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Posts Tagged ‘dental bridge’

The Restorative Values of the Dental Bridge in the City of Leeds

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

A lot of dentists in the city of Leeds will advise you to replace a tooth in order to retain the health of your mouth. This is because a lost tooth can lead to further infection in the mouth, causing gum disease, tooth decay and further tooth loss, as the rest of the teeth shift to fill in the empty gap.

The other reason to have that gap plugged, of course, is to restore the beauty of your smile. Tooth loss can affect your attitude and confidence and make you introverted and this can be disastrous for both your work and social life.

One of the best restorative solutions is a dental bridge. Cheaper than other treatments, this procedure has been around for years and for good reason too- it works. There are many variations on the device, depending on where you have lost the tooth, but essentially, it involves bonding a new tooth to the tooth/teeth that are left behind. Once the fitting has be designed and made and then bonded into place, the bridge slips effortlessly amongst the original teeth leaving your smile as immaculate as ever.

It can be a little difficult to clean at first, as you have to use special brushes and techniques to get in and around it, but once you have mastered it- your dentist will show you, your bridge will be as strong as the one you lost, make you smile again and if cared for, last anywhere up to 20 years.

Dental implants are realistic, stable and secure, say dentists in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

If you have lost a tooth or teeth, you will have to get them replaced otherwise your mouth will not function as well as it should. The only decision is which method you will choose to do so and here you will have a degree of choice. Large scale tooth loss is commonly solved with dentures which come in full or partial sets. An affordable option for single tooth loss that relies on the health of surrounding teeth is dental bridge work. Many people though are opting for dental implants and the process has a number of advantages.
What dental implants involve is the placing of a device which is essentially a socket beneath the gum. This socket is then used as the foundation for a replacement tooth to be held in. Dentists can carry out this surgery in a single day to install the implant beneath the gum. Local anaesthetic is used and a temporary replacement tooth is placed in the implant. Your dentist will need to monitor the area to check that it is healing well before the permanent replacement can be placed. This might take about six to nine months.
The advantage of the dental implant method is that the implant is housed so securely in the mouth. Made from the metal titanium, the implant will fuse with the bone (osseointegration) and leave the tooth with a stable foundation for many, many years.
Ask your dentist in the City of Leeds and they will be able to determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants.

Replace your missing teeth at the surgery of Central Leeds dentists using dental bridges

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

Dental scientists have come up with a number of ingenious ways to replace teeth that have been lost from the mouth. This is necessary because teeth don’t grow back and you need a full set in order to be able to eat and talk with ease. Lately, dentists have been using dental implants to replace teeth in a fashion that is quite permanent and replicates the ways of teeth roots. Also one can have removable replacements in the form of dentures.
Dental bridges are another way to replace lost teeth and they avoid the invasive surgery of dental implants while still being a permanent solution that dentures, in some ways, are not. Dental bridges work by using the existing and remaining teeth to secure replacement teeth to them. They are highly adaptable and relatively affordable. You can even combine it as a method with dental implants.
Different types of dental bridge are available for different situations and your dentist will be able to assess the location and specificities of the tooth loss to determine what type of dental bridge top employ. If it is one of the front teeth that is missing (a relatively common sporting injury) then a bridge will be used that is concealed and more discreet, given how front teeth are on show.
Your dentist will need to examine the surrounding teeth to determine whether they are strong enough to support a dental bridge. It can put some strain on them, especially if there is only tooth that will have to be responsible for the bridge. Such is the dedicated care you will get at your Central Leeds dental surgery and you will know that your dental bridge work will be effective.

The Choice of Dental Bridges in Central Leeds

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

When you lose a tooth it can be traumatic at first, but once you get over the initial shock, you should consult your dentist about getting it replaced- sooner rather than later, not only for health reasons, but for aesthetic ones too. When the tooth is lost, the surrounding teeth can begin to loosen around it, making them weaker and more susceptible to infection. Food can also get stuck in the gap allowing bacteria to develop. Replacing the tooth not only allows comfort when eating, but it also retains the face’s shape and aesthetic beauty, whilst restoring your true smile. Dental bridges have been around in central Leeds for a long time now and that’s because they work. They are also one of the cheaper options available- which type of bridge you have is determined by where in the mouth the tooth has been lost. In the middle of a row of teeth, you can opt for a new tooth that is attached to two crowns that are cemented on to the teeth either side of the gap. At the back of the mouth, the replacement is moulded onto a single tooth with wire and resin. Today however, the bridge can be used in conjunction with a mini-implant for extra strength and rigidity. Notoriously awkward to clean, but once you get the hang of it, your bridge can last you over 10 years.

Leeds dentists replace teeth effectively with dental implants

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

There are a number of ways to deal with lost teeth, however you have come to lose them. For patients who have lost all of their teeth sometimes dentures are preferred and some people choose to have a crown anchored to adjacent teeth. Having dental implants installed is an increasingly popular option because of its durability and strength.
Dental implants basically act as substitutes for the lost root part of your missing tooth. You can have a single implant placed or more than one and they represent a long term solution to tooth loss. The reason why dental implants have come to have a reputation for durability is that the implants are placed beneath the gum and against the jaw bone. Over time the titanium implant will fuse with the bone in a process called osseointegration.
A replacement tooth can then be, in effect, screwed into the dental implant. Once the replacement tooth is securely in place, you can treat it just like you would a regular tooth. Modern replacement teeth are incredibly natural looking and even your closest friends won’t know that it is not one of your natural teeth.
Further replacement teeth can be supported by the one secured with the implant if you require bridge work because you have lost several teeth. The success rate of dental implant procedures is incredibly high as the titanium used is ideally suited to organic situations.
Getting missing teeth replaced is vital for your self-confidence as well as the healthy functioning of your mouth. If you have lost a tooth or teeth, talk to your Leeds dentist about how dental implants can solve your problems and give you a lasting and durable solution.

Getting a dental bridge in Leeds

Sunday, December 12th, 2010

Getting a dental bridge in Leeds could be the answer to that missing tooth, especially if that gap is in the front of your mouth, which can look quite unsightly. Vanity aside though, it’s not the only reason you should consider a replacement- oral health comes into the equation too. The gap is a food trap and can lead to a build-up of bacteria. It can lead to further infection and disease and the teeth that are left are vulnerable to movement. A bridge is one treatment to solve these problems and one of the cheaper alternatives on the market. Depending on where the tooth has been lost, there are three out there to remedy the loss. The more popular choice is where one or two teeth that are attached to a crown at each end and then cemented onto the teeth that remain around the gap. If there are more than two teeth missing, the strength of the bridge can be enhanced by attaching it onto a mini implant. A cantilever bridge fixes the new tooth to one remaining tooth using wires and resin bonding, as does a Maryland bridge, bonding to two or more teeth. They can be manufactured in varying materials from porcelain to gold- this also depends on how much work is required from the bridge, such as chewing.
Having a bridge fitted can cost anywhere from £300 upwards and once fitted, requires more attention to cleaning, but if maintained, they can last you up to 20 years.

Central Leeds dentists replace teeth with dental bridges

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

If you have lost a tooth or teeth through an accident or as a result of decay or disease, it is very important to have it replaced. There are several reasons for this. Having a gap where a tooth ought to be can look unsightly and your confidence may suffer as a result. A gap also puts a strain on surrounding teeth which may begin to shift into the space left. Eating can drinking can be made uncomfortable by fact that a tooth or teeth are missing.

Contact your Central Leeds dentist to ask about how dental bridges can solve these problems. Dental bridges usually come in three varieties. The traditional fixed bridge consists of a false tooth (known as a pontic) which is fused between two crowns anchored to neighbouring teeth for stability. Resin-bonded or Maryland-bonded bridges are plastic pontics specifically for when the gap is between the front teeth. The resin used in this case is concealed. In cases where the front teeth are susceptible to lower stress, a cantilever bridge is used and the pontic is fused to a tooth on only one side.

Having numbed the area with a mild anaesthetic, the dentist will prepare by shaving off a little of the adjacent tooth if necessary. Using dental putty, an impression of the surrounding teeth will be constructed so that the replacement can be made in a laboratory. Then a temporary bridge is fitted to protect the surrounding teeth and gums. In your second appointment the dentist will fit the custom-made bridge, having removed the temporary one. After checking your bite, the dentist will cement it in place. Regular check ups will be necessary to check it is firmly in place.

Your Central Leeds dentist will be able to provide you with more details about this procedure which is vital if you have a missing tooth or teeth.

A Central Leeds Dentist’s Solution to Missing Teeth

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Losing a tooth or even all of your teeth can cause many problems to oral health, explains a Leeds dentist. Aside from vanity, a missing tooth can also have physical ramifications, depending on where in the mouth the tooth was and what circumstances surrounded the loss. In some cases, a tooth does not need replacing. But if the tooth was lost in a trauma, it could lead to many complications- the surrounding teeth that remain, may become weaker, leading to infections and gum disease. But help is on hand and there are procedures available to rectify the problem. After a consultation with the dentist, a course of action will be taken that best suits the patient and their pocket. The cheaper solution is a dental bridge (fixed partial denture). Teeth either side of the gap will be prepared so that the new tooth can be attached to them. It looks good as well as halting any movement to the remaining teeth. As will the bridges’ more expensive cousin- the dental implant. Like a bridge, implant procedures have become refined over the years but can be complex and take a lot more time due to the healing process, depending on the work required. A hole is drilled into the jaw bone and a screw inserted. Once the gums have recovered, (anywhere up to 6 months), the tooth will then be attached. Much of the success of both treatments lay in the healing and constant attention to oral hygiene. Diet is important, as is refraining from smoking and heavy drinking during recovery.

City Of Leeds Dentist Offers Full Mouth Reconstruction Service

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

A full mouth reconstruction is a very complicated process in which a dentist does more than one procedure in order to repair your teeth. This is necessary in cases where you suffer from certain problems of the jaw or teeth that cause you a lot of discomfort or even pain. There might be broken or missing teeth, and in some cases, missing bone as well. The situation is made even worse by the fact that the pain is not restricted to your mouth, but can also affect your head and neck as well. Life can become quite difficult in such a case.
You need a very qualified dentist to sort out this problem because the cure will require more than one procedure. Being a resident of the City of Leeds, you can easily find a dental practice where you can get this done.
Your dentist will have to position your jaw correctly since many people have muscular problems leading to tightness and pain in the jaws. The process of a full mouth reconstruction also includes cosmetic dentistry, whereby a dentist uses crowns, bridges or veneers to improve the look of the smile.
Do not hesitate to find out if your dentist has experience in handling this type of problem in the past. You should also check if the practice has all the latest equipment because this will greatly increase the comfort level and the speed of doing the various procedures that will be required. Your self confidence will be at an all time high after the procedure is over.
City Of Leeds Dentist Offers Full Mouth Reconstruction Service
Title 2: Get Full Mouth Reconstruction Done By a Reliable City Of Leeds Dentist

A full mouth reconstruction is a very complicated process in which a dentist does more than one procedure in order to repair your teeth. This is necessary in cases where you suffer from certain problems of the jaw or teeth that cause you a lot of discomfort or even pain. There might be broken or missing teeth, and in some cases, missing bone as well. The situation is made even worse by the fact that the pain is not restricted to your mouth, but can also affect your head and neck as well. Life can become quite difficult in such a case.
You need a very qualified dentist to sort out this problem because the cure will require more than one procedure. Being a resident of the City of Leeds, you can easily find a dental practice where you can get this done.
Your dentist will have to position your jaw correctly since many people have muscular problems leading to tightness and pain in the jaws. The process of a full mouth reconstruction also includes cosmetic dentistry, whereby a dentist uses crowns, bridges or veneers to improve the look of the smile.
Do not hesitate to find out if your dentist has experience in handling this type of problem in the past. You should also check if the practice has all the latest equipment because this will greatly increase the comfort level and the speed of doing the various procedures that will be required. Your self confidence will be at an all time high after the procedure is over.

Leeds Dentist Offers a Wide Variety of Dental Crowns

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Dental crowns are used to cover up or cap a tooth that has a problem. They are permanently fixed to the mouth and if you take care of them they will last you a lifetime. According to a dentist in Leeds whose practice specializes in making bridges and crowns and uses the latest technology to get the work done, there are many different types of crowns or caps that they offer to their patients.
The type of crown used depends on where it will be located. All crowns are used to cover up teeth that are damaged in some way. In some cases the tooth is just discoloured and in other cases it simply does not exist, due to which it will be placed on top of an implant. The general rule is that crowns that are placed on the front teeth need to be of an expensive material such as porcelain. These crowns have a very lifelike look and a dentist is able to even get the colour to match that of the other teeth exactly. Crowns for the back teeth tend to be more durable since they do more work such as chewing. Dentists usually use caps made of gold and metal alloys. Another popular option is to use porcelain crowns bonded onto a metal shell because it is extremely durable while being attractive at the same time.
Have a talk to your dentist before you opt for any particular type since there are evidently so many options available.