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Posts Tagged ‘oral cancer’

Understanding and Fighting Oral Cancer in Leeds

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Cancer is a shocking disease- the fact that it is on the increase in Leeds is frankly, alarming. A lot of this has been put down to the stresses of modern living, the foods we eat, smoking and excessive drinking. But the gene that causes cancer can also be hereditary. Identifying it- In the early stages, you may suffer from jaw ache, sore throat swelling in the neck, difficulty in swallowing or suffer constantly from weeping sores in the mouth; this is the time to get a check-up. Blood tests and tissue biopsies will identify any signs of the disease. Treating it- Normally to remove the cancer, you will require chemo or radiotherapy. In some case, physical surgery will be called upon. Healing- Once you have been cleared, you have to sit down with someone and take a long hard look at your lifestyle, because it has to change. Some people choose counselling and then opt for a new regime- vegetarian foods, healthy diets, physical exercise, stopping smoking, cutting out drinking and a strong oral hygiene program- all these have been tried by people post-cancer, because the psychological affect the disease can have on your mind can be traumatic and by healing it with a new regime, it can help you to battle against the problem returning. Cancer means a fight and if you are ready, you’ll beat it and the proof is in statistics- more and more people are beating the disease than before.

What you need to Know about Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Throughout the country, the highest number of cancer related deaths stem from oral cancer, and it’s the same with the city of Leeds. The problem being is that it is particularly difficult to spot in its early stages, hence it has time to develop without causing any pain or discomfort and is then usually spotted when it has moved into a different area. At this stage, the disease has got its claws in and becomes a lot more difficult to treat. It’s not always easy to pinpoint the causes of cancer as we are all very different from each other. But smoking, heavy drinking, exposure to sunlight stress and poor diet are thought to be the main players here. However, because of this awareness itself, it has been possible to pinpoint certain symptoms that have been linked to oral cancer and are considered to be an indication that it may be present. Some of the more common signs are trouble with swallowing, constant aching in the neck, the jaw and the ears, persistent mouth sores or ulcers and bad breath. If you have any these concerns, you should discuss them with your dentist straight away, who will then run a series of tests to see if there is a problem, and if so, then prepare you for a course of treatments, such as chemo or radiotherapy, or physical surgery, depending on the extent of the problem. Most of the people who overcome the disease, are those who are the most informed about what they are about to embark on, and so get in the best shape they can before the fight. One ray of light to add is that although oral cancer is on the increase, so are the success rates of beating it.

Guard against oral cancer with diagnosis and treatment from City of Leeds dentists

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

Of all the ailments that can unfortunately befall your mouth, the one that you should be most vigilant about is oral cancer. It actually has quite high survival rates if caught early but is potentially fatal. You should make sure that you know the signs of oral cancer so that you can consult your dentist and deal with it before it gets worse.
The signs of oral cancer are rusty coloured and hard patches in the mouth. You might find that you are experiencing odd, metallic tastes in the mouth for no apparent reason and find that you experience sudden weight loss. If you experience any of these symptoms it is vital that you consult your dentist as soon as you can; don’t wait for your next six month check up, make an appointment.
The high risk groups are those who smoke tobacco in whichever form and those who consistently drink alcohol to excess. Oral cancer also has far higher rates of prevalence in men than women. If you are not in one of these groups you should still be vigilant however.
You can examine yourself at home in the mirror, perhaps after you have brushed your teeth. You can search your mouth for patches which feel harder than they ought to and are discoloured, taking on a rusty brown tone.
Getting into the habit of visiting your dentist every six months is the best way to guard against oral cancer. There may be signs that you simply wouldn’t spot by yourself and allowing a trained professional to examine your mouth regularly gives you a good chance of beating oral cancer should it occur. Talk to your City of Leeds dentist if you need more information.

Leeds dentists advise patients about the use of fluoride in oral care

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

There are many decisions to be made when considering how best to take care of your mouth such as what type of brush to use and which, of the many, tooth pastes. One of the decisions that people have wrestled with over the years concerns fluoride and it is not without controversy. Read on for more information.
Fluoride is chemical which helps to strengthen your teeth’s enamel. Enamel is a vital part of the protective army in your mouth and guards your teeth against the formation of cavities. If enamel breaks down or is weakened them you are more likely to suffer from dental decay and require fillings in order for your teeth to maintain healthy functionality.
Fluoride is found in many tooth pastes and, perhaps most controversially, in tap water in most areas of the United Kingdom. Some people believed, and still do, that the government ought not to have started adding fluoride to the national water supply. They cite cases where an over exposure to the substance has had detrimental effects of peoples’ health.
In fact this is very rare. You need to be exposed to an awful lot of fluoride for it to harm you in any way. Most dentists will recommend that, as well as using tooth paste that has been enhanced with fluoride, patients drink tap water to top up the amount of fluoride they are consuming. Those who only drink bottled water might not be taking on enough fluoride. Fluoride supplements are available too for those who live in areas where there is a lower fluoride contant in their tap water.
If you require any further information about fluoride, don’t hesitate to arrange a meeting with your Leeds dentist at which you can ask for all the facts.

Coping with oral cancer in Leeds

Monday, December 27th, 2010

Being told that you have cancer can be one of the most devastating pieces of news you ever receive. But though the treatment of cancer has evolved greatly over the last 50 years, it is in response to the fact that cancer is still on the increase, as it is in the mouth. Oral cancer is considered to be directly linked to diet, stress and poor oral hygiene that work their way throughout the body. Only by understanding the causes of cancer and the signs of it, can we prevent it happening in Leeds. There are many early signs of the disease in the mouth; patches in the mouth, bad breath, sores or ulcers that won’t go away, swallowing pains, loose teeth and constant earaches. Any problems like these should be discussed with your dentist immediately so that the cancer can be caught as early as possible. They can run a series of simple tests through cell and tissue diagnosis of the mouth. Sometimes a blood test at the doctors can also highlight any abnormalities. If anything shows up, more intensive tests can be done to gauge the extent of the problem and give a better understanding of the treatment required. If cancer is caught early, it can be treated a lot easier and though the thought of being diagnosed with oral cancer is very frightening, success rates of treatment are on the increase, thanks to advances in technology and our understanding of what cancer is causes it. Learn all you can about it, how to fight it and how to prevent it- it can be beaten.

Leeds dentists diagnoses oral cancer early at six-month check up

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

Oral cancer is an extremely serious condition; one of the worst that affect a person’s mouth. Although the survival rate is fairly high with early diagnosis, if the disease is allowed to develop it can cause fatality. Your dentist plays a crucial part in diagnosing oral cancer earlier as they are trained to spot early signs such as the presence on soft tissue of red and white patches which don’t fade naturally.

Men are twice as likely to be affected by oral cancer as women and smoking tobacco and consuming alcohol can increase the chances of developing it. In spite of this, it is worth noting that in nearly a quarter of all cases the patient is neither male nor smokes or drinks, proving that not only those in the high risk categories can suffer from oral cancer.

Small swellings or rusty spots occurring on the inside of the mouth can be signs of the first stages of oral cancer and unexplained oral bleeding or sudden weight loss should be taken seriously and examined by at a Leeds dentist. Be vigilant too about difficulties eating or drinking due to pain or soreness in the mouth as these too can be early signals of the disease.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is crucial in the fight against oral cancer and dangerous substances such as alcohol and tobacco should be avoided. Self-examination can be undertaken by using your finger to feel for bumps, or visually in a mirror to spot any coloured patches. Most crucial of all is to continue to visit your dentist every six months so that they can guard against the signs of oral cancer.

The Problems Of Oral Cancer In Leeds

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

1We should all know our mouths and be able to detect any problems in order to seek treatment, echoed by a dentist in Leeds. But to hear the word cancer in a diagnosis can bring the world tumbling down around you. Almost 5000 people a year are treated for oral cancer and it’s on the increase. So it’s important to educate ourselves into the causes of this disease, for prevention is more preferable to cure and with modern advances in the treatment of cancer, it has become less of a taboo than it used to be, but only if it is detected in its early stages. Excess and over indulgences in the search of the good life can be some of the causes of bad oral hygiene. The combination of smoking and heavy drinking are the greatest enemies of the mouth. But cancer can develop from bad diet, over exposure to sun or UV light and a low immune system also contribute to the build up of the disease. Symptoms follow- ulcers that don’t heal, lumps in the mouth, bad breath and loose teeth. A dentist would be able to spot these problems, so it’s important to have regular check-ups. If there are any signs of cancer, diagnosis will be made after a biopsy. Depending on the level of the problem, radio/ biological therapy, chemo or physical surgery will be required to remove all the infected areas. This can be a very distressing period and the recovery from such a trauma requires delicacy and support. Your dentist will be able to recommend the best solutions in order for you to make a full and complete recovery.

Regular Checkups Are the Best Protection against Oral Cancer, Says City Of Leeds Dentist

Saturday, September 18th, 2010

The incidences of cancer keep growing and it is believed that our lifestyle is responsible for it. Oral cancer also follows this trend, and it is not uncommon to encounter people who suffer from this dread disease. A City of Leeds dentist says that we could protect ourselves from a whole lot of problems, oral cancer included, if we just had regular dental checkups.
The mouth is a very inaccessible area, and it is very difficult for us to see most of what goes on inside there. As a result, we might miss the early signs of cancer such as lesions or bleeding, merely attributing it to a rough toothbrush or some hard food we might have eaten.
The fact is that a dentist needs to have regular access to your mouth so that nothing develops there without his or her knowledge. The dentist will be able to spot the first signs of cancer and take appropriate action.
Regular checkups also indicate that you are conscious of your health. If your standards of oral hygiene are dropping, then your dentist will be able to correct you immediately. Your dentist will also be able to advise you about the best way to clean your teeth. You will also be advised about the various habits or things you consume that are likely to increase your risk for this type of cancer. Smoking and chewing tobacco are considered two prime causes for this cancer. Thus checkups are the best way to protect yourself against oral cancer.

Leeds Dentist Has a Solution for Bad Breath

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

There are many causes for bad breath, such as digestive problems, but the most common ones are to do with oral hygiene. If you suffer from this problem then you should visit your dentist immediately. Leeds has many excellent dental clinics and you should be able to find one without too much trouble. Your teeth and gums will get a thorough check up and cleaning so that anything causing the problem will be removed or repaired.
The most common reason for foul breath is improper oral hygiene. People who do not clean their teeth often enough or well enough are sure to suffer from this problem because the oral cavity will be always filled with food particles. There will be a build up of old food on the teeth and in between them that is causing the bad smell. Another common reason is the presence of a cavity in the teeth. These cavities tend to get filled with food particles which decompose there, causing the bad smell.
A visit to a dentist should solve this problem for you without too much delay unless there is a bigger problem such as gum disease. Most people just require their teeth to be cleaned by the dentist who will use a jet of water to do it. You will also be taught ways to keep your gums and teeth clean and therefore your mouth will be odour free. Needless to say, you have to maintain good oral hygiene at all times so that your teeth don’t get dirty all over again.

Effective Treatment for Oral Cancer in Leeds

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

You may find your world falling apart after getting diagnosed with oral cancer. But there is hope at the end of the tunnel as medical research has now bought out various treatment modalities for this cancer which are highly successful and give you a new lease of life. Consult a dental oncologist in Leeds who can direct you in the right path to get cured from this horrifying disease.
The dental oncologist will first need to stage the disease after it has been confirmed by doing a biopsy. Staging is done to know the level of the disease according to which treatment is carried out. This may be done by performing certain lab tests and also by endoscopy. A dental X-ray is also taken to know if the cancer has spread to other parts of the oral cavity. If there is metastasis, which means spread of cancer to other areas, then a chest X-ray, CT scan and MRI scan is also performed.
Oral cancer treatment is usually carried out by a team of experts which include surgeons and specialists in chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The post-operative team may also include a speech therapist and counselor to help you deal with the disease. The first step in oral cancer therapy is surgery where the lump or mass is excised out. The oncologist will then prepare you for chemotherapy or radiation therapy depending on the stage of the disease. These are undertaken as a monthly regimen and may last for a period of six months to one year.
Oral cancer is highly curable is detected early; hence consult a dentist or physician as soon as you notice any symptoms and get cured from this debilitating disease.