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Archive for December, 2012

The art of Lingual Orthodontics in Central Leeds

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

Over the many years of orthodontics, devices have been improved beyond recognition to improve the speed and efficiency of treatments. However one of the most important changes has come with the way they look in the mouth: it can often take a while to get over the ridicule and emotional scarring that is left by wearing ugly braces and hence, this has made manufacturers come up with more and more discreet products, and this can be found in lingual orthodontics. The fixed brace is completely hidden as it is attached to the inside of the teeth and it can also handle complex teeth problems. However, it does come with its own problems. Although it is popular amongst adults and gets great results, it is much more expensive than a traditional brace, not only because of manufacturing costs but because they take a lot more work to manage, which is why it can be hard to find an orthodontist who will carry out this treatment. However, it has come to centralLeedsand it is a very competent, invisible method of teeth alignment

A day out at the Dentists in Leeds

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

It probably isn’t everyone’s idea of a good day out in Leeds, but going to see your dentist is certainly an important one. You can buy all the best products you want and use them as efficiently as you can, but it is always great to get peace of mind by getting a check-up, for if you’re completely free of problems, it rather endorses the fact that you are doing the right things at home and so you can give yourself a pat on the back. Of course, there’s more to a check-up than self gratification: your dentist still has to give you the full once over. You will first be x-rayed from which the dentist spot any tooth decay or gum recession and if needed, get to work on patching you up straight away with a filling or a root canal and advise you on dealing with gum disease: at least once a year, it is beneficial to have a deep clean in and around your gums. Once the dentist has prodded you and checked you out, then your teeth will be cleaned to remove any build-up of tartar, polished and then send you on your way. Of course, this is the time you should embrace and query your dentist about any problems you may have or things of a cosmetic nature that you are thinking of- it is a time for putting your mind at rest on everything dental…..maybe it’s not such a bad day out after all!!

The worry of a Dental Emergency in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

You can never predict when a dental emergency will crop up, and when it does, the shock of it can leave you confused as what to do. An emergency can come in many guises as well, minor emergencies such as a chipped tooth, a lost veneer or crown or minor toothache can be remedied with mild painkillers until you can get along and see your dentist. But some times, some conditions require immediate treatment: losing a tooth, severe toothache, wisdom tooth pain and an abscess can be excruciating and your average painkiller will be futile. In the case of an abscess, the condition has been known to become life threatening-now that is a real emergency. So what do you do, especially if it is out of hours to see your own dentist? Well, you can pop along to A&E, especially if you have lost a tooth or have an abscess, but there are emergency dentists in the city of Leeds that offer treatment around the clock for such problems and so you would be well wise to familiarise yourself with some numbers so that you are at least safe in the knowledge that if you find yourself in a situation, you can at least talk to someone about the nature of your emergency and then get treated.

The obstacle of Oral Cancer in Leeds

Monday, December 17th, 2012

If you live an exuberant lifestyle in Leeds and you love to push the boat out, love smoking, drinking and fast foods, then you could be heading for a fall at some point in your life and be exposing your mouth to the threat of oral cancer. This disease as you may well know is far from being cured, whatever money is thrown at it, which rather suggests that no-one knows why it strikes in some people and not in others, but certainly, bad habits like the above will not help the cause. It is also wise to be aware of the symptoms. Generally anything that continues to linger is a threat: sore throat, ulcers, jaw and earaches and problems with swallowing certainly need looking at as soon as is possible because one of ways of beating the disease is to have it diagnosed and then treated early. The treatment of chemo, physical or radiotherapy will be quite severe on the body and your already bruised mind, so you need to get yourself ready for it and have people, both professional and social, waiting for you when you get out and ready to help you through it. When you come through the recovery stage and get yourself back to ‘normal’, it is probably time that you sat down and took a long hard look at the lifestyle that got you in this mess and then turn it around- it’s a simple equation: just do everything completely opposite to what you used to!

Teeth that go missing in Central Leeds

Saturday, December 15th, 2012

So what do you do if your teeth go missing in central Leeds? You find a way to get it replaced as soon as you can, especially if the teeth have gone astray in certain areas in the mouth. If you have lost a tooth right at the back of the mouth, you may get away with out having to get it replaced; however, it is when a tooth or indeed, several teeth have gone astray among a line of teeth that you can start to get complications. The remaining teeth are in danger of moving into the space, making them vulnerable to infection from bacteria as well; from an aesthetic angle, it will affect the way you smile and in the case of multiple tooth loss, the face can sag around the gap. So, what choices do you have for replacing your missing teeth? Well, the cheapest way is to get a partial denture fitted; these will adhere discreetly around the remaining teeth, are easy to manage and look very natural. But if you are looking to get a solid replacement, dental bridges are a very reliable substitute for your missing tooth. But the Rolls-Royce of tooth replacement has got to be a dental implant set into the jawbone, to which a crown is attached. All have their own qualities, all work very well and they will help to maintain the vanity of your smile and the ongoing health of your mouth.

Picking the Dentist for the job in Leeds

Friday, December 14th, 2012

So let’s just say you’ve recently moved to Leeds and are trying to organise your new life. What are among the more important things to set up? A doctor for sure, but also a dentist, so how do you go about choosing one? There are a lot of factors that come into this equation, especially if you have children. The first thing to do is pay a visit to various surgeries and decide if you like what you see. Look at the machinery that is used and what procedures are carried out there. Then, meet the dentist and get a feel for them- interview them and if you like what you see, then sign on the dotted line. Where young children enter the equation though, the rules can change a bit: they may require some form of orthodontic treatment in the future so having a dentist nearby will help save on endless petrol bills when your kid’s are constantly in and out for treatments. Children also like familiarity and stability and a ‘family’ orientated dentist will be there for your children as they grow up, which can give continuity to their treatments and help to build up historical data on yours and theirs teeth. Asking other people about the dentist they use is also a good angle to take- people like friends or work colleagues- most of all, don’t rush, take your time and get it right.

Getting over Tooth Decay in Central Leeds

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

If you have let slip the level of your oral hygiene of late, you are running the gauntlet of suffering from tooth decay in central Leeds. By not cleaning the surfaces and in between you teeth, it is allowing the acids from food and drink to start going to work on the enamel. Slowly, it will start to get through and caries will form; this is the start of tooth decay in earnest. You may start to suffer from toothache at which point, you need to get to your dentist, as you will need to have the tooth filled. If however you ignore these signs and just take pain killers, then the decay will continue and before long, no pain killer in the world will numb the shooting pains that will come when the pulp inside the tooth is infected. Now, you’ll need to have a root canal in order to clear the infected pulp, drill out the roots, have the tooth filled and then capped with a crown. However, if the decay has got to this level, there is a chance that you have unleashed periodontal disease as well; this will see the bone in the jaw start to be eaten away and that will need bone graft in order to recover. All of this can start to become expensive now and were you to lose a tooth in a prominent position, you will incur more expense in order to get it replaced: all this because you got lazy with your oral hygiene; you have been warned.

Dealing with Canker Sores in Central Leeds

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

There are many things sent to test you when you are growing up in central Leeds, especially in your mouth and as if you haven’t enough to deal with already, fighting decay, having fillings and wearing braces, along comes a canker sore. These are a derivative of a mouth ulcer but still as painful, and they have a habit of re-offending a couple of times a year. Stress and diet are considered to be among a few reasons as to why people suffer from them, though they can erupt if the gums are scratched in some way. If one erupts there is not a lot you can do about it; you can brush and floss more in order to remove food deposits, rinse with salt water and there are some gels available that help sooth the sores. They tend to be very, very irritating and stinging in their pain, but they will go away after a couple of days. However, if they are still with you after a few weeks, even start to spread, you must get help from your doctor or dentist as it could indicate something more sinister at work.

The practise of Periodontics in the City of Leeds

Monday, December 10th, 2012

Periodontal disease is a nasty one to get in the city of Leeds and very hard to get rid of. It strikes after long periods of untreated tooth decay and gum disease and as well as threatening the life of the tooth, it can also lead to a breakdown of the bone in the jaws. This is where you have to enlist the help of a periodontist who is well versed in the treatment of the disease. They will start by probing below the gum line and checking for loose teeth. X-rays will also be taken so that a proper diagnosis can be made. If the problem is not so bad, a deep scaling and planing of the root will carried out in order to clear out any infection and maybe the removal of some gum tissue. However, if a tooth cannot be saved, it indicates serious problems below the gum line and if you are considering having a dental implant fitted to replace the tooth, you may well have to have grafting done to both the gums and the jawbone before the implant can be put in. The periodontist can carry out all of these tasks, however, the rest is down to you, because for the whole procedure to work, you’re going to have to change your ways and improve your lifestyle.

How to Brush your Teeth in Leeds

Sunday, December 9th, 2012

So, you’ve gone and got yourself a new toothbrush from a chemist in Leeds: it’s sympathetic to your needs, the bristles are just right for you and it has just the right amount of give for you to brush with. Now before you start to use it in earnest, you might like to pop along to your dentists first and find out if you are brushing correctly. Now that may sound silly, but over the years, your technique may become lazy and a little refresher may be just what you need to start brushing correctly again. Practise in front of the mirror for a week or so in order to get a good technique going again. This is essential for your oral hygiene and along with all the other products, it should be enough to keep your mouth healthy. Of course, there are some amazing electric toothbrushes that you can go out and buy, and that will take the hard work away from your wrists, but the same principle applies. Practise in front of the mirror so that you can move it around your mouth freely into all of the areas it needs to go and don’t apply pressure to it, let it do the work for you.