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Archive for April, 2014

Repair Your City Centre Chips And Gaps With Our Cosmetic Bonding

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

2797271_blogVery few people have completely flawless smiles, but if you have chipped teeth or a gap between two of your teeth, we have a very simple and effective solution. Cosmetic bonding is a really impressive procedure, which patches up the teeth and makes cosmetic changes to the overall look of the smile, to boost your confidence and ensure you feel happy every time you show off your teeth.

Cosmetic bonding is suitable for a wide range of patients, including those with chipped and worn teeth and patients with small gaps between their teeth. Dentists use composite, which is also used for white fillings, to re-shape the teeth, repair chips and make gaps smaller. Often, even the most minor changes to the teeth have an incredible effect on the overall look of the smile.

Many people assume that they have to spend thousands of pounds, as well as hours of their time in the dental chair, to get a gorgeous smile, but this simply isn’t true. Cosmetic bonding takes less than an hour, there is no pain involved and fees are affordable. Cosmetic bonding takes less than an hour, there is no pain involved and fees are affordable., which is matched to the shade of the teeth, and then set it hard using a curing light, which takes just seconds. After some final adjustments, your new smile will be ready!

If you’re sick of focusing on the negatives every you look at your smile in the mirror, cosmetic bonding could be the answer; call us today or pop in to book your appointment.

Sonicare Simplicity Can Help You Protect Your Yorkshire Gnashers

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

361951_blogEffective tooth brushing is the key to good oral health and we recommend Sonicare, a brand, which is proven to produce amazing standards of cleaning.

Electric toothbrushes are proven to remove more plaque than manual brushes and they are also easier to operate; they also often have additional features, such as built-in timers, which help to ensure that you brush for the recommended time twice a day. Sonicare brushes have small heads, which oscillate very quickly to cover all surfaces of the teeth and remove bacteria and bits of food from the mouth.

Brushing tips

We recommend brushing twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening. Ideally, you should wait around one hour after eating to clean your teeth to prevent damage to the enamel, as the enamel becomes weakened temporarily when you eat. Using fluoride toothpaste will help to strengthen your enamel. Using a Sonicare brush makes it easier to cover all surfaces of the teeth for a thorough clean. We also recommend flossing, as this helps to remove bacteria and bits of food, which have become trapped between the teeth.

When In Doubt Go For A LS1 Check-Up

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

585811_blogRoutine dental check-ups are beneficial for patients of all ages and ideally, you should see your dentist every 6-9 months. The importance of check-ups should not be underestimated, as they provide your dentist with an opportunity to identify changes in your mouth, pick up any potential warning signs and have a chat with you about your general health and wellbeing and find out if you’ve been having any troubles with your teeth.

Check-ups only take a few minutes and they are nothing to worry about; they are painless and there are no needles, injections or drills involved. During a check-up, your dentist will look around your mouth, check your teeth, tongue and gums and give your teeth a quick clean and polish. Any changes will be jotted down in your dental notes and your dentist will talk you through any problems and discuss further treatment if this is necessary.

Check-ups are part of the preventative approach, but if you notice symptoms, such as bleeding gums and sensitivity, or you experience toothache, you should arrange to see your dentist to get these checked out. Even if you’re recently had a dental check or you have another appointment booked within the next few months, it is advisable to schedule an appointment as soon as possible, so that your dentist can examine your mouth and check for issues. The earlier decay and gum disease are treated, the better.

Tip Your Cap To These Top City Dental Crowns

Monday, April 7th, 2014

3943593_blogIf you’ve had an accident and your teeth have been injured or you have severe decay, you may be advised to have a new crown. The crown is the visible part of the tooth.

Dental crowns are restorations, which help to make the teeth stronger and replace decayed and damaged tissue; they are available in a range of different materials, including precious metals and ceramics. Porcelain crowns are very popular because they blend in with the colour of the natural teeth and they have a lovely sheen.

Crowns are individually made for each patient, to ensure that they fit the tooth exactly. Before a new crown is placed, the tooth is prepared, which involves removing all the damaged tissue and cleaning the remaining tooth thoroughly. A mould of the tooth is created and this acts as a template for the new crown. It is common for a temporary crown to be fitted and once the permanent crown is ready, this will be removed and the new crown fixed into position.

As well as repairing broken and decayed teeth, crowns can also be attached to dental implants to replace missing teeth and they are commonly used after root canal treatment, a procedure used to save a tooth that has been infected.

TMJ Can Be A Real Headache In City Centre Leeds

Sunday, April 6th, 2014

3534882_blogThe TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is one of the most frequently used joints in the human body. It is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull and it is involved in a number of common actions, from opening and closing the mouth to chewing food. You can feel your TMJ in action if you put your fingers on the side of your face, just below your ear lobes and then move your jaw or open your mouth. Sometimes, the TMJ becomes strained and this causes pain and stiffness; this is known as TMJ disorder or TMD.

TMJ disorder is an umbrella term, which is used to describe pain in the joint. There are many possible causes, including teeth grinding, and the most common symptoms are headaches, jaw pain, earache, stiffness and limited movement in the jaw. Teeth grinding is commonly linked to stress or anxiety and studies show that it is becoming increasingly common. Most people are unaware that they grind their teeth, as it usually happens during the night.

Teeth grinding (bruxism) causes tooth wear, but it can also contribute to TMJ disorder and this is where we can intervene to help you to sleep better, save your teeth and ensure you wake up without headaches and jaw pain. We can offer bespoke night guards to help to prevent teeth clenching; these are similar to protective gum shields, which are worn for playing sport. We can also offer advice about stress management in cases where bruxism is linked to stress.

No More Tears When You Opt For These Leeds Veneers

Saturday, April 5th, 2014

Grandparent and daughterIf you asked one hundred people to write a list of things they would change about their appearance, most would probably include making some kind of cosmetic change to their smile. Polls and surveys consistently show that the majority of people consider their smile their most important physical characteristic, so it’s only natural to want your smile to look its best. With our veneers, we can create flawless smiles to give you confidence and ensure you love your smile.

We offer amazing porcelain veneers to create perfect, white smiles to make you look and feel like a Hollywood star in the centre of Leeds. Veneers are an extremely popular treatment for people who have existing flaws with their smile, as well as those who want a more glamorous and captivating smile. Veneers are placed over the top of your teeth to create a brand new smile and they are often recommended for patients with chipped, worn and stained teeth.

Veneer treatment is very straightforward. During the consultation phase, our dentists work with clients to choose the shade, size and shape of their veneers with a view to creating the smile of their dreams and the teeth are then prepared for treatment. This involves removing a fine layer of the tooth surface which is necessary to make room for the veneers so that the finished result looks as natural as possible. Moulds of the teeth are created and then used to make the new veneers. The veneers can then be fitted and fixed into place and you can get ready to showcase your amazing new smile.

Even the Toughest Rugby Players Need To Protect Their Teeth In Leeds

Friday, April 4th, 2014

2861857_blogLeeds is home to some of the nation’s greatest rugby players, but even the sturdiest, strongest athletes are not invincible and there is always a risk of injury, especially as rugby is such as tough and physical sport. The risk of dental injuries, with head to head contact in scrums, tackles flying in and heavy contact with hard surfaces, is high and we advice all rugby players, amateur or professional, to wear a protective mouth guard.

The OSO Athletic mouth guard

We are proud to offer the OSO Athletic mouth guard, an innovative appliance, which promises to protect the teeth, as well as improve sporting performance. Each mouth guard is custom-made and the system is designed to correct the position of the jaw and improve the alignment of the muscles in the head, neck and jaw to improve muscle contraction and posture and reduce the risk of muscular strain and aches and pains.

If you’re looking to gain an advantage over your opponent and make a difference on the pitch, this is an invaluable appliance. With the OSO Athletic, you are free to focus on your performance, without worrying about aches and strains and you will feel better both during and after training or a match.

The OSO Athletic is an elite piece of kit, but it is suitable for rugby players of all levels and abilities. To find out more, simply give us a call. We are one of just a handful of clinics across the UK to offer this amazing gum shield.

White Rose Whitening For That Gleaming Smile

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

3177025_blogWe offer amazing home whitening treatments in the heart of Yorkshire to give you a beautiful, gleaming smile. With our treatments, you don’t even need to leave home to get a stunning white smile.

Home whitening is a quick, effective and very convenient means of whitening the teeth and creating a brighter, healthier looking smile. The process is very simple and involves just one quick visit to the clinic. During this visit, we will create an impression of your teeth, which will be used to make your whitening tray. Each tray is custom-made for the patient so that it fits perfectly and is comfortable. Whitening treatment is very safe when provided by a trained dentist and side-effects are rare. Some patients experience mild sensitivity, but this only lasts a very short period of time.

The whitening trays contain bleaching agent, which works to gradually lighten the teeth and you will start to notice the results after just a couple of days of wearing your trays at home. We generally recommend a treatment period of 10-14 days and most people prefer to wear their trays at night; this means that treatment does not have any influence on your day to day life. After the initial treatment period, you can also top-up your treatment to give your smile a boost.

If you are interested in a bright white smile for the summer, now is the perfect time to call and make an appointment!

Halt Gum Disease With Your City Of Leeds Hygienist

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

2990539_sYou may assume that you only need to see a dental hygienist if you’ve already got gum disease or you suffer from bad breath, but this isn’t the case and almost all patients would benefit from seeing a hygienist from time to time.

Our hygienists are an integral part of the team and they provide a range of services to help you enjoy good oral health and reduce your risk of developing decay and gum disease.

Our hygienists work with the dentists to lower the risk of gum disease in some patients and treat and manage the condition in others. By providing regular cleaning sessions and treatments, such as scale and polish, your hygienist will do everything they can to remove harmful bacteria from your mouth to prevent gum irritation and pain.

Oral hygiene is the key to preventing and fighting gum disease and you only need to dedicate five minutes of your day to cleaning your teeth to see the benefits. Without brushing, bacteria collect in your mouth and combine with saliva and food particles to form plaque, a sticky film, which irritates the gums and contributes to the formation of cavities. Once gum disease hits, it becomes more advanced and early treatment is essential. Gingivitis, the mild form of gum disease, is easily managed with good oral hygiene, but periodontal disease is much more serious and requires intensive, long-term treatment.

If you notice signs of gum disease, including bleeding, swollen and sore gums, give us a call and we will make you an appointment as quickly as possible.

City Dental Leeds Can Teach Your Nippers To Take Care Of Their Teeth

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

1391328_blogWhen it comes to children, it’s never too early to start thinking about oral health. We provide dental care for all the family and we encourage parents to bring their children for routine check-ups when they are very small to enable them to get used to the dental surgery and get to know their dentist.

Children’s dental health is so important because laying positive foundations during childhood has a massive impact on adult dental health. Children who have good oral health are much more likely to enjoy strong and healthy teeth and gums into adult life.

At City Dental Leeds we understand that kids can find it difficult and many parents face a daily battle to get their children to clean their teeth. If this sounds familiar, we can help! We offer children’s dental hygiene products and we recommend ways to make teeth cleaning fun, such as playing games, brushing together as a family and brushing along to popular songs in the charts. We are also happy to chat to kids about the importance of teeth cleaning and to answer their questions about brushing and why it is important for their teeth, as well as their general health.

We also offer preventative dental care for younger patients to help to protect the teeth and gums from harmful bacteria and increase their chances of staying pain-free. Sealant treatments and fluoride varnish help to strengthen the teeth and lower the risk of tooth decay and they are completely painless and very quick.

If your nippers are in need of a check-up, you have queries about brushing or you simply want advice about getting kids into a good oral hygiene routine, pop in when you’re next in Leeds or give us a quick call!