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Archive for August, 2012

Recovering from a Knocked out Tooth in Central Leeds

Friday, August 17th, 2012

If you happen to find yourself in the situation of having a tooth knocked out in central Leeds, it can put you in a position of shock and the fact that you have lost a tooth, very angry and annoyed, but did you know if you act quickly, the tooth can actually be saved by putting it back in?

It isn’t the easiest process but it can be done. You must avoid touching the root and ensure it is clean by rinsing in milk or warm salty water and once you have done this, you need to find a dentist immediately.

Of course, that’s all well and good, but the shock of all this may make it difficult to replace in the mouth. In this event, you still have a good 20 hours to get to the dentist or doctor to have it popped back in. the tooth must be kept in either some sort of saline solution or milk- that’s if they can be found on the streets at 3am in the morning- and if not, the tooth can be kept in the mouth until you can get seen.

Surprisingly, the tooth can be saved if you can get immediate treatment and it will sit happy in the gum once more.


The Importance of your TMJ in Leeds

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

Without being patronising, there is a good chance that a lot of people wouldn’t know where their temporomandibular or TMJ joint is in the body, let alone what it does, but they certainly would if it goes wrong.

The TMJ is the joint where the bottom and top jaws meet in the head- very tiny, and if you think about what it has to go through in the average day, you can start to see just how important it is. What you should do however is protect it from extra forces being place upon it for if this joint starts to go wrong, it can cause havoc throughout the upper body.

Firstly, the bite has to be correct and this is why you have your teeth straightened so that the jaws come together. If however you are of a ‘sporty’ nature, especially if you participate in contact sports, you are exposing your jaw to a lot of danger, which is why mouth-guards are worn to lessen any impact.

The biggest danger to the TMJ though comes from teeth grinding which is a result of stress and in a busy ‘go-get-it’ city like Leeds; there is a lot of that about. Grinding places enormous stresses on the jaw joint and if damaged- you’ll know if your jaw constantly aches or clicks- it may take some serious surgery to put right.

Quick Bonding in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

In the hurly-burly lifestyle that the city of Leeds throws at you on a daily basis, it can often be hard to find a slot in your diary to get to the dentists to get yourself checked out, especially if a cosmetic problem crops up that needs doing in order to keep up appearances…Catch 22 eh? But there are treatments out there that get you in and out of the dentist’s chair in an hour and keep you smiling, one of which is dental bonding.

This is an amazingly cheap and versatile treatment- quick too. If your teeth have chipped, cracked, gaps have appeared, or they have just become discoloured, this is the treatment for you. It involves building up the tooth with layers of resin, that are cured as they go along, in order to give your dentist enough to sculpture with (each layer will be coloured in accordance with the rest of your teeth). When the right shape has been achieved and all the offending problems covered up, the teeth will be highly polished.

It is not the strongest of options on the market but its speed and the fact it can simply be touched up in the future make this the choice for anyone on the go.

The Reasons behind badly Coloured Teeth in Central Leeds

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

We all crave the perfect smile in central Leeds and it’s there if you want it, but sometimes we don’t notice how over time, our teeth become discoloured and there are a lot of things that can contribute to our teeth becoming a little tarnished.

The first obvious cause can be lifestyle; there are certain foods and drinks that can cause havoc with the colour of our teeth and leave them stained, and it doesn’t help if we smoke either, as nicotine will soon tarnish the enamel of the teeth- couple all of this with poor oral hygiene and the teeth will suffer over time. Certain treatments can also discolour the teeth as well; amalgam fillings can give a grey hue to the teeth and porcelain-over-metal crowns can also do the same as they wear.

However, tooth discolouration can also be caused by diet: the immune system is dependent on getting the right vitamins and nutrients to give the body and teeth strength. Any deficiency in this area and this will show in the colour of the teeth (heavy medication also has the same affect). In most cases, bleaching treatments can remedy the problem in the short term, but it could be how you live your life in the long term.


The Herbal options in Leeds

Monday, August 13th, 2012

There is no doubt about the benefits of using herbal remedies for oral hygiene programmes; they also are great when problems crop up in the mouth.

Herbal remedies have been around for years and though their use may have got lost among the remarkable advances in technology and treatments in modern dentistry, they are starting to rise in popularity again and are seen as a viable alternative to the more obvious choices in oral care. Dentists on the other hand see herbal options as a great ally to modern dental industry.

It is first good to talk to your dentist/hygienist about herbal options and then find a good qualified herbalist who can advise you what to use and there are plenty of places in the city of Leeds where you can purchase the products you need.

Herbal products are an excellent way to tackle tooth pain and gum disease- products such as willow root oil, tea tree oil, clove oil, Echinacea…all have incredible soothing and healing properties and can be integrated into your normal daily programme of oral hygiene- you can also buy herbal toothpastes and mouthwashes as well. The idea is not to replace all the wonderful treatments that dentists offer, but to support them- in the end; it is the health of your mouth that will benefit.

Improving your Smile with a Makeover in the City of Leeds

Sunday, August 12th, 2012

Some of us in the city of Leeds are born to smile; others however have to work damned hard to get there. A smile is important, it radiates your confidence and this can be important not only for self-confidence but by bettering yourself in your career.

If you have seen any makeover shows on TV, you will know that a dentist can do virtually anything to get you the smile you desire. The first step is to ensure that your mouth is healthy and there are no gaps due to tooth loss- this can be achieved with an implant, a bridge or a partial denture. Then it is time to repair any cracks and hide the gaps with dental veneer or cosmetic bonding and remove any excess gum tissue that may be covering the teeth.

Now the teeth can be whitened if necessary by some type of bleaching method. This is essentially the path you may have to take if you want the smile of your dreams. Of course, with age comes cracks around the lips- there’s no point of showing off the Mona Lisa without a frame- Botox or dermal fillers can be used to smooth away the crow’s feet and give you the complete look you’ve craved. Some dentists will also set up a payment plan to smooth out the costs for your make-over, but you know it’s worth it!

Tackling a Tooth Abscess in the City of Leeds

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

Most conditions that affect the mouth are not exactly considered to be ‘dangerous’ and if treatment is sought can be remedied within a few days.

Even minor emergencies, although uncomfortable and at times painful are not exactly considered to be threatening to your health; a tooth abscess is. An abscess is direct result of poor hygiene in the mouth where tooth decay has been allowed to develop and a high concentrated levels of toxins build up around the root of the tooth, and with nowhere to go, develop into an abscess and you will know when you have one as well- they can be excruciatingly painful and your face will swell-up badly.

At this point, you may be able to dampen the agony with painkillers and by massaging clove oil into the gums for some relief, but you need immediate medical assistance: an abscess will ferry toxins into the bloodstream and in some rare cases, it can cause heart failure and unconsciousness. If you can’t see a dentist in the city of Leeds, then find a doctor. It can only be treated after a quick fix of antibiotics although even then, an abscess is known for re-offending and whatever your dentist does to you, you may have no other option than to have the tooth removed

The battle against Bad Breath in Leeds

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

Anyone would agree that bad breath is a real no-no and to be avoided at all costs, not just from a social point of view when you go out in Leeds, but from a health angle too, as bad breath rather implies that something, somewhere is going wrong in your mouth or in your body.

With hard work and dedication, it can be eradicated. You first need to talk to the dentist about the problem to see if any repair work is needed to your teeth and gums- tooth decay and gum disease are good allies to bad breath. Then you need to talk about your lifestyle and diet to see just what you are doing wrong: a bad diet can lead to a breakdown of your immune system and the drying up of saliva in the mouth- the naturally agent that fights bacteria in the mouth.

You should try to ease back on smoking and drinking and start a healthy diet. Of course, bad oral hygiene is also a big contributor to bad breath so this needs to be improved greatly; a lot of people also turned to natural herbal remedies to fight bad breath. Finally, you should always keep your mouth hydrated by drinking a lot of water and maybe chewing sugar-free gum and sweets that can help activate saliva levels.


Annoying Mouth Ulcers in Central Leeds

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

There is no denying that one of the most irritating conditions that can arise in the mouth is a mouth ulcer; spitefully painful and sore.

They are also quite difficult to know what cause them- they are certainly not infectious, but damaging the inside of your cheek accidentally is considered to be one of the main catalysts, along with hormonal change, hereditary, anxiety and certain foods, but they are viscous by nature although they will go as quickly as they came.

They can be treated too- they are some fine gels on sale in most chemists in central Leeds that will get to work quickly on an ulcer. You should also try to avoid abrasive and overly acidic foods until the problem start to subside- painkillers are also an option if the pain is unbearable as are herbal remedies such as clove oil.

Normally, ulcers are more associated with teenage life and although frustrating, they don’t normally hang around for long. If however they are extremely persistent and keep re-offending, you should seek immediate medical help, as it may indicate something more serious and sinister going on in the mouth.

Tongue care in the City of Leeds

Monday, August 6th, 2012

We are behind constantly reminded about the benefits of good oral hygiene in the city of Leeds and it is important in order to keep our mouths healthy and free of bacteria.

Bacteria can quickly lead to plaque and then tooth decay, gum disease and eventually tooth loss. There are enough products in the form of toothbrushes, pastes, flosses and mouth-washes to help keep any problems at bay. But in all honesty, how many of you can admit to cleaning your tongue as well? The tongue is probably the greatest harbourer of bacteria in your mouth and however well you clean your teeth and gums, bacteria from the tongue can quickly transfer onto the areas you have cleaned.

On the market now, you can buy toothbrushes that have a tongue scraper, or you can get a tool that only focuses on the tongue. Essentially, you need to scrape the tongue a couple of times and then rinse with a good, strong mouth-wash, this will ensure that the bacteria is killed and/or removed and your tongue left with a nice pink hue- which is what you are aiming for as it implies that it is healthy.