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Archive for May, 2014

Don’t Be A Fool – Keep Those LS1 Wisdom Teeth In Check

Sunday, May 11th, 2014

863081_blogIf you’re one of those people that instantly feels anxious when the words wisdom and teeth are uttered in the same sentence, we have good news! We have highly trained dentists who can help to alleviate pain caused by troublesome wisdom teeth and enable you to smile again!

The wisdom teeth are the final adult teeth to develop and they usually start to erupt between the ages of 16 and 25 years old, although this can vary wildly. Often, the wisdom teeth pop out with no trouble at all, but sometimes they really make their presence known and they can be very painful.

Why do wisdom teeth cause pain?

In some cases the wisdom teeth can be very painful because there is not enough space in the jaw for them to grow and develop normally. If there is a lack of space in the jaw, the tooth may start to grow towards the neighbouring tooth and push through at an angle and this is referred to as an impacted tooth. Impacted teeth can be painful and it may be the best course of action to remove them. Extraction is often recommended for the wisdom teeth because these teeth are not needed and they can cause more trouble than they are worth; removing troublesome teeth saves you from feeling pain and allows more room for your other teeth.

Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom tooth removal is often recommended when a patient complains that they are suffering pain as a result of the teeth pushing through. Extraction is fundamentally the same as extracting any other tooth, but it can be a more complex procedure due to the fact that the tooth is located right at the back of the mouth; the angle of the impacted tooth can also be problematic.

We offer local anaesthetic and sedation for wisdom tooth removal to make you feel more comfortable and prevent pain.

Dental Bonding Can Be Your White Wedding Wonderstuff!

Saturday, May 10th, 2014

4683491_blogIf you’re planning a wedding, you’re probably knee-deep in lists and worrying about table plans, decorations and getting everybody to the reception on time, but have you thought about your smile for the big day? On your wedding day, it’s likely that you will be photographed more than any other day and as you will probably be brimming with happiness, your smile will be on full show. If you’re unhappy with your smile, this may affect your confidence and prevent you from showing off your true emotions. You should look and feel amazing on your big day and we have the treatments to give you that perfect wedding day smile!

One of our best solutions is dental bonding; a quick, simple and completely painless way of enhancing your smile.

About dental bonding

If you have chipped, uneven, misshapen or worn teeth or you have an unsightly gap between two of your teeth, dental bonding is a great solution, which will have your smile looking amazing in time for your special day.

Bonding is a procedure, which involves using dental composite to repair and enhance the teeth to create a beautiful smile. Composite can be used to build up the surfaces of the teeth, improve the shape of the tooth, close gaps between the teeth and repair chipped teeth and the good news is that all you need is one hour in the dental chair.

Your City Dental dentist will use their creative flair and skill to mould the dental composite and carry out the necessary repairs. At this stage of treatment, the composite is still soft and this means that it can be bent and shaped easily. Once your dentist is happy with the placement of the composite, they will shine a curing light onto the tooth to set the composite and this will make it firm. Treatment is usually complete within the hour and there is no pain involved, so you won’t need to have any injections.

Mini-Marvels: Implants Offer Yorkshire Greater Comfort

Friday, May 9th, 2014

2607696_blogMini dental implants are the smaller version of traditional dental implants; they are suitable for patients who may not be able to tolerate full implants because they lack dense bone tissue in the jaw. With mini implants, we can restore your smile and enable you to enjoy a wide range of foods again!

About mini implants

Mini dental implants are made from titanium and they are designed to act as a replacement for the tooth root. Mini implants can be attached to different restorations, but they are usually used to support dentures. With implants in place, the denture is secured much more firmly that traditional dentures, which are held in place only by the suction of the gums.

The treatment process

Mini implants are placed into openings in the jaw bone using a very precise and minimally invasive technique. We can carry out the procedure under local anaesthetic or mild sedation, so you should not feel a thing. The heads of the implants are left exposed and then attached to the base of the denture.

What are the benefits of implant-retained dentures?

Implant-retained dentures offer patients a whole host of benefits. These dentures are much more stable and secure than normal dentures and they give you much more power, which comes in handy for enjoying your favourite foods. There is also no risk of your denture coming loose, which reduces the risk of irritation and enables you to enjoy complete peace of mind that your denture will remain in place, even if you are treating yourself to a nice steak or a piece of crusty bread.

If you’ve had problems with dentures in the past or you have put up with missing teeth for a long time, mini dental implants could be an ideal choice. Call us today to arrange a consultation and we will explain how the treatment works, go through the pros and cons and check that you are a good match for mini implants.

A Teen’s Dream: City Dental Leeds Has Invisalign

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

4244118_blogThe last thing you probably want to hear as an image-conscious teenager is that you need braces. Braces have never been considered cool and many teenagers feel self-conscious when they start treatment; however, there are new treatments available and we are able to offer discreet treatments, which are virtually invisible, so you can enjoy greater confidence during your treatment.

Invisalign Teen is a discreet treatment, which has been specially designed for teenagers. This treatment promises amazing results with the added bonus that nobody will be able to see your braces.

About Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen is part of the famous Invisalign system. This treatment uses a series of transparent, removable appliances, called aligners, to straighten the teeth and give you an amazing smile. The aligners are all different and they work in a specific order, with each one in position for 2 weeks.

Invisalign Teen is very similar to the original system, but it boasts additional features, which are aimed at making treatment simpler for younger patients. The aligners are marked with an indicator, which shows you when you need to change your aligner and there are spare appliances to ensure that you don’t need to go into panic mode if you misplace one of your braces.

Benefits of Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen has so many benefits for young people, especially those who are worried about their looks or concerned about what other people will say when they start wearing braces. These aligners are virtually invisible when you smile, so you don’t need to put up with nasty comments or worry about your image being ruined. The aligners are also removable, so you can eat without any concerns about getting your dinner trapped in your braces and clean your teeth as you did before.

If you’re a teen looking for an amazing solution to orthodontic problems in the heart of Leeds, Invisalign Teen is the perfect choice!

The OSO Mouthguard Can Help You Up Your Game

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

3170978_blogWhen it comes to competitive sports, any advantage is welcomed, so how would you feel if we told you that we could provide you with a mouth guard, which would also improve your performance?

The OSO Mouth Guard is one of the most advanced and innovative examples of sports equipment currently on the market and we are proud to offer our clients, both amateur and elite, the opportunity to take advantage of this amazing invention.

Everything you need to know about the OSO Mouth Guard

The OSO Mouth Guard is a gum shield with lots of differences. This is not your average gum shield; this is so much more! The mouth guard is custom-made and it uses the latest technology to correct the position of the jaw and ease pressure and strain on the facial muscles, to improve muscle contraction, prevent pain and allow for a greater range of motion around the jaw joint.

By improving the balance of the muscles in the face and neck, the OSO Athletic also has benefits for the whole body, as it facilitates better muscle contraction and improves strength and flexibility. The guard also helps to improve posture, which lowers the risk of injury and prevents neck and back pain.

City Dental Leeds is proud to be one of just a select group of clinics offering this treatment in the UK. Whether you are an elite performer seeking to up your game and break into the big time, or you enjoy playing sport from time to time, this appliance will provide you with a multitude of benefits.

We strongly recommend the OSO Athletic for people who participate in sports including rugby, football, hockey, ice hockey, mixed martial arts and boxing.

It’s Not Hard To Brighten Your Smile With Enlighten

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

3943593_blogNothing beats Enlighten when it comes to whitening treatment. This amazing system produces beautiful smiles, perfect for the summer!

As time goes by, the teeth can start to lose their natural white glow and become dull-looking and yellow. This process can also be accelerated by drinking tea, coffee and wine, but there is a solution if you want to brighten up your smile. White teeth have long been considered a sign of good health and beauty and with Enlighten, you can look forward to smiling with confidence.

About Enlighten

Enlighten is often touted as the world’s best whitening treatment because it is the only system which absolutely guarantees shade B1, the lightest tooth shade. Enlighten takes aspects of home treatment and in-chair treatment and combines them to get the best results and the treatment process couldn’t be simpler.

Through the first 14 days, you will wear a custom-fit whitening tray at home. This tray contains whitening agent, which gradually makes the shade of your teeth lighter. You can wear your tray whenever you want, but most people prefer to wear theirs during the night. The tray is comfortable and it shouldn’t stop you from enjoying a good night’s sleep.

On the 15th day of treatment, you will be invited to pop into the clinic for a final whitening session. This is a powerful in-chair treatment, which takes one hour and gives your smile a gorgeous glow. During the session, you will be asked to put on some protective glasses and then sit back and relax; we will apply the agent to your teeth and then shine a light on it to activate it and whiten your teeth. After treatment, you’ll be free to go home and showcase your brand new, sparkly smile.

Once you’ve had Enlighten treatment, you will find that the results last for many years.

Cerecular Spectacular! A Fast New Smile

Monday, May 5th, 2014

iStock_000001998629XSmallWe are proud to offer our clients spectacular new same-day restorations thanks to Cerec. Cerec technology enables patients to enjoy brand new, bespoke restorations in a single visit, so there are no more temporary restorations, no more waiting around and no need for repeat sessions in the dental chair.

All about Cerec

Cerec technology is hugely impressive and innovative and it allows us to design, make and fit brand new crowns, inlays and onlays and veneers on-site, all in the same day. Usually, this process takes much longer, as impressions are sent away to the dental laboratory and then the finished product is returned to the clinic. Typically, it takes around 2 weeks and patients wear temporary restorations in the meantime.

Cerec takes images captured by a camera and converts them into three-dimensional models, which are then sent to the milling machine; this means that the entire design and manufacturing process takes place at the clinic and once the instructions have been received, the milling process takes seconds. We can then fit your new restoration and then you can head home.

Benefits of Cerec

Cerec has so many benefits, it’s hard to know where to start! Treatment time is of course an obvious benefit, as a process that can take 2 weeks can now be completed in a single day. There is also the advantage of not having to use temporary restorations and the process is much cleaner and less invasive, as no putty impressions have to be made. With fewer sessions required patients also need fewer injections.

Cerec also enables greater accuracy and allows dentists and patients to have more control over the design process.

How Can A Hygienist Help Me Here In Heartland Leeds?

Sunday, May 4th, 2014

585811_blogMany people are aware of the benefits of having a check-up every 6-9 months, but you may not be as familiar with the advantages of seeing a dental hygienist. Our amazing hygienists offer a wide range of treatments and services and regular sessions can be highly beneficial for all patients, including those who already have good oral health.

How could a hygienist help me?

If you have gum disease, you are at risk of developing gum disease or you have issues such as bad breath or staining, seeing a dental hygienist on a regular basis is extremely beneficial. Your hygienist will be able to provide you with cleaning treatments, which are much more powerful than brushing at home and this removes stubborn stains, plaque and tartar to reduce the risk of gum disease progressing and treat halitosis.

Even if you already have good oral health and there are no signs of decay or gum disease, you can still benefit from seeing a dental hygienist. Cleaning treatments will reduce your risk of developing oral health issues, keep your teeth lovely and clean and remove surface stains, which can build up even if you are very diligent with your oral hygiene regime at home.

Hygienist treatments

Hygienists offer a range of different treatments, including cleaning treatments, preventative treatments and information and education about oral hygiene, healthy eating and diet, giving up smoking and children’s oral health.

The most common treatment for issues such as bad breath and plaque and tartar formation is a scale and polish; this removes deposits from the teeth and gum line and cleans the teeth to give them a healthy looking glow.

Preventative treatments are often recommended for children and include fluoride varnish and fissure sealant treatment, both of which are designed to lower the risk of decay. Tooth decay is one of the most prevalent preventable diseases in children and these are safe, simple, painless and quick measures that can really help to protect the teeth. Fluoride strengthens the enamel, while fissure sealant treatment creates a protective barrier between the tooth and food debris and bacteria; the sealant prevents these from getting stuck in the tiny pits and cracks on the tooth surface.

Gaps in Your Smile? Leeds Can Fix This With A Bridge

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

18625044Gaps in the smile are likely to affect your confidence, but they can also be troublesome for your oral health and for the alignment and positioning of your remaining teeth. We have a host of options available to replace missing teeth and strongly recommend restorative treatment for patients who have lost a tooth. One of our most popular options is a dental bridge.

A dental bridge is a form of restoration, which is designed to ‘bridge the gap’ between two remaining teeth. The most commonly used bridge is a traditional fixed bridge, which is a fixed restoration made from a false tooth, which is held in place by two adjacent crowns, which are placed over the top of the neighbouring teeth. The false tooth is designed to look like the other teeth for a natural finish.

How is a dental bridge fitted and how long will it last?

Dental bridges are custom-made for each patient to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort. The bridge is made based on impressions of the patient’s teeth and once it is ready, your City Dental dentist will fit it and secure it into position using strong adhesive. Once the bridge is in place, it can only be removed by your dentist.

Dental bridges are not a permanent solution to missing teeth, but they should last for a long time, usually around 10-15 years.

When you have a dental bridge, oral hygiene is really important and it’s essential to clean around the bridge when you brush your teeth. We will give you advice about keeping your bridge clean when it is fitted and we will also check your bridge every time you come in for a routine dental appointment.

Screening For Cancer in Leeds Saves Lives

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

5538155_blogYou may think it sounds a little far-fetched to say that a trip to the dentist could save you life, but this really is the case when it comes to oral cancer.

Oral cancer is a form of cancer, which is affecting more and more people in the UK. More than 6,000 new cases were diagnosed last year and the number of people affected by this deadly disease has almost doubled over the last ten years. At City Dental we are determined to provide our patients with the information they need and encourage routine check-ups and screening sessions to reduce the risk of oral cancer and ensure that any warning signs are identified at the earliest possible stage.

About oral cancer

Oral cancer is sometimes known as mouth cancer; it affects the soft tissue in the mouth and throat and is most commonly characterised by abnormal swelling, red or white patches and slow-healing mouth ulcers.

Sometimes it is not possible to say what causes cancer, which occurs as a result of abnormal cell growth, but the main risk factors for oral cancer are drinking alcohol and smoking; in recent years, the HPV (human papilloma virus) has also been identified as a major risk factor for mouth cancer. This virus is also linked to cervical cancer.

Saving lives in Leeds

As with most other forms of cancer, the earlier the signs of mouth cancer are spotted, the better. Early intervention contributes to a dramatic improvement in the chances of survival because it may mean that cancer can be treated before it starts to spread to other parts of the body.

Screening enables our dentists to identify very early changes in the oral tissue, which allow early diagnosis and treatment. Using the latest technology, our dentist can look for warning signs long before they are visible to the naked eye and this means that treatment can be administered before the condition progresses and becomes more aggressive and advanced.