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Posts Tagged ‘dental bridge’

Understanding Prosthodontics in Central Leeds

Monday, November 4th, 2013

iStock_000001998629XSmallIt is of great comfort to know that if a crisis like tooth loss strikes suddenly, there are people on hand that can overcome the shock of it all in central Leeds. Prosthodontics is a specialised field of dentistry that can help you overcome this problem and give your mouth back the freedom it once had. Tooth loss can be caused by injury, disease or just by old age getting the better of your teeth, but it is important that you rectify the issues in order to sustain the future health of your mouth otherwise, the problem can worsen: there are many ways you can go about getting your teeth replaced. The brightest and the best around right now is having dental implants fitted; these can house individual crowns and once they are in they are very robust, as well as being in for life. Dental bridges are another way of plugging up holes in your smile and can give you a good 20 years of service. The easiest and cheapest option though is the fitting of partial dentures; versatile, they are very easy to manage and can adapt with any movement in the surrounding teeth in the future- you simply get a replacement. Prosthodontics is invaluable for people with missing teeth, and once you have looked into the options on offer, it is down to you to decide on what procedure you prefer.



The benefits behind a Dental Bridge in Central Leeds

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

2797271_blogTooth loss is a torrid and painful time in central Leeds and aside from the way it can ruin your smile, it can also play havoc with your oral health in the future. Hence, it is best to do something about it pronto. A great little way to overcome this is to have a dental bridge fitted and there are many to choose from, depending where you have lost your tooth/teeth. In the past, you could have had your new fitting bonded in with resin and wires, but this has become rather old hat and has given way since the dental implant has become easier to fit, especially if the location of the loss is in an awkward place, say towards the back of your mouth. The implant acts as an excellent anchor for the bridge and gives it a lot of strength, meaning that if you look after your new fitting, you’ll have many years of wear from it. However, you’ll have to clean it properly because of the nature of the way it sits upon the gums, but get this right, and you’ll have no problems in the future.

Closing the gap with a Dental Bridge in Central Leeds

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

If you are going to go for something that is going to overcome the problem of tooth loss in central Leeds, then before you make a choice, you should give the dental bridge a look first; it’s a reasonably priced option, it will last a good amount of years and more importantly, it will not only retain the general health of your mouth, but it will put that twinkle back into your smile that you may have thought you had lost forever- and it is not a difficult procedure either: generally, the process will take a couple of weeks to complete, once you and your dentist have ascertained the type of bridge you need to plug up the holes. The beautiful thing about bridges is that they can be designed and then made to overcome any condition of tooth loss. Not only this, the procedure has evolved over the years thanks largely to the development of dental implant surgery; implants can help to anchor the bridge firmly into the mouth and prolong their longevity like never before. Tooth loss is always going to be a bit of a shocker when it happens, but if you talk to your dentist and look at the options, a dental bridge is a fabulous way to go to put that smile back on your face.


No more gaps in Central Leeds

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Dental bridges have been used for decades for helping people in central Leeds get over the trauma of tooth loss and they have proven themselves to be a very reliable solution. When you turn up to have one made, an impression will be taken of where the tooth is lost so that the new bridge can be made. Generally, they are made from porcelain but for the more glitzy among us, they can be made from precious metals, gold being the top choice. The type of bridge used depends on where the tooth has been lost. If for example, the new tooth has only one tooth to attach itself to, wires will be used to wrap the new crown around the existing tooth and then bonded with resin- this method can also be used when a tooth has been lost among a line of teeth. However, in this situation, the more common method is to have two crowns, either side of the replacement tooth, cemented of onto the two adjacent teeth that sit either side of where the loss has occurred. This can also be used if up to three teeth have gone missing, though to optimise the strength of the bridge, a mini dental implant would be fitted in order to anchor the bridge to the gums more securely. Bridges can last a good 20 years if looked after, but it is in the looking after that is tricky in the beginning because they require special cleaning techniques in order to keep the mouth free of bacteria.

The benefits of a Dental Bridge in Central Leeds

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

One of the ways we exist and get better in life is to evolve, adjust and be open to trying new ideas- and then embrace them. The world of technology is the same; it keeps a good idea and then improves on it, as with dentistry.

The dental bridge for example, has been around in central Leeds for decades, as it is a proven approach to tooth loss. Of course, new materials to make bridges from have evolved, as has the use of dental implants- two important elements which have help to keep the bridge at the forefront of toot loss. Depending where your loss has occurred, there are a number of bridges to choose from.

If it is a single tooth gone missing, then you can have a new one bonded to the teeth with wires and resin, or, the more common method is to have a new one sandwiched between a couple of crowns that are cemented onto the teeth that remain in the mouth and in the case of multiple tooth loss, this bridge can be anchored over distance with a dental implant. Bridges look natural and are a fabulous way of putting the health and smile back into your mouth- they are also one of the cheapest.

Visit Your Central Leeds Dentist for Dental Bridges

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

A missing tooth makes eating difficult, can change your speaking patterns and be unsightly. Dental bridges offer a solution to filling in missing teeth with strong, durable and naturally looking artificial alternatives. Dental bridges are permanent replacements that have a life span of several years.

Your Central Leeds dentist can offer bridges in two forms. The most commonly used type is the fixed bridge, though these are only possible when the two teeth adjacent to the missing tooth are strong and healthy. The dentist will file down the two healthy teeth into a shape that will comfortably and effectively hold a crown. Using a mould to achieve the perfect fit, two crowns are bonded either side of a false tooth. With each crown then bonded to the adjacent healthy teeth the middle false teeth is securely anchored into place. If there are not two adjacent teeth, or you do not want crowns for aesthetic reasons (such as for front teeth) a resin bonded bridge can be used. With this type, metal strips protrude from the false tooth which can then be bonded onto the adjacent tooth.

Bridges normally have a strong central core of metal (frequently silver) with a layer of white porcelain layered on top. The whiteness of the porcelain will allow the artificial tooth to blend into the rest of the natural teeth without standing out. A few visits to your dentist may be required to complete the procedure and fit the bridges. While normally dental hygiene practices can continue with a dental bridge, your dentist will advise you on any special methods for cleaning under and around your new bridge.


The Crowning Glory for Your Teeth in Central Leeds

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

Tooth decay is one of those things that is going to be around as long as Central Leeds will be, as it is so difficult to battle against and whatever fantastic products you through at it, it will break through your line of defence at some time. It slowly eats away at the tooth’s enamel and when it gets inside, you will be lucky to get away with a filling or a root canal but if it is allowed to continue, you will suffer from tooth loss. In the case of a root canal, you will have to have a partial crown fitted once the decay has been removed, to restore the length of the tooth to its former glory. If you have the money, you can literally have a crown made from anything, but on earth, there are three major choices. You can have a full porcelain crown if it is fitted where the forces going through it are minimal, but for strength, porcelain-over-metal or gold crowns are the best options. In the case of tooth loss, crowns can be incorporated into bridges, but if you have an implant fitted, you will need a full crown fitted, again, from the material of choice and necessity.


Dental Bridging in Leeds

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Once you have got other the initial shock of tooth loss, on any level, then you are confronted with the problem of finding a way to replace the tooth, which isn’t always necessary but generally a  good idea if you want to prevent further complications cropping up in the future. You should first seek advice from your dentist who can guide you with a professional hand over the options and then between you, settle on the best one for you. One of best, tried and tested way of getting the job done in Leeds right now is the dental bridge; they take on many disguises, depending where the tooth/teeth have been lost, but generally, they can be adapted to any situation. The most common technique is to fill a hole with a replacement tooth that is moulded between two crowns and then cemented onto adjacent teeth; this can be also done over a gap of several teeth, although, this may require a mini-implant to ensure a long bridge is secured firmly in the middle. Other bridges use wires and resins to bond the new fitting to adjacent teeth. Bridges are great and looked after, will give you a good 20 years of service but if they do have one drawback it’s cleaning them; food can easily get stuck under the bridge and so they require special brushes to ensure you keep your teeth free from bacteria.

The ‘Darling’ Dental Bridge in Leeds

Friday, May 4th, 2012

If you have been unlucky enough to have lost a tooth or a couple of teeth recently in Leeds, it can be quite a traumatic and stressful time, for a lot of people will consider that with those teeth have gone their looks, and with their looks has gone their life. But not only is there the vanity drama, there are knock-on health issues to consider as well; where the teeth have been lost, other teeth can start to move and it’s during this period that the mouth is vulnerable to all sorts of infection. The best way to avoid these complications, and keep your looks, is to fill the gap with a replacement and one of the ‘darlings’ on the market right now is the dental bridge. Its success can be found in its longevity- it’s been around for years. These can be made to look very realistic and fit in with the rest of the remaining teeth- they are durable and reliable, giving you a good 20 years of action. They are simply bonded onto the teeth that remain by, if its fitted to a single tooth, wires and resin, or if the lost tooth is between a line, cemented to two adjacent teeth via crowns. Some of modern materials such as zirconia used in the making of these bridges look incredibly natural and are very strong, which gives them their popularity and durability. Once you have had one fitted, you will have to learn a few new techniques on how to clean it, for bridges can be quite tricky at first, but once you’ve got the hang of it, you’ll be smiling once more.

Repairing Smiles in Leeds with the Help of Dental Bridges

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is a type of restoration that replaces missing teeth. A bridge is made of a fake tooth, called a pontic, which is fused to two crowns and connected to the adjoining teeth.

Why do missing teeth need replacing?

It is always advisable to substitute missing teeth because gaps can lead to an increased risk of dental diseases. These include decay and gum disease, and missing teeth can also have a negative effect on the aesthetics of the smile. People who have gaps in their smile often feel self-conscious when they open their mouths and this can affect the way they behave around others. Gaps can also affect speech and the ability to chew food properly.

Models of dental bridge

The most common type is a conventional fixed bridge, which is usually used if healthy teeth are on either side of the gap. It is anchored to the adjacent teeth and put into position. A Maryland bridge is often used when the gap is at the front of the mouth and there are strong teeth on both sides of the missing tooth. A cantilever bridge is a treatment option when healthy teeth are present on a single side of the gap. The fake tooth is attached on either one or two teeth at a single side of the missing tooth.

Dental bridges in Leeds

If you have a missing tooth, a dental bridge could be the perfect solution. We provide clients custom-made bridges, which are strong, durable and will restore full function to the mouth. They also create an attractive aesthetics. The procedure to fit a bridge is simple, painless and often no anaesthetic is required. If you look after the bridge well, it should last up to 15 years.