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Archive for December, 2011

Taking control over the health of your child’s teeth in Central Leeds

Monday, December 5th, 2011

When you finally decide to settle down in central Leeds and start a family of your own, you better be prepared for the wake-up call of a lifetime, for most of your time will be taken up with looking after your children as they grow up and ensuring that they are as healthy as possible and this is especially important when it comes to their teeth and you have to seize the day and ensure you take complete control. You may not know quite what you are doing at first, but through friends and a pediatrician, it will all fall into place easier than you thought. Get them through the teething years first, and ensure that you are giving them a healthy diet, so that when their second teeth are ready to erupt, you will be up to speed. By this time, you will have enlisted the services of a dentist to take the weight off your shoulders and help you nurse them through the ‘braces years’. Looking after your children’s teeth is never an exact science, but neither is it rocket science- more common sense. It is also good to reflect back on your own personal experiences when you were growing up and then feed them into how you care for your children. In the long run, teaching your children how to brush correctly with the right toothpaste and allow them to take control of their own mouths with you always in the background, will ensure that their teeth will grow healthy and strong, and help to avoid complications long into the future.

Bad Breath, Gum Disease and how to fight it in Leeds

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

Bad breath (halitosis) is one of those horrible things in Leeds that can really start to affect the way you live your life. Apart from becoming deeply unpopular and socially outcast, it is also an indication that something, somewhere is breaking down within your body and that your overall health could be on the line. There are many causes behind bad breath but the main protagonist is a dry mouth: this is borne out of several conditions such as bad diet, hence leading to a poor immune system, or heavy medication. Smoking and heavy drinking doesn’t help the cause either as they can easily bring on gum disease. Gum disease is a great supporter of bad breath and the two go hand in hand. You need to see your dentist immediately to discuss the problem to first get your teeth and gums back into some sort of order. Then and only then, can you attack the problem head on. Hydration of the mouth is deadly important to maintain high levels of saliva- the natural agent against bacteria. Chewing gum and sucking on sugar free sweets will help, as well as avoiding caffeine based foods and drinks. But of course once you done all these, and then cut down on your smoking and drinking and got your diet back on track, it then comes down to the age old problem of oral hygiene and you should throw everything at the problem, including herbal remedies in order to fight bad breath.

Coping with Dental Emergencies in Central Leeds

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

When is an emergency not an emergency? The answer to that is when it blatantly isn’t. But when you come across one for the first time in central Leeds, you can be forgiven for hitting the panic button when you have no idea what is going on. However, as is human nature, once bitten, twice shy and you hopefully will be prepared and ready the next time, should another problem crop up. Dental emergencies are no different but you should have a bit of a chat with your dentist to decipher what is serious and what isn’t, at least so you are not getting them out of bed at3 o’clockin the morning over a cracked veneer. Small emergencies can easily be dealt with at home until you can be seen: chips, a filling falling out, a veneer dropping off, toothache or a wisdom tooth coming through can be easily dealt with if you stock up with some painkillers and some herbal remedies until your dentist is free- it’s down to commonsense and understanding the nature of an emergency- again your dentist can tell you what’s what on this front. But there are some real emergencies that can crop up, such as tooth loss or an abscess. These are rather more serious: tooth loss can quickly breed infection; an abscess can be life threatening- so these need to be dealt with as soon as they can.

The link between Smoking and Gum Disease in the City of Leeds

Thursday, December 1st, 2011

Despite the government hiking up the price of cigarettes and tobacco, there are just as many people smoking or taking it up as ever there was in the city of Leeds. In moderation, like anything that we do to our bodies, it may not do that much harm over a short period, but over a sustained length of time, it will start to do damage in some form or other, especially to the mouth. Smoking tends to dry out the mouth and evaporate the saliva, and by doing so, leaves the mouth open to attack from gum disease. This condition thrives on dry mouths and breaks down the gums, causing them to recede and decay. Once this starts to happen, the whole mouth is vulnerable to further damage from tooth decay and periodontal disease. If you do smoke, and you don’t feel the inclination to give up, you must work twice as hard with your oral hygiene and to ensure that your mouth is hydrated as much as possible. However if you already have signs of gum disease, smoking will speed up the affects that the disease will have and you are then putting your whole mouth in danger. Of course, it would be better to give up and your dentist and doctor will be able to help you out with quitting. But you have been warned; smoking and gum disease combined will result in you losing your teeth at some point.