightening. Invisalign offered a genuine alternative to metal braces for the first time. Clear plastic braces had existed in the past but they were at best ineffectual and most patients still opted for the traditional fixed metal variety.

For teenagers in the most difficult and emotionally unstable years of development, wearing the visible intrusive metal braces could be a source of great embarrassment. For older patients, wearing a brace was often difficult because of the stigma attached. Thanks to Invisalign they were now able to straighten their teeth with a suitably discrete brace.

Invisalign braces are made from one thin clear plastic that are engineered and manufactures using the very latest in imaging and computer-aided technology. A series of twenty or so retainers are used consecutively, each with a small adjustment designed to move the teeth into the desired position. The retainers are more or less invisible unless up very close to the patient, and they also have the advantage of being completely removable. This is ideal for patients who need to attend important social or professional occasions. It also means that certain foods that are off-limits to foxed brace wearers pose no problem for the Invisalign system.

Each set of retainers needs to be worn for about two to three weeks on average, although this can vary on a patient-to-patient basis. Invisalign braces may not be suitable for all patients so consult a Leeds dentist if you think invisible Invisalign braces could be suitable for you.

Ultra-thin Lumineer veneers from City of Leeds dentist

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

Patients who have badly discoloured , unevenly spaced or worn down teeth can now have the aesthetic appearance of their teeth restored by the application of veneers. Veneers are thin ceramic shells that are placed over the top of existing teeth to alter the cosmetic appearance.

In the past some dentists have been slightly reticent to use veneers for several reasons. Firstly, veneers often looked very unrealistic when placed next to natural teeth. Secondly, the application of a veneer required a significant portion of the tooth enamel to be ground away in order to accommodate the veneer and dental cement without the tooth appearing too big.

However, thanks to the improvements in dental technology, there are now veneers that are incredibly lifelike and so thin that only minimal tooth preparation is required prior to fixing. Lumineers, manufactured by Cerinate, are such veneers. They are incredibly thin, about the same width as a contact lens, and only require the smallest amount of enamel removal to fit over the tooth. In fact, Lumineer veneers are so thin and require such minor preparation work that they are completely removable. They are also able to fit over existing crowns and dental work. This means that the need for preparation work is reduced and that the amount of pain and discomfort to the patient is also significantly smaller.

Lumineers are at the cutting edge of dental technology and represent a huge leap towards realistic and effective dental substitute for a real tooth. If you require a new veneer or are thinking about having an existing dental repair updated, then ask a City of Leeds dentist about Lumineer veneers at your next appointment.

Central Leeds dentist fixes dentures to new mini-implants

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

Wearing dentures can be embarrassing and many patients are constantly anxious that their dentures are going to fall out at inopportune moments. Dentures should be secured by suction alone, but because the gums are constantly changing, the suction is often lost causing the dentures to feel loose. Many patients use dental adhesive gel or strips to secure their dentures. This can often be very messy and prevent patients from eating and drinking certain things they want.

With the advancement in technology and subsequent improvement in dental procedures there is now a solution that can solve loose dentures once and for all. Mini-implants can now be anchored directly into the jawbone to which the dentures can be clipped on and off. This new breakthrough provides the added security to patients that can ease their anxiety and allow them to enjoy a life free from the worry of loose dentures.

Mini-implants are about 1.8 millimetres thick, which is roughly the width of a toothpick, and require only minimal surgery to fix them to the jaw. In most cases six mini-implants will be needed to secure a set of dentures. The implants will be drilled into the jawbone and then left for a few weeks to allow the screws to fuse with the bone in a process called osseointergration.

Once secure, the dentist can then attach clips into wells made in the dentures to allow them to snap on and off the implants. In most cases patients will not even require a new set of dentures as the clips can simply be attached to their existing pair. Once the dentures have been modified to clip to the new implants, the patient is then ready to enjoy an anxiety free dinner, of exactly what they want to eat, that very evening.

Mini-implants are the perfect solution to the anxiety of loose dentures. This simple surgical process could alleviate all the worry that can affect denture wearers and allow them to move on with their lives as if they had a full set of natural teeth. If you suffer from loose dentures, ask a Central Leeds dentist about mini-implants.