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Archive for April, 2014

The OSO Sports Enhancer: A Leeds Athlete’s Amigo

Sunday, April 20th, 2014

373639_blogAthletes in Leeds, listen up! We have an amazing appliance, which could help to enhance your performance on the field, as well as reducing your risk of suffering dental injuries. The OSO Athletic mouth guard is one of the most advanced gum shields on the market and we are delighted to be one of just a few clinics in the UK to offer this incredible product.

About the OSO Athletic mouth guard

Sport has a host of benefits for everyone, from a better social life and reduced levels of stress, to a lower risk of diabetes, heart disease and strokes, but the reality is that some activities can be dangerous. Contact sports and sports that involve heavy or fast-flying objects carry a risk of dental injuries and we recommend using a mouth guard to protect your teeth and gums from injury in sports, such as boxing, martial arts, football, rugby and hockey.

The OSO Athletic mouth guard is not your average gum shield. Yes, it offers protection against high flying kicks and balls, but it also provides so much more. This appliance uses the latest technology to correct the alignment of the muscles in the neck and shoulders and the position of the jaw to improve posture and reduce tension and strain in the muscles. It also facilitates better muscle contraction and improves strength and balance.

If you’re looking to outdo your rivals on the field, look no further than the OSO Athletic mouth guard!

Brace Yourself! In Leeds We Can Sort Out Your Wonky Smile With A Wink

Saturday, April 19th, 2014

4756357_blogSpeed is usually towards the top of most orthodontic patient’s treatment wish-list and we have great news for you if you’re one of the hundreds of patients looking for a swift solution to crooked or crowded teeth. Fastbraces is an amazing new treatment, which promises to deliver results quickly.

Fastbraces is a versatile and innovative fixed brace treatment, which moves the teeth in half the time of conventional fixed orthodontics. Usually, braces move the roots and crowns at different times, but Fastbraces focuses on both sections from day one, vastly reducing treatment times. These braces are made from a single heat-activated wire and triangular brackets. Treatment time is around 50 per cent shorter than conventional fixed appliances and the braces are very comfortable.

This is a versatile treatment, which is suitable for patients with a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crooked, crowded, twisted and misaligned teeth and problems with the bite, and it offers a speedier alternative to traditional fixed braces. Fastbraces are also more discreet than traditional braces and they represent very good value for money, as shorter treatment times mean fewer visits to the dentist.

Implants To Die For Here In The Centre Of Leeds

Friday, April 18th, 2014

Happy buddies laughingIt sounds dramatic when something is described as life-changing, but we really believe that dental implants can transform your life. If you’ve been struggling with low confidence or you have problems with eating or speaking in public because of missing teeth, dental implants could be the perfect solution. Implants are a modern, innovative replacement for natural teeth and they can help to restore confidence and ensure that you can dine out, speak and smile with confidence.

Dental implants are designed to replace the missing tooth root and they are implanted into small sockets in the jaw bone. Once the implant is in place, it takes on the roles of the tooth root and provides support and stability for the rest of the tooth, which is replaced by either a dental crown, a dental bridge or a denture. As implants are made from titanium, they are able to integrate fully into the jaw bone and this gives much greater stability than other tooth replacement treatments.

Implants really can have a huge impact on your day to day life, especially if you have been missing teeth for a long time. You can eat as normal, feel confident when you smile and speak clearly and your overall look will change as a result of greater support for your cheeks. Implants are also designed to last a very long time and they are much easier to maintain and look after than dentures. They are suitable for most patients and as they are compatible with many different restorations, they can be an option for those with a single tooth or a full set of missing teeth.

We offer amazing implant systems, which could really transform your life. Come and see us or give us a ring to make an appointment to find out more!

Our Dentists Are Trained To Screen For Mouth Cancer In Leeds

Thursday, April 17th, 2014

383291_blogMouth cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the UK and the number of cases has almost doubled in the last decade. Our dentists are trained to spot the early warning signs of oral cancer to ensure early intervention and increase he chances of survival as much as possible.

Sadly, the prognosis for many patients diagnosed with oral cancer is poor at the moment and this is almost always due to the fact that cases are diagnosed at a late stage, when there is a distinct possibility that cancer has spread through the body. Cases are diagnosed late because most people are unaware of the symptoms they should be looking out for. Most people know to see their doctor if they feel a lump or notice an abnormal swelling, but surveys show that the majority of people are unaware of the warning signs of oral cancer.

We carry out oral cancer checks during routine check-ups and we also offer oral cancer screening, which enables us to use the latest technology to spot changes in tissue that are not visible to the eye. We also encourage our patients to see their dentist on a regular basis and to look out for the following warning signs: red or white patches in the mouth, swelling in the throat and ulcers that take more than 2 weeks to heal.

With early diagnosis, we can help more people to survive oral cancer. Book your screening appointment or a routine check-up now!

We Can Identify The Risks Of Sleep Apnoea Here In Leeds.

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

748875_blogSleep apnoea is a sleep disorder, which causes breathing difficulties. At City Dental Leeds we can identify the risks of sleep apnoea and manage the condition to help you to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.

Sleep apnoea is not the same as heavy snoring and it requires careful management because it affects breathing. People who have sleep apnoea experience bouts of disturbed breathing during their sleep.

There are various risk factors for sleep apnoea, including being overweight or obese, age, sex, medical history, smoking, drinking alcohol and family history. Men and people over the age of 40 have a higher risk of sleep apnoea.

Often, making simple lifestyle changes can make a huge difference to patients with sleep apnoea; these may include losing weight, doing more exercise, giving up smoking and cutting down on drinking. We are here to help and we can offer advice about healthy eating and giving up smoking.

We can also help with anti-snoring treatment. If your partner snores on a regular basis and this is affecting your sleep pattern, you will probably have noticed that you feel tired during the day and this can affect your performance at work, as well as your general mood. We can provide specially designed devices to keep the airway open by holding the jaw slightly forward. These have a very high success rate.

Find Peace Of Mind And Face Your Fears With Our Soothing Leeds Dentists

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

3268322_blogGoing to the dentist can make most people feel a little anxious, but for some, the thought of sitting in the waiting room or lying in the dental chair is terrifying. We understand that having dental treatment can be a scary prospect and our dentists have training in caring for patients with dental fears.

We offer sedation for nervous patients, which helps to make you feel more relaxed and calm. Sedation is commonly used in medicine and dentistry and involves the use of sedative medication. Sedation is a less risky alternative to general anaesthetic; it doesn’t make you lose consciousness and you can still hear and communicate with your dentist. When you are sedated, you feel drowsy and completely calm and you won’t feel any pain.

After your dentist has finished treatment, they will give you medication to bring you around and it will take a while for the effects of the sedative to fade completely. Once you are ready to go home, we advise you to rest; we advise patients to ask a friend or relative to accompany them home, as it is not possible to drive after sedation.

One of the problems we face is that nervous patients have such profound fear that they put off going to the dentist for years on end and we want to help patients to conquer their fears, so that they feel confident and able to go to the dentist for regular appointments.  With sedation, the prospect of treatment is less daunting and we hope to make patients feel comfortable and relaxed during their time with us.

Missing Teeth Options At A Leeds Dentist Near You!

Monday, April 14th, 2014

4843159_blogThere are so many reasons why it is beneficial to replace missing teeth and we have a range of tooth replacement treatments to suit varying needs and budgets.

Dentures have been around for years, but they have changed a great deal. Our modern dentures are functional and aesthetically pleasing and they enable you to enjoy eating and speaking with confidence. Dentures are a very popular option for patients with a large number of missing teeth, but we also offer partial dentures, for those who have a small number of missing teeth. Partial dentures are designed to fit in with the natural teeth.

Dental bridges are a popular choice for patients with a single missing tooth. They are made up of a false tooth, which is attached to new crowns and supported by strong teeth adjacent to the gap. Bridges can be made from many different materials, including porcelain for a natural look, and they last many years. The procedure is simple and bridges tend to be much less expensive than dental implants, although they are not a permanent solution.

Dental implants are the newest treatment on the market and they are extremely advanced. Implants are made from titanium and they are designed to act as a replacement for the missing root. They are placed inside small openings in the jaw bone and left to integrate through a process called osseointegration. Once this has taken place, a new restoration is attached to replace the crown of the tooth. One of the major advantages of implant treatment is that it is very versatile, as you can attach a bridge, denture or crown to the implant.

Porcelain Onlays In LS1 Can Maintain Your Tooth’s Natural Structure

Sunday, April 13th, 2014

2815331_blogAt City Dental Leeds we offer a range of restorative treatments to strengthen and restore your teeth and improve oral function. We use the highest quality materials to provide you with amazing aesthetics and bespoke restorations, which last the test of time.

Onlays are sometimes known as partial crowns and they are often used in cases where a filling is insufficient, but a total crown is not required. Onlays are often made from porcelain for natural aesthetics. They are used to treat and repair teeth that have been damaged by injury or decay. Onlays are very similar to inlays, but they cover the cusps of the biting surface of the teeth.

Onlays are designed for the individual and they should last for several years. They are often the best option when a filling is broken or too large for the tooth, or when the tooth has broke as a result of injury, trauma or the tooth has severely decayed.

Whatever your restorative needs in the heart of Leeds, we can help! Whether you need a filling, a new crown, a porcelain onlay or a new tooth, we have amazing treatments to help restore your teeth and create a more attractive and healthy looking smile. If you need treatment, call in and telephone us to make an appointment.

City Dental Leeds Botox: Keeping Father Time At Bay

Saturday, April 12th, 2014

istock_000004020893smallTime marches on. Often at a pace that’s too quick and sadly, the ageing process is inevitable. The first signs of ageing tend to appear on the face in the form of lines and wrinkles, this can make you feel old and look older as well. With our non-invasive facial treatments, we can help you stall time and help you revive your skin, giving your complexion a smooth finish and healthy glow.

We offer Botox treatment to make you look and feel younger. This treatment is a very popular solution for lines and wrinkles. It works by restricting the contraction of the muscles in the face. Botox is most commonly used to reduce lines and wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead.

Botox treatment is convenient and quick, it involves using a fine needle to inject a small amount of Botox into the skin. Before treatment, we discuss your aims and expectations and decide which areas of the face you want to treat. Treatment is not painful because the quantities used are very small and the needle is extremely fine; however, we can numb the skin prior to treatment if this makes you feel comfortable. Treatment only produces temporary results and is therefore an option for those who want to look more youthful without subjecting themselves to the risks associated with cosmetic surgery.

Good Grief! Gum Disease Can Be A Thing Of The Past In Heartland Leeds

Friday, April 11th, 2014

863081_blogGum disease is a condition, which affects thousands of people in the UK, but with good oral hygiene and a healthy diet, we can make sure that you are not one of the statistics. The good thing about gum disease is that it is completely preventable and we firmly believe that prevention is always a better option than cure.

Gum disease is most commonly caused by plaque, a sticky substance, which forms when bacteria combine with food debris and saliva. Plaque irritates the gums, causing them to become swollen, sore and tender. Bleeding from the gums is usually the first sign people notice. The best way to prevent plaque from developing in the mouth is to clean the teeth regularly and floss; when you brush your teeth, you remove bacteria and leftover bits of food from your mouth and this prevents harmful bacteria from gathering around the teeth and gums. Flossing is also essential because it targets areas, such as the gaps between the teeth, which cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush.

Treating gum disease

If you already have signs of gum disease, there is no need to panic; we can help! Our dentists work with highly trained dental hygienists to treat and manage gum disease and to reduce symptoms and ensure that you are as comfortable as possible. In cases of advanced gum disease, treatment usually takes a long time and involves repeat hygiene sessions. The most common treatments used for periodontal disease include scale and polish and root planning, which is designed to clean beneath the gum line.