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Archive for the ‘Dental Veneers’ Category

Are veneers the best option for patients with chipped teeth in Central Leeds?

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

1787127_blogVeneers are an extremely popular treatment for those who are looking for a glamorous, glossy smile, but are they the best option for you? Veneers are used to address many common aesthetic problems with the teeth, including chips, worn teeth and discolouration and they have been made very famous by celebrities, including models, actors and singers. Veneers create amazing smiles and they are an ideal choice for those who want a flawless smile; however, if you simply want to make minor changes to your teeth, you have problems such as crooked or crowded teeth or you want whiter teeth, there may be other treatments available to you, which could be more suitable. Orthodontic issues, such as crowding and spaces between the teeth, do not go away on their own and veneers simple hide the problem, rather than treating it; the only way to solve these problems is to have orthodontic treatment. The same is true of whitening; veneers create an amazing white smile, but the actual colour of your natural teeth will remain the same and the only way to change this is whitening treatment. If you have chipped or worn teeth and you are not sure about investing in veneers, it may be best to consider cosmetic bonding, which is less expensive and much quicker. If you are thinking about veneers or you would like to find out more about other options that are on offer, talk to a friendly City Dental dentist.



Why Leeds leans towards Veneers for help

Friday, January 31st, 2014

386703_blogIt’s a sad fact of life but the sheen of your teeth won’t last you forever in Leeds: they may become discoloured and generally become beaten-up; they may even become cracked and chipped and the gums may well begin to recede with the passage of time. However, you can do something great about it and you should take a look at veneers. These will fall into two major types; composite and resin. Composite are generally made from some form of porcelain- a material that compliments the natural hue that the enamel of your teeth give off. It involves having small and delicate fittings made up from moulds or digital images and when they are ready to rock, they are simply cemented into place- making them very strong, hiding up all of your problems and will last you a long time if cared for; as long as they don’t become cracked. Resin based veneers don’t have long a shelf life as composite but they are much more versatile: resin based, various layers are laid over the surfaces of your teeth until everything is covered up and then they are sculptured and polished. Both of these types of veneer can be colour coded if only a few teeth need working on so that they will fit in with the general ambience of your mouth; in either technique, your teeth will look young and sensational once more.

Veering towards Porcelain Veneers in Central Leeds

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

1567900_blogThere are many things that can get out of hand in your mouth very quickly in central Leeds; your teeth for a start can grow a little crooked. But as you get older, you can get troubled by your teeth losing their colour and looking worn down; gaps can also appear- leaving your smile in a bit of a state. But don’t fear because all of these problems can be tucked away behind porcelain veneers and get you up and running at the most in a couple of weeks- in a day if you go down the CEREC road. You first have to have the porcelain from the front of your teeth removed in order to make way for the veneers- it isn’t painful, just a tad uncomfortable, but once this is done, then the dentist can take impressions of your teeth so that the veneers can be made. When they are good to go (namely once they have been made), they are just simply cemented onto the front of your teeth and you are done; the results are simply terrific and you will have a smile back to be proud of.

‘Looking good!’ Leeds and Lumineers

Friday, September 20th, 2013

4756357_blogWe all know that things can go wrong in the mouth over time and the smile can diminish as the years go by; teeth lose their colour, they become gapped and worn down. But if your smile is very important to you in Leeds, then you need to do something about it and a way of getting around all of this damage is to have it all hidden away behind Lumineers. These are delicate and wafer-thin little porcelain plates that will solve your problems. They aren’t as brutal as full veneers because they don’t involve the removal of the teeth’s enamel. Once your teeth have been measured up by a few moulds being taken, then the Lumineers can be knocked-up in a lab and once done and they arrive back with your dentists, it is just a simple task of planting these beauties straight onto the front of your teeth with cement and once in, your teeth will look phenomenal and all of your problems before will be neatly tucked away behind.

Repairing your smile with Lumineers in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

4244118_blogSometimes, your teeth can take a bit of a battering in time and just by having them whitened may not be enough, especially if gaps and cracks have appeared. For this, they need covering up with something and you couldn’t choose better than Lumineers in the city of Leeds. They are delicate, versatile and simple to fit and you will be overjoyed at the results. All you have to do is get measured up by your dentist so that the Lumineers can be made and once done, it’s only a matter of sitting down and having them stuck over the enamel of your teeth with cement. They aren’t the strongest option around, but at least they are reversible if you want them taken out again- and there-in lies why people go for this- quickness and easy to replace if they break. What is even better though is that your smile will look irresistible afterwards and no more gaps and cracks! What are you waiting for- go for it!!


Pretty and perfect: the Porcelain Veneer in Leeds

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

2445507_blogIt would be pretty hard to find anyone in Leeds that doesn’t appreciate the qualities and nature of porcelain; this is a truly wonderful material that is stunningly white and that just seems to lap up light. Now while you have this image in mind, imagine your teeth looking that great- nice touch eh? Well you can! Veneers are a superb way of overcoming all manner of horrible things that diminish your smile- especially over time; gapping, receding gums- stuff like that. Veneers are generally always made from some form of porcelain and once you have been measured up by your dentist, prepared and the veneers have been made, it is a simple matter of just cementing them onto the surfaces of your teeth. They will cover up all of your troubles and hide away all that wear and tear that made you go for this idea in the first place. One thing is for sure though, you won’t believe just how good the results will be; remember- porcelain. They will give you a sensational smile and your teeth will look unbelievably rejuvenated again- and it will only take 2 weeks at the most to do it as well.


Turning back the clock with Porcelain Veneers in Leeds

Thursday, May 30th, 2013

Although it will get you in the end, people in Leeds like to fight the ageing process as long as they can, and especially when it comes to looking after their teeth. The most common problems that start to appear in the mouth as you get older are that your teeth start to lose their sheen, gaps can appear between the teeth and the gums can begin to recede a little: the years of wear and tear can also see your teeth start to lose their length. But cosmetic dentistry has an answer to everything these days and all of the aforementioned problems can be tackled by having porcelain veneers fitted over the teeth. You first have to have your teeth readied and this will involve gently shaving away the original enamel- it’s painless and after which, a mould is taken so that your veneers can be made up. When they are ready, your dentist will cement them into place, which will hide away all the evils of ageing. But they will also transform your smile and make it rather quite beautiful again with the minimum of effort, and they a not too expensive either. Your dentist can give you all the information you need on this lovely little treatment.


Covering up the Crooked and the Chips in the City of Leeds….Veneers!

Friday, April 5th, 2013

They say that looks aren’t everything: try saying that to someone whose confidence is being impeded by crooked teeth in the city of Leeds; this can seriously affect your smile and make you introverted. But you don’t necessarily have to go down that long and ugly road of braces though, oh no, for in some cases veneers can get the job done for you, and quickly too. First the teeth will have to be contoured and any sticky out bits removed, in essence, your teeth will be ground flat. Then a mould can be taken from which your veneers will be manufactured. When they are done, they are cemented into position and then cured with a heat lamp. All of this will only take a couple of weeks to do and your smile will look incredible; most veneers are made from porcelain so they will look amazingly fresh and natural in your smile, plus, they will be coloured to match the rest of your teeth. Veneers can also be used to cover up other problems too: chips and cracks, worn teeth and gum recession can be a menace, both bacteria wise and aesthetically. By having veneers fitted, all of said problems will be hidden away behind your beautiful new smile, and smile you will when you see the finished result!


The joys of Empress Veneers in Central Leeds

Sunday, March 24th, 2013

There are some things you do each week to make you feel good about yourself and to keep that youthful look going. However, ageing is inevitable and though it will get to you in the end, you can do a lot of things to hold back the tide in central Leeds. One of the most noticeable areas of the body that will show the ageing problem is the state of your teeth and over time, they can become tired. Gaps may appear, the gums may recede, and your teeth can suffer from discolouration due to your lifestyle and what you have thrown at them. But if you recognise any of these symptoms in yourself, help is at hand in the form of Empress Veneers. These will not only overcome all these signs of ageing, but they will give you a good 20 years of youthful smiling as well. These veneers are probably the thickest around and are designed to replace the enamel of your teeth and restore your teeth to how they looked originally before ageing dug its talons in. Your teeth need to be prepared first and this will require the removal of the original enamel covering your teeth. Once done, casts are then made and sent away so that the veneers can be made. Now though they may look delicate in the palm of your hand, Empress Veneers are very strong and robust once they are bonded into place and can look after your look if you look after them. The whole procedure can be done and dusted in a few weeks and your smile, once they are fitted, will be breathtakingly refreshing.


Going for the Lumineer in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

Sometimes your smile can let you down because of the way your teeth have fallen into decay. They can with age, start to appear jaded and worn down and prevent you from expressing yourself and your ideas freely. But there are ways to overcome this very quickly in the city of Leeds and get you smiling with confidence once more. One of the easiest ways to do this is to get your teeth fitted with some Lumineers. These are a very thin form of porcelain covering that fit over the surfaces of your teeth and hide away all of your problems, whilst restoring your smile back to what it once was. Your teeth will have to be measured up first and casts taken from which the Lumineers can be made. Then once they have been made and returned to your dentist, they are simply cemented over the enamel of your teeth and then ‘sealed’ into place with a heat lamp. Though exceedingly thin, they get stronger with the use of the cement and can last you many years if you care for them and treat them with respect. Even better, the treatment can be reversed if you so decide to at a later date with no damage to the enamel of your teeth- but you will look amazing while they are in place.