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Archive for December, 2012

Wising up to Wisdom Teeth in Central Leeds

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

So you’ve been through the problems of your secondary teeth coming through- fine. You’ve undergone a few fillings- fine. You’ve even managed to come through the wearing of braces and survived unscathed- brilliant. So now you’re free of any other problems, right? Sadly not, for there is one more hurdle to jump before you can announce to central Leeds that you are proper grown up- wisdom teeth: these will start to come through from around 17 years of age. Now for some people, they will do so without any complications barring a few teething problems, sit perfectly at the back of the mouth and will be with you for life. But wisdom teeth don’t always follow these rules and in some people, they will grow impacted in all directions if there is not enough room to erupt into. The only alternative is to have them removed. Now some dentists will advise you have them all done in one go and get it over with, which will mean you have to go to hospital to have it done because the removal of wisdom teeth is a serious procedure. There is a lot of force required to pull these teeth out and it may involve stitches afterwards. The recovery is also delicate for you are very vulnerable to infection: oral hygiene is very important here and you must be careful how you eat, clean your teeth and ensure you use medicated mouthwashes until the stitches have been removed.

Conquering Caries in Central Leeds

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Bacteria from food and drinks can reap a lot of destruction in your mouth, but worst of all, if you fail to clean your teeth properly, you could soon be having trouble with caries in central Leeds. This bacteria will slowly start to break down the enamel of the surface of a tooth (in its early stages, the tooth may start to suffer from chalky patches appearing on the surface). Slowly and surely, this erosion will break through in the form of tiny holes- caries. The tooth may ache a little, but it may not be obvious at first that you have problems- if you get lucky and happen to have a check-up around this time, your dentist will give you a filling to prevent further decay. However, if you start to suffer from sharp pains whenever hot/cold drinks brush the area, you definitely need to a dentist for a filling. Caries are still one of the biggest diseases in the world and form very quickly if you take your eye off the game and fail to clear bacteria away from the surfaces. The thing is, they need to be nipped in the bud before they have time to infect the pulp inside the tooth, otherwise your tooth is in danger and you are leaving yourself wide open to gum and periodontal disease.


Coping with a Hopeless Tooth in Leeds

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

When is a tooth not a tooth? When it’s hopeless! This is the name attached to any tooth in Leeds that is on the endangered list and it would have been put out of its misery years ago and pulled. This is probably why many people were wearing dentures by the time they reached the age of fifty. But thankfully that philosophy of removing a tooth at the merest sign of a problem has also been pulled. Nowadays, dentistry is all about saving teeth and there are many specialist fields in the business designed to do just that. The bottom line at looking at a hopeless tooth is to see if there is the support from the bone below and what can be done to restore it. It may take bone grafting, even gum grafting, but specialists will go out their way until the bitter end to save the tooth. Another perfect example of this passion for the life of a tooth can be found in the field of endodontics: this is the study of the inside of a tooth and you may be more familiar with root canal treatment. This is where anything inside the tooth that is rotten is removed and the tooth filled- again, to save a hopeless tooth (fillings do the same thing). Of course, you can’t push back the inevitable for ever, and especially in old people: if the level of periodontal decay is at critical, age will prevent any chance of growth in a graft and sadly to say, the situation will become, well, hopeless.

Speedy Orthodontics in the City of Leeds

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Orthodontic treatment is an art form: it deals delicately with the problems of teeth in relation to the bite of the mouth. If teeth are growing badly, causing cross, over and under biting, this will affect the bite and in the long run, put the joints of the jaw under extra stress. So, at this juncture, the teeth need to be re-aligned and the way to do this is with the use of a brace. Now for some complex scenarios, the treatment is going to be at least two years in the making. But the industry has also recognised that not everyone needs to be fitted with these types of braces anymore, not all treatments need to be so long and the correction can be a lot quicker. Hence, we move swiftly into the world of speedy orthodontics in the city of Leeds and people love the idea of getting through this period of life as quickly as possible. Treatment times for some braces and aligners have tumbled dramatically. On average now the treatment times take between 6 months to a year to complete- and discreetly too, as the devices have become more user-friendly. To epitomise how orthodontic treatments have got faster, the Inman aligner is the flagship of aligners- it can straighten front teeth up in as little as 6 weeks! Now that is speedy!!

Discovering Prosthodontics in Central Leeds

Sunday, December 2nd, 2012

Prosthodontics is one of specialised areas of dentistry that deals with anything artificial that replaces the living that was there before. It is a very complex field that takes in a lot of planning before the new prosthetic replacement can be put in. It will look into how the new fitting will function and how it will look aesthetically, as well as how comfortable it will be for the patient. For the layman in central Leeds, the incarnation that you may recognise from this area of dentistry is how teeth are replaced; dental bridges, dentures veneers and crowns- these are prosthetics in their basic form. Of course, it gets a lot more intense when it comes to replacing bone structures through grafting, jaw joints or tissue. But the same rules apply to all of these procedures. When a face or tooth needs rebuilding because of injury or disease, prosthodontic technology is used to come up with an alternative prosthetic answer. But the best thing of all about this is that this treatment is taken into the recovery too to monitor how well the treatment has gone and how the patient is coming to terms with their new fittings in place and if required, look into ways it can be made more comfortable in their rehabilitation.

Getting Treated with Orthodontics in the City of Leeds

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

Orthodontics- the noble art of teeth straightening: it is growing in stature and getting better with each passing year. The basic elements of this trade involves the protection of your jaw-joints by keeping the mouth’s occlusion or ‘bite’ true and by the use of braces or aligners, this can be achieved. For really difficult treatments, it may involve the removal of certain teeth first so that the ones that are left can be moved into the spaces. In cases like this, the treatment can be lengthy, but it will be extremely precise and you benefit greatly by having it done. Not every mouth is the same though and if you look around, you’ll be amazed at how many devices are out there to do different jobs. One of the greatest changes in orthodontics has come in how fast some braces and aligners work- on average, treatments are starting to dip under the year mark. But finally, it is style in which these devices are straightening people’s teeth and it’s this that’s winning people over and taking the stigma out of wearing a brace or aligner in the city of Leeds: the materials used in the manufacture of these devices are so discreet that when they are fitted, it is difficult to tell when people are wearing them.