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Archive for December, 2009

Cure embarrassing bad breath with Central Leeds dentist

Monday, December 21st, 2009

When it comes to personal hygiene, without question one of the most common and unpleasant qualities is bad breath. Having breath that smells can be very unpleasant for others and make you significantly less attractive to the opposite sex. What most people don’t realise however, is that in over 90 per cent of cases, bad breath is caused by poor standards of oral hygiene and easily treated.

The smell itself is caused by decaying bacteria or food matter that is stuck between the teeth and in the grooves of the tongue. This releases nasty smelling sulphurous chemicals which are carried out on the breath. These bacteria and chemicals can easily be stopped with more effective brushing and flossing. If you are unsure about the proper oral hygiene methods you can ask advice from a Central Leeds dentist who can instruct you how to properly clean your teeth.

The two most important factors are brushing twice a day for three minutes with a suitable brush held at a 45-degree angle to the teeth. This removes bacteria and food from the surface of the teeth, helping to prevent bad breath. Flossing the gaps between the teeth removes other debris that is hard to reach with a normal brush and cleans below the gum line.

Other dental hygiene tools may be used such as inter-dental brushes or mouthwash but it is always a good idea to consult your dentist before using these products. In some cases mouthwash can remove some of the saliva production from the mouth making the problem worse.

Central Leeds dentist treats painful dry socket

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

Having a tooth extraction is a pretty unpleasant experience in itself and you no doubt would expect some discomfort for a few days afterwards, but if the pain doesn’t go away, and even begins to get worse, you might be suffering from another condition called dry socket.

Dry socket happens in a very small percentage of cases, usually about 2 to 5 pr cent, but for those unlucky few it is a very unpleasant experience. Luckily, dry socket is easily treatable.

Dry socket occurs when the blood clot that fills the hole after a dental extraction becomes dislodged. This leaves the nerve exposed to air, fluid and food and can lead to severe pain. There are certain conditions that make people more prone to dry socket than others. Patients who smoke are at higher risk, as a re patients with poor oral hygiene. Other factors include what kind of extraction it is, patients on birth control medication and a history of dry socket.

If you are suffering from dry socket you will most likely be able to see bone at the bottom of the socket. You will also be experiencing quite severe pain that is spreading to the ear. An unpleasant smell and taste in your mouth are also symptoms of the condition. You can get some relief from dry socket with over-the-counter pain relief but you will need to see a Central Leeds dentist as soon as possible. The dentist will be able to clean the socket and aid healing with gauze. They can also prescribe antibiotics to prevent the spread of any infection. The healing process can take up to two weeks.

Whiter teeth in two weeks with Enlighten from Leeds dentist

Saturday, December 19th, 2009

Having white teeth is integral to having a beautiful smile, and everybody wants to have a beautiful smile. Teeth whitening procedures have been around for many years but it is only in the last few that the treatment has become more widespread and acceptable.

Enlighten is a new system, recently been imported from the United States which is taking Britain by storm. Enlighten’s popularity in the US is due to its incredible ability to whiten even the darkest, most discoloured of teeth. In fact, the makers of Enlighten guarantee that the whitest shade of teeth, called a B1, is possible for every patient.

Teeth can become discoloured for a number of reasons. Sometimes it is because of illness or medication or even the food and drink we ingest. More often than not, however, it is simply a case of teeth losing their natural colour over time. Just as hair loses its colour and turns grey over time, so do our teeth and they become less and less white. Teeth whitening procedures can reverse this process by staining tooth enamel to make your teeth look whiter and you look younger.

Enlighten differs from other whitening systems because of the strength of treatment it offers. The specially designed whitening trays allow the whitening gel to be in contact with the teeth, and the tight fit prevents the risk of saliva contaminating the whitening gel. The treatment usually starts with the dentist taking a mould of your teeth in order to make the personalised whitening trays. The trays are worn at home for 14 consecutive nights before a final 40 minute appointment at the dentist surgery.

There are few if any side effects, with only a small percentage suffering some mild discomfort form sensitive teeth after treatment. Dentists recommend that patients wear the trays for at least one night in every 40 after treatment to top up the treatment. If you suffer from discoloured teeth and want to bring back the sparkle to your smile ask a Leeds dentist about Enlighten tooth whitening.

Prevent painful gum disease with check up at City of Leeds dentist

Friday, December 18th, 2009

Gum disease is the infection of the gingival tissue that surrounds and supports teeth and occurs in two stages called gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is the milder form of gum disease and is indicated by red, swollen gums that are prone to bleeding. Most people will suffer from some mild gingivitis at some point in there life and it is often so mild that it causes no pain and requires no treatment other than improved cleaning.

Periodontitis, on the other hand, is more serious and can be very unpleasant. It causes gums to pull away from teeth leaving exposed pockets where bacteria can grow damaging the bones that support the teeth. The gums continue to shrink back as the infection gets worse leaving loose teeth that will eventually fall out or need to be extracted by a dentist.

Gum disease, like dental decay, is caused by a filmy, bacteria-rich substance called plaque. Plaque is allowed to build up by ineffectual or irregular cleaning and releases toxins which irritate the gum tissue. If plaque is not removed by brushing and flossing it will continue to attack the gum tissue causing irreparable damage. Plaque that is not removed will also harden and transform into a tough, yellow substance called tartar which will need to be removed by a dentist. Several factors increase the risk of gum disease including smoking, stress and diabetes.

A dentist will be able to diagnose gum disease fairly simply at a routine check up and recommend the best form of treatment. Treatment ranges from mild steps like improved cleaning and dental scaling to tissue removal and antibiotics. The best form of treatment for gum disease however is prevention. Effective cleaning by brushing and flossing twice a day can help to prevent gum disease and help keep your teeth and gums healthy for life. It is also important that you keep up regular appointments with a City of Leeds dentist who will be able to examine your gums for the first signs of infection.

Straighter teeth in six weeks with Inman aligner from Central Leeds dentist

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

There are many options available for patients wishing to straighten uneven or overcrowded teeth. Twenty years ago the choice was limited and usually involved unpleasant fixed metal braces that were fitted for periods of up to two years. Today patients have the choice of braces offering treatments which are incredibly discreet, powerful, fast or a combination of all three. One such option is called the Inman aligner and is clinically proven to reduce overall treatment time by as much as 75 per cent.

Dentists prefer to use the Inman aligner in patients with misalignments of the upper and lower front teeth. Using the force created by a coiled spring located on the tongue side of the teeth, the aligner gradually moves teeth into the desired position. A metal bar that runs across the front of the teeth pushes and pulls the front teeth into line. This metal bar is the only visible part of the Inman aligner.

Although the Inman aligner cannot compete with clear plastic retainers such as Invisalign in terms of discretion, its straightening power is more than enough compensation. Treatment times vary from an incredible six to sixteen weeks, although the speed of results is highly dependant on how long you wear the brace for each day. It is recommended that you wear the aligner for at least twenty hours each day but it can be removed for meal times meaning that foods are not restricted like with some other braces. Because of the speed of treatment, Inman aligners are becoming popular with patients wishing to straighten teeth before important social occasions. Brides-to-be are particularly fond of the ultra-fast treatment time offered by the Inman aligner.

Just like any other orthodontic straightening device, the Inman aligner may be slightly uncomfortable at first but this initial discomfort is just the teeth getting used to the pressure and the feeling will pass in a few days. Inman braces cost significantly less than invisible braces but prices will vary according to how much movement is required and the length of treatment necessary. A Central Leeds dentist will be able to give you a more detailed outline of treatment and estimation of costs.

Wire-free teeth straightening with Invisalign retainers from Leeds dentist

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Very few people are ever thrilled about having to wear braces, even though they want to have straight teeth. The prospect of wearing a fixed metal brace for two years is never a pleasant one yet many people are willing to do it to have the perfect smile, but there are alternatives. Invisalign is a revolutionary system for straightening teeth that are unevenly spaced or overcrowded which does away with the need for fixed brackets and metal wires.

Invisalign braces use a system of clear plastic retainers that are virtually invisible, to gradually move teeth into the desired position. Retainers are made from one millimetre thick see-through plastic using the very latest in computer-aided technology and three-dimensional imaging. On average about twenty sets of retainers are needed for each treatment, each with small adjustments to move the teeth. They are usually worn for two to three weeks each but this often depends on the patient’s needs. Regular check ups with a Leeds dentist throughout the course of treatment will assure that the retainers are having the desired affect and any adjustments can be made accordingly.

Retainers need to be worn for about 22 hours a day but can be removed for teeth cleaning and crucially, meal times. Anyone who has worn a fixed metal brace will know that some foods are almost impossible to eat and others are off-limits because they can damage the brace. By being completely removable, the braces impact on the patient’s life is reduced. The retainers can also be removed for important business and social occasions. Because there are no wires or brackets, Invisalign braces are also more comfortable than metal braces, although patients may experience some discomfort when the retainers are initially fitted.

Invisalign braces can be used to treat the majority of orthodontic problems including teeth that are overcrowded, unevenly spaced or with any sort of bite problem. However, some of the more serious cases of overcrowding where extraction of significant movement is required, prior treatment may be needed before Invisalign braces can be used. Make an appointment with a Leeds dentist to see if your teeth are suitable for straightening with Invisalign invisible braces.

Ultra-thin Lumineer veneers from City of Leeds dentist

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Teeth that are discoloured, unevenly spaced or worn down look unhealthy and can add years on to the age of the patient. Once tooth enamel has been stained or worn it cannot be grown back or effectively cleaned. One option to restore the appearance of a healthy smile is to have a set of porcelain veneers fitted. Veneers are thin ceramic caps that fit over the top of existing teeth giving the appearance of real teeth. Because they are manufactured, they can be designed to specifically fit your individual teeth giving an even and bright look to your smile.

Lumineers are a special type of incredibly thin veneers manufactured from special porcelain that is incredibly strong. It is made from patented porcelain by a dental manufacturer called Cerinate and is as thin as a contact lens. Because Lumineers are so thin, minimal preparation is needed before they are fitted. With other, thicker veneers, the dentist will need to remove some of the porcelain before the veneer can be fixed or they will appear too big making the process irreversible.

Lumineers can be fitted over existing dental work such as crowns and existing veneers and are so are completely removable. They are the newest solution to chipped, worn or discoloured teeth and with the right care and attention will last up to an incredible twenty years, five times as long as regular porcelain veneers.

If you have discoloured or worn teeth and are suffering a loss of self-confidence as a result, Lumineers could completely restore your teeth and give you back a reason to smile. Ask a City of Leeds dentist about Lumineers at your next appointment.

Anxiety-free dentures with mini-implants from Central Leeds dentist

Monday, December 14th, 2009

For patients who are denture wearers, the fear of your dentures falling out at inopportune moments can be a real source of worry and anxiety. Many denture wearers resort to wearing sticky and messy dental adhesive strips and gels for that added feeling of security. There is an alternative that can put your mind at rest and involves no unnecessary fuss or adhesives. Mini-dental implants are a series of small screws anchored into the jawbone to which dentures can be snapped on and off.

Like normal dental implants, the screws are usually made from titanium or other strong metal non-harmful to the human body. They are drilled into place in the jawbone before being left for several weeks to allow the bone and tissue to fuse to the screws in a process called osseointergration. The implants will have a set of clips attached to them, which will be used to fasten them to the dentures. Small wells and clips will be fitted to the dentures so that they can clip on securely to the implants. These wells can be fitted to your existing set of dentures to reduce cost. The dentures can then be simply clipped on and off to the implants safely and securely and with no limits on what you can eat. For the first time ever dentures will actually feel like real teeth.

Unlike the larger normal implants, there are few factors that limit the fitting of mini-implants. For example, it is not necessary to have a very strong jawbone for mini-implants, which is essential for the full sized variety. This means that mini-implants are perfectly suited to older patients.

If you are always worrying about your loose dentures and you want a life free of the anxiety, make an appointment to see a Central Leeds dentist and ask about the benefits of mini-implants.

Prevent damaged teeth with mouth guard from city of Leeds dentist

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

Mouth guards are protective devices worn over the teeth to prevent dental injury. They are often worn during sporting activity and to protect teeth against sun-conscious grinding, known as bruxism.

There are three main types of mouth guards called stock mouth protectors, boil and bite mouth protectors and custom-fitted mouth protectors. Both stock and boil and bite mouth protectors are the generic mouth guards that can be bought from most sporting goods suppliers. Dentists do not recommend either of these as they often offer very little protection because they are not designed for the individual patient’s teeth. Custom-made protectors are individually designed and fitted for your teeth by a dentists and offer a high level of protection. The dentist will manufacture the guard from a mould taken from your teeth to ensure a close and protective fit. Because this type of guard involves work by the dentist it may be more expensive but it does provide the most comfort and protection. It is also worth noting that a knocked out, chipped or damaged tooth will be extremely expensive to fix so the best prevention is better than the cure.

Mouth guards are usually only fitted over the top teeth but a City of Leeds dentist may also decide to make a guard for the lower arc. An effective mouth guard should be tight fitting, durable, easy to clean and very resistant to tearing and other damage. Dentists recommend that anyone taking part in any physical or sporting activity should wear a guard, even if the activity is non-contact such as skateboarding or gymnastics. This is because over half of the dental injuries in the UK are caused by some form of sporting activity.

Mouth guards should be cleaned with cold water, a toothbrush and toothpaste before and after each use and stored in a container when not in use. Only very occasionally should the mouth guard be washed with soapy water. It is important to replace mouth guards that have become worn, as the protection may be limited. It is also important to remember to upgrade children’s mouth guards as their teeth develop and grow. Have a mouth guard fitted at a City of Leeds dentist and prevent painful and costly dental treatment.

Maintain good oral hygiene with regular check ups from Leeds dentist

Saturday, December 12th, 2009

Maintaining a good standard of oral hygiene can help keep teeth and gums healthy for life, reducing the risk of dental decay and gum disease and saving you from the pain and cost of dental treatment in the future. Oral hygiene is usually understood to mean keeping a clean and healthy mouth by regular brushing and flossing and by keeping up regular six-month check ups with the dentist.

Regular and effective brushing and flossing helps to remove plaque. This is a filmy, bacteria-rich substance that produces acids which erode the tooth enamel causing dental decay and eventually tooth loss. Plaque that is not removed by brushing and flossing also hardens and turns into tartar which cannot be removed by conventional cleaning methods and will need to be removed by a dentist using a process called scaling.

Other problems that can occur by not maintaining a good standard of oral hygiene include gum disease, also known as gingivitis. Gum disease is characterised by an inflamed and irritated gum that can be painful and even begin to bleed. Eventually gum tissue will start to shrink away from teeth exposing the vulnerable root. Gingivitis will eventually become the more serious periodontitis if left untreated. This is a more serious form of gum disease which may require antibiotic treatment or even surgery. Gum disease has also been linked to heart disease.

Tooth decay and gum disease can cause years of painful and costly dental treatment which can all be avoided by a few minutes a day of effective cleaning. Good oral hygiene can also help to prevent the 90 per cent of cases of bad breath caused by bacteria allowed to grow in the mouth.

Eating habits can also affect oral hygiene with food with a high concentration of sugar being particularly damaging to teeth. Low sugar food and food such as fruit with a high fibre content stimulate saliva production which helps to keep teeth healthy.

It is also important to regularly visit the dentist for check ups. Dentists can undertake thorough teeth cleaning and offer advice on how best to maintain good oral hygiene. A Leeds dentist will also be able to treat the first signs of any tooth decay or gum disease and help to keep your teeth strong and healthy.