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Archive for September, 2012

No more gaps in Central Leeds

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Dental bridges have been used for decades for helping people in central Leeds get over the trauma of tooth loss and they have proven themselves to be a very reliable solution. When you turn up to have one made, an impression will be taken of where the tooth is lost so that the new bridge can be made. Generally, they are made from porcelain but for the more glitzy among us, they can be made from precious metals, gold being the top choice. The type of bridge used depends on where the tooth has been lost. If for example, the new tooth has only one tooth to attach itself to, wires will be used to wrap the new crown around the existing tooth and then bonded with resin- this method can also be used when a tooth has been lost among a line of teeth. However, in this situation, the more common method is to have two crowns, either side of the replacement tooth, cemented of onto the two adjacent teeth that sit either side of where the loss has occurred. This can also be used if up to three teeth have gone missing, though to optimise the strength of the bridge, a mini dental implant would be fitted in order to anchor the bridge to the gums more securely. Bridges can last a good 20 years if looked after, but it is in the looking after that is tricky in the beginning because they require special cleaning techniques in order to keep the mouth free of bacteria.

Living With Oral Cancer In Leeds

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Oral cancer is the most bitter pill to swallow if you have been diagnosed with it and can take all of the strength you can muster to fight it, along with friends and family to help. Just why the disease persists, and is on the increase in Leeds is anyone’s guess. Doctors and dentists will attribute the problem to poor lifestyle choices from smoking, drinking and diet, yet if that’s the case, why do some people do all of these and live an unblemished life. One thing is for sure though, if the disease is caught early, recovery rates are also on the increase- not the ideal solution but it’s a start, so it is always a good idea to familiarise yourself with the symptoms so that you can get a jump start on the problem. Typical things to watch out for are the repetition of issues in the mouth- aching jaws, sores, ulcers and anyway, you should know yourself when things don’t feel right in your mouth and then get yourself checked out. If the worst news comes through, at least you have given yourself an early chance and once you have been treated, then you can come out of the other side, recover and then focus on changing the lifestyle that got you at this point in the first place.


Protecting Your Mouth In The City Of Leeds

Sunday, September 16th, 2012

The city of Leeds:- so vibrant, so exciting and so demanding. It’s true that an exciting place such as this can offer you anything you want. However, some of us just want to get the week’s work out of the system by doing something sporty and with this comes the need to look after ourselves- especially if the sport demands a lot of physical contact. The most delicate part of the body that is most vulnerable when it comes to something physical is the head and especially the mouth. So if you really are up for getting your head pummelled, you’d be wise to get yourself a mouth-guard to protect yourself from injury, and hefty dental bills. Seriously, a good mouth-guard could save not only your teeth, gums and jaws, but preserve your head and neck from extended damage. You can buy basic mouth-guards across the counter, but if you are a serious sportsman, then it would be wise to get a bespoke one made and that is tailored for the sport that you do. Though you might be the dentists dream when they send you the bill for restoration work from your injuries, they would really prefer that you take the necessary precautions, so you should maybe sit down with them first before you step into the ring and chat about the options available to you.

The Beauty Of Invisalign Arrives In Leeds

Friday, September 14th, 2012

So you crooked teethed people of Leeds, how do you fancy getting your teeth healthy and looking beautiful with the minimum of fuss? You do? Then look no further than Invisalign. This superb little gadget from a land far away can do just that. Once you have been tested to see if you fit the course, you get your first of many aligners put into place. The nature of this device works quickly and as your teeth move, you get a new aligner fitted: overall, the whole treatment should be far faster than most other devices, but the best about Invisalign is yet to come. During the procedure, the device can be taken out for a couple of hours a day if desired which keeps oral hygiene at an optimum throughout. However, the icing on the cake for this treatment comes in its design: shaped like a gentile gum-shield, it is made from a special transparent plastic which means that it is almost invisible to anyone else! Now that’s a selling point if ever one was needed with braces and aligners: the amount of stigma that removes, especially for a young person, is unbelievable and the price? WHO CARES! Go for it!



Getting To Grips With The Inman Aligner In Central Leeds

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Once in a blue moon, something comes along that wins the heart and popularity of a place like central Leeds, something that is going to end the years of suffering that people have had to endure, something that will set you free. In dental circles, one that has done just that is the Inman aligner. Now if you have been tortured all of you life with your teeth yet never got around to doing anything about it, you should check out this miraculous little gadget. Sadly, it’s only affective for people that have buck front teeth, but for those who fit the bill, this is the answer to all your prayers. It is a push-and-pull device that keeps the teeth in a continuous flux of movement during the time the treatment runs, which means the teeth shift very, very quickly- the best boasts for this aligner being as quick as 6 weeks! Now considering the price, that equates at around £250 a week on average. The Inman is made especially to suit your mouth and during any time in the treatment, you can take it out to clean or for whatever takes your fancy. Because the teeth have moved so rapidly, they will have the desire to spring back out so you need to wear a retainer afterwards. But forget all of this, the point is we are talking about a device that can end all those years of hurt in less than 2 months, now that should be an incentive for anyone.




Fabulous Lumineers In The City Of Leeds

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Lumineers are one of those fabulous creations in the city of Leeds designed to be a quick fix for any problems such as gaps between the teeth, cracks and general wear and tear to the teeth. The are a direct descendant of more common porcelain veneers and made from a specially patented material from the US. What makes these different though is that they are extremely thin in veneer terms and there is a reason for that. Normal veneers require the enamel of the teeth to be removed before fitting- these don’t. The teeth are simply cleaned and then a putty impression is taken from which the fittings can be manufactured. This normally takes a couple of weeks, but once done, they are stuck into position with a cement and then cured with a heat source. They do have their flaws though. Being so thin they can break easily and if they do, they cannot be restored: but this is undermining the point behind Lumineers. They are designed with a quick fix, disposable world in mind and to get your smile up to speed quickly, to get you out of a pickle and into a special occasion, and afterwards, the real ‘plus’ of this treatment is that it can be reversed once the Lumineers have run their course.




Your future with Dentures in Central Leeds

Monday, September 10th, 2012

When you lose the odd tooth or two, even all of them, the future can start to look rather bleak for you in central Leeds and it can age your looks overnight. However, dentistry has answers to all your oral problems and this also goes for dentures. The technology that has gone into this area to counter tooth loss has been amazing, so you can take heart from the fact that help is around the corner. Modern dentures look very natural- whilst saving your look and the health of your mouth, so this option is at least worth a look. Partial dentures are so dainty, natural and fine fitting, these days, you and your friends would be pushed to notice any difference after tooth loss. Full dentures have also taken a leap of faith, being made from softer materials that stick to the mouth better and again, others would be hard pushed to notice a difference when they are in. History states though that keeping dentures in place could always be a problem but with these materials, great fixatives and dental implants, the fitting is so strong, you can carry on with your life as if you still had your natural teeth.






Choosing Porcelain Veneers in Leeds

Sunday, September 9th, 2012

It would be maybe a little premature to say that you can keep your teeth looking ‘perfect’ in Leeds, especially as you get older and things start to lose their sheen, start to crack and begin to suffer from wear and tear: your gums may even start to recede. The thing is though, cosmetic dentistry has covered all bases on this front and if you look around, you can find answers to your ‘teething’ problems and if you are suffering from any or all of the above problems, it could be time for you to take a look at porcelain veneers as these sweet little gems have the ability to hide away all your issues and leave your smile looking youthful and breath-taking once more. Porcelain is a strong, natural and beautiful material that exudes light to reflect its purity, so just imagine how that would portray your smile. The process is quite simple and painless: first the enamel of the teeth has to be removed so that your dentist can take a mould, from which the veneers can be made and once they are, they are cemented into position. This normally takes a couple of weeks, but if you find a dentist that offers CEREC, then the whole process can be done in just over the hour. Though they look very fragile in the hand, when they are in, they treble in strength, making them durable and hard wearing- 20 years hard wearing, but it is the look after the treatment that will blow your mind- you will have a smile to grace any film premier.




Banishing Your Dental Phobias In The City Of Leeds

Saturday, September 8th, 2012

A phobia of any nature, in any situation, in any walk of life can seriously damage your quality of life and if it is not confronted and cured, it can cause stagnation, make you introverted but more worryingly, breed other phobias inside you in the city of Leeds. Dental phobia is a prime example of this. If this stops you from getting to the dentists for even a basic check-up, it can lead to serious complications in your mouth that can threaten the health of your teeth and gums and in the long term, even the health of your body and that will only compound the issue even further.  It isn’t going to be a joyride, but this phobia needs to be confronted and fast, so you are going to have to get help in order to learn, understand and overcome what is at the core of your phobia. You can go to a psychiatrist for help, yet ironically, your dentist is also one of the options: dentists are well trained in understanding the psychology behind dental phobias so maybe just getting to the surgery for a chat, might just be the tonic because at least you have crossed the dental threshold. Then the more you learn about your treatments and modern dentistry, you can then decide what path you want to take in your treatments. There are also anaesthetics and sedations you can have to make the process painless- you decide, you call the shots. Nail this phobia and it will enable you to confront other problems and improve the way you live your life.

Getting The Hang Of Oral Hygiene In Leeds

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

One of the first things you are taught to do as a youngster in Leeds is to clean your teeth, but whether or not you are taught to do it properly could affect the health of your teeth and gums in the future. When you are young, you may not grasp the importance of this, but as you get older, it is something you should work on improving. Your dentist will tell you to do this and even give you guidance if you have any concerns plus, there are a marvellous range of products in the market place to help you with your daily regime. The basic rules are to floss, brush and to rinse your teeth at least twice a day, or really any time you consume food and drink. Getting the right products at first is important: everyone has different needs so you may have to test the water before you get the right products that suit you- the right brush, paste and floss. Then practise using them until you sure you have perfected the art of oral hygiene and learnt to remove any foodstuffs from your mouth that can cause the build-up of acids that lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Even if you join the programme when you are having problems, you can get medicated and herbal products for your mouth that will help to overcome any issues and get your teeth and gums back on a healthy track, as long as you are willing to do the work.