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Posts Tagged ‘dental crown’

Getting A Crown Fitted In Central Leeds

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

There is no doubt that our teeth take a battering over time. They can wear, crack, discolour or even suffer from decay. According to a dentist in central Leeds, this is the time to take action to prevent further complications. If you have regular visits to the dentist, most of these problems will be spotted and a course of action decided upon. In some cases, crowns may be recommended; they cover an existing tooth that has been damaged or can be fitted to an implant. If a cavity has formed through poor oral hygiene, a root canal may be needed to save the tooth after which, a crown can be fitted to restore the look and strength. Crowns may also be recommended in the case of cracking or wear. The procedure is a fairly painless. You will be put under a local anaesthetic and the tooth shaped to accommodate the new tooth and moulds will be taken of the mouth so that a crown can be made that perfectly fits the tooth and mouth. This will take a couple of weeks, so you will be fitted a temporary crown during this time. When it arrives, the crown will be bonded into place with dental cement. For the vain amongst us with money to burn, crowns can be made from various materials. Porcelain or ceramic are the natural choice, though crowns can be moulded in gold. They are durable, lasting up to 15 years and costs vary, depending on your choice, but can start anywhere from £150.

City Of Leeds Dentist Offers Full Mouth Reconstruction Service

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

A full mouth reconstruction is a very complicated process in which a dentist does more than one procedure in order to repair your teeth. This is necessary in cases where you suffer from certain problems of the jaw or teeth that cause you a lot of discomfort or even pain. There might be broken or missing teeth, and in some cases, missing bone as well. The situation is made even worse by the fact that the pain is not restricted to your mouth, but can also affect your head and neck as well. Life can become quite difficult in such a case.
You need a very qualified dentist to sort out this problem because the cure will require more than one procedure. Being a resident of the City of Leeds, you can easily find a dental practice where you can get this done.
Your dentist will have to position your jaw correctly since many people have muscular problems leading to tightness and pain in the jaws. The process of a full mouth reconstruction also includes cosmetic dentistry, whereby a dentist uses crowns, bridges or veneers to improve the look of the smile.
Do not hesitate to find out if your dentist has experience in handling this type of problem in the past. You should also check if the practice has all the latest equipment because this will greatly increase the comfort level and the speed of doing the various procedures that will be required. Your self confidence will be at an all time high after the procedure is over.
City Of Leeds Dentist Offers Full Mouth Reconstruction Service
Title 2: Get Full Mouth Reconstruction Done By a Reliable City Of Leeds Dentist

A full mouth reconstruction is a very complicated process in which a dentist does more than one procedure in order to repair your teeth. This is necessary in cases where you suffer from certain problems of the jaw or teeth that cause you a lot of discomfort or even pain. There might be broken or missing teeth, and in some cases, missing bone as well. The situation is made even worse by the fact that the pain is not restricted to your mouth, but can also affect your head and neck as well. Life can become quite difficult in such a case.
You need a very qualified dentist to sort out this problem because the cure will require more than one procedure. Being a resident of the City of Leeds, you can easily find a dental practice where you can get this done.
Your dentist will have to position your jaw correctly since many people have muscular problems leading to tightness and pain in the jaws. The process of a full mouth reconstruction also includes cosmetic dentistry, whereby a dentist uses crowns, bridges or veneers to improve the look of the smile.
Do not hesitate to find out if your dentist has experience in handling this type of problem in the past. You should also check if the practice has all the latest equipment because this will greatly increase the comfort level and the speed of doing the various procedures that will be required. Your self confidence will be at an all time high after the procedure is over.

Leeds Dentist Offers a Wide Variety of Dental Crowns

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

Dental crowns are used to cover up or cap a tooth that has a problem. They are permanently fixed to the mouth and if you take care of them they will last you a lifetime. According to a dentist in Leeds whose practice specializes in making bridges and crowns and uses the latest technology to get the work done, there are many different types of crowns or caps that they offer to their patients.
The type of crown used depends on where it will be located. All crowns are used to cover up teeth that are damaged in some way. In some cases the tooth is just discoloured and in other cases it simply does not exist, due to which it will be placed on top of an implant. The general rule is that crowns that are placed on the front teeth need to be of an expensive material such as porcelain. These crowns have a very lifelike look and a dentist is able to even get the colour to match that of the other teeth exactly. Crowns for the back teeth tend to be more durable since they do more work such as chewing. Dentists usually use caps made of gold and metal alloys. Another popular option is to use porcelain crowns bonded onto a metal shell because it is extremely durable while being attractive at the same time.
Have a talk to your dentist before you opt for any particular type since there are evidently so many options available.

Leeds Dentist Advises Quick Repair of a Cracked Tooth

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

5185834_blogProblems relating to teeth invariably cause us a great deal of discomfort if they are not looked into in time. Dental problems have the ability to make our life completely unbearable. A dentist in Leeds offers a cracked tooth as a perfect example. Teeth can get cracked or broken very easily when one is involved in an accident or even if one plays a lot of rough sports. This problem, while not life threatening can cause one a lot of pain, and it will only get worse if an infection sets in.
If you have recently cracked or broken a tooth, it is essential that you make a trip to the dentist. Your dentist will most likely remove the part that has broken off and file down the remaining part. After cleaning it well, your dentist will probably put a crown on it. If it is a front tooth, you will most likely get one that looks extremely realistic, but which is a bit expensive. Dentists usually use ordinary crowns for back teeth. If the crack is small, your dentist might just opt for bonding using a special resin.
Whichever method your dentist uses, the result has to be the same. Your tooth should look like it did before and there should be no scope for cavities to be formed, which is very likely to happen if the enamel cover has been broken. If you repair your tooth at this early stage, you can get away with a relatively inexpensive dental treatment.

Dentist in Leeds Central Uses CEREC Technology with Great Results

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

A dental practice in Leeds Central is the first to offer a whole host of revolutionary treatments to its patients. One of these is a new technology called CEREC which stands for Ceramic REConstruction. CEREC enables dentists to create an entirely new porcelain crown for a patient within one sitting only.
The dentist uses the latest 3D imaging technology to create a computerized visualization of the patient’s mouth. Sitting in front of the computer screen, the dentist is then able to create an image of the new crown that will be an exact fit for the patient’s mouth. The patient can even see the product on the screen to get an idea of what to expect. Once the dentist has finalized the dimensions of the crown, the command for production can be given and the actual product will be fabricated instantly.
As you can very well imagine, this cuts down the time you have to spend in the dentist’s office drastically. You will not have to waste any time on repeated visits to the dentist and you will even get a crown that fits far better than one made using old fashioned methods. The new crown can be made to match the colour of your teeth with the greatest precision.
Since this technology is now available in Leeds Central you can easily get your teeth done in a single sitting. You will not need to fear your visits to the dentist anymore because there is very minimal discomfort associated with CEREC.

Modern dental crowns from City of Leeds dentists far superior

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

When teeth come under attack from decay or disease, or when they have simply been damaged in an accident, they can often become very fragile and susceptible to further problems and a great deal of pain. In these circumstances it is often necessary for the dentist to fit a dental crown over the tooth to restore the cosmetic appearance and secure the tooth against further damage.

Dental crowns cover all parts of the tooth exposed above the gum line. In this way, they act as a barrier against all forms of infection and stimuli that could cause more aggravation. Crowns were traditionally made form a combination of metal and ceramic, although recently it has become both possible and fashionable to have crowns made either entirely from metal or ceramic. Some patients even opt for gold or silver crowns as a fashion statement, although this is perhaps not for everybody.

Modern ceramic crowns are made from porcelain using the very latest computer-guided machinery. This means they are both very accurate and very strong. Modern crowns are also a lot thinner than they have been previously. This is without losing any of their durability but also means they are a lot easier to place than ever before. In the past, dentist often had to remove large amounts of enamel so that the new crown would fit evenly over the top and not appear too large. Dentists are rarely keen on removing healthy enamel but often had little choice. Modern crowns make this removal of enamel less necessary.

Dental crowns from a City of Leeds dentist are one of the most useful and versatile dental restorations. A well made crown will last for up to twenty years if well cared for, allowing you to carry on with your life knowing your teeth are well protected.

Dental crown placement: It’s easier than you think at Central Leeds dentist

Saturday, March 13th, 2010

18625006For teeth that are cracked and broken beyond repair the solution might be to have a dental crown. This may sound like a serious procedure but it is really quite straightforward and could save you a lot of pain and discomfort.

Having a crown fitted will usually take two visits to the dentist. At your first appointment your dentist will examine the tooth and take x-rays of the problem area. They may even take a dental mould although modern technology using 3D imaging and digital x-rays is fast outmoding these old-fashioned methods. They may provide you with a temporary crown while they manufacture your new crown from a mixture of porcelain and metal. This will then be fitted securely at the next appointment after a few weeks. Crowns can also be made of metals like gold or silver for the more ostentatious patient, or even from solid porcelain. The crown is then cemented over the tooth in question, covering all parts of the damaged tooth proud of the gum line.

It is now possible however to fit a crown in a single visit. New technology known as cerec has made it possible to use computer technology to design, manufacture and fit a crown in only one visit. Made form pure porcelain and sculpted in as little as six minutes this new form of dentistry look set to be the future of dentistry.

Whichever option you choose, having a dental crown fitted is easier than you think. Once in place it will protect the damaged tooth for many years before it needs replacing. Your Central Leeds dentist can perform the operation with skill, leaving you with a new healthy tooth and free from pain.

Leeds dentist offers dental care to treat dental abscess

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

When dental problems arise they can be very unpleasant if not treated quickly and efficiently. One of the most unpleasant dental conditions is a dental abscess. This is when pus collects in certain areas around the teeth and gums as a result of a bacterial infection.

Bacterial infections are caused dental decay allows bacteria to penetrate to the inner part of the tooth or when the gum tissue is eroded and becomes infected. Not only can this be very bad for your overall health, but it can also result in tooth loss. Once the infection has taken hold in the tooth or gums, the infection spreads to within the soft tissue. The body’s natural defence against infection is to produce more white blood cells to fight it. These cells bombard the area trying to kill the bacteria and pus is formed. This collects in one area and forms an abscess. There are two types of abscess that can be formed: periapical and periodontal.

Dental abscesses can be very sensitive and painful and in extreme conditions can rupture releasing infected material into the mouth and body. This is why it is extremely important to have them treated by a Leeds dentist as soon as possible. Effective treatment and increased dental care can help to fight dental abscesses. Tooth pain and gum disease. This may include a treatment of antibiotics to fight the infection or in extreme circumstances some minor tissue removal.

Prevention of dental abscesses is much preferable to treatment. This can easily be achieved by more effective brushing and flossing and maintaining six-month check up appointments with your dentist.

Lifelike dental restoration with dental implant from Leeds dentist

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

Dental implants are the most realistic way to restore a missing tooth as they replace the whole tooth including the root. Unlike some other dental restorations like partial dentures and dental bridges, which although are more affordable, do not offer the same degree of anxiety-free results.

Dental implants themselves are the small titanium screws that dentists screw directly into the jawbone. This replaces the natural tooth root, which is attached to the bone by cartilage. This small screw then bonds with the bone and gum tissue forging it solid so that it can be used as a stable base for a dental crown or artificial tooth.

Dental implants from Leeds dentists can cost a lot more than other restorations but then they will also last significantly longer. A successful dental implant will last a lifetime if properly cared for making it the ideal for any patients keen to avoid the hassle of replacing restorations every ten years or so. The success rate for dental implants is also higher than almost all other dental treatments. For both upper and lower dental arcs the rate of successful treatment is around the mid 90% mark.

Possible problems can involve the chance of infection but all these issues can usually be spotted and dealt with good post-operative care from your dentist. If you are considering having a dental replacement due to a missing tooth then ask your dentist to further explain the benefits of having a dental implant.

Protective dental crown fitted by Leeds dentist

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

The structure of a tooth has three distinct layers. On the outside is the hard enamel that protects the more sensitive inside layers of the tooth. Directly inside the enamel is the dentine which is a slightly softer material that surrounds the dental nerve in the centre. If the outer protective enamel layer is damaged either through decay or as the result of an accident it can become necessary to provide the tooth with an extra layer of protection. This usually comes in the form of a tooth shaped and coloured dental crown that is fixed over the top of the damaged tooth.

Dental crowns cover all parts of the tooth exposed above the crown to seal off the sensitive inner parts of the tooth to stimuli such as hot or cold food which can be very painful. Crowns are usually made from porcelain or a mix of porcelain and metal (although increasingly they are made solely from porcelain as technology improves). This makes them very resistant to breaking and staining and also provides a very lifelike appearance.

In the past, some dentists were reluctant to fit dental crows unless absolutely necessary because they involved the removal of otherwise healthy enamel but recent computer technology has allowed the manufacture of thinner, stronger porcelain crowns that require minimal enamel removal.

Leeds dentists can fit dental crowns manufactured using the latest technology to protect damaged teeth and restore the cosmetic appearance of stained or worn teeth using a thinner crown called a veneer. If you have a damaged tooth that is causing you pain then make an appointment to ask about dental crowns.