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Dental check ups at Central Leeds dentist save lives

Looking after the health of your teeth and gums is not just important for your mouth but could also make a difference to your overall health. With dental decay on the increase due to an increase in sugary diets and worsening standards of oral hygiene, and gum disease affecting nearly three quarters of all adults in the UK at some stage in their life, it is more important than ever to ensure a good standard of oral care.

Maintaining a good standard of oral health can be achieved in two main ways. The first, and perhaps most important, is making sure you are brushing your teeth and flossing correctly and effectively each day. Dentists recommend brushing for at least three minutes twice a day (ideally after every meal but this isn’t always possible) and flossing at least once a day. This will help to control plaque and keep dental decay and tooth decay under control.

However, even the most dedicated oral hygiene routine can still be susceptible to the effects of plaque and bacteria. It is often in the areas that are most difficult to clean that the problems begin. This is why the second prong of the defence against dental disease is so important. Six-monthly dental check ups will allow a Central Leeds dentist to examine your mouth for any signs of dental decay or gum irritation. Catching these conditions in their early stages make them far easier, not to mention far cheaper, to treat.

A dentist will also be able to conduct a routine examination for the signs and symptoms of oral cancer. This is a very nasty condition that can be fatal if not caught early, but treatable if it is. Book your dental check up today, especially if it has been a long time since your last. It could be the best decision you ever make.

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