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Magical Makeovers for Your Smile!

January 20th, 2016

529808_blogMost people agree that nothing is more attractive in another person than a beautiful smile and with our amazing cosmetic, restorative and orthodontic treatments, we can create stunning smiles and cater for all your cosmetic dental needs. Being unhappy with your smile can affect your confidence and hold you back, but we are ready to transform your smile and give you the confidence to achieve your dreams!

Our smile makeovers

Smile makeovers are cosmetic treatments that work together to produce a perfect smile. With a smile makeover, we use a sequence of treatments of your choosing to create your ideal result. Our clients have different needs and therefore every makeover is slightly different. Some of our patients need purely cosmetic work, while others require restorative or tooth straightening treatment. We can also provide tooth replacement treatment to fill gaps in the smile.

We offer personalised treatment and treat every patient as an individual. We work together with our patients during the planning phase to decide which treatments to use and design the new smile.

Treatments we can offer as part of a smile makeover include the following: porcelain crowns and veneers, white fillings, teeth whitening, cosmetic bonding, gum reshaping, cosmetic braces, dental implants and dental bridges. The treatments you select will depend on what you want from your smile makeover, the look and condition of your teeth and also your budget and the time you want to devote to treatment.

How long does a smile makeover take?

The length of treatment varies hugely according to the types of treatments you choose. Some treatments only take an hour, while others can take several months. When you see your dentist they will chat to you about the different options and they can take your time restraints into consideration when making recommendations. If you need braces or are interested in dental implant treatment as part of your makeover, the treatment may take months, while other cosmetic services tend to be much quicker.

New and Discreet Fillings for Patients in Leeds

January 18th, 2016

2904341_blogIf you’ve ever heard the dreaded words from the dentist that you need a filling, you’ve probably done the same thing as most people: fret and sigh at the thought of having a grey chunk sat between your teeth, reminding you of your visit.

However, at City Dental Leeds, the days of this experience could be over as they offer discreet white fillings.

White fillings

White fillings have become extremely popular in recent years for a number of reasons, such as being more aesthetically pleasing than the traditional amalgam filling and for a number of environmental reasons.

Although like many other dental procedures, there are various options when it comes to white fillings, that all depend on the size and location of the cavity.

Firstly there’s the white filling made of dental composite that look natural and can be fitted in one appointment. These fillings can be used on both the front and the back teeth, with some designed for the back teeth being made to withstand great force to help when eating, and they come in different shades in order to blend well with your other teeth.

There is also a composite or porcelain inlay white filling, which is usually used for larger fillings as they are much more durable than the normal composite. These are also used for aesthetic purposes, but do require two appointments, as the inlays have to be manufactured in a lab.

How the procedure works

These fillings are bonded to the teeth and once this is done an intensive light is used to help harden the filling, which takes less than a minute. The best thing is – you can eat as soon as it’s finished as the filling will be set straight away.

So next time you need a filling, enquire about white fillings so you don’t have to see grey next time you open your mouth!

Flossing or Inter-Dental Brushing?

January 14th, 2016

357249_blogFlossing and inter-dental brushing form part of a good oral hygiene regime. Dentists will advise when is best to use either dental floss or an inter-dental brush, and on the most appropriate technique. Where dental devices or restorations are present, an inter-dental brush may be more suitable than floss.

The difference between floss and an inter-dental brush

Floss is made of a collection of nylon fibres or a plastic thread. The thread is held between the fingers and inserted between and around each tooth to remove all debris and plaque. Some flossing disposable devices have a small plastic handle that may be held during flossing.

Inter-dental brushes comprise a tiny bristled head attached to a plastic handle, similar to the handle of a toothbrush. The bristled head comes in different sizes, attaches to the handle and is replaceable. Individuals hold the inter-dental brush handle while moving the bristles between and around the teeth, cleansing the surfaces between teeth and just below the gum line.

Dental flossing technique

Take a piece of dental floss, about 18 inches in length. Wrap the floss around the each index finger and gradually insert it between the teeth, starting at one end of the upper dental arch. Clean each tooth, ensuring the floss gently moves in a C curve between and around the tooth and gum line. Use a fresh part of the 18 inch piece of floss per tooth. When the upper dental arch is complete, get another 18 inch piece of floss and repeat the action for the lower dental arch.

Inter-dental brushing technique

Use the right choice of brush head and to place it gently between the teeth, carefully removing it along with stuck food debris and sticky plaque. Repeat the action for each tooth so that any bacteria-attracting agents are removed to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. If you would like you would like to know more about oral hygiene, please contact the team at City Dental in the heart of Leeds.

Restore Your Smile With Composite Bonding

January 12th, 2016

2904346_blogComposite bonding, also known as cosmetic bonding, is a very effective treatment used to repair damaged teeth. This treatment is simple, quick and affordable, yet it can make a massive difference to the look of your smile. If you’ve put up with chipped or worn teeth for too long, now is the perfect time to call us and find out more about composite bonding.

What is composite bonding?

Composite bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that also has restorative benefits for your teeth. Dental composite is used to repair damaged teeth. In its putty-like form, it can be shaped and moulded to repair chipped teeth, build-up worn tooth surfaces and even close the gap between two teeth. Your City Dental Dentist will use their creative flair and experience to create amazing results using dental composite and once they are happy with the look of your new smile, the composite will be hardened before final touches are made.

Before bonding, your dentist will clean the affected teeth, roughen the edges and apply resin and bonding agent to ensure that the composite will bond properly. The composite is then added and set hard using a curing light. After final adjustments have been made, your dentist will give your teeth a polish to ensure you leave with a gleaming smile.

Composite bonding usually takes less than an hour and only a single appointment is required. The procedure is painless and most patients do not require local anaesthetic.

Who can benefit from composite bonding?

Composite bonding is an ideal treatment for patients who have chipped teeth, worn teeth or a small gap between two of their teeth. This is a more affordable option than veneers and it is also quicker and more straight-forward.


All About Braces!

January 8th, 2016

braces front teethBraces have been used to treat a range of different orthodontic problems for many years now and conventional metal braces are still used to address problems including overcrowding, gap between the teeth and poorly positioned teeth.

Many people think of traditional metal train-tracks when they hear the word brace, but braces have evolved considerably and there is now a whole host of different types of braces and orthodontic devices on the market.

Braces are usually associated with teenagers but recently there has been a significant increase in the number of adults visiting their dentist for orthodontic treatments. This is mainly due to the introduction of new, discreet treatments but is also associated with the rise of celebrity culture and the increased focus on image and beauty.

Although the conventional metal brace did enjoy something of a resurgence thanks to the Channel 4 series Ugly Betty, more discreet treatments have become much more popular. Now, the most popular treatments include Invisalign invisible braces, Damon Braces, Six Month Smile braces and the Inman Aligner.

Looking for a Leeds dentist? City Dental are here to help.

As well as being much more discreet than conventional metal braces, new orthodontic treatments also decrease treatment time and some treatments can produce amazing results in just a matter of weeks. Some treatments aren’t suitable for some people, the treatment you choose may depend on your budget but you will also be advised based on your orthodontic problems and your oral health status.

Amazing Cosmetic Dentistry in Leeds

January 6th, 2016

18625010At City Dental Leeds, we are proud to offer our clients an amazing array of cosmetic treatments and are confident that we can find a solution to any aesthetic dental problem. From chipped and worn teeth to stained and crooked teeth, we’ve got it covered!

Our cosmetic dental treatments

We offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic dental treatments, including:

  • teeth whitening
  • smile makeover
  • cosmetic bonding
  • white fillings
  • cosmetic braces, including Invisalign and the Inman Aligner

With our treatments, we can make minor adjustments to your teeth or completely transform your smile and we offer bespoke smile makeovers for those who long for a flawless smile. Our aim is to use our expertise in tandem with the latest techniques and treatments to create beautiful smiles.

Benefits of cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is beneficial for many reasons. Although it doesn’t usually have a direct impact on health, it can make a massive difference to confidence levels and self-esteem and increased confidence can do people the world of good. Research has also shown that an attractive smile makes you more appealing to potential employers.

If you’ve been thinking about having cosmetic dental treatment or you have issues that prevent your confidence when smiling in public, now is the time to call us and book a consultation!

New Year, New Smile! Restorative Dentistry for Patients in Leeds

January 4th, 2016

18625010The phrase “restorative dentistry” covers a whole range of treatments for various conditions, including missing or damaged teeth and even the treatment of damaged bone tissue. Often, these repairs are carried out for cosmetic reasons, so that the patient no longer feels embarrassed or ashamed of the gaps in their smile, but often these dental problems can have more serious implications for a person’s oral or even general health.

There are three types of restorative dentistry: prosthodontics, endodontics and periodontics. Each offers the patient help for whatever oral health problems they are suffering.


Prosthodontics are probably the most common type of restorative dental treatment, as this group includes fillings to repair the damage done by tooth decay and to prevent the tooth from having to be removed. Other types of this treatment include veneers, crowns and bridges, which are considered more of a cosmetic treatment.


Endodontics refers to problems inside the tooth, so serious problems with the tissue that make up the inner parts of the teeth rather than the surface enamel. Probably the most well known treatment that is part of the endodontics group is root canal treatment, in which damaged or diseased tissue from inside the tooth is removed and then filled again with a suitable synthetic material. Untreated root canal problems can be very painful, so patients are usually very keen to get their condition treated!


Periodontic specialists treat problems with your gums, including the common condition gingivitis or gum disease. This is an uncomfortable condition that can also have serious complications for the health of your teeth, so it’s important that you ask for help if you are suffering any of the symptoms of gingivitis, like bleeding gums. Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults, which shows you just how important it is not to put off treatment, as by the time you seek help it could be too late to save your teeth.

Why you should have a regular check-up

It is important for patients to attend their check-ups regularly and seek help if they are even the slightest bit worried about any symptoms. Restorative dentistry is much more effective if the condition can be treated as early as possible, plus there is always the risk that you might lose teeth or have to have them extracted if you don’t get treated quickly enough!

Watch Your Imperfections Vanish with Veneers

December 24th, 2015

529808_blogIf you’re conscious about smiling in public or dental imperfections are getting you down, we have a magical treatment that can make those flaws vanish for good. Our beautiful veneers can transform even the most run-down and discoloured teeth into a spectacular sparkling smile.

What exactly are veneers and could they be the solution for me?

Veneers are very fine sheets of laminated porcelain shaped to fit your teeth. They are placed onto the tooth surface to produce a beautiful new smile. Veneers are custom-designed for a perfect fit and you can choose specific shades and shapes to create your dream smile.

We can use veneers to address lots of different common aesthetic imperfections, including:

  • discoloured and stained teeth
  • chipped and worn teeth
  • spaces between the teeth
  • unevenly shaped teeth

If you have minor imperfections or you would simply love to have a flawless white smile, veneers could be an excellent option for you.

What does treatment involve?

Typically, treatment involves 2-3 sessions. Before your veneers can be created, we make moulds of your teeth and prepare the tooth surfaces to create room for the veneers. The mould is sent away to the dental laboratory and when your bespoke veneers are ready, they will be sent back to us. We then place your veneers and secure them firmly once you are happy with the end result. Veneers should last for many years. If a veneer becomes broken or damaged, we are able to carry out repairs or create replacements.

If you think veneers could make your dental dreams come true, why not call us now? Your new smile could be just around the corner!

Get a Super Smile in One Day!

December 22nd, 2015

3177025_blogWe don’t want to blow our own trumpets, but our incredible dentists can now transform your smile in just one day. With All-on-4, we can convert damaged, broken and missing teeth into a stunning set of natural looking, healthy, bright teeth. If you have missing teeth and you’re sick of hiding from the camera or feeling self-conscious when you speak or meet new people, we may have just the answer for you.

What is All-on-4?

All-on-4 is a dental implant system that creates brand new, functional smiles in just one day. Traditionally, implant treatment takes several months, but with this treatment we can achieve amazing results in a single day.

All-on-4 uses four dental implants, with two located at the front and two at the back. The front implants take advantage of the strongest bone tissue in the jaw, while the back implants are placed at 45 degree angles to maximise anchorage. Usually, between 6 and 10 implants are needed to support a full arch of new teeth.

What are the benefits of All-on-4?

All-on-4 is not just a speedy treatment. It also offers an array of other benefits. Implants offer incredible levels of stability for the new arch of teeth and this increases comfort and functionality. When your implants are in place, you should be able to enjoy complete peace of mind that your teeth won’t slip or slide and never experience anxiety when eating or speaking in public.

If you’ve struggled with a large number of missing teeth for a long time, All-on-4 will have an incredibly positive impact on your quality of life, as well as your confidence and of course, your appearance.

If you would like to find out more about All-on-4 treatment, call us today. We can arrange a consultation to go through all the details of treatment, tell you a bit more about what All-on-4 involves and see if you are a good candidate for treatment.

You Could Be Smiling Confidently in Six Short Months!

December 18th, 2015

2445507_blogTime flies and with super-fast treatments like Six Month Smiles, you’ll be showing off a beautiful straight smile before you know it! This incredible orthodontic treatment is the ultimate choice for patients who are in a hurry to enjoy that perfect new smile.

About Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles is a rapid alternative to traditional fixed braces, which offers an excellent option for patients who have a special date in mind and those who simply can’t wait to showcase their incredible new smile. As you’ve probably guessed from the name, this treatment takes just six months to produce beautifully straight smiles. It works faster than other treatments because it targets the front teeth only and uses the latest friction-free technology.

Who is suited to Six Month Smiles?

Six Month Smiles is ideally suited to clients who have minor or moderate issues that affect the front teeth. By concentrating on these teeth, treatment times are greatly reduced.

As treatment times are very short, this may be a perfect choice for those who have a special occasion in mind, such as a wedding, for which they want to look their best.

Six Month Smiles braces are not just fast, they are also discreet, so this treatment suits those who would prefer something a little less noticeable than traditional fixed braces. The brackets are clear and the wires designed to match your natural tooth shade.

If you like the sound of a brand new, dazzling smile in just six months, why not give us a call and arrange a consultation? We can have a look at your teeth and bite and determine whether or not this treatment is a good match for you. If it isn’t the perfect solution for your orthodontic needs, don’t worry, as we are confident that we can find the right treatment for you!