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Archive for March, 2014

How We Treat Sensitive Teeth at City Dental Leeds

Friday, March 21st, 2014

3534882_blogTooth sensitivity is a very common problem, which occurs when the enamel becomes worn. The enamel is the hard protective surface on the outside of the tooth. Although enamel is very strong, is can be damaged through injury or acid erosion, which is often the result of a sugary diet and frequent consumption of acidic drinks, such as fruit juice and wine. Once the enamel is worn, the dentin, which lies underneath, becomes exposed and this causes sensitivity. The dentin contains the nerves, which is why you feel pain when you drink or eat something hot or cold.

Good oral hygiene is an effective way of preventing sensitivity, but your diet is also really important. Eating sugary foods and drinking acidic, fizzy drinks and energy drinks leads to enamel wear and this contributes to tooth pain.

For patients with sensitivity, we recommend maintaining a good oral hygiene regime at home and attending regular dentist and dental hygienist appointments. Using sensitive toothpaste will also help. Sensitive toothpastes are designed to alleviate pain caused by sensitivity, as well as helping to protect the teeth.

If you have persistent sensitivity, it’s a good idea to arrange to come and see your City Dental dentist, as this could be a sign of tooth decay and you may need a filling.

If you have any questions about how your diet affects your oral health or you would like advice about healthy eating, our friendly dental team can help.

Fight Father Time with the Power of Botox in LS1

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

347563_blogIf you’ve noticed that time is catching up with you and you’re drawn to lines and wrinkles every time you look in the mirror, you may be thinking about anti-ageing treatment. Botox is one of the most popular facial treatments and an ideal option for those who want to look younger without undergoing cosmetic surgery.

Botox is injected into the skin to make wrinkles and lines less visible and create a smoother and younger complexion. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and this causes lines to develop. With Botox, the skin looks taut and bright without looking unnatural. Botox is commonly used to treat crow’s feet, laughter lines and wrinkles on the forehead.

The procedure

Botox treatment is very quick and treatment usually takes around 20 minutes. A fine needle is used to inject the Botox into the areas of the face you wish to treat and it’s really as simple as that. You decide which areas you want to treat and after treatment, there is no recovery time required. The results of treatment last up to 6 months and we can then schedule another session if you wish to continue with treatment.

Many people think they have to go under the knife to look younger, but there are some non-invasive treatments, which have the same benefits without the risks or the lengthy recovery time.

If you’re tired of wrinkles and you want to give your skin a rejuvenating boost, why not try Botox this spring?


How Does a Sonicare Toothbrush Work Its Magic in the Heartland of Leeds?

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

3943593_blogTeeth cleaning is so important and we recommend using a Sonicare electric toothbrush to keep plaque and dental problems at bay.

The Sonicare range offers brushes for all budgets and is clinically proven to remove plaque effectively, deep clean the gum line and reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease. The brushes are easy to use and they boast impressive features, including built-in times and smart technology.

Brushing tips

Brushing the teeth removes bacteria and food debris from the mouth, as well as polishing the teeth to make them glossy and shiny. If bacteria are allowed to collect in the mouth, it can join with saliva and leftover food deposits to form plaque, the main risk factor for gum disease and decay.

When brushing, it’s important to make sure you cover all four quadrants of the mouth and angle the brush head to ensure you clean along the gum line. Using inter-dental brushes or dental floss will enable you to clean between your teeth effectively, which is very hard to do with a toothbrush. Ideally, you should brush for at least 2-3 minutes twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. If your toothbrush doesn’t have a timer and you’re worried that you’re not brushing for long enough, try brushing along to your favourite song!

We are always happy to recommend products and help with brushing and flossing. If you have any questions, just give one of your dentists or dental hygienists a shout and they will be able to advise you.

In addition to brushing twice a day and flossing or using inter-dental brushes, seeing a dental hygienist for regular cleaning treatments is also really beneficial for your oral health. Hygienists provide a very deep clean to rid your mouth of bacteria and banish surface stains from your teeth.

Cerec Dental Veneers: Quick Treatment, Timeless Look

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

944335_blogCerec is an amazing example of how far dentistry has come. Thanks to Cerec, we can make and fit bespoke veneers all in the same day to create a flawless, timeless look.

What is Cerec?

Cerec technology uses photographs of the teeth to create highly detailed 3D images, which are used to design your new veneers. These designs are sent to the milling site and the veneers are made in a matter of minutes. Usually, veneer treatment takes up to 2 weeks, but we are able to offer this incredible treatment in a single session. Cerec also allows us to design and produce dental crowns, inlays and onlays.

Veneers create flawless smiles and they are a great option for people who have chipped or worn teeth and those who would like a brighter, whiter smile. Veneers are wafer-thin shells, which are applied over the teeth to produce an amazing, radiant new smile. There are various shades and shapes to choose from so you can design your perfect smile.

Cerec treatment saves you time and enables you to enjoy your new smile sooner. If you thought veneers were just for celebrities gracing red carpets, think again, our amazing new smile is just around the corner!

The Heart of Leeds Eradicating the Social Anxiety Caused By Bad Breath

Monday, March 17th, 2014

Sensual and FreshMost of have unpleasant breath from time to time, usually in the mornings or after a meal, but if you have constant bad breath or your halitosis is affecting your day to day life, don’t suffer in silence. We can help you to banish bad breath for good and feel happier and more confident in social situations.

What causes bad breath?

Bad breath is caused by bacteria giving off gases when they feed. In most cases of persistent bad breath, bacteria gather at the back of the tongue. Most cases of bad breath are linked to poor hygiene and this can easily be resolved with good oral hygiene. Regular brushing and flossing prevents bacteria from collecting in the mouth, as well as ensuring your teeth look healthy and bright. Occasionally bad breath can be caused by taking certain types of medication and swapping drugs could help to solve this problem.

We recommend seeing a dental hygienist if you have bad breath on a regular basis. Our expert hygienists offer intensive cleaning treatments, which remove bacteria and plaque and leave your mouth feeling clean and fresh and your teeth looking shiny and white. Intensive cleaning also helps to reduce the risk of gum disease and decay. If you suffer from bad breath, it is beneficial to schedule regular dental checks and hygiene sessions.

Bad breath is nothing to be ashamed of; we are here to help and we will have you smiling in no time!

Enlighten in Leeds Can Help You Thrive In Social Situations

Sunday, March 16th, 2014

4390244_blogIs your smile holding you back? Would you feel more confident if you had a brighter, whiter smile? Enlighten is the world’s leading professional whitening system. If you long for a radiant smile, we can help!

About Enlighten

Enlighten is a professional whitening treatment, which combines aspects of home whitening and clinic treatment to produce the best results. This is the only whitening system in the world to guarantee shade B1, the lightest shade possible and it’s available right here in the centre of Leeds!

Enlighten treatment takes 15 days and is made up of 14 days of home treatment followed by a one hour session at the practice on the 15th day. When at home, patients wear a custom-made whitening tray, which gradually lightens the teeth. On the last day, patients come to the clinic for a power whitening session, which gives the smile an added touch of sparkle.

Enlighten is a safe, effective treatment, which can make a massive difference to your smile and your confidence without causing any pain or involving any needles! If you’re ready to start the spring with a brand new bright smile, why not try Enlighten? A radiant smile could give you the confidence to go for a promotion, secure that all-important interview or join the dating scene.

How Dental Implants Can Benefit People in Leeds

Saturday, March 15th, 2014


Dentists recommend replacing missing teeth for a number of reason, not least because gaps can affect your ability to enjoy a wide range of foods and decrease your confidence. Dental implants have taken the world by storm and now we are offering the dental patients of Leeds the opportunity to take advantage of this amazing treatment.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are prosthetic dental devices, which are designed to replace the root of a missing tooth. Implants are made from titanium and they are implanted into small holes in the jaw bone before being connected to a restoration, such as a crown, which replaces the rest of the tooth. In order to settle into the bone, the implant goes through a process called osseointegration, which takes a number of weeks.

Implants have a wide host of benefits for dental patients of all ages, from young people with a single missing tooth, to older people who have full arches of missing teeth. Implants can be attached to crowns, dental bridges and dentures, making them hugely versatile and they are the closest treatment to natural teeth on the market. Once the implants are in place and the new restoration has been attached, you can eat, speak and smile with confidence and the best thing is that your implants should last a lifetime.

Dentures in Leeds Are a Great Cost Effective Alternative to Implants

Friday, March 14th, 2014

3177025_blogDental implants are great, but there’s no denying that they are an expensive treatment. Dentures are a more affordable option and modern dentures are a really great replacement for missing natural teeth.

Dentures are false teeth, which are designed to restore function to the mouth in the event that the natural teeth are lost. Most people associate dentures with older people who have lost their teeth through ageing, but they can be effective for patients of all ages. It is possible to get partial dentures to replace a few missing teeth and complete or full dentures to replace an entire arch of missing teeth.

Benefits of denture treatment

Dentures have a bit of a bad reputation and if you’ve got an old-fashioned image of a huge set of false teeth sat in a glass by the bed, you will be pleasantly surprised by the modern versions. Today’s dentures are light, functional and aesthetically pleasing and they can have a really positive impact on your quality of life. If you have a large number of missing teeth this has an impact on your confidence and your appearance, as well as your speech and your ability to eat. If you’re missing out on a balanced diet because you’re avoiding foods that are hard to chew, this can affect your overall health. Dentures help to eradicate these problems and enable you to enjoy good health, as well as a beautiful, natural looking smile.

Has Your Smile Reached its Potential? Gum Contouring in Leeds City Centre

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

2904346_blogIt’s natural to want to look your best and as your smile is often the first thing people see when they meet you, it’s essential that you feel happy with the look of your teeth. Few people are blessed with a flawless smile, but if you want to improve the look of your smile, there are some amazing treatments that can achieve this. One popular treatment is gum contouring, a procedure used to treat a gummy smile.

What is a gummy smile?

A gummy smile is a term used by dentists to describe the smile when there is a large amount of the gum tissue covering the tooth crown. There are no medical complications of a gummy smile and patients do not suffer from pain, swelling or tenderness, but there are aesthetic implications. With a gummy smile, the teeth tend to look small and short and this can affect the overall appearance of the smile. Many people who have a gummy smile feel less confident when they speak to others or smile to greet people and gum contouring can help to increase self-esteem.

The procedure involves re-shaping the gums and removing tiny amounts of the gum tissue to make more of the tooth crown visible. The gums are anaesthetised beforehand to make sure you don’t feel any pain and the results of treatment are really impressive. The procedure usually takes less than an hour.

Prevention is better than Cure When it comes to Gum Disease

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

221838_blogAs dentists, we ardently support the notion that prevention is better than cure and there is no better demonstration of this than the case of gum disease. In the UK, gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss among adults, yet it is completely preventable. We recommend good oral hygiene, healthy eating and regular dental appointments to ensure you have healthy, pain-free gums.

About gum disease

Gum disease is a common oral disease, which causes the gums to become very sore, tender and swollen. It is caused by bacteria, which are able to gather in your mouth if you neglect your daily brushing and cleaning routine. Bacteria combine with saliva and bits of food which results in the formation of plaque. Plaque is a soft, colourless substance, which is able to stick to the teeth and the gum line. When you eat, the bacteria in the plaque release acids. These acids attack the enamel and the gums, causing acid wear to the enamel and irritation to the gums.

It’s really important to be able to spot the signs of gum disease because early treatment is essential. Gingivitis, the mild form of gum disease is easy to treat and manage, but I it is not treated, there is a risk that it will develop into periodontal disease. This is an advanced form of gum disease, which is much more difficult to treat.

The best ways to prevent gum disease are to keep tabs on your diet and avoid eating a lot of sugary foods, see your dentist every 6 months for a check-up and ensure you brush your teeth twice a day. Flossing is also really beneficial for making sure your gum line is free from plaque.