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Archive for May, 2010

Can we create a better smile using Botox? A Central Leeds dentists advises

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

We tend to think of Botox as being something we use to get rid of wrinkles, say a Central Leeds dentist. However, Botox can also help to give us a better smile as opposed to dermal infill’s which most people will plump for, if you`ll excuse the pun. The Botox is injected in small amounts to deaden the muscles that are giving away the fact we have wrinkles around the mouth area, smoking is one of the main causes as it deposits nicotine onto the lips and helps to kill off the natural defences. To stop smoking altogether would go some way to giving us all a better and natural smile. Botox is a non-harmful toxin, but a toxin just the same. It is a natural protein that is purified to become a bacterial toxin, which is a safe harmless drug. It is used to relax the muscles in the face, mostly to get rid of crow’s feet wrinkles and age showing lines. The muscles can be manipulated to make certain ones inactive and others do their job, this makes the skin move in directions that are not natural to their usual functions. The results are that a smile or a line-less forehead can be achieved, albeit for just a short while. The results take around 3-5 days to show up and last for about 5 months, if you want to continue a great smile, then you`ll need to have regular injections around this time period. Botox doesn’t educate the muscles, it just manipulates them and makes them do what the clinician wants them to do, if you don`t have a regular top up then the skin will revert back to its natural position.

Bad breath can be caused by some oral products, says a City of Leeds dentist

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

A City of Leeds dentist has been advising their patients that some oral hygiene mouth washes and care products, can do more bad than good. The problem stems from the way we tend to assume that doing something is better than doing nothing. Oral care products such as toothpaste, mouth washes, tooth brushes and flossing string are all good for us, but we are individuals and so we really need to buy these products to order. Talking to your dental practices oral hygiene nurse will help you to get to know your teeth better, and in turn this advice will assist you in getting the right products to help your oral hygiene regime. “Mints keep your breath fresh all day” is probably the biggest fallacy in advertising history, many mint products contain sugary additives and these will just provide oral bacteria with more food. That in turn produces more acid which eats away at the enamel and the gums, causing the most common diseases that further damage our teeth and gums. Drinking water through the day will prevent damage better than chewing mint products, a flossing stick will dislodge more food debris than a mouth wash. Food caught in between our teeth is what bacteria lives off, the damage this does weakens the gums and allows bacteria into the gums to fester even more. A simple formula tooth paste is much better than a fancy one that claims to whiten your teeth, many of these pastes have grinding products in them that simply take the top layer of enamel off. This will wear down the teeth and allow bacteria to enter deeper into the unprotected tooth, disease will set in and often the only way to save the tooth is to have a root canal treatment. So before you buy anything, talk to your practice hygiene nurse.

Central Leeds dentist creates stunning smile with cosmetic dentistry procedures

Monday, May 17th, 2010

Over the last twenty years or so the common idea of dentistry has undergone a radical shift. A visit to the dentist’s in the past was either for a check up or to have some work done to repair or protect your teeth. This purely functional role of the dentist has begun to change as new technologies have been developed that have allowed dentist to make actual improvements to the condition and appearance of the teeth. Treatments such as whitening and dental bonding have given rise to the new cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic dentistry is treatment that solely aims to improve the way the teeth look without any real functional benefit. Although some dental treatments such as orthodontic braces have always had some aesthetic benefits, the main goal of treatment is usually to improve bite or profile. Cosmetic dental treatments such as porcelain veneers and teeth whitening are primarily to improve the smile and the way the patient feels about his or her self.

Cosmetic dentistry has its detractors who say that it is little more than an exercise in vanity, but this appears to be missing the point. Being unhappy with the way you look, especially your smile can have very detrimental affects on the self-confidence and self-esteem that can cause real and long-lasting emotional problems. Cosmetic dentistry has developed procedures that can reverse this emotional turmoil in as little as one afternoon. After all, if it’s ok to have a new haircut or buy a new dress to make yourself feel better, why is the same not true for your teeth.

If you are suffering from low self-confidence due to bad teeth, make an appointment to see your Central Leeds dentist to see what they could do for you. There are many treatments available, capable of producing stunning results to give you the smile you always wanted.

The real secret to beating bad breath revealed at Central Leeds dentist

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

If you look on the internet for treatments to help get rid of bad breath you will find hundreds of thousands of sites offering the guaranteed solution, if only you’re willing to shell out your hard earned cash to learn their ‘secret’. The reality of course is that there is no magic cure for bad breath apart from common sense and good old-fashioned teeth cleaning.

Bad breath can be very unpleasant and we have all probably experienced it at some point. In fact, we have all probably had bad breath at some point whether we knew it or not because it is incredibly hard to know if you are actually suffering, unless you face the embarrassment of somebody telling you.

The real secret to making sure you never have to face this awkward situation is to make sure that you are cleaning your teeth properly every day. This is because the majority of cases of bad breath are caused in the mouth, either by the presence of bad smelling bacteria or due to gum disease caused by ineffective brushing and flossing.

Bacteria that gathers in the grooves of the tongue and in the hard to reach areas of the teeth will eventually begin to decay and release nasty sulphurous odours that are carried out on the breath. Removing the bacteria with effective brushing twice a day, and more importantly with flossing, will help to remove the presence of many bacteria and eliminate the problem. You may also want to use other methods of oral hygiene such as tongue scrapers and inter-dental brushes. Try not to use mouthwash and other spray products as these often only mask the problem and leave you with a false sense of security. You can ask a Central Leeds dentist at your next appointment for more information.

Learn the facts about baby bottle decay from Central Leeds dentist

Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Thousands of children every year suffer from extensive tooth decay. Surprisingly, it is often the milk and other liquids from the baby’s bottle that is the major cause of the decay.

Just like adults, young infants teeth are at risk from decay and disease. A baby’s mouth is full of bacteria, which feed on the sugar found in plentiful supply in baby drinks and milk. These bacteria produce acids as a result of feeding off the sugar in the mouth; acids which begin to erode the tooth enamel and cause tooth decay.

Many parents put their children to sleep with their bottle because the child finds this comforting. This allows liquids to pool around the teeth when the child is asleep, meaning there will be several hours of uninterrupted acid erosion. Night after night, this acid erosion begins to negatively affect the baby’s teeth causing a host of dental problems that will affect their teeth now and long into their adult life.

The health of your child’s teeth in infancy is very important, as it will influence how their teeth develop through their life. Central Leeds dentists recommend that you never put your child to sleep with a bottle to protect their developing teeth. It is also a good idea to wipe your baby’s teeth and gums after they have been feeding from a bottle. This helps to remove any plaque and bacteria that might be there and possibly feed off the sugar in the baby’s drink. It may also be a good idea to try and avoid giving your child liquids that have a high sugar content.

You can receive more information about how to prevent baby bottle decay when you visit a Central Leeds dentist for your child’s next check up, which should ideally be occurring every six months. Your dentist will examine the child’s teeth and offer advice about how best to prevent premature decay.

Various treatments for tooth abscess at City of Leeds dentist

Friday, May 14th, 2010

4When tooth decay occurs and the protective layer of enamel is removed, the sensitive inner part of the tooth containing the dental nerve and root is exposed to the possibility of infection. If infection does take hold in the tooth, the body will naturally respond by producing an excess of white blood cells to fight it. These cells mix with the infected material to produce a substance called pus (also found in blisters and spots), which builds up in an abscess around the root of the tooth.

Tooth abscesses can be extremely painful and sensitive to hot and cold food. They can make your life pretty miserable and prevent even the most simple of everyday activities such as drinking a cup of tea or eating an ice cream. Tooth abscess are also very dangerous because they can rupture, releasing the infected material into other areas of the mouth and even into the bloodstream, which has links with heart disease and other associated health problems.

There are three main ways to treat an abscessed tooth. The first and most simple is a course of antibiotics from your City of Leeds dentist. This will hopefully fight off the infection and remove the abscess, allowing the tooth and bone to recover on their own in time. Some additional protective work may then be required to protect the tooth from further infection.

If antibiotics are unsuccessful or the infection is already too far gone, the dentist may need to drill down into the tooth and physically remove the infection. This is called a root canal treatment and is often much feared, although probably without due cause as it actually brings an end to the pain of an infection.

Lastly, and the worst-case scenario is that the tooth itself is so badly damaged that it needs to be completely removed. This is far from ideal and will require extensive treatment and then possibly a dental replacement such as an implant to restore the appearance of the teeth.

Prevent painful tooth abscess with visit to City of Leeds dentist

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

When plaque and bacteria attack the protective layer of tooth enamel that surrounds the tooth, they begin to erode it. This causes cavities, that eventually leads to tooth decay exposing the sensitive inner parts of the teeth, including the dental nerve, to infection. If an infection occurs in the tooth, the body will respond by producing an excess of white blood cells to combat the infection.

These white blood cells will bombard the infected area eventually leading to a build up of material commonly known as pus. This build up happens in the tooth or the area of gum immediately surrounding it. This is known as a tooth abscess and can be the source of great pain and discomfort. The abscess is also likely to be very sensitive to hot and cold food and can make everyday activities such as eating and even talking very unpleasant.

Furthermore, it is possible for the abscess to rupture expelling the nasty material into the mouth and causing the infection to spread to other parts of the mouth, and even into the blood stream. Recent evidence has also shown that infections originating in the mouth can be an underlying cause of heart disease and even fatal heart attacks.

Treatment from a City of Leeds dentist at an early stage of the infection will prevent the formation of an abscess and remove any trace of the infection for the tooth. More preferable still is that a regular six month check up appointment with a dentist will catch the infection before it has had a chance to become serious and can easily be treated.

If you suspect you may have a tooth abscess or are experiencing any pain in your teeth that could be the beginnings of an infection, make an appointment immediately to see your dentist and you could prevent a more serious infection taking hold in your mouth and causing further problems.

Importance of oral hygiene explained by Leeds dentist

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

There are many reasons why dental hygiene is very important. Firstly, the mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body. All food goes in through the mouth and it is also used for breathing. Having an unhygienic mouth can expose your body to many bacteria that can live in the mouth if not properly controlled. It is also true that the smell given off by this bacteria can be carried out of the mouth by breathing giving you the unpleasant condition of bad breath. For these reasons, it is important to keep the mouth as clean and fresh as possible.

There are obviously dental reasons for keeping all parts of the mouth clean as well. Teeth and gums can become surrounded in a bacteria-rich substance called plaque if it is not removed. This reacts with the decaying bacteria to release acids that cause a breakdown of the protective enamel layer of the teeth. This is the first step towards tooth decay, infection and ultimately tooth loss. Plaque that builds up on the gums causes irritation and periodontal disease. This can be particularly nasty, causing the gums to bleed and exposing the blood stream to further infection. There is an established link between gum disease and heart disease so there is a real reason to keep your teeth and gums as clean as possible.

Apart from the obvious and serious health consequences you also have to consider the financial cost of poor oral hygeien

Look after your oral health at Leeds dentist

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Looking after your teeth is just as important as looking after your body. You might not realise it but your teeth and mouth can act as an indicator for your overall health. If your body is not well, your teeth will demonstrate this. Just as if your teeth are in poor condition your bodily health will be affected. This is because rather than being a serious of unconnected body parts, the human body is an extremely complex, interconnected web of nerve, tissues and blood vessels. This means that any infection or disease in the mouth could potentially affect the whole body. Nowhere is this more true than with heart disease. Recent studies have conclusively proved the link between gum disease and heart disease.

This occurs because infection in the mouth can easily spread to the bloodstream. When this happens it causes a chain reaction that can cause a narrowing of the arteries around the heart. In some extreme cases this has even caused fatal heart attacks.

While this may be an extreme example, your oral health can also affect your life in many other ways. Teeth are very important for attractiveness. Bad teeth can often make an otherwise attractive person look a lot worse. Discolouration or missing teeth are not very pretty things to look at and can make you look unhealthy. And as for bad breath, I think we all know how much of a put off that can be. Yet these are all oral concerns that could have easily been prevented with improved oral hygiene. This doesn’t even need that much effort. Just a few extra minutes spent each day brushing and flossing correctly, accompanied with a six-monthly check up at a Leeds dentist and you could make a huge improvement to the appearance and cleanliness of your teeth.

Teeth whitening you can afford at City of Leeds dentist

Monday, May 10th, 2010

Your smile is one of the most noticeable aspects of your appearance and can have a big impact on how people perceive you and how you make a first impression. Therefore it is very important that you are comfortable with your smile and feel confident about showing off your teeth. However, many studies show that few of us are actually completely happy with our smiles. This is mainly because there are a number of factors that can spoil the appearance of a good smile.

This could be to do with the alignment, the condition of the enamel or even simply due to the colour of the teeth. As we get older, our teeth tend to naturally discolour. This happens at different rates for different people as all teeth vary but it can leave teeth looking old, tired and unhealthy. Thankfully, the rise in cosmetic dentistry procedures over the last few years has meant that treatments to correct these problems have become more affordable. Nowhere is this more true than with teeth whitening treatments.

In the past they have been prohibitively expensive and only really affordable to the wealthy. However, improvements in technology and an increased demand has seen many more dentists offering teeth whitening as a genuine option to improve the smile for most people.

Teeth whitening works by applying an active gel, containing hydrogen peroxide, to the surface of the teeth. This infiltrates and bleaches the enamel, returning it to a more healthy and whiter shade. This works on the enamel surface as a whole but also targets stained and discoloured areas.

Teeth whitening systems such as enlighten and Zoom are capable of lightening the colour of teeth by up to ten shades depending on the type of treatment you opt for. City of Leeds dentists are offering teeth whitening as an affordable and effective treatment to all patients. Ask how it could benefit your teeth at your next appointment.