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Archive for September, 2011

Leeds dentists tell their patients about the oral hygiene habits that are crucial

Thursday, September 8th, 2011

Once it has become part of your daily routine you shouldn’t have to even think very much about how you take care of your teeth. But there are certain things that should be put into practice so that your standards of oral hygiene are the highest they can possibly be. If you are having trouble with any of these things or are worried about your oral health then you should make a point of talking to your local dentist in the Leeds area.
When considering your oral hygiene it is important to remember the aims of dental care, why we look after our teeth and what we hope to achieve in the process. The greatest enemy to good oral hygiene is the effects of plaque. Plaque is an acidic substance that is formed in the mouth after the consumption of food and drink. Those containing high quantities of sugar and or starch are the biggest culprits. Plaque cannot be entirely avoided, even with a careful diet, but it can be successfully removed from the mouth.
This is why the removal of plaque takes centre stage for oral hygiene and the most important two things to do are to brush teeth and then floss in between them. Brushing should be done first thing in the morning and last thing at night and after meals or snacks if you feel the need. Use a tooth brush that is comfortable in your hand and apply tooth paste containing enamel-enhancing fluoride.
Make sure that you go and see your dentist every six months too so that your teeth and gums can be monitored and problems can be solved quickly.

Dental implants are realistic, stable and secure, say dentists in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

If you have lost a tooth or teeth, you will have to get them replaced otherwise your mouth will not function as well as it should. The only decision is which method you will choose to do so and here you will have a degree of choice. Large scale tooth loss is commonly solved with dentures which come in full or partial sets. An affordable option for single tooth loss that relies on the health of surrounding teeth is dental bridge work. Many people though are opting for dental implants and the process has a number of advantages.
What dental implants involve is the placing of a device which is essentially a socket beneath the gum. This socket is then used as the foundation for a replacement tooth to be held in. Dentists can carry out this surgery in a single day to install the implant beneath the gum. Local anaesthetic is used and a temporary replacement tooth is placed in the implant. Your dentist will need to monitor the area to check that it is healing well before the permanent replacement can be placed. This might take about six to nine months.
The advantage of the dental implant method is that the implant is housed so securely in the mouth. Made from the metal titanium, the implant will fuse with the bone (osseointegration) and leave the tooth with a stable foundation for many, many years.
Ask your dentist in the City of Leeds and they will be able to determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants.

The key to avoiding periodontal disease is understanding the causes, say City of Leeds dentists

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

Given that periodontal disease can, in extreme cases, result in the loss of teeth, dentists agree that it is best to avoid it rather than to deal with the consequences. Periodontal disease is disease of the gums and it has a set of easy to understand causes and, as such, measures that we can all take to prevent it in the first place.
Gums are the tissue in the mouth which surrounds the bottom of teeth and covers up the jaw bone. In many ways, gums are durable structure but they can be inflamed by too much exposure to plaque. Unlike teeth, plaque will not form on the gums themselves, but if plaque is left on the gum line of teeth (the point where gum and tooth meets) then the gum will become inflamed.
This incipient stage of periodontal disease is known as gingivitis. Clearing up gingivitis is usually a simple affair whereby patients tighten up their oral hygiene routine so that plaque is being properly removed from the gum line. This might involve a more rigid schedule of brushing, replacing a tooth brush whose bristles have frayed and is this ineffective, or starting to floss. In some cases dentists will prescribe a course of antibiotics to clear up the inflammation.
If the inflammation spreads to the bones which hold teeth in place, this is called periodontitis and the teeth themselves come under very real threat because the bones are often unable to keep the teeth secure in the mouth. If you are worried about periodontal disease, your dentist in the City of Leeds can help you with tips, advice and diagnosis.

Sick and tired of yellow teeth? Dentists in central Leeds can carry out teeth whitening

Monday, September 5th, 2011

There is little that can be done about the gradual accumulation of stains on teeth and the dulling of their colour over time. As we get older teeth tend to lose their youthful sheen and this is compounded by things such as drinking tea, coffee or red wine which have a cumulative staining effect on teeth. What can be done however, is stain removal and you should ask your dentist about these processes if you are tired of your stained and dull smile and want to have a set of youthful, white teeth again.
There are a number of ways in which you can whiten your teeth. Many people prefer to carry out teeth whitening by themselves at home by using a tooth whitening kit that they purchase from a super market or pharmacy. This allows for convenience and these treatments are usually quite affordable. For others, they would rather have the dentist leading the tooth whitening and so choose a treatment that is carried out largely in the surgery.
Both methods tend to work in similar ways: the exposure to teeth of whitening gel which removes stains and bleaches the teeth. This is done by placing the gel in whitening trays which are worn on teeth for a period of time. The difference between home teeth whitening and dentist led teeth whitening is that the trays you will find in a home teeth whitening kit have usually been made en masse and are all the same sizes. This can affect the level of whitening that is possible because the gel might be on your teeth unevenly. Central Leeds dentists will custom make the teeth whitening trays to ensure the best coverage of the gel.

Make sure your child has a head start with oral hygiene: Central Leeds dentists can help

Sunday, September 4th, 2011

The oral health of children relies on the application of much the same principles as does the oral health of adults. The difference is that, if you have children, their oral health is your responsibility because they are in your care. As such, you will need to monitor it to make sure that their teeth are taken care of and they are not developing problems with their mouth that will be an issue for the rest of their lives.
Children should be brushing their teeth twice a day, just as adults do. This is to ensure that plaque cannot cause dental cavities and initiate gum disease. Very young children might need an adult to brush their teeth for them and once they are old enough to brush themselves, as an adult you will still need to monitor them to make sure that they are brushing in the correct fashion. What you will need to look out for is that the tooth brush is easy for them to hold and manoeuvre around the mouth.
Children who are not yet two are advised not to use tooth paste that contains fluoride but once past that age, fluoride tooth paste is helpful because it will help to strengthen their enamel from an early age. What with the childhood propensity for sweet treats, it is important for parents to not only be in charge of when these treats are eaten and how often but also to ensure that teeth are adequately brushed afterwards.
Dentists in central Leeds can help you look after the teeth and gums of your children and can administer specialist treatments like the application of dental sealants to give added protection against decay.

City of Leeds dentists carry out scaling and polishing and patients’ teeth feel extra clean

Saturday, September 3rd, 2011

There are a number of things that only your dentist can do at his or her surgery. Procedures like root canal treatment and the fitting of braces are obvious but dentists can also contribute to the cleaning of teeth by using a special process that can only be carried out at the surgery. It is called scaling and polishing and it leaves you with that ‘dentist clean’ feeling in your mouth.
The aim of scaling and polishing is to removed tartar from the teeth and make the teeth less likely to accommodate plaque in the near future. Tartar is basically plaque that has built up to point where it has hardened into a substance that is extremely difficult to remove with home oral care. Brushing alone is not sufficient to remove tartar from the teeth.
The scaling part of scaling and polishing is when the tartar is removed from the teeth using special things like hooks that scrape the tartar from teeth. Then the dentist administers the polishing which makes the surfaces of teeth smoother. Plaque needs a slightly rough surface on which to cling easily and if your dentist can be smoothed by the dentist polishing them then plaque will find it more difficult to stick to teeth.
Your teeth will instantly feel cleaner and you can rest assured in the knowledge that plaque will find it more difficult to find a foot hold in your mouth for a short time at least. The process is a quick and dentists in the City of Leeds usually carry it out as part of the six months check up that you will go to twice a year.

Central Leeds dentist examines mouth of patient to find the cause of their bad breath

Friday, September 2nd, 2011

Bad breath is clinically known as halitosis and is something that most of us have had to put up with in small doses every now and then. Eating dishes that are heavy on the garlic leaves the smell of garlic lingering in the mouth for some time and coffee tends to affect the odour of breath. Many people first thing in the morning find that their breath does not smell fragrant then either. But for some people the problem is more chronic than just occasionally having unpleasant breath.
For these people with chronic bad breath, they are prone to the bacteria which causes breath to smell unpleasant and, without professional help, there is little that can be done about it. You should go and see your dentist if you have such a problem so that it can be sorted out by a trained expert who knows how oral hygiene works.
Bad breath is causes by certain bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria form when the mouth is particularly dry, thus explaining why breath can be bad in the morning and after coffee which dries out the mouth. Most people will be able to banish these bacteria in the morning by brushing their teeth but for some it just won’t go away.
There might be other conditions that are keeping the bacteria in the mouth. Smoking causes the mouth to be drier than it ought to be and this is the ideal condition for halitosis bacteria.
Dentists in central Leeds have all the solutions to problems with bad breath

Flossing will help your oral health, say dentists in the City of Leeds

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

If you have not flossed before then you are missing out on the benefits that this simple activity will convey on the health of your mouth. The high rates of gum disease in the United Kingdom are perhaps evidence that too few people are flossing or are flossing irregularly or not in the right way. If you are unsure about how you should floss and why then talk to your dentist. This article has the basic information.
Flossing is carried out so that plaque is removed from the spots between teeth which are hard to access with brushing. Plaque hides in between teeth as well as on the surfaces so it is essential that a proper oral hygiene routine involves ridding these areas of plaque too. Cavities can form in teeth if plaque is left in between them and gum disease comes when the gum gets inflamed as a result of exposure to plaque.
Flossing is easy and dental floss does not cost much money. You can purchase dental floss cheaply from super markets and pharmacies and it comes in compact, plastic boxes that can easily fit into a purse or bag for flossing on the move or on holiday. The way to floss is to tear a generous length of floss from the box and hold it securely at both ends. Manoeuvre the floss in between two teeth and pull it back and forth and up and down to remove any plaque and food debris that might be there. It should be done after you have brushed.
City of Leeds dentists have plenty of handy hints about the best ways to floss and how it can benefit your oral health.