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Posts Tagged ‘gum disease’

Central Leeds gives you reasons to Floss

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

4732933_blogIt is amazing to think that something as simple as flossing can not only be beneficial for your teeth and gums, but in the long run, your heart and body as well. Food easily gets stuck between your teeth and up under the gums, and if it doesn’t get removed properly, it can lead to bacteria breaking down the enamel of your teeth, then to tooth decay and most dangerous of all, gum disease- also a killer of the heart. Flossing can visit places an ordinary brush fears to tread: once you have made your choice on the type of floss that takes your fancy, you now have to learn to use it. Take time to practise this in front of the mirror first and work it up between the teeth and gums to ensure everything is removed: do this every time you eat and keep practising it until you can do it in the dark. Flossing is probably the greatest ally to an oral hygiene programme since the tooth-pick was invented and if you do this right, there is no reason why you shouldn’t keep your teeth and gums healthy in central Leeds until the day you die.

The threat of Smoking to Gum Disease in Leeds

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

383291_blogWhenever you have any type of operation in Leeds, you will be advised to cut out any smoking that you may do, both before and after, as this will seriously hinder the healing process, even prevent it; similarly with anything that may go wrong with your mouth- a dry socket or a pulled tooth for example. One of the ways it can really interfere is if you if you are being treated for gum disease; it can even promote this dangerous condition. Smoking tends to dry out the saliva in the mouth as well as the gums and if you are serious about beating this disease, stop the risk of heart disease, stop your teeth from falling out and prevent it from returning in the future, you must stop smoking altogether. Many people will suffer from gum disease at some point in their lives, but you need to fight it on all fronts and only by giving up the fags will you give yourself a chance. You need to work on it at home and get your dentist on board to help treat your gums: there is also a moral here to keeping your dentist around. Dentists today know all about the affects that diseases in the mouth have on the body and can help and advise you on many ways to help improve your lifestyle: if you are serious, they will also help you kick the habit.

The horrible link between Gum Disease and Diabetes in the City of Leeds

Saturday, June 8th, 2013

Diabetes is a very complex and delicate condition: people with it live a completely different lifestyle to the majority living in the city of Leeds and have to be aware of everything that they do each day: from the food and drink they consume, the way they exercise to the way they sleep, everything has to be balanced in order that their sugar levels are stable. But diabetes also causes a diminished immune system and can affect the saliva levels in the mouth. This is dangerous because without saliva, bacteria can spread and one of the greatest dangers that can come from this is often gum disease, which in turn will spread through the blood and infect the heart. Gum disease in itself has its own agenda; even in a body free of diabetes, it will wreak havoc through the blood and diminish the immune system and guess what, many people who suffer from this also develop diabetes! It is a very harsh merry-go-round and one that is difficult to fight, but if you are on either side of the fence, you must do the utmost you can to fight all of the way, so get as much help and advice you can in order do your best.


Overcoming both Gum Disease and Bad breath in Leeds

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

There are many cause of bad breath in Leeds and one of the nastiest is gum disease: if you have this combination going on, you are in for a real battle to overcome it. If your teeth are bleeding after brushing, or they are ‘weeping’ throughout the day and leaving a bad taste in the mouth, it’s likely gum disease has stared to set up camp in your mouth, and one thing is for sure, if something tastes bad in your mouth, it certainly won’t smell nice either. Fighting gum disease takes a lot of effort: you need to seek advice from your dentist on just how you can go about beating it. You need to look at your oral hygiene and improve it: bad habits such as smoking and drinking won’t help either. But if your immune system is low due to having a bad diet, this will only allow the disease to get stronger and stronger; all of these areas will have to change in order to nip the issue in the bud quickly. Also remember, bad breath can be detrimental to you in the workplace and socially, so if you want to get on in life, then beating both problems needs you to change your lifestyle.


Fighting Gum Disease with fury in the City of Leeds

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Some problems that spring up in the mouth are fairly easy to treat in the city ofLeedsand cause no real further threat once they have attended to. The same however cannot be said of gum disease; a disgusting and devastating problem that needs to be attacked on all fronts in order to stop it in its tracks, for once your gums have fallen foul of this disease, it can come back quickly if you are not constantly on your toes. It is where things such as plaque and tartar have been allowed to get hold around the base of the teeth, and if your have poor oral hygiene and a poor diet, you are going to increase the chances of your gums becoming infected. This will not only see your gums weep, start to bleed and then recede, but the toxins from the infection start to poison the bloodstream and infect the body’s most vital organs. You need to get help from your dentist straight away; they can ascertain how advanced the problem is and then start treating it straight away. They can deep clean below the gum-line and disinfect the roots to stop the infection spreading, and then keep doing it regularly until the problem has stopped. But it also takes a lot of effort from you too at home. You must improve your hygiene and bring in some herbal remedies which are excellent for fighting gum disease. You must stop smoking, at least until the problem is under control and you must also improve your diet so that your immune system gets stronger and supplies the mouth with plenty of saliva.

Good Dental Toothpastes in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

There are many types of toothpaste that you can buy in the city of Leeds that do all manner of things for your teeth and any condition that you may be going through. Gum disease, plaque and tooth decay are always going to be a constant threat to your oral hygiene, so many of the latest toothpastes have been designed to tackle these problems. Pretty much all the brand toothpastes contain fluoride: this is a mineral that is considered to help maintain the strength of the enamel in the teeth. But if you have sensitive teeth, smoke, have problems with your gums or even want to put a little zest into your smile, you can buy toothpaste that will actually whiten your teeth as you brush. Your dentist can help you your choices and even guide you towards one that will suit you because it is a bit of a minefield. For example, there has been a big backlash about the use of fluoride in toothpaste because aside from the good things it does, it’s still poisonous, so from this has sprung a range of fluoride-free toothpastes combined with herbal remedies to do the same job for your teeth. The beautiful thing about the range of dental toothpastes around right now is that there is toothpaste waiting for you out there; all you have to do is track it down.

Bad Breath and you in Central Leeds

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Many of us have been have been to a cracking party or two in central Leeds that may have run into the early hours, and then woken up with the breath of the loch ness monster the next day. The immediate response is to clean your teeth before you start breathing over others. Now, imagine that you suffer this problem on a daily basis and can’t shake it off; it’s going to put people off you, stop you from expressing yourself freely, and generally prevent you from getting on in life. Suffering from bad breath is a serious condition and it generally means that something is wrong somewhere within your body. It could mean that your teeth are suffering from decay or that you are having problems from gum disease: the dentist could fix this. But in all reality, it really means that you have a lifestyle problem: over indulgence in your social life with drinking, smoking and poor diet…it’s a cry from your soul to stop and change your ways. If your dentist has done all that is possible, then you too should do the same. Calm down on the partying for a while, up the way you conduct your oral hygiene everyday, try herbal remedies when you brush your teeth; chew lots of gum and drink lots of water…eat the right foods. After a few weeks, you should see a change and learn to control the problem. However, if you’ve thrown all the artillery you can at the problem and it still remains……see a doctor- and fast.


The Danger of Ducking a Dental Check-up in Central Leeds

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

Dental check-ups are designed to help care for your teeth in central Leeds and so avoiding one because you can’t be bothered or are just too busy would be a very foolhardy thing to do. Other people also make the mistake of missing an appointment on the basis that their teeth have been well looked after with all of the best products on the market- again, wrong. Sure, no-one doubts that you look after your teeth well and that’s admirable, the problem with all of this though is it only takes 24 hours for bacteria and acids to start eating away at the enamel of your teeth and so, the damage has begun, any longer and you are into the early stages of tooth decay. Even though you think you can skip appointments, you should bear in mind that your dentist can pick-up on this where you can’t. You will also be checked for any other anomalies as well- gum disease, tooth erosion, tooth alignment and if there are things wrong, your dentist will fix them or if not, at least know someone who can. It’s a time where you can have any tartar or plaque removed, followed by a good clean around the gum-line. Then after a little bit of a polish, you’re free to go. Just by spending 15 minutes with your dentist could mean the difference between having a healthy, trouble-free mouth or a very complex disease strewn one that will also cost a lot to turn around.

The bad world of Bleeding Gums in Central Leeds

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

We can often get over exuberant when we brush our teeth in central Leeds if you have delicate gums, it can cause them to bleed, but if you know that you have done this, it might only require you to change your brush to a softer one. However, if the bleeding continues after brushing, it may indicate something more sinister is taking hold of your mouth- gum disease. In the beginning, rinsing your mouth out with warm salty water after cleaning your teeth can help to heal your gums. However, the alarm bells have been rung, and you should get to your dentist and explain your problem. It could be that the gum disease has taken hold and between the pair of you, you are going to have to put in some hours of hard work in order that the problem doesn’t spiral out of control. It is not only that the disease will ruin your gums and cause them to recede and hence, lead to tooth loss, it will also start to leak toxins into the bloodstream and over time, this will leave deposits and set up shop in your heart and other vital organs, and over a sustained battering from these poisons, they will eventually become diseased themselves and fail. Your dentist will do what is required, but you too need to change a few things in your life as well- your diet, your oral hygiene program and possibly take the heat out of your diseased and inflamed gums by using some herbal medicines in your daily hygiene routine.


Grasping Gum Disease By The Throat In The City of Leeds

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

There are some conditions that start quite innocently in the mouth but then turn out to be right killers: an abscess can get out of control quickly, sleep apnea can get you over time, but then, so can gum disease. Gum disease will affect quite a few people in the city of Leeds during their lives but it should by no means be taken lightly. You have to revert to the original perpetrators to find the cause of the problem. It all starts with a combination of poor oral hygiene and the avoidance of dental check-ups that allows the old enemy of plaque and tartar to set up shop around the teeth. These will start to release toxins into the gums which in turn become infected. The early signs are weeping and/or bleeding gums combined with a bad taste in the mouth. To combat the problem at this stage, involves some deep scaling from the dentist and the use of medicated toothpastes and mouthwashes at home. Rinsing with salty water can help, as can the use of herbal products. If the problem is allowed to get worse however, the gums will start to recede and the teeth will become loose and in danger of falling out. During all of this time though, the diseased gums would have started to release toxins into the bloodstream and end up deposited in the body’s most vital organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver and before long, they will fail. So it is imperative that a dentist is brought on board immediately in order to save your teeth…..and your life.