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Archive for June, 2012

Coping with a Knocked-out Front Tooth in Leeds

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

Although it may not exactly top the charts of emergencies, having a tooth knocked out in Leeds is  still an emergency and there are a set of rules as to what to do in order that you may just be able to reinstate the tooth into the socket. To avoid damaging the roots and its tissue, the tooth should be only handled at the crown, gently rinsed in warm water and then inserted again. Now this all sounds very easy, however, this is all well and good, but the conditions to do all of this may not exist, nor, often or not, are you going to have some milk or saline around if the tooth won’t go back in so if you have to get to a dentists or A&E, the best way to get the tooth there is by resting it inside the mouth. The thing is, at best, the quicker you can get treatment the more likely the tooth is going to take again in the socket- you may be surprised by how resilient the mouth is in these situations and as long as the tooth is kept saturated, you have around a couple of hours to get it back- hell, you’ve got to give it a shot, your tooth is free, bridges, implants, crowns and dentures are not.

You and Your Jaws in Central Leeds

Friday, June 15th, 2012

There are many things that can go wrong with your mouth and so there are many things to be on the lookout for in central Leeds. But it’s not all about the teeth and gums for these are just two parts of the jigsaw- just as important is the jaws. There is a lot of forces that go through the point at where the jaws meet, or to give it the technical term, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Every day, you are chewing and talking- okay these are natural things that the jaws can handle, what you are trying to avoid is over working it or putting it at too much risk. Sports are to be encouraged at all times, but you should also take precautions to protect your jaw at all costs- especially with contact sports. Teeth grinding can also be very dangerous for the jaws and even though, as in sports, a mouth-guard will help to lessen the damage done to the teeth and gums, the forces are still being exerted through biting down on the guard. Overtime this will damage the jaws, neck and upper back and you may also do damage to your hearing and bring on bad headaches. The damage done will require quite complex surgery to put right. If you want to know more about your TMJ, you should get in contact with your dentist.

Dental Bonding in the City of Leeds

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

There are some truly magnificent ways to get your teeth fixed up in the city of Leeds right now and quickly too. One of the more versatile treatments is dental bonding, a treatment that has been around for ages- because it works and like many other of its peers, it has evolved and adapted as new materials have come along to incorporate into the process. If you have been suffering from some wear and tear to your teeth and a few cracks and gaps have appeared, and fancy a quick fix to your problem, this is for you because you can be in and out of the chair under the hour. The dentist will first clean your teeth and the lay the first layer of correctly coloured resin onto the surface. Once this has been ‘cured’ with a heat source, the process will be repeated until the dentist considers there is enough to work with. Then the resin will be shaped until the work is complete; after a quick polish, you are done. The great thing about this is if there are further problems down the line, you can simply get the resin touched up again making this a very versatile treatment indeed. If it has any weakness, it is open to staining because of the resin being slightly porous.


Identifying the Problems of Discoloured Teeth in Leeds

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

Teeth are an important factor in the way we smile and project ourselves in Leeds and good looking teeth can bolster our confidence in the workplace and socially. At the opposite end of the scale, ugly looking teeth can destroy all of this and one of the most common causes of unsightly teeth is discolouration. There are many factors that can cause this condition, the more obvious ones being staining from foods, drinks and smoking, however, with age, the enamel on the surface of the teeth can fade too- these can generally be rectified with bleaching and by vastly improving our oral hygiene and diet. Tooth decay can also cause the teeth to discolour for as the nerve dies it will darken the tooth and if you have an amalgam filling to counter the decay, it will also cause a greying effect on the rest of the tooth’s surface. Certain drugs can also have a negative effect to the natural hue of your teeth, as can a lack of fluoride, as this re-mineralises the enamel. Dentists can rectify virtually any problem in your teeth these days, including this one so you should get along to the surgery and get advice of how to address it and more importantly, prevent it as well.

Getting on Board with Herbal Remedies for Your Teeth in Central Leeds

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction and this second law of Newton can be seen in all aspect of modern life in central Leeds. For example, the more technology advances, the more people want to find more natural alternatives and answers to questions and problems. A good example of this can be found in dentistry. It is remarkable how technology has changed dental procedures over the past few decades and made treatments quicker and less painful. Yet there is also a parallel to this, as people a turning to traditional herbal remedies to treat themselves and their teeth. However, these two opposing methods have started to fuse together as dentists have also held their hands up and recognised how useful herbal remedies are too in their treatments, as well as all the technology. There are already herbal toothpastes and mouthwashes that contain certain oils and herbs proven to be good for your teeth and gums- there are even herbal whitening products. But herbal products really come into their own when something goes wrong in the mouth. Gum disease can destroy the gums and lead to tooth loss but by using tea-tree oil, Echinacea, clove oil, salts, willow roots and many others in your daily hygiene programme- brushing and flossing, they can calm, stimulate and rejuvenate the gum tissue, and reverse gum disease. You should ask your hygienist about the use of such products, even find a herbalist who specialises in teeth and you may well find the results rewarding.

How to Fight an Abscess in the City of Leeds

Friday, June 8th, 2012

There are many things that can go wrong in your mouth and more often or not, they do. Some are trivial little niggles and can be remedied easily, but others can be very serious indeed and need immediate treatment and one condition you should be very wary of in the city of Leeds is a tooth abscess. An abscess is a direct product of poor oral hygiene that has allowed to develop into tooth decay of some sort. When the inside of the tooth becomes infected, it can soon turn into an abscess- very painful and your face will swell up; it is also very dangerous as during this process, toxins will be released into the blood and in some rare cases, has been known to induce comas. You first need a course of antibiotics in order to reduce the infection and reduce the swelling, for only then, the dentist can get to work on the infected tooth, probably by performing a root canal to save the tooth. But this will probably only delay the inevitable; abscesses are known to re-offend and the only way to stop this from happening is to remove the tooth altogether

Mouth Ulcers Attack in Leeds!

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

Anyone who has had a mouth ulcer in Leeds will know just how irritating they can make your life for a while- they can be quite vicious and uncomfortable. It is also quite difficult to pinpoint what causes them as well. Most dentists will take the usual line that affects most conditions in the mouth and these are generally true; viral fungal, and bacterial conditions, allergies but most attributed are stress, weak immune system and diet. Yes, these can be addressed and dealt with later, but all anyone wants to know is how to get rid of them when they erupt. Your lifestyle will have to alter for the duration and consider the above issues, you should avoid smoking, drinking and ‘hot’ foods, but do get yourself to the dentists or doctors for some drugs. Relief through painkillers like Ibruprofen will most certainly help, but there are also some fantastic mouth rinses and gels such as Bonjella that are specifically designed to give immediate relief and they work fast. Ulcers also have the ability to re-offend, but once bitten- twice prepared so you should be okay, though you do need to sit down and address all of the issues that may have caused the ulcer in the first place. There is also a more sinister issue with ulcers; if they are consistently persistent and refuse to go away after a few weeks, once you have attacked them, you should seek medical advice immediately, for it can indicate oral cancer.

Stalling Bad Breath in Central Leeds

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

One big social problem that you can suffer from in central Leeds is bad breath; it can cripple you at work and it can cripple you socially and unless someone has ‘kindly’ pointed out that you have a problem, you may be completely ignorant to the issue. Bad breath is bad in itself for all of the above reasons, but it could indicate that you have let things slip and that there are things going wrong in your mouth. Tooth decay and gum disease are two major contenders to halitosis, as is having a condition called dry mouth, but you can only ascertain this with help from your dentist and then address it, maybe with some work in your mouth. But the reasons you got into this state in the first place could have been because of your lifestyle. Bad diet, smoking and excessive drinking, coupled with bad oral hygiene is a recipe for disaster in your mouth, let alone your body and the whole lot mangled together will lead to bad breath. Everything needs to change to at least give your system a chance to recover and stabilise itself and so that your mouth can become healthy again. The way you look after your teeth and gums will also need improvement using various methods and probably the best way you can attack this is to embrace the ways of a hygienist, maybe a nutritionist and possibly someone versed in herbal remedies. It will take hard work but it is beatable.


Don’t Forget to Clean Your Tongue in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

It is a pretty good bet that most of us in the city of Leeds splash out on all the necessaries to maintain our oral health and we roughly know why, it’s on the packets…’fights plaque’. The point of all of these products is to ensure we keep our teeth and gums clear from bacteria and yes, plaque in order to prevent further problems like tooth decay and gum disease occurring. What is another pretty good bet however is that most people wouldn’t consider cleaning their tongues each day. If anything, the tongue is the greatest hoarder of bacteria in the mouth and even after you have cleaned your teeth, the bacteria on the tongue will spread straight back into the rest of the mouth. The tongue is also easily clogged up with stains from nicotine, sweets foods and drinks. Now we all know the tongue is quite delicate so it needs to be cleaned very carefully- most brushes will do the job, but most modern ones also have a tongue scraper on the back. It is also possible to purchase bespoke tongue scrapers from certain outlets, but most certainly, your dentist will be able to put you right here. So, happy tonguing, but make sure you do!

Inter-dental Cleaning in Leeds

Monday, June 4th, 2012

It is remarkable, and comforting to know that somewhere in the world, someone is sitting down and coming up with more and more ways to help us look after ourselves and if you need any more convincing that this is going on, delve into the world of dentistry and just take a look of the incredible array of cleaning products on the market in Leeds today, designed to look after the health of our teeth and gums. Products evolve, and from tooth pick, to brush, to paste we get to dental floss, mouth-washes and one of the cutest of all- the inter-dental brush. Toothbrushes are great in what they do, but they often fail to remove stuff from between our teeth and this is where the inter-dental brush comes in; being tiny, the brush can clear away any rubbish that may have got stuck. It is the perfect back-up to normal brushing and extremely easy to use- it is the modern tooth pick, only with the tiny brushes, it ensures complete clearance as it goes. Inter-dental brushes are also great for anyone that has been fitted a bridge as they can be worked between the fitting and the gums. They are cheap and you can buy them in packs; they are also re-usable. Every bath cabinet should have some- they may just save your teeth in the long run.