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Posts Tagged ‘gum disease’

Watching out for Periodontal Disease in Central Leeds

Friday, December 27th, 2013

4390244_blogOral hygiene is a very important part of your daily routine in central Leeds and it must be maintained to the highest standard you can; you also have your dentist in tow should you ever miss something. You see, your mouth is very vulnerable to the constant threat of plaque and this is where all problems start in the mouth. If allowed to progress, it can lead to the gums becoming diseased, the teeth decayed and then you could be into periodontal disease- plus the threat of an abscess or too. This will eat away at the bone structure below the teeth and in time, you will start to lose them. If your mouth has got to this stage, it will take a monumental and costly effort to turn around; it could involve quite complex bone and tissue grafting and it could jeopardise the future health of your mouth. If you show any signs of bleeding/weeping gums or suffer from toothache, then do something about it straight away; get to your dentist and get patched upon to prevent periodontal disease setting in.

How your Dentist cares for you and your body in Leeds

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

658156_blogIt is very easy to see your dentist as someone that pokes around your mouth from time to time and that patches you up when things get out of hand in Leeds. However, if you were to dig below the surface of the modern dentist, you will be amazed at how they can help with not only issues in your mouth, but issues in your body as well. It is essential for today’s dentist understand how your system works; they have an amazing array of products and procedures to keep your teeth and gums healthy and looking great- by doing this, it will also impact on the health of your body. Problems like gum disease, tooth decay and abscesses can really affect your general health and dentists know this. But they also know about lots of other aspects such as how diets, lifestyle and oral hygiene can affect your teeth and gums- your general daily constitution. Your dentist also knows about how phobias can affect your treatments, which in turn can affect your overall health. Never feel bad about sitting down with your dentist and pouring your heart out about any issues you may have- the dentist is there for you and can help you with all aspects of your life.

The science of Periodontics in the City of Leeds

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

357249_blogPlaque is annoying isn’t it? Always ready to cause havoc in your mouth if you don’t keep up your daily brushing and hygiene programme. However, if it is allowed to evolve, it can set off a nasty chain of events that can leave you in serious trouble in the city of Leeds. Plaque leads to the forming of tartar around the base of the teeth and then onto tooth decay and gum disease, and once this process is up and running, then  before long, the jawbone below the teeth can also become infected and diseased as well- periodontal disease. Now if you have been stupid and ignorant enough to let things get to this stage, then you are going to have to put in an incredible effort to save your teeth, and to retain the health of your body throughout. It may well involve some grafting of bone and tissue and it could become very expensive to rectify. The good news though is that the world of periodontics has become better and better with time and new techniques are being developed each year to combat the problems that diseased teeth and gums bring to your mouth and jaws.


When is a Tooth not a Tooth? When it’s Hopeless in Leeds

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

361951_blogDentists don’t like to admit defeat at the best of times as their remit with everything they do in Leeds is to try and keep your teeth healthy and in your mouth; they certainly don’t like the term ‘hopeless tooth’ as this indicates that the tooth is a goner and that they have failed in their duties to you. Tooth decay and periodontal disease really threaten the existence of a tooth but there are ways that dentists will do their utmost to save the it when things get this bad; root canal treatment can help to prolong the longevity of the tooth after the ravishes of decay, whereas periodontal disease however requires a lot more effort. If the very bone structure of the jaw has become diseased below, it may take bone and tissue grafting in order to recover the situation and save the tooth. Abscesses also threaten the life cycle of a tooth; this dangerous scenario can be treated, but they have a nasty habit of coming back and in the end, the situation may well become hopeless and the only remedy is to have the tooth taken away. Teeth in older people have a terminal inevitability to them as well, as the body becomes less strong and treatments for bad teeth, as in grafting, may not work anyway so again, you may have to wave goodbye to your teeth forever.



Leeds fights Gum Disease and Halitosis through Sweet Alternatives

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

1788807_blogIt is possibly one of the last bastions of joy known to mankind- sugar. It is a wonderful way to make sweets, chocolate foods and drinks tasty. However, this is sadly very bad for you and if you suffer from gum disease and halitosis, then anything with sugar in can only add to your problems in Leeds. But there are ways to get around this that will not only cure your lust for sugar, but will also aid the issues of the disease and smells in your mouth. The consumption of cranberries, apples, kiwi fruit, certain honeys and raisins are not only sweet to the taste, but also nullify bad smells in the mouth, whilst helping to fight against the gum disease. So not only are you curing your sugar-rush, but you will be doing your mouth the world of good by trying out these types of foods – they also come in juice form so give them a shot, but for your own good, you have to avoid sugar if you suffer from these conditions.



Paralysing Periodontal Disease from the off in Central Leeds

Saturday, October 26th, 2013

283489_blogIt is very easy for plaque to build up in your mouth, especially if you aren’t on the ball in Leeds with your oral hygiene. The thing is though, every issue that can arise in your mouth starts with plaque and it is essential that between you and your dentist, you stop it from doing its worst; if you don’t overcome it in the early stages, you can set off a very bad chain reaction. The plaque will first harden into tartar around the base of the teeth and lead you straight into gum disease, whilst also cutting loose on the surfaces of your teeth and causing decay. Once it has got to this level, it is hard to fight back against and any longer it will start to tamper with the roots and the gums below- and inevitable tooth-loss will follow shortly after; you will also be walking the gauntlet of an abscess forming- very nasty.  This is what is referred to as periodontal disease and now the treatment to patch you up can get messy and frightfully expensive. It may well involve tissue grafts to rejuvenate the gums and maybe even bone grafts to repair the damage done to the jaws; even then, you will be dicing with disaster in the future unless you start looking after yourself better.

Gunning down Gum Disease in Leeds

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

459343_blogYour body should be a temple to you in Leeds, but keeping your health on track relies on you getting the right balance of diet and behaving yourself. If you don’t get this right and you start to ignore your oral hygiene as well, you could be opening a terrible can of worms- gum disease. This is a right killer and aside from the damage it does to your gums; it can knock out your teeth as well. Further down the line, the constant leaking of toxins into the body will get into the heart and other organs and over a long period of time, these parts of the body will simply give up and fail. The early signs of gum disease are blood on the toothbrush- you must have seen the adverts on television. Now there are toothpastes designed to deal with this condition and mouthwashes too, but it goes a lot deeper than this and you really do have to throw anything you can at gum disease; your dentist, a hygienist, and even herbal remedies. You can’t take chances with this condition because it is vicious and it will wreck you in the end: it has to be fought on all fronts if you want a healthy and stable lifestyle in the future.




Battling Bleeding Gums in Leeds

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

297243_blogIt may have caught your eyes- certain adverts on TV about the dangers of bleeding gums and it is a real problem that you should be very worried about in Leeds. It doesn’t mean the end of the world, but it could possibly mean the end of your teeth if you don’t learn and wise up to what the implications are. Bleeding gums could simply mean that you are being too excited when you brush and so you should slow down, maybe buy a softer brush. However, if the condition continues it could mean something a lot more dangerous is going on- gum disease. This condition can not only lead to your teeth falling out but it can lead to heart failure and other organs in your body failing too. As soon as you see blood, get help from your dentist and ask advice about how you can prevent the blood from flowing. You will have to change things around: the products that you use- you will have to alter; your diet you will also have to have a look at, as well as your personal habits like smoking and drinking and a then give lot of TLC to your teeth and gums if you want to avoid falling into the follow on from this condition. Be warned!

Battling the evil of Gum Disease in the City of Leeds

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

364999_blogAnything with the word ‘disease’ in the title should be enough to trigger some life in you and work hard to rid yourself of the problem in the city of Leeds; as it is with gum disease- this is a nasty and disgusting piece of work. It may well start innocently enough with a little blood on your toothbrush, but now you have left a door open to it and if you don’t act now, you will be leaving yourself vulnerable to heart disease and tooth loss in the future- that’s just what this spiteful condition can lead to. Curing it in the early days is not so hard to do, but if you leave it- well you have already been told; it can be the death of you. Get your dentist and a hygienist on your side fast in order to help tackle this. You will need to address things such as your diet, habits like smoking and drinking and you will definitely have to improve the way you look after your oral hygiene. It doesn’t matter at what level the disease is at, you must fight it on all fronts and throw the kitchen sink at it if need be- it’s your health we are talking about here.

Finding the Answers to problems in your Mouth in Central Leeds

Friday, July 19th, 2013

1787127_blogWe strive hard in central Leeds to care for our oral hygiene throughout our lives by having a balanced lifestyle that includes a good diet and by ensuring our teeth and gums are clean. However, this can often go awry; things can go wrong in the mouth quickly and soon, one thing will lead to another and the complications will escalate. All problems stem from the build-up of plaque around the teeth and then you run the risk of tooth decay setting in- the first signs being tooth pain. However, it also means that unless you sort out the decay with your dentist, there is a chance that the gums may become diseased as well. Now this is quite a dangerous duo because it indicates that your mouth is becoming unhealthy and then, you will be setting yourself up with an abscess- and this can be lethal. Any sign of problem will require assistance from your dentist from the outset. You should also get some advice about how to avoid problems like this in the future; you will need to change your lifestyle, drop the bad habits and greatly improve your oral hygiene by getting new and different products and then learn how to use them correctly for the best results.