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Archive for July, 2014

Less Invasive Onlays Could Be The Perfect Crown For You

Monday, July 21st, 2014

iStock_000000363253XSmallIf you damage a tooth or you have a decayed tooth and a filling is not suitable, we may recommend an onlay. Onlays are often considered the middle ground between a filling and a crown and they can have amazing restorative and aesthetic benefits for your smile.

What is an onlay?

An onlay is a type of restoration, which may be used when you have a large cavity or you have damaged your tooth, but the damage is not extensive enough to require a crown. Onlays are custom-made and they are usually made from ceramic, such as porcelain, to give a lovely natural look. The aim of onlay treatment is to restore the tooth without affecting the look of the tooth and porcelain is a perfect material for creating a seamless finish.

Onlays are often a good option when a tooth needs more intensive treatment than a filling, but it unable to support a crown or cap.

What is the difference between an inlay and an onlay?

Inlays and onlays are essentially very similar, but they address different areas of the tooth. An inlay replaces lost tissue between the cusps of the teeth, while an onlay covers the cusps of the tooth.

How long do onlays last?

If an onlay is well looked-after, it can last for many years. You should care for your restored tooth in the same way as your other teeth and make sure to keep up to date with regular dental check-ups.

Whit-Woo! Whitening In Leeds Can Bring You Luck With The Lasses

Sunday, July 20th, 2014

4683491_blogNothing makes you look more attractive than a bright, white smile, so if you’re looking to find ‘the one’ this summer in Leeds, call us now to find out more about our amazing whitening treatments! With a beautiful smile, you’re sure to be a hit with the ladies!

About whitening treatment

Whitening treatment is hugely popular because it’s a simple, quick and affordable way of making your smile look more attractive. White teeth look youthful and healthy and a new smile will also boost your confidence, which is a very attractive trait in a date.

We have done all the groundwork for you and tried and tested whitening systems to ensure our patients have access to the best treatment out there. We use a specially designed whitening gel, which contains carbamide peroxide, to lighten the shade of the teeth and give you a beaming smile.

The whitening treatment process is completely painless and very straightforward. We create an impression of your teeth and use this to make your custom-made whitening trays. These trays contain whitening agent and they are placed over the top of the teeth. The whitening agent lightens the teeth, creating a beautiful aesthetic without interfering with the structure of the teeth at all.

How long do the results last?

The results of whitening treatment should last for several years. However, if you’re partial to a latte in the morning, you smoke or enjoy a glass of wine from time to time, you may find that your teeth become discoloured and top-up treatment may be required.

Is whitening treatment safe?

Our methods of whitening the teeth are tried and tested, the products we use are approved and our dentists are highly trained, so you are in the best possible hands. Whitening treatment is very safe when performed by a trained professional and it is uncommon to experience side-effects after treatment. Some people suffer from very mild sensitivity after treatment, but this usually only lasts between 24 and 48 hours.

You Don’t Have To Put Up With Bruxism Any Longer In Leeds

Saturday, July 19th, 2014

1787127_blogIf you wake up with headaches, you often experience stiffness and pain in your jaw or your teeth feel sensitive, you may suffer from bruxism. Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding, a very common subconscious action, which usually happens during sleep.

Grinding or clenching the teeth can contribute to shoulder, neck and head aches, but it can also cause tooth wear. When the teeth grind together, this can wear down the surfaces and damage the enamel, which increases the risk of sensitivity.

What causes teeth grinding?

Many cases of bruxism are linked to anxiety and stress, but grinding the teeth can also occur as a result of orthodontic issues, which affect the alignment of the teeth, and problems, such as loose fillings.

When you have a consultation with a City Dental dentist, they will chat with you and examine your mouth to try and determine the cause; once this has been established, they can discuss possible treatments with you and offer advice to help you stop grinding your teeth.

Treatment for bruxism

In cases where tooth grinding is linked to anxiety or stress, we can offer advice about coping with stress and recommend stress management techniques, such as exercise, breathing exercises and massage therapy.

In severe cases, we recommend wearing a bite guard, which is similar to a gum shield; it helps to protect the teeth by preventing contact between the upper and lower teeth. Our bite guards are custom-made for maximum comfort and they shouldn’t interrupt your sleep in any way.

City Leeds Can Rid You Of That Bogus Breath

Friday, July 18th, 2014

2464492_blogDo you dread work meetings and presentations? Do you feel nervous in social situations? If you do and bad breath is to blame, we can help! We are experts in banishing bad breath for good and we can help you to feel confident, whether you’re aiming for a promotion, sealing a deal or going on a first date.

Bad breath is something, which affects most people at some point. In the majority of cases, people suffer from unpleasant smelling breath in the mornings or after eating or drinking certain foods, but sometimes, people suffer from persistent bad breath and this may indicate that there is an underlying dental cause.

What causes bad breath?

If you have persistent bad breath (known as halitosis), this is almost always the result of bacteria build-up in the mouth. When bacteria collect in the mouth and start to feed, this causes them to release odorous gases, which is why your breath smells unpleasant. Commonly, bad breath is linked to bacteria at the back of the tongue. Bacteria can be removed by regular brushing and flossing; if you neglect your oral hygiene routine, bacteria multiply and the risk of bad breath is much higher.

Bad breath can also be caused by smoking and it can be a side-effect of taking some types of medication.

Treating bad breath

If you suffer from bad breath, you’re not alone and we have treatments and therapies that can help to ensure your breath is fresh and clean smelling. Our oral hygiene treatments provide intensive cleaning to rid the mouth of armful bacteria and plaque, cleanse the tongue and clean and polish the teeth. We recommend regular hygiene sessions coupled with a thorough oral hygiene regime at home.

We also recommend steering clear of food triggers and smoking and chewing a piece of sugar-free gum after eating.

Is Your Day Blowing Hot And Cold? Get Treatment For Sensitivity

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

3534882_blogTooth sensitivity is a very common problem and with the sun shining and many people looking forward to enjoying ice creams, iced coffees and lollies, it’s the perfect time to get your sensitive teeth sorted. If you suffer pain when you sip on a hot drink, you wince when you bite into an apple or your teeth throb after polishing off a knickerbocker glory, there are things you can do to ease the pain and prevent sensitivity in the future.

What causes sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the enamel becomes thin or worn and the dentin section of the tooth is exposed; this is the part of the tooth, which contains the nerves and blood vessels and this is why you feel pain when your teeth come into contact with something hot or cold. There are various causes of enamel wear, but the most common is acid erosion; this occurs when you eat acidic foods or you eat sugary foods, which prompt bacteria to release plaque acids. These acids gradually wear down the enamel, exposing the dentin and increasing the risk of decay and gum disease.

What can be done for sensitivity?

There are some simple measures you can take to avoid pain associated with sensitivity, including using a straw and cutting up fruit, rather than biting straight into an apple or pear, for example; however, there are longer term solutions available. Sensitive toothpaste is specially designed to protect the tooth enamel, as well as providing relief for tooth pain, and it can really help.

If you have sensitivity, this may be indicative of decay and we advise arranging a check-up with your dentist. If you have a cavity, we can place a filling to reduce the risk of damage to the tooth and prevent the infection from spreading through the tooth.

Beauty And The Botox: Look Younger in LS1

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

Happy buddies laughingMost people would admit to wishing they looked younger and nothing makes you look more youthful than smooth, bright and clear skin. Botox is an effective non-invasive anti-ageing treatment, which smoothes the complexion by tackling lines and wrinkles. If you’re searching for a non-surgical solution to the common signs of ageing in the skin, why not try Botox this summer?

What is Botox?

Botox is a purified form of a toxin known as botulinum toxin type A; it is used to reduce the visibility of facial lines and wrinkles and it works by preventing the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles in the face. This reduces movement of the muscles, resulting in the skin looking smoother and more youthful.

Botox treatment was initially very popular with the rich and famous, but its popularity has spread and it is now used by men and women in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and beyond. It is often seen as a safer alternative to cosmetic surgery on the face.

What happens when you have Botox treatment?

One of the main draws of Botox treatment is the simplicity of the treatment process. When you have a consultation, we will explain how treatment works and what you can expect during and after the procedure. We will also chat with you about the areas you want to treat so that we can plan your treatment. When it comes to the treatment session, we simply use a very fine needle to inject Botox into the areas you have specified and it really is as simple as that. We can use a very mild anaesthetic to numb the skin beforehand to prevent any discomfort and you can get back to the rest of your day as soon as the session is finished (usually sessions take between 10 and 30 minutes).

Get Checked-up In Leeds! Mouth Cancer Can Be Beaten Early

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

2487210_blogWhen it comes to mouth cancer the earlier the diagnosis the better. This is why we actively encourage our patients to attend regular check-ups and take advantage of oral cancer screening. Studies suggest that early diagnosis can increase the chance of surviving mouth cancer by up to 90 per cent.

The latest statistics show that more than 6,000 people in the UK were diagnosed with mouth cancer last year and although there have been major improvements in survival rates for many other forms of cancer, this is sadly not the case with mouth cancer because most cases are diagnosed when the cancer is advanced. A lack of awareness prevents many people from seeing their dentist or doctor when they have symptoms and often, the disease is picked up during tests for other illnesses. We aim to educate our patients about the symptoms and causes of mouth cancer to increase the chances of early diagnosis.

What causes mouth cancer?

Cancer is caused by abnormal cell growth and in many cases it is impossible to determine an exact cause. The main risks associated with oral cancer include drinking alcohol and smoking on a regular basis and HPV infection; HPV stands for human papilloma virus. This virus is spread through sexual contact and it is also linked to cervical cancer.

Warning signs to watch out for

The most common symptoms of mouth cancer include abnormal swelling in the mouth or throat, white or red patches in the mouth and ulcers or sores, which take a long time to heal (more than 2 weeks). Other signs may include a persistent cough.

City Leeds State Of The Art Facilities Provide Peace Of Mind

Monday, July 14th, 2014

585804_blogCity Dental Leeds is a modern and stylish dental practice offering patients state of the art facilities, the latest technology and the best treatments out there. We have designed our clinic to combine the best aspects of modern design and traditional values and we aim to make you feel comfortable and encourage you to make yourselves at home as soon as you set foot through the door. We treat every patient, young and old, as an individual and we are always excited to meet new clients.

Our practice

We recognise the importance of comfort and peace and we offer this in spades in tandem with cutting-edge technology and the best patient facilities. We want you to feel welcome and we encourage you to help yourself to a drink, relax with a magazine or bring your own music in to while away your waiting time. Our practice is family friendly and we like to think that it provides a tranquil oasis just a hop and skip away from the heart of Leeds city centre.

Our team is made up of highly trained dental professionals who use their expertise and the latest techniques to achieve amazing outcomes. Whether you’re popping in for a routine check-up or you’re gearing up for a smile makeover, we’ll do our best to ensure that you enjoy your time with us and you look forward to your next visit.

Our focus

Our main aim is to promote preventative dental health and enable our patients to enjoy healthy, strong teeth and bright, beautiful smiles. We actively encourage regular check-ups and hygiene sessions and we are on hand to provide rapid relief for urgent problems and the best treatment out there for issues such as decay, bad breath and gum disease.

As well as providing family dentistry and general treatments, we also offer a wide range of cosmetic, orthodontic and restorative treatments and our aim is to make you feel confident and attractive. We have a solution for any aesthetic problem you can think of and we use tried and tested methods to address common issues such as misaligned teeth, missing teeth and gummy smiles.

If you would like to find out more about our practice or register, simply pop in when you’re next in town or give us a call.

Don’t Forget Your Sonicare Toothbrush

Sunday, July 13th, 2014

4196468_blogA toothbrush is your best weapon against nasty oral illnesses, such as gum disease and decay and it can also help to keep your teeth looking shiny and bright. We recommend Sonicare brushes because they are versatile, functional and proven to remove plaque effectively.

What is so special about Sonicare toothbrushes?

Sonicare brushes offer a range of options and styles to cater for the varying needs of dental patients and they boast innovative features, as well as an excellent reputation for effective cleaning. Studies show that these brushes are clinically proven to reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth and decrease the risk of plaque formation. Sonicare brushes are also easy to use and control, they offer innovative features, such as smart technology and brushing settings, and they are suitable for patients of all ages.

Brushing tips

Brushing should be an essential part of any daily routine and we cannot stress the importance of brushing twice a day enough. Brushing is your best bet against food debris and harmful bacteria and an extremely powerful means of preventing the development of plaque. Plaque is a sticky colourless substance, which forms when bacteria combine with saliva and food particles; the bacteria in plaque attack and erode the enamel and irritate the gums, causing inflammation and pain.

We recommend brushing for at least 2-3 minutes each time you brush and using fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps to strengthen the outer enamel layer of the teeth. When you brush, try to resist the temptation to scrub, as brushing aggressively does more harm than good because it damages the tooth enamel. It’s best to choose a brush with a small, mobile head, such as the Sonicare brushes, as these are easier to manoeuvre around the mouth. When you are brushing, try to ensure you clean each tooth and angle the head of the brush so that you can clean all the surfaces.

Don’t Be Afraid Of A Leeds Dentist. We’re Here To Help

Saturday, July 12th, 2014

18625029It’s very common to be afraid of the dentist, but we promise that we are here to help, not to harm or hurt! Our dentists are highly trained and they have experience in treating nervous and anxious patients; they are a really friendly bunch and they really will do anything they can to make you feel as calm as possible. Whether you’ve had a bad experience in the past or you have a negative perception of dentists because of stories you’ve heard from others or things you’ve seen in the media, we can hopefully change your views and ensure that you never dread going to a dentist again.

Why are people afraid of the dentist?

There are so many reasons why patients may be afraid of going to the dentist. For many, it’s not the actual dentist or dental practice that are a worry, but the instruments they may employ. According to a recent survey, around a significant proportion of people who have dental anxiety are scared because of a fear of needles, injections or pain.

Other possible causes of dental anxiety include negative past experiences, a fear of being told that something is wrong and further treatment is needed and embarrassment. We often see patients who have not seen a dentist for many years and they are often embarrassed about the state of their teeth and worried about potential oral health problems. We want you to feel comfortable with the prospect of going to the dentist and we stress to all patients that we are here to help and not to judge or criticise in any way.

If you are a nervous patient, we will do all we can to help you overcome your fears. Come and see us or give us a call.