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Effective root canal treatment available from City of Leeds dentists

Root canal treatment is a common and vital procedure necessary to restore the health of a tooth that has become damaged internally. Inside all of your teeth is a chamber, known as the pulp chamber. In this chamber there are many, nerves, arteries, veins and tissues. Entering into the pulp chamber through the root are the root canals which carry nerves into the tooth.

You might need root canal treatment if the pulp tissue of the tooth has become infected and an abscess is forming. This can be very painful indeed and infection can easily spread to other areas of the mouth. This might occur as a result of tooth decay, diseases of the gum or even an injury which has profoundly damaged the whole tooth. If you have persistently aching teeth, tenderness or swelling of the gums near a tooth or one of your teeth has become darkened following an accident, you may require root canal treatment.

In root canal treatment the pulp is removed from the tooth and the chamber disinfected. Your dentist will anaesthetise the area then drill into the tooth to gain access to the chamber. Special equipment is then employed to clean out the canals of the infected materials. Xrays are a vital part of the process in that they allow the dentist to assess accurately the depth of the canals and the amount of infected material that needs clearing.

Having sealed up your tooth with a temporary filling, you will need to return for a second appointment at which your dentist will remove the temporary filling and check that the canals are still free from debris. Once assured of the success of the original process a permanent crown can be attached. This complicated process is vital to guard against damaging oral infections and your City of Leeds dentist can provide you with more information.

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