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Having a Dental Emergency in the City of Leeds

February 10th, 2011

However you live your life in the city of Leeds, if you are starting to suffer from any discomfort or pain, any where in your body, it can be you have an emergency on your hands that could get worse if untreated- it’s the same with a dental emergency. It’s important to understand the nature of what the emergency is, and to be able to take control until you are able to get the proper dental treatment you require. There are certain dentists that run a 24 hours emercengy service, but they certainly won’t appreciate a call out at 3am to stick a veneer back on! Some pains may not require an instant fix, but can be treated by yourself until you get seen. Such pains can be caused by a sudden tooth loss, swelling to the mouth, pain when chewing or bleeding and discharge from the gums. A chipped tooth, loss of a filling or veneer can cause pain to the gums and/or tongue. Loses can be shawed up with gauze or gum, sharp pains can be treated with various painkillers and soothants, available from over the counter. Soreness can be soothed not only by painkillers, but also by herbal remedies that can be rubbed into affetcted areas. All these antidotes will help you until you can get to your dentist. But you should know your body and if you consider it’s a severe situation, call an ambulance- an abcess eruption can kill and if there are any signs of swelling to the face, coupled with extreme pain, immediate treatment is required.

Eliminating Teeth Erosion in Leeds

February 9th, 2011

The erosion of the teeth, like most teeth problems in Leeds, is not always obvious at first. It’s caused by a repetitive attack of acids over time that reduces the enamel on the teeth; a process that is irreversible. These acids can attack the teeth in two different ways. Firstly, it’s down to what we expose our mouths from the outside (extrinsically). Fruit juices, carbonated drinks and soft drinks have a very high acidity level that attack the enamel of the teeth if not cleared away effectively. Certain medicines also contain a high acid content, as do chemicals found in swimming pools, such as chlorine, Secondly, acids that attack our teeth can be produced from inside the body (intrinsically). Poor diet, eating disorders, gastric acids, excessive vomiting from excessive alcohol abuse and bulimia. It’s important to be aware of the symptoms in order to stop the problem progressing. Teeth sensitivity, transparency, discoloration and cracking are all signs that you may be suffering from some form of erosion, and any of these can expose the teeth to decay. It is not impossible to treat however; getting a good diet and by laying off the booze, are the obvious starters. But a dentist will also be able to recommend certain fluoride treatments and toothpastes if the problem is caught early on. If the problem is a lot more advanced, you may require certain cosmetic procedures to restore your teeth.

Fighting Teeth Decay in Central Leeds

February 8th, 2011

It’s not a pretty sight having to smile at people in central Leeds when you have decayed teeth. It’s not only ugly to look at, but it can also be very dangerous to your health. It will start to develop by having a poor oral hygiene regime and irregular visits to dentist. If plaque continues to build up in the mouth, tartar will form and gum disease will set in, causing the teeth to rot; not only are these problems difficult to reverse, but expensive too, and tooth decay is a whole lot easier to prevent than to cure. Certain foods that contain a lot of sugar or starch need to be removed after eating, as they can lead to bacteria forming in the mouth. Regular brushing with a good brush and paste, followed by flossing and rinsing, should be enough to counter the build up of plaque- that and regular visit to the dentist. If decay or a cavity sets in, a dentist will be able to rectify this with a simple filling- if caught early enough. But if the problem is allowed to go on, you may require a root canal and crown; you may even loose the tooth altogether, even worse it will spread throughout the rest of the mouth very quickly. You may also like to consider, gum disease and tooth decay are directly linked to heart disease and strokes.

Teething in the City of Leeds

February 7th, 2011

In the city of Leeds, all of us are born with different thresholds to pain. This is also the case when it comes to any type of dental pain and especially with teething. It’s normally a problem associated with babies, but if you consider the pain that a wisdom tooth can cause as it breaks through the skin, it’s pretty much the same for a baby. It can start as early as 3 months and then anywhere up to 3 years and although some children may not be affected at all by the problem, it can be hell for others. The symptoms normally start around five days before the teeth come through. The gums may swell and the child become agitated, restless and cry a lot, coupled with drooling and the desire to chew on things. But the problems are treatable, not altogether painless, but soothing. Special teething toys are designed for chewing on and there are gels, herbal remedies such as clove oil, and medicines designed to act as a numbing agent and similar to how an adult would approach a toothache or a breaking wisdom tooth. Pain killers are available to babies of a certain age although caution should be taken when choosing this method. If there are any doubts at all on the correct line to take, or should complications arise, a paediatrician should be consulted.

Getting the Right Tooth Paste in Leeds

February 6th, 2011

When it comes to buying toothpaste in Leeds, you’d have probably noticed that there is a lot to choose from- there are powders, pastes and gels and you may have to experiment at first to get one that suits you. And if you have a family of course, you have to take into consideration their needs too. Generally, most pastes come with certain ingredients already added. Calcium carbonate is used as an abrasive that aid the removal of bacteria and stains. All will contain some form of flavouring, thickeners and detergents, but the most important ingredient that toothpaste should have, and is widely supported by dentists, is fluoride. This natural mineral has proven to be quite a deterrent over the years to plaque and tooth decay. It enhances saliva and hardens (and enriches) the tooth’s enamel- although caution should be taken when children are involved. Once you are happy with all these, there are a few other matters to consider. Some toothpaste will include some form of tartar control, very important if you are prone to it. If you have sensitive teeth, there are products out there designed specifically to overcome this problem. Finally, for those of us that seek the Hollywood touch, there are pastes, gels and powders that contain a whitening agent to keep your teeth ‘pearly white’- a smokers’ choice too. If you are still unsure, you can always ask your dentist- they know as much about your teeth as you.

Choosing a Tooth Brush in Central Leeds

February 5th, 2011

In the ongoing rush to keep our teeth clean in central Leeds, it should always be remembered that it all starts with a good toothbrush and choosing the right type that suits you can be a bit of a minefield. There are so many shapes and sizes, hard bristles, soft bristles, angled brushes- and then you can move into the world of electric brushes and as fantastic as they are in their cleaning actions, some may be very abrasive and completely unsuitable for your mouth. It can be a matter of trial and error until you get this right, as all our mouths tend to be different, with different agendas and requirements; it’s not a good idea, for example to continue brushing with the same brush if it is making your gums bleed. The best person to ask advice on this subject is your dentist. They have seen more of the inside of your mouth than you; they know how delicate your gums are and how your teeth are angled and can point you in the right direction. One thing is for sure, you should change your brush regularly- they wear down and then work inefficiently, and they are a great home for bacteria. If you persevere with your search for the right brush and keep a few rules in mind, you should have no problems with cleaning your teeth.

How to Clean Your Teeth in the City of Leeds

February 4th, 2011

It’s probably safe to assume that most of us know how to keep our teeth clean in the city of Leeds, but it’s also a fact that, cases of people suffering from tooth decay, throughout the country, is on the increase. If you want to keep your teeth healthy, it’s essential to maintain a program of good oral hygiene and if your have any doubts about this, you should consult your dentist. The basic principles have never been in doubt- clean, twice daily with a suitable brush and a fluoride based toothpaste, rinsing and flossing after eating, and a bi-annual dental check-up. But this is only scratching the surface of keeping your teeth clean. It’s also important to understand what we are putting in our mouths- some foods are acidic and sugar based, and are the main causes of tooth decay. It’s important to make sure these foods are removed from mouth correctly. Small brushes, flossing, dental gum and mouthwashes are a great source of back-up to the general cleaning process and are always useful to have at your disposal- especially as we get older and gaps appear between the teeth. As well as all these tips, it is also handy to remember that over cleaning can be detrimental to teeth and should be cleaned in moderation Once you have mastered a technique and regime that suits you, you shouldn’t have a problem keeping your teeth clean.

Your Choice of Dental Treatments in Leeds

February 3rd, 2011

Before you have any dental treatment in Leeds, you first have to find a dentist that will be able to meet your requirements or indeed, your families. Before you register, it’s wise to do a little research first. It’s always wise to ask friends, neighbours or work colleagues what dentist they use so you can build up a picture for yourself and then, to visit the surgery and meet with the dentist. Some dentists may offer a little of this or more of that- it’s essentially down to what suits you. This is the time to ask questions about the treatments on offer- are they NHS registered, can they do cosmetic procedures, how modern is the equipment and how comprehensive are the treatments, can you set up treatment and payment plans, etc, etc. Once you have all this information to hand, then you are in a position to make a well informed decision and then register. Of course, this process is still a work in progress at this stage too. You may, once having initial treatment, decide that this is not the dentist for you and you should never feel pressurised into remaining with one dentist; if you are at all unhappy with the treatment you have received- change your dentist.

Overcoming your Dental Anxieties in Central Leeds

February 2nd, 2011

Suffering from dental anxiety in the central Leeds can be very obstructive to getting the treatment needed to keep your mouth healthy, and anxiety can make it very awkward for your dentist to work around too. But these fears of the dentist must be confronted and the first person you should discuss your problems with- is your dentist, for they are trained to understand your fears. If you make a friend of your dentist and build up some form of relationship with them, the more likely you are to believe in what they say to you. It also allows you to express your worries about dental treatments and by understanding what’s involved in dental procedures, gives you a sense of choice and power back in the decision making for the work you require. There’s also a choice of relaxation techniques designed to put you at ease in the chair- some dentists even offer hypnotherapy. Of course, if it’s the thought of pain that give you anxiety, there are more tried tested ways to stop you feeling any pain, such as a varying choice of anaesthetics and sedatives and if your suffer from extreme anxiety, you may choose to be completely knocked out. There really are no anxieties that can’t be addressed and may take a big leap of faith to overcome, but in the end, the health of your mouth and subsequently, your body should be incentive enough to try to overcome these problems.

Coming to Terms with Dentures in the City of Leeds

February 1st, 2011

It can be a shocking moment in your life when you walk into a dentists in the city of Leeds and are told you have to have all your teeth removed because of gum disease or rotting teeth. For a start, it will psychologically age you, but once your teeth are removed, your face will sag and age you physically. If you have to face the inevitable, a good set of dentures can at least lessen the blow and retain your looks. They come in all shapes and sizes; partial dentures can make up for a few missing teeth- like CuSil, that wrap around any remaining teeth. If you require full dentures however, denture technology has come a long way and you don’t have to settle for the hard, plastic look. Dentures can be manufactured from softer materials that bond into the mouth better and also house porcelain, more natural looking teeth. Of course one of the problems with dentures in the past was they had a habit of falling out at the most embarrassing moments- especially during eating. But denture adhesives have also improved over the years and the latest, more desirable options is to have mini implants fitted into the jaw which simply click the dentures solidly into place. It’s not the end of the world losing your teeth and dentures can still look healthy and retain healthiness in the mouth whilst keeping you smiling.