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Posts Tagged ‘Dental Injuries Leeds’

What To Do If You Knock Your Tooth Out

Tuesday, September 20th, 2016

2143132_blogEven the most careful among us suffer accidents from time to time. Oral injuries can be incredibly painful, and if left untreated can go on to cause further problems – decay, disease and eventually loss of speech function or the ability to eat normally. It goes without saying that damage to teeth must be treated quickly and effectively.

Evulsed teeth

Serious damage can result in a tooth being completed knocked out. This is called evulsion. The first thing to do is to make a dental appointment as soon as possible, preferably immediately. If you can find the tooth that has been evulsed, gently clean it by rinsing it, but do not remove dirt by scrubbing it. When you are cleaning the tooth, hold it by the crown. Never hold the root of the tooth, as this may damage the delicate cells still attached, which are needed to re-implant the tooth. After the tooth has been cleaned, put it in your mouth between the cheek and gum. If the tooth cannot be stored in the patient’s mouth – for example, as would be the case with a small child, store it in some milk. If you are able to see the dentist within half an hour of the damage being done, it is possible that the tooth could be re-implanted, which is why you should endeavour to see the dentist as quickly as possible.

Extruded teeth

When a tooth has suffered slightly less severe damage and merely been knocked out of place, so it is protruding inward or outwards, try to re-position it to normal position using very gentle pressure. Above all, do not force the tooth into position. Attempt to hold the tooth in position with dampened tissue and again, try to see a dentist as soon as possible, ideally within thirty minutes.

How to Prevent Dental Injuries

Monday, June 1st, 2015

2112592_blogWe’re big fans of the motto, ‘prevention is better than cure’ and we encourage all our patients to follow some simple steps to try and reduce the risk of dental injury and protect those pearly whites. Sometimes, accidents and injuries are inevitable but often, taking a few precautions here and there can really make a difference. here are some top tips to avoid dental injuries:

  1. Always wear a seatbelt: it’s illegal not to wear a seatbelt in the UK and you should always have your belt fastened if you are driving or are the passenger in a moving vehicle. Wearing a seatbelt helps to prevent life-threatening injuries, such as head injuries, and it will also help to protect your teeth.
  2. Wear a mouth guard when playing sport: sporting activities are among the leading causes of dental injuries, so make sure you are wearing a protective mouth guard if you are playing a sport. Even if you just like to throw a ball around from time to time, it’s advisable to invest in a gum shield as you never know when an accident may occur. We strongly advise wearing a mouth guard for the following sports:
    • boxing and kickboxing
    • martial arts
    • wrestling
    • rugby league
    • rugby union
    • hockey
    • ice hockey
    • lacrosse
  3. Take care when eating hard foods: take extra care when biting down on hard sweets, chewy toffees and foods such as popcorn, which may contain hard pieces.
  4. See your dentist for regular check-ups: your risk of injury will be heightened if your teeth are damaged or weak and seeing your dentist will help to reduce the risk of these problems. Ideally, we recommend six-monthly check-ups.
  5. Don’t use your teeth for anything they’re not designed for! One of the most common causes of chips and breaks is using the teeth to try and open bottles and other objects. Resist the temptation to use your teeth in this way to avoid injuries and prevent unexpected trips to the dentist.


Why You Needn’t Worry About Your Broken Tooth

Sunday, March 29th, 2015

3534882_blogIf you have a troublesome broken tooth, you don’t need to worry. With our amazing restorative treatments we can patch you up and have you fighting fit again in no time.

Treating a broken tooth

There are many possible causes of a broken tooth, including sports injuries, falls, accidents and biting down on hard foods or other objects. Sometimes it’s obvious that a tooth is damaged, but in other cases the signs may be more subtle and a dental X-ray will be used to confirm a fracture.

If you have a broken tooth, there are various options open to you including a filling for a minor chip, an inlay or onlay for more extensive damage or a crown for a severe fracture. Your dentist will carry out an X-ray to ascertain the degree of damage and then talk to you about your options once they have the results. At this point, your dentist will explain what the different treatments are, how they work and you can ask as many questions as you like. If the tooth is damaged it’s a good idea to repair it quickly to reduce the risk of any further damage going forward.

Preventing dental damage

Sometimes, accidents are inevitable. However, there are often steps that can be taken to minimise the risk of an injury, including:

  • wearing a mouthguard if you play sport
  • maintaining good oral hygiene
  • seeing your dentist for regular check-ups
  • avoiding using the teeth to bite down on hard objects, such as trying to remove bottle tops
  • always wearing a seatbelt
  • taking care on slippery surfaces and wearing suitable footwear

Signs of a broken tooth

Possible symptoms of a broken tooth include sudden dental pain, heightened sensitivity and a feeling of weakness in the tooth, which may become more intensive if you try to use the tooth, for example to chew.

If you need attention for dental damage, we are here to help! Call us today to book your appointment and banish pain for good.


Popping a Knocked-out Tooth back in place in Leeds

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

318711_blogIt may or may not happen, but if you have a tooth knocked out at any time, it’s best you are aware of what to do should it happen, because what a lot of people may not be aware of is that if is popped back in within around 12 hours, it will naturally bed-in again and you’ll be as right as rain. If this happens to you, and this is easier said than done, try not to panic. If you can, you can put it back in yourself, but normally you need to get somewhere in Leeds- like a dentist or hospital, where it can be done for you. It is imperative you do not touch the root when you pick it up; if possible put the tooth in milk. If you can’t do this, then simply slip it under the tongue or between your cheek and gums, as the saliva in your mouth will naturally protect it. Time is of the essence here; by having your tooth placed back into place again means you will be saving yourself money from getting it replaced by a bridge or a partial denture in the future. Find out as much as you can about this- the more you know, the better it will be for you to make an informed decision should you find yourself in this shock of a situation.

The problems of Dental Injuries in Leeds

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Dental injuries come in many guises in Leeds and so you should try to be aware of them and try to stand back and not panic when something goes wrong. Such injuries can be divided up into two categories, minor and major. Minor injuries to the mouth will include chips, cracks, losing a veneer or a filling: tooth decay also falls into this bracket and this is normally the reason behind toothaches. With injuries such as this, they can be annoying and even a little painful but can be catered for by painkillers until you can be seen by your dentist to get repairs. Major injuries though require quick attention: a tooth abscess is very painful, your face will swell like a balloon and during all of this, the abscess will be poisoning your blood and this has been known to cause life threatening situations. Losing a tooth is also an emergency because, if you can get yourself and your tooth to any dentist in around 12 hours, your teeth can be relocated again and saved. In your early life, your dentist has to work hard to prevent you getting injured and one of the lesser known reasons behind wearing a brace is that by straightening teeth that stick out, they will be a lot less prone to injury in the future, especially when playing sports. No-one can ever say when something is going to go wrong and you receive an injury, however, if you always have a little something in the bathroom cabinet or even on your person, it can help the situation immeasurably until help can be found.