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Archive for July, 2014

City Leeds Can End Your Gummy Smile Sadness

Friday, July 11th, 2014

2904341_blogDo you smile with your lips closed? Are you conscious of the way you look because you have a gummy smile? Do you long for a treatment, which would solve your problems and give you a stunning new smile? If so, we can help! We have just the solution for gummy smiles: gum reshaping.

This simple, highly effective procedure makes relatively minor changes to the gums, but has a dramatic impact on the look of your smile. The aim of the treatment is to remove a very small amount of the gum tissue to unveil more of the tooth crown. The result is a more attractive, balanced smile and greater confidence.

What does gum reshaping involve?

Gum reshaping is a cosmetic dental procedure, which is also referred to as gum contouring. This is a treatment, which is designed to treat a gummy smile. A gummy smile is the term used to describe a smile when there is a large amount of gum tissue covering the teeth; usually, the teeth look short and small. The aim of gum reshaping is to make the teeth look longer and larger and to improve the aesthetic of the smile.

The procedure involves trimming away tiny pieces of the gum tissue to make more of the crowns of the teeth visible when you smile. The gums are numbed fully before treatment and this means that you won’t feel a thing.

Although there are no physical symptoms, such as pain or swelling, associated with a gummy smile, it can make people lack confidence and treatment can therefore be very worthwhile. If you’re happy with your smile, you will feel much more confident when you meet people or you have to speak or smile in public.

Swift Straightening With The Inman Aligner

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

2977218_blogOne of the best things about modern orthodontics is the speed of treatment. Nowadays, patients can experience amazing results in a mater of weeks or months, rather than years and this makes treatment much more appealing and convenient for those that are in a rush to see their amazing new smile. One of the fastest treatments on the market is the Inman Aligner. This amazing, revolutionary treatment straightens the teeth in just 16 weeks, making it an incredible option for patients who have previously been put off having treatment due to lengthy treatment times.

The ins and outs of the Inman Aligner

The Inman Aligner provides a speedy alternative to traditional braces for patients who have minor orthodontic problems. The aim of treatment is to move the teeth quickly and comfortably. This treatment is ideally suited to patients who have mild issues with the front teeth and it can also be highly beneficial for patients who have worn braces in the past and started to notice signs of relapse.

The Inman Aligner is an appliance which is removable, and is placed over the top of the teeth. There are two main parts, which are responsible for generating movement; these are a coiled spring and a metal bar. The spring sits behind the teeth and the bar is located at the front of the teeth. The forces used are gentle and this helps to prevent pain during treatment.

The average treatment time for Inman Aligner patients is just 4 months and most patients notice a difference after just a few weeks. As well as short treatment times, patients can also enjoy greater freedom and enhanced practicality, as the aligner is removable, and better aesthetics, as the metal bar situated at the front of the mouth is very fine and much less noticeable than traditional fixed braces.

Soft Denture Delight in The Heart of Leeds

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

2797271_blogIf you have missing teeth, there are certain problems you may encounter. From decreased confidence in social situations and a lack of self-esteem related to the appearance of your smile, to difficulty with eating and unclear speech, missing teeth can be troublesome. Thankfully, there are many treatment options for patients of all ages with missing teeth and one of our tried and tested treatments is a denture.

Everything you need to know about denture

Soft dentures are prosthetic teeth, which are used to replace missing natural teeth. Whether you have lost a number of teeth in an accident or you have lost most of your natural teeth through ageing or oral health diseases, dentures can help. We offer partial and complete dentures to replace a small number of missing teeth or a full arch of lost teeth.

Dentures are bespoke, meaning that they are crafted individually for each patient. They are designed and manufactured based on the measurements and contours of the patient’s mouth to ensure that they fit perfectly. The fit of the denture is really important, not just for reasons associated with functionality, but also to prevent sore spots and irritation.

Dentures offer a range of benefits for patients and a properly fit, well-made denture should enable you to carry out all the functions you are able to complete with strong and healthy natural teeth. You can eat and enjoy a wide range of different foods, your speech will be clearer and above all, you can feel more confident when you smile. Modern dentures are very lifelike and they are designed to mimic a beautiful, natural looking smile.

If you have missing teeth and you’re ready to consider replacement options, call us today to find out more about denture treatment.

Smile Again With Dental Implants in Yorkshire

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

297243_blogLosing teeth can be distressing, but with our amazing dental implants, you don’t need to worry about a lifetime of hiding behinds the lens or shying away from meeting new people. Dental implants are the closest prosthesis to natural teeth and they offer an incredible range of benefits, whether you’ve lost a single tooth in a fall or crash, or you have several missing teeth as a result of sports injuries, health problems or trauma.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are small posts, which are made from titanium; they are implanted into holes in the jaw bone with the aim of taking on the roles of the missing tooth root. Dental implants are very clever because they integrate into the actual bone tissue and this provides the same level of stability and anchorage for a new restoration as a natural tooth root.

Dental implants are really impressive because they are compatible with different restorations and this makes them a good match for most patients. Implants can be attached to a dental bridge or crown for patients with one missing tooth, or a denture for those with a larger number of missing teeth.

Implant treatment involves two important phases, which take place months apart; this is because it takes time for the implant to integrate into the bone. The first stage is the fitting of the implant; this involves making a hole in the bone, which then becomes a socket for the implant. Once the implant is in place, the gum incision is closed and left to heal and the next stage of treatment takes place when the implant has fully integrated. At this stage, the restoration is attached and the new tooth is ready to use.

Dental implants represent a really effective, long-term tooth replacement treatment for patients of all ages. They look, feel and function like natural teeth, they last for many years and they are easy to maintain. They also produce gorgeous, natural smiles and they help to reduce the risk of bone loss.

Floss Till You Drop And Save Those Yorkshire Pearlies

Monday, July 7th, 2014

357249_blogWhen it comes to oral hygiene, most people overlook flossing as the less important partner of brushing, but flossing is actually really important, especially if you want to keep your pearly whites looking bright and healthy. Flossing should never be a substitute for brushing; rather, you should brush and floss together to keep dental disease at bay and your smile looking radiant and gorgeous.

Why is flossing so important?

Flossing is essential for good oral health because it covers areas that you can’t reach properly with a toothbrush. When you brush, you clean the surfaces of the teeth, but you can’t fit a toothbrush head into the cracks between your teeth and it can be difficult to angle your brush to clean the gum line effectively. This is where flossing comes into play; with dental floss, you can remove plaque, bacteria and left over bits of food from the spaces between your teeth and the areas where your teeth meet your gums, which helps to reduce the risk of decay and gum disease.

Flossing tips

Flossing is easy, but it can take some getting used to. If you’ve not flossed before, be patient, as you will get the hang of it. Hold a piece of floss between your thumb and fingers and then gently guide it through the gaps between your teeth; use a new piece of floss for every tooth and never pull at the tape, as this could hurt your gums.

Many people ask about bleeding when flossing. Although it is common for the gums to bleed when you first start flossing or when you have not flossed for a long time, it is not normal for the gums to bleed on a regular basis and if you experience frequent bleeding when you floss, or you notice blood when you clean your teeth, we advise you to call and make an appointment. Bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease and it best to rule that out as quickly as possible.

Shhh! Discreet Braces Can Straighten Your Teeth As No One Notices

Sunday, July 6th, 2014

iStock_000001865987SmallIf you’re image conscious, you worry about what others say or think or you’re desperate to look your best for a special occasion, braces may be the last thing you want, but with our amazing orthodontic treatments, you can now have the smile of your dreams without anyone else being able to see that you’re wearing a brace. We offer a range of discreet treatment options to ensure you look and feel our best while you have treatment.

Our treatments include discreet fixed braces, removable clear aligners and lingual braces.

Fixed braces: we offer discreet fixed braces in the form of the fast-acting 6 Month Smile system. These braces not only work rapidly, but they also offer amazing aesthetics, as the braces are made from clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires.

Removable aligners: we offer the amazing invisible Invisalign aligner system for those looking for a discreet alternative to conventional train-track braces. This system uses a series of custom-made transparent aligner appliances to move the teeth, creating beautiful smiles with the added bonus that nobody will even be able to see a brace. We also offer the Inman Aligner, which is an incredibly quick treatment for patients who need a small amount of movement. Although the aligner is not invisible, it is much more discreet than a conventional brace.

Lingual braces: these braces are the ultimate choice for patients who are eager to keep their treatment a secret. With lingual braces, the brackets are attached to the back of the teeth, so nobody will be able to catch even the smallest glimpse of a brace when you smile. We offer STb Social 6 braces, which are designed for patients who have minor issues with the social 6, the front teeth that are most visible when you smile.

Home Whitening Could Make Your Summer Shine

Saturday, July 5th, 2014

3492515_blogThe sun is shining and the summer is finally here, so what better way to celebrate than treating yourself to a whitening makeover? If your teeth are looking a little dull or you fancy giving your smile a touch of glamour, why not try our amazing home whitening treatments?

Home whitening is a convenient, safe and effective way of lightening and brightening your smile and the process couldn’t be simpler. Before you start treatment, we invite you to pop in and see us so that we can make an impression of your teeth; this is then sent away to make your custom-made whitening trays. Once your trays are ready, treatment can begin.

Treatment takes place in the comfort of your own home and all you are required to do is wear your whitening trays for a set period of time each day. We recommend wearing the trays at night so that treatment doesn’t disrupt normal day to day life and most treatment periods last between 10 and 14 days. At the end of treatment, your teeth will look beautiful and white and you can top up your treatment in the future if you wish to by repeating the treatment process. It really is as easy as it sounds; you simply wear the trays and then get ready to enjoy the results! A bright, beautiful smile could be yours in just 2 weeks without any hassle or pain!

Is tooth whitening painful?

It is fairly common to experience mild sensitivity with tooth whitening, but the process is completely painless and any sensitivity you do feel will be short-lived. We use tried and tested home whitening systems to give you a gorgeous, radiant smile.

Whitening is a perfect option for those looking for an affordable, painless and simple way of transforming their smile for the summer. Call us today to make your appointment!

The Daily Grind: We Can Help You Overcome That Bruxism

Friday, July 4th, 2014

3534882_blogYou may notice the stresses and strains of daily life when you’re panicking about getting somewhere in time or you’re lying awake in bed at night thinking about tomorrow’s presentation, but there are signs that stress might be getting to you, which are less noticeable. If you regularly wake up with headaches, pain in and around your jaw, ear ache or your partner complains about a disturbed night’s sleep, you may suffer from bruxism. Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding, a subconscious action, which many of us carry out on a regular basis without even knowing.

Bruxism can be associated with loose fillings or crowns or orthodontic issues affecting the alignment of the teeth, but it is most commonly linked to stress or anxiety. Grinding the teeth together may be a sign that you are feeling stressed, worried or concerned. Studies show that people who have stressful jobs, as well as those who have certain personality traits, such as being a perfectionist or a worrier, are more prone to bruxism.

How can we help?

Bruxism can cause stiffness and restricted movement in the jaw, headaches and migraines and damage to the teeth. If you suffer from dental grinding and bruxism, we can help! We can offer advice about dealing with stress and anxiety and we can also fit a protective bite guard, which helps to prevent the teeth from clashing together when you are sleeping. The guard is similar to a mouth guard, which you would wear for sport; it is custom-made to fit you perfectly, so you should be able to sleep comfortably. Wearing a guard will help to protect your teeth and prevent aches and pains, as well as enabling your partner to enjoy a peaceful night of sleep.

Heavenly Hygienists Can Help In LS1

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

658156_blogWhen it comes to keeping dental diseases at bay and ensuring your smile looks bright, clean and glossy, our hygienists have got it nailed. Our expert hygienists are on hand to provide advice, administer preventative treatments and help with the management of existing oral health problems, such as gum disease. We recommend our heavenly hygienists to everyone; even patients with beautifully clean and healthy teeth can benefit from a regular trip to the hygienist.

What do dental hygienists do?

Dental hygienists carry out a number of important roles at the practice, from providing younger patients with preventative treatments and offering advice about nutrition, oral hygiene and giving up smoking, to providing intensive cleaning treatments and helping our dentists with the treatment and management of advanced gum disease.

Dental hygienists are experts in oral hygiene and the treatments they provide are designed to clean the mouth thoroughly in a bid to prevent the spread of infection, ensure the teeth look bright and clean and reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

When should I see a dental hygienist?

It is now possible to book an appointment with a dental hygienist directly without a referral from a dentist and we encourage all our patients to visit a hygienist once a year. Hygienists provide powerful cleaning treatments, which remove bacteria and plaque from the mouth, polish the teeth and remove surface stains and cleanse the gums. You’ll be amazed at the difference just a short session with the hygienist can make to the way your teeth look and feel.

If you have a high risk of developing oral diseases or you have existing symptoms, it’s advisable to see a hygienist on a regular basis. Often, with cases of advanced gum disease, patients attend regular appointments with dentists and hygienists.

Building Bridges And Better Smiles In The Heart Of Leeds

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014

4207449_blogIf you have a missing tooth or your tooth is severely decayed and you’ve been advised to consider extraction, there’s no need to panic. We understand that it can be distressing to think of your smile without a tooth, but we have the best tooth replacement treatments available and we can soon restore your smile to its former glory.

Dental bridges are a quick, simple and affordable means of restoring the look of your smile and enhancing oral function. They last for 10-15 years and you look after them in the same way as your natural teeth.

About dental bridges

Dental bridges are a form of prosthesis, which are used to replace missing teeth. There are three main types of dental bridge: the traditional fixed bridge, the cantilever bridge and the resin-bonded bridge (also known as a Maryland bridge). The most commonly used bridge is the traditional fixed bridge, which is a versatile tooth replacement that is made from a false tooth, which is anchored in place by two neighbouring crowns. Bridges are custom-made for each individual patient and they are available in different materials, including porcelain, for a natural, healthy looking aesthetic.

Is a dental bridge the best option for me?

Dental bridges are an excellent option for people who are looking for a quick, painless and simple solution to a missing tooth. Bridges cost much less than dental implants and they can be fitted in two appointments, usually two weeks apart. Implants last much longer, but they are more expensive and treatment takes several months. If you have missing teeth and you are not sure which treatment to go for, we can help! During your consultation, we will be happy to go through the different option with you and make recommendations based on your needs and your treatment aims and expectations.