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Archive for March, 2015

Maintain Your Tooth’s Structure with Porcelain Onlays

Saturday, March 21st, 2015

2904346_blogIf you damage a tooth or have a decayed tooth, we have a range of restorative remedies on hand. Our treatments include inlays and onlays, crowns and dental bridges.

What is an onlay?

Onlays are often referred to as the middle ground between a filling and a crown. They help to restore and strengthen teeth when decay has spread further than the tooth surface or the tooth is damaged, but not to the extent that a new crown is required. Onlays are sometimes known as partial crowns.

Onlays are similar to inlays. However, they encompass the outer surface and the biting cusps of the tooth, as well as the inner surface. You may need an onlay if you have damaged your tooth in an injury or accident or you have had a large filling in the past.

The benefits of porcelain onlays

Porcelain onlays are a conservative way of restoring a weakened tooth. They are less invasive than crowns and they are designed to match the natural tooth shade, so you won’t be able to distinguish the onlay from the rest of the tooth. Porcelain is strong and durable and it creates beautiful aesthetics. Although an onlay will not last forever, it should last for several years.

What does treatment entail?

We usually carry out onlay treatment over the course of two sessions. During the first session, we prepare the tooth to remove any decayed tissue and shape it in preparation for new restoration. We then create a putty mould and this is used to make the new onlay. When the onlay is sent back to us (usually around 2 weeks later), we fit it by placing it on the tooth and then fix it using dental cement. You will be able to use your tooth as normal straight away and you should find it that it feels stronger and more secure.

What’s so Important About a Dental Check-Up?

Friday, March 20th, 2015

944335_blogDentists recommend regular routine check-ups, but why are they so important and what actually happens when you have a dental check?

The importance of dental check-ups

Check-ups are a really effective way for your dentist to keep tabs on your oral health and they ensure that any issues or problems are identified at an early stage, when treatment is more likely to be successful. In the case of dental diseases, such as tooth decay and gum disease, the longer symptoms are left, the worse they get, so early intervention is always beneficial. Check-ups can also help to prevent dental health problems and they give you the chance to talk to your dentist, seek advice and ask any questions. Your dentist can help you with all kinds of things, from choosing the best toothbrush and toothpaste to giving up smoking.

Dental checks also give dentists a chance to look out for potential warning signs of oral cancer, such as red or white patches in the mouth and slow-healing mouth ulcers.

What happens when you have a check-up?

When you have a check-up, your dentist will go through a check-list and examine your teeth, gums and the soft tissue in the mouth. They will look for signs of decay, gum disease and oral cancer and ask you if you’ve had any problems, such as toothache, sensitivity or swollen gums. Your dentist will also check fillings, crowns and bridgework. Any changes or observations will be recorded in your patient notes and your dentist will give your teeth a quick clean and polish. If you need treatment, your dentist will explain what the problem is and talk to you about your treatment options.

If you don’t need any further treatment, we will book you a check-up in six months’ time. If you do need treatment, such as a filling, we will arrange an appointment for you at a suitable time.


A Brand New Look with Fabulous Facial Rejuvenation

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

2977218_blogIf the arrival of spring has inspired you to refresh your look, why not treat your skin to facial rejuvenation treatment? This non-surgical anti-ageing solution could help to transform your complexion and give you a gorgeous youthful glow this spring!

About facial rejuvenation treatment

Facial rejuvenation treatment is a non-invasive treatment designed to revive ageing skin and create a younger looking, smoother and brighter complexion. There are various treatment methods, including Botox and dermal fillers.

Botox is a purified form of botulinum toxin type A, and is an effective treatment for softening facial lines and wrinkles. Botox is injected into the skin and it reduces the visibility of wrinkles by relaxing the muscles in the face. Botox blocks nerve signals to the muscles, which prevents them from contracting and causes them to relax, making the skin soften.

Dermal fillers are another effective solution for facial lines. However, they can also be used to add volume to the skin and enhance the features. Fillers are injected into selected areas of the skin and they create more plumpness and combat the effects of reduced collagen stores. We can use fillers to target wrinkles, create more definition in the jaw line and cheeks and add fullness to the lips.

The treatment process

Facial rejuvenation treatment is a simple, quick and non-invasive alternative to surgery, and the ease of the process makes this a very appealing option for anyone who is eager to enjoy a younger looking complexion. Before treatment, we offer a consultation to discuss the ins and outs of the procedure and decide which areas of the face to treat. We then book an appointment, during which we simply involves use a very fine needle to inject the filler or Botox into the desired areas. We have vast experience in facial treatment and we control the amount of filler or Botox used very carefully in order to guarantee a natural looking result.

After treatment, it takes a couple of days for the full effects to become visible. Side-effects are not common, but may include localised swelling and redness.

If you like the sound of bright and beautiful skin for spring, call us now and book your consultation!

Terrific Treatment for Terrible Tooth Decay

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

585811_blogIf you’re suffering from sensitive teeth or dental pain, it could be a sign of infection. But don’t panic, because City Dental Leeds provides root canal treatment to protect your tooth and soothe any pain you may be feeling.

When a tooth infection spreads to the pulp tissue, root canal treatment is a method that saves the tooth instead of extracting it, which is usually the only alternative. The living tissue of the pulp is contained in the pulp, including the nerves and blood vessels. When the pulp becomes infected, the tooth begins to die and there is an increased risk of infection spreading.

About root canal treatment

Before starting root canal treatment, we will numb the tooth with local anaesthetic to make sure your comfort is optimised during the procedure. When the tooth is numb, we will drill into the tooth to get to the root canals. The decayed tissue will then be removed and we will thoroughly clean the tooth roots. Then, we will use a dental material called gutta percha to fill the root canals and seal them.

Usually, we will place a new crown after root canal treatment to strengthen the tooth and provide aesthetic benefits.

Benefits of root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is an effective method that prevents the extraction of an infected tooth. People are often concerned that root canal treatment is painful, but local anaesthetic coupled with our gentle expertise will ensure that you’re relaxed and comfortable throughout the procedure. This treatment reduces infection risk and decreases the chances of future tooth extraction.

Brilliant Braces for Adults and Children

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

header_image4At City Dental, we have some amazing orthodontic options for patients of all ages. If you’re looking to banish crooked teeth or sort out crowding for good, we can find the perfect treatment for you!

The benefits of braces

Braces are a popular treatment for issues that affect the alignment of the upper and lower teeth and positioning of the teeth. They straighten the teeth and correct misalignment by generating forces that apply pressure to the teeth.

Braces improve the function of the teeth, as well as reducing the risk of oral health problems, improving speech and creating more attractive smiles. In many cases, people who have orthodontic treatment struggle with low confidence when it comes to their smile and treatment can really help to make a difference to the way they feel about how they look.

Our brilliant braces

We are delighted to offer an array of amazing treatments to straighten out orthodontic issues. Our exclusive collection features the world’s leading treatment systems including Invisalign, the Inman Aligner, Six Month Smiles, Damon Braces and STb Social 6 lingual braces.

Invisalign is a clear aligner system that utilises a sequence of bespoke removable appliances made entirely from transparent plastic to move the teeth. Invisalign aligners work in order and they are a great option for anyone looking for a more discreet alternative to fixed braces.

The Inman Aligner is a rapid removable treatment offering an outstanding option for patients with minor issues involving the front teeth. The average treatment time is just 4 months.

Six Month Smiles is a fixed brace system that presents patients who have front teeth issues with a discreet and swift alternative to conventional fixed braces. Treatment time is just six months.

Damon Braces are sophisticated fixed braces suitable for cases that require a lot of movement. These advanced braces use state of the art technology to work faster and more comfortably than traditional braces.

STb Social 6 braces are lingual braces offering you the opportunity to enjoy completely invisible treatment. These braces are fixed to the back of the teeth and they target minor issues with the social 6 – the front teeth. Treatment is very quick, with an average time of just 16 weeks.

Marvellous Mini Implants

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

529808_blogMini dental implants are a marvellous solution for missing teeth and they could be just the treatment to restore your smile and fill you with confidence.

About mini dental implants

As you can probably guess from the name, mini dental implants are smaller versions of traditional implants. They are smaller in stature and this makes them easier to tolerate. Mini implants are often recommended for patients who have issues with traditional dental implants because of a lack of dense bone tissue in the jaw. If the jaw lacks density, the implant may fail as it may not be able to integrate fully. With mini implants, the chance of failure is much lower.

Mini dental implants are most commonly used to anchor a denture and they offer a host of benefits for patients, especially those who have had problems with traditional dentures in the past.

The benefits of mini implants

Mini dental implants offer much greater stability than a traditional denture, as the denture is supported by the implants, rather than the suction of the gums. Implants also increase the power of the denture, allowing you to enjoy the same level of functionality as natural teeth. Your smile will also look incredible and the implants will also have a positive effect on the overall look of your face, as they will provide additional support for the cheeks, creating a more youthful look.

The procedure for mini implants is quicker and less invasive than traditional dentures and you can enjoy the results faster. Implants are also easy to care for.

What does the placement procedure involve?

Placement of the mini dental implants usually only involves one session and we are able to offer light sedation or local anaesthetic to ensure that you feel comfortable and don’t experience any pain. We use a very precise surgical technique to place the implants, leaving the head of the implant exposed through the gum. Once the implants are in place, the denture is then secured onto the head of the implants.

If you’d like to find out more about mini dental implants and see if they are a good match for you, call today and we can arrange a consultation.

What is TMJ Disorder and How is it Treated?

Monday, March 16th, 2015

2143132_blogTMJ disorder stands for temporomandibular joint disorder, a group of symptoms that affect the temporomandibular joint, the joint, which joins the lower jaw to the skull. If you regularly wake up with aches and pains, you grind your teeth or you suffer from migraines, TMJ disorder could be the reason. Sometimes TMJ disorder is referred to as myofascial pain disorder.

What is TMJ disorder?

TMJ disorder is a term used to describe a range of symptoms that involve the TMJ. Examples include:

  • stiffness and restricted movement in the jaw
  • clicking and popping noises
  • headaches and migraines
  • shoulder and neck pain
  • pain when you move the jaw

TMJ disorder is a very common problem and it is estimated at almost a third of adults suffer from symptoms at some point in their lives.

What causes TMJ disorder?

There are various possible causes of these symptoms, including stress, tooth grinding (also known as bruxism), an uneven bite, arthritis and injury. Many cases are linked to bruxism and clenching the teeth, as this increases pressure on the facial muscles, which may lead to stiffness and discomfort.

When should I see a dentist or my doctor?

Many cases of TMJ disorder are mild and symptoms disappear without any need for treatment; however, if you experience symptoms on a regular basis, you are in pain, you have pain, which is getting worse or the condition is affecting your day to day life, it’s advisable to see your doctor or dentist. There are various treatment options, which can help to ease symptoms and make you feel more comfortable.

Treatment for TMJ disorder

There are a few different options for treating TMJ disorder and the treatment oath usually reflects the cause. In cases where bruxism is to blame, stress and anxiety management techniques may be beneficial and we can also provide custom-made bite guards, which prevent the upper and lower arches of teeth grinding together. If you have an uneven bite, orthodontic treatment to correct the alignment of the teeth and jaws may be recommended.

Looking for a Spring Smile Makeover? Your Search is Over!

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

2904346_blogSpring is a good time to sort things out, make changes and plan ahead for a memorable summer, so what better time to take the plunge and go for that smile makeover you’ve been dreaming of for years? Our smile makeovers are designed to create your dream smile. With your ideas and our expertise, we’ll have you beaming from ear to ear in no time.

About smile makeovers

Smile makeovers are a popular cosmetic aiming to address flaws and enhance the natural beauty of the teeth to create a perfect new smile. Whether you struggle with broken, chipped or missing teeth, have crooked/crowded teeth or you simply long for a flawless celebrity-style smile, we have the perfect treatments for you.

Every smile makeover we perform is different because our clients have different needs and ideas. One makeover may address issues such as staining, worn surfaces and a broken tooth, while another may provide solutions for crooked, uneven and decayed teeth.

The treatment phases

The consultation and planning phase is really important for a smile makeover and we use this time to share ideas and inspiration and assess your needs to see which treatments will suit you best. Often, our clients have a date or budget in mind and we can adapt the components of the makeover to fit in with every client’s preferences.

Once we have chosen the treatments and created a tailor-made treatment plan, the exciting part can begin and we will start to book procedures and schedule appointments. We will talk you through the process step by step so that you are fully aware of what is going to happen when and we will carry out the individual treatments to achieve your ideal outcome. Once all the treatments have been completed, you will be able to see your amazing new smile!

Call now to spring clean those pearly whites and get a gorgeous smile in time for the summer!

Brighten Your Smile for Summer with Teeth Whitening

Saturday, March 14th, 2015

18625010Spring has arrived and it won’t be long before we’re sitting out in the garden with a Pimm’s, hitting the festival fields and jetting away on holiday. If you’re looking forward to a summer of fun, special occasions or a landmark event such as a wedding, now is the time to brighten up that smile.

Teeth whitening at City Dental Leeds

With studies suggesting that up to 95 percent of people would like whiter teeth, it’s no surprise that teeth whitening is one of our most popular services. Home whitening is simple and completely hassle-free way of achieving a beautiful summer smile and it’s available right here in the centre of Leeds.

Our home whitening products are tried and tested and the results are amazing. With home whitening, treatment takes place at home and you can easily fit your treatment in around your normal daily schedule. Before you have treatment, you will have a consultation to find out more about the process and to check that your teeth and in good condition ready for treatment. Your City Dental dentist will then use dental putty to make an impression of your smile and this will be used to create your whitening trays. As the trays are matched to the impression, they should fit very comfortably.

Once your trays are ready, we will give you a call and invite you to come and collect them. You can then take them home and start the whitening process.

How does home whitening work?

The whitening trays contain bleaching agent, which lightens the shade of the teeth when it comes into contact with the outer enamel shell. The recommended treatment period is usually around 14 days and we advise you to wear the trays for 6 hours per day.  You’ll notice a difference after just a few days and by the time you finish your treatment, your smile will look beautifully radiant.

Call us now to achieve your perfect summer smile!

Sleep Without Apnoea with Our Amazing Treatments

Friday, March 13th, 2015

4443553_blogStruggling to sleep can really take its toll. If you’re having a tough time because of sleep apnoea, we can help.

Sleep apnoea is a sleep disorder that causes breathing to be disrupted as a result of the airway becoming blocked. Apnoea is used to describe episodes of interrupted breathing that last 10 seconds or longer.

What causes sleep apnoea?

There are various different risk factors for sleep apnoea and in most cases, the disorder affects people who are overweight, smokers and those who drink alcohol, especially late at night. Taking some forms of medication can also contribute to breathing problems during sleep.  This condition is most common among men aged between 30 and 60 years old.

Sleep apnoea occurs when the muscles in the throat relax to such an extent that the airway becomes obstructed. In some cases, it can be very serious and potentially life-threatening. In this instance, breathing apparatus is usually recommended to facilitate breathing while you are asleep.

How we can help

Often, the first step in sleep apnoea treatment is to identify possible lifestyle changes that could reduce symptoms. These changes might include giving up smoking, doing regular exercise and eating well to lose weight and avoiding drinking during the evenings.

We can provide advice and information to help you achieve these positive lifestyle changes and we can also offer custom-made treatments in the form of appliances designed to improve breathing patterns while you are asleep. One device that has proven very effective is a mandibular advancement device, which is used to increase air flow and prevent obstruction. This device works by adjusting the position of the lower jaw. It moves it forward slightly to make it easier to breathe.

If you have sleep apnoea and you’re desperate for a good night’ sleep, call us today. Our treatments help to tackle symptoms, give you peace of mind and put a stop to sleepless nights.