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Posts Tagged ‘plaque’

Central Leeds dentists advise patients that dental care goes beyond simply brushing

Friday, March 18th, 2011

Of course we all know how important brushing is in looking after our teeth. But how many of us only do that? The fact is that, for too many of us, oral hygiene begins and ends when we brush our teeth in the morning and again at night. There is more to taking care of your teeth than this, however.
As well as brushing you should also take care to floss. This is the process of pulling thin, dental wire between your teeth to remove the plaque that can lurk there. Brushing alone simply cannot get rid of all the plaque that is in these hard to reach places. Flossing might be a little painful in the beginning if you have not done it before. Your gums are rather sensitive and they may bleed a bit to begin with. But by flossing you are also helping to guard against gum disease which in itself can lead to tooth loss.
Having a healthy diet in the first place can help in the fight against plaque and watching what you eat is not about keeping an eye on your weight and your cholesterol. By eating foods which have less sugar in you are exposing your teeth to less plaque in the first instance so there will be less for you to deal with. You are best off abstaining from activities like smoking tobacco and consuming alcohol excessively as these can harm your mouth too.
Get into the habit of going to see your Central Leeds dentist every six months so that your mouth can be examined by a professional. This is the best way to ensure lasting oral health and proves that dental care goes way beyond simply brushing.

Leeds dentists fill cavities efficiently with cosmetic bonding

Monday, March 14th, 2011

If you have cavities in your teeth you needn’t worry anymore about having to have them filled with unsightly metal cavities. New cosmetic bonding techniques which are becoming increasingly widespread and available are now being used by dentists for this purpose and are far more discreet and durable than their metal counterparts.
Cavities form in your teeth when plaque breaks down the enamel which coats teeth and protects them. Small holes occur as the tooth breaks down and these must be filled so that the tooth cannot decay further. The nerves and the pulp inside the tooth need to be protected from further attack by the plaque which is formed every time you eat.
Cosmetic bonding is far easier for dentists to use than metal fillings and they look better in the mouth too. The dental composite that is used in cosmetic bonding is exceptionally malleable and is able to be matched to colour of your surrounding teeth. No longer need you feel embarrassed and self conscious about dark patches in your mouth where metal fillings are.
Because of how adaptable cosmetic bonding is, most cavities can be filled using it as a technique, no matter what shape and size they are. Special curing light is used on the cosmetic bonding by dentists to give the filling an even better finish.
An added plus for those who already have metal fillings is that dentists can now replace these with cosmetic bonding fillings using white dental composite. So if you have been diagnosed as having cavities in your teeth or already have metal fillings which you are unhappy with, talk to your Leeds dentist about cosmetic bonding and what it can do for you and the look of your mouth.

Deal with gum disease get a healthy mouth: talk to your Central Leeds dentist

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

Making sure that your teeth are healthy is only one part of ensuring good oral health. You should also be concerned about the state of your gums because gum disease is actually a greater cause of tooth loss than tooth decay itself. Thankfully, taking care of your gums is not a major hassle and can be achieved in several easy steps.
The best way to guard against gum disease is to make sure that you are brushing your teeth at least twice a day and again after meals if necessary. If plaque builds up on the gum line of teeth then it can cause the gums to become inflamed. They will start to redden and you will find that you are experiencing a great deal of sensitivity when you eat and drink.
If left without being dealt with then the inflammation can spread to the bones which hold your teeth in place. Periodontitis is a serious condition which often results in tooth loss and so it is best to deal with any problems concerning your gums sooner rather than later.
Thankfully gum disease in its early stages is not difficult to deal with. Your dentist might advise that you tighten up your home oral hygiene routine and start flossing if you are not already doing so. Plaque can easily hide between the teeth and needs to be removed as urgently as it does from the surface of your teeth. Sometimes dentists might suggest that you use certain mouth washes which are designed to combat gum disease or you may be prescribed antibiotics.
Talk to your Central Leeds dentist if you have started to become concerned about the health of your gums.

Find out about general dentistry at the practices of Central Leeds dentists

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Taking good care of your teeth begins at home with how you look after your teeth. You ought to be brushing and flossing at least twice a day for about three minutes. As well you should be vigilant for any problems which you think are occurring in your mouth. But all this must be done in conjunction with your dentist, as these experts play a crucial role in keeping your whole mouth as healthy as it can be.
Most general dentistry really consists of giving you, the patient, expert advice. Your dentist can examine your mouth and tell you how best to take care of your teeth. They might be able to spot particular areas where plaque is building up, allowing you to modify your own cleaning techniques. Your dentist will be able to tell if you are brushing too hard because of the damage it might inflict on your teeth and gums. This is something that you yourself might not notice so visits to the dentist are very important.
Your dentist might decide that what you need is scaling and polishing to remove plaque that has hardened into tartar and can only be removed in the surgery. Problems with the alignment of your teeth might be spotted by your dentist who could advise that you have a brace fitted.
There are usually plenty of dentists to choose from, especially if you live in a built up, urban area. Choose your dentist carefully based on areas of expertise, if you suffer from a persistent problem with your gums for example.
Your Central Leeds dentist will be able to tell you all about the general dentistry procedures that are on offer at his or her practice.

Leeds dentists effectively diagnose and cure dental pain

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Having a pain free set of teeth is something that many of us take for granted. But teeth are an incredibly sensitive part of the body and any pain that you have there will make normal, every day activities such as eating, drinking and talking, that much more difficult. There are a number of causes of dental pain and you should seek the advice of your dentist if it should occur.
A common cause of dental pain is if plaque is causing the enamel of your teeth to break down and cavities are forming. These small holes in teeth allow the nerves inside to be interfered with and can be very painful as a result.
Teeth can also break down and become painful if you suffer from bruxism or nocturnal teeth grinding. You might not know that you have bruxism but dental pain can alert you to this as the process of grinding makes your teeth feel painful. It might be that you are brushing your teeth too hard and wearing away the enamel which normally protects the teeth.
What the diagnosis will be will depend on where the pain is occurring and what activities bring it on. Your dentist is expert in all areas concerning the health of your teeth and will be able to give them a thorough examination to determine the cause.
Treatment might not be necessary if it is simply a case of improving your brushing and flossing technique. Fillings, on the other hand will need to be filled to stop the process of decay from continuing. Talk to your Leeds dentist if you are experiencing dental pain and the problem will be sorted out before you know it.

Cosmetic bonding techniques allow City of Leeds dentists to effectively fill cavities

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

The good news is that metal fillings are no longer the only option for you if you are suffering from cavities in your teeth. These small holes can occur as the result of sustained attack from plaque that has broken down the protective layer of enamel on your teeth. It is important that they are filled so that your nerves are not able to be compromised and your teeth begin to decay fully.
Metal fillings, although effective, were not without controversy and could be difficult to place. Many dentists and patients alike now prefer to use cosmetic bonding to fill cavities, for a number of reasons. The dental composite used in cosmetic bonding is perfectly suited to the job because it is extremely malleable and thus is easily mouldable to fit into most cavities of any size.
It can also be adapted by your dentist for added discreetness by selecting the appropriate shade and texture so that the filling matches your surrounding teeth. Even your closest intimates will be quite unable to tell that you have a filling, especially when so many of us are used to unsightly metal fillings.
For an extra special finish dentists subject the bond to a curing light once it has been placed, secured with dental resin for stability. The result is a long lasting filling that looks incredible natural and can be treated just like your normal teeth. Cosmetic bonding is suitable to replace existing metal fillings too, so if you have had enough of your metal fillings then you don’t have to put up with them anymore.
If you want more information, talk to your City of Leeds dentist and they will be able to tell you about how cosmetic bonding techniques are changing the way we think about filling cavities.

Understanding Dental Procedures in Leeds

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

All dentists will offer you a basic range of procedures to keep your teeth healthy and this will start with a basic check-up. This can involve the taking of X-rays to check the growth of the teeth and the health and condition of your teeth. They will carry out de-scaling of plaque and tartar, fillings, fluoride treatments and extractions and offer any anaesthetics if required to carry out your treatment. If your teeth need straightening, you may require braces or aligners to solve the problem- there are plenty of choices in Leeds. But as we get older, our teeth may grow tired; cracks, gaps, chips and general wear and tear may have set in. We may also suffer from a little gum disease and tooth decay. All these may require work of a cosmetic nature- we may need a little dental bonding, the odd crown, bleaching or veneers if we feel vain enough, just so we can restore that smile to the mouth. A dentist will be able to help you with tooth loss too. You can have a bridge fitted to make up for your loss and in the most extreme situation of all, fit you with dentures. And bringing every thing up to date, implant technology allows not only an odd tooth, and even all the teeth to be replaced, they aid in the fitting of dentures. Everything is available in the city and its all there for you.

Fighting Teeth Decay in Central Leeds

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

It’s not a pretty sight having to smile at people in central Leeds when you have decayed teeth. It’s not only ugly to look at, but it can also be very dangerous to your health. It will start to develop by having a poor oral hygiene regime and irregular visits to dentist. If plaque continues to build up in the mouth, tartar will form and gum disease will set in, causing the teeth to rot; not only are these problems difficult to reverse, but expensive too, and tooth decay is a whole lot easier to prevent than to cure. Certain foods that contain a lot of sugar or starch need to be removed after eating, as they can lead to bacteria forming in the mouth. Regular brushing with a good brush and paste, followed by flossing and rinsing, should be enough to counter the build up of plaque- that and regular visit to the dentist. If decay or a cavity sets in, a dentist will be able to rectify this with a simple filling- if caught early enough. But if the problem is allowed to go on, you may require a root canal and crown; you may even loose the tooth altogether, even worse it will spread throughout the rest of the mouth very quickly. You may also like to consider, gum disease and tooth decay are directly linked to heart disease and strokes.

The Importance of a Dental Visit in Central Leeds

Sunday, January 30th, 2011

It’s widely considered that everyone in central Leeds should have a bi-annual visit to the dentist because problems in your mouth can build up very quickly and cause further, more serious problems, if left untreated. When you visit your dentist, it’s very likely that you just want to get it over with and get the hell out of there, but really, it should be seen as an opportunity to discuss any problems that may have arisen since your last visit, you can even discuss subjects from oral hygiene and diet to cosmetic dentistry. This also gives the dentist a chance to clean your teeth from plaque or tartar build up, monitor all aspects concerning your teeth such as growth, gum disease, cavities and general wear and tear and administer any treatment you may require to keep your mouth healthy. However, if you start skipping visits, you are putting not only your mouth at risk, but the overall health of your body. Gum disease for example, can threaten your heart and digestive system as well as your teeth, and some treatments can be very expensive. Depending on just how far you’ve let yourself go, the price to rectify any damage done can stretch into thousands and the worst case scenario is losing your teeth altogether. Maintaining regular appointments can greatly reduce problems in the future and help keep your teeth and smile healthy.

Leeds dentists effectively diagnose and treat teeth erosion

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

The fight against plaque must be taken seriously in order to avoid the erosion of teeth. You should brush your teeth and floss at least twice a day in order to remove plaque from your teeth. If left unchecked, plaque can attack the enamel and compromise teeth, causing them to erode.
Signs of teeth erosion can include discolouration of your teeth, as the enamel is worn away which is naturally white in colour, allowing substances like tea and coffee to influence the colour of your teeth. Your teeth might become more sensitive too as the nerves inside your teeth are exposed. In some cases the actual shape of your teeth can change as they become more rounded.
If teeth erosion progresses then your teeth might actually begin to crack and you might have visible dents in your teeth. Ultimately the tooth will begin to fail and will either fall out or need to be removed because it is so unhealthy.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is important to let your dentist know. What will probably happen is that your dentist will advise you to tighten up your oral hygiene routine by improving your brushing technique and making sure you floss. Enamel is strengthened by the consumption of fluoride so you might be advised to use tooth paste which is enriched with fluoride or take fluoride supplements
It is best to prevent tooth erosion by watching what you eat and taking care of your teeth properly. This is far more preferable to having to have a tooth replaced or covered by a crown. Talk to your Leeds dentist if you are worried about teeth erosion and want to know more about the causes and effects.