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Archive for the ‘Smile Makeover’ Category

Making over your Smile in Leeds

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

It is just truly amazing the way ‘true art’ and its flamboyance works its magic into every walk of life and you can find this magic in every dentist’s surgery in Leeds today. Cosmetic dentistry has done wonders for everyone who thought that they could never smile ever again with confidence and that age has finally resigned them to the scrap heap. Oh no, not so! Dentists can give you whatever you need and the cheeky things just know exactly how to put that long lost smile back on your face! Not happy with the fact that they can straighten your teeth, plug up the gaps, whiten your teeth, contour you smile, ease away the wrinkles on your lips, endorse you with great crowns, cover up sins with veneers, make your mouth look natural and help you turn back the years with aplomb, they have now offered it in a complete package so that you can get the whole lot done in a complete package: and that’s not to impugn their work either. Everyone everyday are bombarded with image of people who can smile with exuberance and then think ‘I wish I could too’. But you can: if you are having problems with the way your smile inhibits you, then you should talk to your dentist about ways of getting your mouth back into shape. It isn’t hard, it’s all there for the taking and if you talk it through with your dentist, financially, you will be able to budget for it as well. It could be just the thing you’ve been looking for to shave years off you.

Improving your Smile with a Makeover in the City of Leeds

Sunday, August 12th, 2012

Some of us in the city of Leeds are born to smile; others however have to work damned hard to get there. A smile is important, it radiates your confidence and this can be important not only for self-confidence but by bettering yourself in your career.

If you have seen any makeover shows on TV, you will know that a dentist can do virtually anything to get you the smile you desire. The first step is to ensure that your mouth is healthy and there are no gaps due to tooth loss- this can be achieved with an implant, a bridge or a partial denture. Then it is time to repair any cracks and hide the gaps with dental veneer or cosmetic bonding and remove any excess gum tissue that may be covering the teeth.

Now the teeth can be whitened if necessary by some type of bleaching method. This is essentially the path you may have to take if you want the smile of your dreams. Of course, with age comes cracks around the lips- there’s no point of showing off the Mona Lisa without a frame- Botox or dermal fillers can be used to smooth away the crow’s feet and give you the complete look you’ve craved. Some dentists will also set up a payment plan to smooth out the costs for your make-over, but you know it’s worth it!

Raise Your Confidence with Smile Makeovers from your City of Leeds Dentist

Friday, July 13th, 2012

Your smile presents your personality to the world. Hiding your smile will make it hard to connect with people and enjoy life. If you don’t think your smile does you justice you should talk to your City of Leeds dentist about getting a smile makeover. Growing in popularity, the cosmetic smile makeover can give you new life and confidence by slightly altering the teeth, gums and lips to form the smile that suits you.

There is no one single treatment that is a smile makeover. Each person has the possibility of utilising a wide range of procedures to fit their own unique specifications. If you have severely damaged or broken teeth your dentist may offer you bridges or dentures as a replacement. Crooked and misaligned teeth can be made straight with the right type of bracers. New composite resin can be used in a variety of ways to fix and improve numerous dental problems. Coffee, wine and soft drinks can stain your teeth over time, the discolouration can fade the natural white colour into a dull, murky shade. Your dentist can use veneers or whitener to give you back a bright, white colour.

The length of time the process will take is completely dependent on the amount of work you which to have done. The best place to start is with a consultation with your local dentist. Together you can talk through all the possibilities that are on offer and you’ll have the opportunity to discuss any queries you may have. A new you is just round the corner with a smile makeover.


Dental Bonding in the City of Leeds

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

There are some truly magnificent ways to get your teeth fixed up in the city of Leeds right now and quickly too. One of the more versatile treatments is dental bonding, a treatment that has been around for ages- because it works and like many other of its peers, it has evolved and adapted as new materials have come along to incorporate into the process. If you have been suffering from some wear and tear to your teeth and a few cracks and gaps have appeared, and fancy a quick fix to your problem, this is for you because you can be in and out of the chair under the hour. The dentist will first clean your teeth and the lay the first layer of correctly coloured resin onto the surface. Once this has been ‘cured’ with a heat source, the process will be repeated until the dentist considers there is enough to work with. Then the resin will be shaped until the work is complete; after a quick polish, you are done. The great thing about this is if there are further problems down the line, you can simply get the resin touched up again making this a very versatile treatment indeed. If it has any weakness, it is open to staining because of the resin being slightly porous.


Whitening Teeth in the City of Leeds is one Step Away

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

Tooth whitening treatments have become increasingly popular over the last decade as people look for ways to enhance the look of their smile. Numerous celebrities have sported the results of whitening treatment and this has inspired many people to follow suit and visit their dentist for A-list treatment. Whitening is one of the most effective and affordable ways of giving your smile a makeover and the results are amazing.

Enlighten whitening

At our dental practice in the City of Leeds we are delighted to offer clients the world’s leading whitening treatment, Enlighten. Enlighten rapidly became a favourite with Hollywood’s finest and appeared on television makeover shows and now it is accessible to all. The Enlighten whitening system combines home whitening treatment with professional treatment to ensure amazing, long-lasting results.

What does treatment involve?

Enlighten treatment involves wearing a custom-made tray, which contains whitening agent for 2 weeks. Most people wear the tray during the night so that it does not interfere with their normal daily routine. On the 15th day, we will invite you to come into the surgery for a 1 hour professional whitening treatment to give your teeth a final boost and a gorgeous glossy glow.

Is whitening safe?

Tooth whitening is very safe when provided by a trained dentist and the results are amazing. Some people experience sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks after whitening treatment, but this tends to subside very quickly.

Bonding at the Dentist can Make a Big Difference in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

What is dental bonding?

Dental bonding is a treatment that involves using dental bonding material to patch up flaws and cracks in the teeth, improving the aesthetic of the smile and preventing further damage to the teeth.

When can dental bonding be used?

Dental bonding in the City of Leeds is a very versatile treatment, which can be used to address the following problems:

  • Chipped teeth.
  • Jagged, misshapen teeth.
  • Gaps between the teeth.
  • Filling small cavities.
  • Increasing the length of the teeth.
  • Brightening discoloured teeth.

What does the procedure involve?

The dental bonding procedure is very simple, with the bonding material applied to the affected tooth and then shaped by a skilled dentist. An intensive light beam is then shone onto the material, causing it to set hard. The material will then be trimmed or shaped to ensure a perfect result. The bonding procedure is very safe and quick and no anaesthetic is required.

Benefits of bonding

Bonding is a very simple, cheap and safe way of improving the look of your smile. If you are drawn to a chipped tooth when you look in the mirror, for example, dental bonding could be the ideal treatment. Having a healthy, attractive smile helps people to feel confident and enables them to make a positive first impression.

The Causes of Teeth Discolouration are Numerous in Leeds

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Bright white teeth have long been associated with health, wealth and social status and it is no different today. We are all familiar with the radiant Hollywood style smile, thanks to celebrities such as Simon Cowell and Cheryl Cole and it is no surprise that whitening teeth is a popular choice of treatment.

What are the causes of discolouration?

Very few people have naturally bright white teeth. Teeth are likely to lose their whiteness, though the process can be accelerated by poor dental health, smoking, and consuming strong coloured beverages, such as red wine and coffee. Discolouration is part of the ageing process but a good daily oral hygiene routine and a healthy lifestyle can help to keep the teeth looking healthy and bright.

Solutions for discolouration

Most people will be familiar with tooth whitening treatments, thanks to images of celebrities in the media. Teeth whitening is a popular choice with patients because it is safe, quick and affordable. In less than an hour, your smile could look completely different and you will have a radiant set of pearly whites to show off. A good daily oral hygiene routine and steering clear of red wine and coffee will also help to preserve the natural whiteness of the teeth and giving up smoking is beneficial for your oral health, as well as your general health.

If you are interested in tooth whitening in Leeds, give us a call to arrange a consultation.

Makeover Your Smile How You want it to be in the City of Leeds

Saturday, April 14th, 2012

A Smile Makeover is the ultimate form of cosmetic dentistry, so if you’ve ever dreamed of an A-list smile, this is probably the treatment for you! A Smile Makeover does exactly what the name suggests and it can convert even the most unattractive smile into a flawless set of dazzling pearly whites.

Smile Makeovers are made up of a number of different treatments, which produce a perfect smile. The selections you make will depend on the kind of look you want to achieve, your budget and the problems you feel you want to address.

How do I choose which treatments to have?

If you fancy a makeover and you live in the City of Leeds, we can make your dreams come true. We offer a vast range of treatments and we will be able to advise you which treatments to have based on your current oral health status, the kind of smile you want and your budget. We will tailor-make your treatment plan to suit your individual needs and desires.

Popular treatments include:

  • Tooth whitening
  • Orthodontic treatment
  • Veneers
  • Cosmetic bonding
  • Crowns
  • White fillings

How much does a Smile Makeover cost?

The cost of a Smile Makeover varies depending on the procedures you choose, with some treatments much more expensive than others. We will take your budget into account when designing your treatment plan and a full breakdown of the cost will be provided before you agree to go ahead with treatment.

Choosing Lumineers for Your Teeth in Central Leeds

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

There are a lot of cosmetic treatments available in central Leeds capable of knocking your teeth into shape, however, there is nothing better for covering up the signs of age than a veneer.

As a rule, the best veneers are always considered to be made of porcelain, but in preparing the teeth they are irreversibly damaged, because the enamel has to be removed from the surface of the teeth.

This tooth enamel damage does not occur with Lumineers.

Lumineers are manufactured out of specially patented porcelain and are very strong- it needs to be too, for it is a lot thinner than the traditional veneer, but still provides the same coverage and strength.

When attaching a Lumineer, the teeth are simply cleaned and the piece cemented over the top of the enamel, meaning that if you decide further down the line to change your mind, the Lumineer can be taken off and the tooth re-polished.





City of Leeds dentists offer incredible smile makeover packages

Saturday, February 26th, 2011

Dentists are not only there to help keep your teeth clean and free from disease, they can also help with the way your smile looks. And having a smile you can be proud of is very important in the modern, image conscious world. Think about how easy it is to relax people when you smile and how you can make friends with ease by looking happy. Having the perfect smile will also make those wedding or holiday photos look better too.
There are a number of things your dentist can do in this area and you might want to combine them into a smile makeover package. If you have crooked or misaligned teeth then you might want to consider wearing a brace to correct the problem. Modern braces are often see through and far more comfortable than they used to be.
Broken, chipped or cracked teeth can be covered with light, hard wearing porcelain crowns which, thanks to incredible CEREC techniques can be made, ready to fit in just over five minutes, without the need for x-rays or dental putty. If you have unsightly metal fillings then your dentist will be able to replace them with new, white fillings which will improve the look of your mouth no end.
If your teeth are dull or stained then you might consider having some sort of teeth whitening treatment. Modern methods of teeth whitening can produce some amazing results, restoring your teeth to the whitest possible shade in some cases.
Make an appointment to see your City of Leeds dentist for a consultation and he or she will be able to advise you about which areas of your mouth might benefit from treatment and come up with a smile makeover package for you to consider.