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Worried about TMJ disorders? Contact your City of Leeds dentist for effective diagnosis and treatment

February 20th, 2011

The temporomandibular joint (or TMJ) connects your jaw to the temporal bone of your skull and is very important in coordinating the way in which your mouth is able to move. As well as this, it contains crucial nerves which go between the skull and the jaw. If a disorder develops in the TMJ then it can be very serious, not to mention rather painful too.
TMJ disorders will show themselves as pain when you yawn or even eating and talk. In very bad cases you might feel pain the area even when you are not moving your jaw at all. If things get worse then the pain and discomfort might spread to the neck and shoulders too. Needless to say, all of these symptoms can seriously hamper many day to day activities and it is worth sorting out if you want to avoid involuntary muscular spasms and even tinnitus.
Dentists are well placed to diagnose TMJ disorders because the TMJ is connected to the mouth. They might decide to give you an x-ray or a ‘clench’ test where you bite down to determine the site of the pain you feel. The problem might lie with the alignment of your teeth affecting your bite and TMJ has been linked with the process of bruxism or grinding your teeth in your sleep.
To solve this you might need to wear a brace to adjust the alignment of your teeth and, in rare cases, surgery is required. TMJ is worth taking seriously but usually it is easily resolved. You should always share any concerns you have with your City of Leeds dentist and they will be able to examine you and diagnose TMJ if it is occurring.

Leeds dentists advise patients in the options for teeth straightening

February 19th, 2011

Having a crooked smile can lead to embarrassment in social situations as you try and hide your mouth, ashamed of the way your smile looks. Crooked or misaligned teeth are a common problem in the United Kingdom and you should be prepared to go to your dentist and ask for more information about how to rectify the problem. Aside from the aesthetics involved, misaligned teeth have also been implicated in cases of teeth grinding and even TMJ.
The most common method of having your teeth straightened is with a traditional brace that uses metal wires and brackets to slowly adjust the positions of your teeth. These are extremely effective and have stood the test of time but the treatment period is often long, some people find them uncomfortable and they can look unsightly.
Other braces are available these days, such as invisible or friction free ones which are more aesthetically pleasing and often shorter treatment times. It must be said though that these are usually only suitable for minor alignment issues and if you need major work then a traditional metal brace is probably still your best option.
Although childhood is the best time to get teeth straightened as your teeth are still developing, braces are perfectly suitable for adults too and you shouldn’t think that teeth straightening is not for you just because you are a little older. Next time you visit your Leeds dental surgery you should ask your dentist to explain all the different options available to get your teeth straightened. You will be glad you did when you complete your treatment and have a perfectly straight and aligned smile to shoe off to your friends and colleagues.

Central Leeds dentists fit porcelain veneers to improve smiles

February 18th, 2011

If you have a cracked, chipped or stained tooth there is no need to simply accept it and be ashamed of it. There are things you can do to improve the look of your smile, dental procedures that are efficient and effective. You should ask your Central Leeds dentists about porcelain veneers and they might improve your smile, allowing you to relax in social situations.
Porcelain veneers represent an effective solution to cracked, chipped or stained teeth. They are basically thin layers of porcelain that are laid on top of the tooth, concealing the unsightly crack, chip or stains. Some porcelain veneers are now so thin that they have been dubbed ‘contact lenses for teeth’.
The advantage of this incredible thinness is that they are even more convenient to fit and extremely discreet. Even though they are thin, they are incredibly hard wearing and ought to last a life time with the right care.
Amazing new advances in technology means that porcelain veneers can be fitted in just a short visit to the dentist. Even the busiest of schedules ought to be able to accommodate the fitting of a porcelain veneer. Dentists are able to take digital x-rays of your mouth and send the data to an online milling machine. This machine constructs the porcelain veneer in just six minutes.
Then your dentist can match it to your surrounding teeth in terms of colour and even texture before securing it in place with a powerful dental resin. Despite these new technologies, having a porcelain veneer fitted is still very affordable.
Talk to your Central Leeds dentist if you are interested in porcelain veneers and how they might be able to improve the look of your smile.

Leeds dentists effectively straighten teeth with Invisalign braces

February 17th, 2011

For many years the only option available for straightening teeth was metal braces. Although extremely effective they are also pretty unsightly and have caused more than a few people a fair degree of social embarrassment as they have tried to hide all of the metal brackets and wires in their mouths. But there are other ways now to straighten your teeth without this pressure.
Invisalign braces are made from a clear material that eliminates the need for metal brackets and wires. They have been dubbed ‘the invisible brace’ or ‘see through braces’ by patients who have been pleased with them. But they are just an effective as traditional braces and are also constructed specially to fit the exact shape of your unique mouth. Modern technology allows construction to take place quickly too, usually without the need for moulds to be taken.
They are completely removable as long as you wear them for twenty two hours every day. You might want to take them out while you play a sport or are attending a business meeting. The fact that they are removable means that they are easy to clean and you needn’t worry about food getting trapped in amongst the metal braces and wires; a problem that can lead to bad breath in patients wearing traditional braces.
Instead of using metal wires to tighten your teeth, Invisalign braces are replaced when you need a new one to continue the process of adjustment. This means that the whole procedure is more comfortable. Ask your Leeds dentist if they are registered with Invisalign; if they are then you can have a free consultation and take the first step towards straightening your teeth out, efficiently and discreetly.

Find out about general dentistry at the practices of Central Leeds dentists

February 16th, 2011

Taking good care of your teeth begins at home with how you look after your teeth. You ought to be brushing and flossing at least twice a day for about three minutes. As well you should be vigilant for any problems which you think are occurring in your mouth. But all this must be done in conjunction with your dentist, as these experts play a crucial role in keeping your whole mouth as healthy as it can be.
Most general dentistry really consists of giving you, the patient, expert advice. Your dentist can examine your mouth and tell you how best to take care of your teeth. They might be able to spot particular areas where plaque is building up, allowing you to modify your own cleaning techniques. Your dentist will be able to tell if you are brushing too hard because of the damage it might inflict on your teeth and gums. This is something that you yourself might not notice so visits to the dentist are very important.
Your dentist might decide that what you need is scaling and polishing to remove plaque that has hardened into tartar and can only be removed in the surgery. Problems with the alignment of your teeth might be spotted by your dentist who could advise that you have a brace fitted.
There are usually plenty of dentists to choose from, especially if you live in a built up, urban area. Choose your dentist carefully based on areas of expertise, if you suffer from a persistent problem with your gums for example.
Your Central Leeds dentist will be able to tell you all about the general dentistry procedures that are on offer at his or her practice.

Leeds dentists effectively diagnose and cure dental pain

February 15th, 2011

Having a pain free set of teeth is something that many of us take for granted. But teeth are an incredibly sensitive part of the body and any pain that you have there will make normal, every day activities such as eating, drinking and talking, that much more difficult. There are a number of causes of dental pain and you should seek the advice of your dentist if it should occur.
A common cause of dental pain is if plaque is causing the enamel of your teeth to break down and cavities are forming. These small holes in teeth allow the nerves inside to be interfered with and can be very painful as a result.
Teeth can also break down and become painful if you suffer from bruxism or nocturnal teeth grinding. You might not know that you have bruxism but dental pain can alert you to this as the process of grinding makes your teeth feel painful. It might be that you are brushing your teeth too hard and wearing away the enamel which normally protects the teeth.
What the diagnosis will be will depend on where the pain is occurring and what activities bring it on. Your dentist is expert in all areas concerning the health of your teeth and will be able to give them a thorough examination to determine the cause.
Treatment might not be necessary if it is simply a case of improving your brushing and flossing technique. Fillings, on the other hand will need to be filled to stop the process of decay from continuing. Talk to your Leeds dentist if you are experiencing dental pain and the problem will be sorted out before you know it.

Improve your smile with dental crowns from City of Leeds dentists

February 14th, 2011

If you have a broken down, chipped or cracked tooth you are probably anxious about dealing with it so that you can improve the look of your smile. But what is the best option when dentists offer such a variety of procedures? One to consider is having a dental crown fitted to effectively cover it up, allowing to smile once more with pride and relax in social situations.
Modern dental crowns are incredibly durable and discreet. They are basically a covering that will conceal your broken down or cracked tooth so consummately that no one will even know that it is not your natural tooth.
Thanks to advances in the technology available in dental surgeries throughout the United Kingdom, dental crowns can be fitted with amazing swiftness. Many dentists can now take a digital x-ray of your mouth and send the data to an online milling which will craft your dental crown in just over five minutes. It will be ready to fit there and then with a string dental resin.
Your dentist will be able to match the dental crown to your surrounding teeth, giving a really natural look in terms of texture, colour and even translucence. Modern dental crowns are usually made from porcelain, a hard wearing and light substance that can be treated just like the rest of your teeth. Because it is such a hard wearing material, you might not need to have any of your existing tooth shaved off to accommodate it; a real boon for those who are not keen on invasive procedures.
Your City of Leeds dentist will have all the information about dental crowns so you should ask him or her about them next time you have an appointment.

Cosmetic bonding techniques allow City of Leeds dentists to effectively fill cavities

February 13th, 2011

The good news is that metal fillings are no longer the only option for you if you are suffering from cavities in your teeth. These small holes can occur as the result of sustained attack from plaque that has broken down the protective layer of enamel on your teeth. It is important that they are filled so that your nerves are not able to be compromised and your teeth begin to decay fully.
Metal fillings, although effective, were not without controversy and could be difficult to place. Many dentists and patients alike now prefer to use cosmetic bonding to fill cavities, for a number of reasons. The dental composite used in cosmetic bonding is perfectly suited to the job because it is extremely malleable and thus is easily mouldable to fit into most cavities of any size.
It can also be adapted by your dentist for added discreetness by selecting the appropriate shade and texture so that the filling matches your surrounding teeth. Even your closest intimates will be quite unable to tell that you have a filling, especially when so many of us are used to unsightly metal fillings.
For an extra special finish dentists subject the bond to a curing light once it has been placed, secured with dental resin for stability. The result is a long lasting filling that looks incredible natural and can be treated just like your normal teeth. Cosmetic bonding is suitable to replace existing metal fillings too, so if you have had enough of your metal fillings then you don’t have to put up with them anymore.
If you want more information, talk to your City of Leeds dentist and they will be able to tell you about how cosmetic bonding techniques are changing the way we think about filling cavities.

Understanding Dental Procedures in Leeds

February 12th, 2011

All dentists will offer you a basic range of procedures to keep your teeth healthy and this will start with a basic check-up. This can involve the taking of X-rays to check the growth of the teeth and the health and condition of your teeth. They will carry out de-scaling of plaque and tartar, fillings, fluoride treatments and extractions and offer any anaesthetics if required to carry out your treatment. If your teeth need straightening, you may require braces or aligners to solve the problem- there are plenty of choices in Leeds. But as we get older, our teeth may grow tired; cracks, gaps, chips and general wear and tear may have set in. We may also suffer from a little gum disease and tooth decay. All these may require work of a cosmetic nature- we may need a little dental bonding, the odd crown, bleaching or veneers if we feel vain enough, just so we can restore that smile to the mouth. A dentist will be able to help you with tooth loss too. You can have a bridge fitted to make up for your loss and in the most extreme situation of all, fit you with dentures. And bringing every thing up to date, implant technology allows not only an odd tooth, and even all the teeth to be replaced, they aid in the fitting of dentures. Everything is available in the city and its all there for you.

Choosing Your Dentist in Central Leeds

February 11th, 2011

It’s not as easy as you’d think choosing a dentist in central Leeds- remember, this is the person, whom you barely know and who you are going to put your trust in, to play inside your mouth. This is the person who is going to play in your families mouths and this is the person who is going to play with some ferocious looking hardware inside your mouth. So before you choose your dentist, it’s important that you ensure you are completely satisfied with your choice before taking the plunge. To start with, location is always an important factor- is the surgery close to your and your family’s home and workplace? It can be very expensive if you have to travel miles for an appointment, especially if you having ongoing treatments. Opening hours are important too- if you are a busy person, you may only be able to fit in appointments at weekends. Another tip is also to ask friends or neighbors which dentist they use and whether or not they are any good. Once you are armed with this information, it’s time to visit the dentist for a consultation. Now is the time to see if you like the dentist and find out the treatments that are on offer. Is the dentist qualified to do the work you want? Is their equipment modern and current? Do they do cosmetic work should you need it, etc, etc? Also important is to find out if the dentist is NHS registered and whether you can spread your payments or not. Now, if you have made all these plans but then you don’t like the treatment you’ve had, try another dentist- you have the choice.